March 1.7, 20'] 7 The Honorable Charles Grassley, Chairman The'H'onorable Dianne Feinstein, Ranking Member United States senate .Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary 2-24 Dirltsen Senate Of?ce Building 152 Dirksen Senate'Df?ce Building Washington, DC 20510 Washington, Dear Chairman Grassley, .Rankmg'h/Iember Feinstein, 'andrhembers of the Senate? Judiciary Committee, I am writing-today to Share my personal ?esperiences as-a law student who took Legal "Ethicsand Professionalism-?om Judge Gersuch during the spring semester of values shared during that class Were concerning" and should be' explored furtherlduringjhis con?rmation hearings for the United States Supreme-Court. O'n'the evening of Aprillil??, 2016, we had our second to last class-cf the semester. The; assigned material for that class session focused onstressors found inthe practice. of law, especially how such ?isSues- as rant-agenda, and longworli days could affect?professionalism. Aswas thenorni for-the class, udge?orsuch had ahandfu'l of people assigned to be on panel-for- .for. that day?s class. Judge Gorsuch would call on those students to explain. any. cases assigned for class and to walk-through any hypotheticals preSented in that-ending material. The discussion Would then open to the Wider class.- For the bulk of the semester Judge Gersuch had. Welcomed than}.r opinions of what the right easiest to an issue Was, encouraging- back?and forth discussion. H'owe'tr'en at the end of Judge Gots'uch would. sum up what he ea-w-to be the. correct- answer. In our reading tar-prepare for class for April there was a. hypothetical of'a law student inte'rviewing- feir law firm jobs. The female student had large debt and wanted to work .atja ?rm to pay back her loans. She also-intended to start. a family with her husband in the near?ature. The r?aiSed the- question of?whatShe should tell future employers about her plans. do not remember how many classmates. spoke about what the female student should say or their exact siews en-what'the female student should disclose in; her -interview.- I do remember a' lively student-discussion about the dif?culties of law school debt for all student, regardless. of gender. At some point Judge'Gorsuch stopped this and-wont life balance-in he asked the classtc'raise'their hands if'they knew ofa female who had used a Company to get maternity bene?ts and then: left right alter having a baby: ludge Gorsuch specifically targeted females. and maternity leave.;This question was net about parents .Or'men shifting priorities after having; children. It was solely focused on wome?n?using their companies [do not remember it" any "Students raised their hands, bath was no mere than-a 'small handful of students. At that? point Judge Gorsuch became more. animated saying ?C?mon guys?. .He' then announced that all our hands should be raised because ?many? women-use their'coinpanies for maternity bene?ts and thenle?aVe theco'mpany a?e?r the'baby is born. Judge- GorsuCh focused on; women having babies, not men expanding their fainilies.- Judge GorsuCh argued that. because many women.le'tt'the'irxcompan'ies we all knew women who purposefully naedtheir companies. Judge .Gorsuch-?s Comments? implied that 'Wotnen intentitJnally manipulate. companiesand plan to disadvantage their companies the ?rstiinterview, The discussion. continued'a?er that. Severalfstudent's, ineluding s'or'n?e male, students, raised their one} ?concerns about a werk-life balance and the challengesof excelling. at both. work and raising- a' family. Howe?tier, Judge Gorsuch continued to steerlthe conversation back to, the exclusive jasue of females havi'ri'gchildren. Judge .Gorsuch outlined how law ?rms, and companiesin: general, had to, ask female interviewees about pre gnancy plans in order- to protect the company. At least one student countered that. an employer-'- could not ask questions about an interviewee? a- pregnancy plans. However, Judge Gorsuch the class that that-was wrong-t Instead Judge Gorsuch told the class that not only could afuture employer? ask female interviewees about their pregnancy and family plans, companies must ask females about their family and. pregnancy plans to: protect the. company. udge'Go'rsuch tied this back to: his original comment that companies need to- ask these questions in order to protect themselves-against the, female employees. Throughout this class Judge G'orsu'ch con?rmed to it veryclearthat the-question of commitment to work over family was one that'only women hadtoganswer. for. There was no discussidn of the inane employment when having: children or the dif?culties children and meeting the high billable hours required. in law firms. Instead, Judge Gorsuch continued to steer the conversation back to the problems women pose 'for companies and the protections-that companies need .?f'rom. women. I, was-disneSSed-by the tenor of this conversationl was surprised and upsetthata bright, .-arti_culate, and educated federal judge could think so little of female attorneys, even more so considering that in that class. half. of the students were: female. I raised my concerns about Judge Gorsuch?s'comments to the-administration at University of Colorado Law School shortly'after udg?e Gorsuch made therein the spring also voiced-my fruStrati'on with his opinions the next-day on a faceboolc group for female lawyers. me that amen-educating. female l'a'wyers- would. be discounting their worthpublicly. Now. it concerns-me that. a man who is for our highest court holds that discounts the worth of working females. Respectj?rlly, R. Mt) . nnifer?R. Sisk, Esq. Denver, Colorado