FANG die ASSOCIATES if: 55E #3 11$ EFF 535? ?ll ?agsmmaans "iI ?I'll-Lil 1 Inn-nua- 1-11 SDLIEITCIFIS. PUBLIC AHIJ AGENTS FDR TRADEMARKS IE PATENTS HDHG HEAD H?d TOWER 133 CEH THAI. KID-HG 11:11:11,114: ere-est; Has 1' an [351}: 2531 less [352}1551 11H Dl??f?lnangleneam m: Year Ref: Ref;? Please 1? [Direct Line HEIWI. UN 1T Messrs. Ha Tse Wai d: Partners Ranrn ld?E, MFR, Ednth China Building, Hal Street, Central, l-Idng Mr. Jenathan Man Dear Sits, BY HAN [l Re: Residential efa guest We refer tn letter dated 23 February 2131?, previaus eanespendenees and the angina! written autherisatien at Mr. Edward Jaseph with English translatinn. Gut client has ennsidered the request item gens elient and a?el- enndueting due diligence, inelnding hut net limited tn veri?estinn with elient hereby presides the Fellawing deeuments fer yen: elient?s infennatinn:- Ne. nf Pages Itern 1. Fasspert Details at Edward Jeseph 1 UNIT lees. OFFICE TWD. GRAND ass a ass HAT Hsh? Eden. stamens. Head snarl ?nish-RAE: 525 3. E35- 55. state-umdtILIt! MELIEEA. I1: LLB. Dip. PEEL. LLMiF-rhing Uh Civil Ell-tbnn-I Henry Puhlle [ruin Appeinledmtuling {miter #?rrd?ed Hamill-al- Iii-[Hit W513 Cit-ii Celebranl CATHERINE 5 TED Elf-#4111! NSULTAHTS WINNIE :4 Tan: Ea. sens i?i??r PATRICIA WIJATA itli?? - FANG a ASSOCIATES -1- Reettrd HT 15' Stay {El May tau 3? May a} Haakina 2194151136? 11am 1 Baakingeaat The Mira Hegiatratiaa term 1 Infanttatian Ittyaiee {Banking Ret?et'enee 4 Paid {Jul Vaueher 23323] I Authatiaatian [liatary I 1 4. Raeard af Stay [31] May EDIE la 1 June 21113}: ftt1 1ttaking C'att?rmatian 115943592? {ram 1 Haakingeatn 29 May 21113 1 lie} Autheriaatiatt t-liatary 1 ((111115: Mira RegiStt?aliatt Farm 1 lttyaiee {Remaking Referenee: 1 233943592? 5. Raearel 21113 ta 111 June 21113}: Beaking Cen?nnatian 52113191111 [tam 1 13 aakingeant {13] Payment dated 1111 May 2013 Histery I The Mira Regiatt'atiatt Fann 1 Infanttatiaa Ina-'aiee {Seeking Ret?at'enea: 5 5213319111 Authariaatiaa Hiatary 1 6- Reeard af Stay [11 June 21113 ta 13.1mm 21113]: Baaking 5112 1411513111 than 1 (131 Int'amtatiaa Inyaiee {Banking Retarenea: 511131 141693} Payment datad 1:1 June 31113; Hialary- 3 T?t?l: 31 lu- ASSDCIATES {will HI. Ill Wt [rum {human-1:: J'ultj; saris-?ts clienL?s rcquml. . ATES '3 fl rm Rr'p'vmcn HKD Cum mm ,w'nm . {mu Fm 2w mu- .. ago-king Ifmfirrnvahn'. 394150867 Daft; Conn-ruian r: (a 7: .w aw, rgtlors rega'd nr 4237'. ,Eax . amp-1' smrermy, Ens/mg mum, Tueaday, 21 May 13 neamnm. Thursday, 12 ramfl marmevs, Mumn 5m. Bar, '12: Free upqnsue u: a spacms unzrbearoom 51.le or 352m mms'wwer mums and wax-45 0? me park. a can may "2 new: replemshed once a day. Please me mazme my a1"; In Case 0' na-show, me mm price onhe 'ed or' the da book: ate: 25%: 513.7 0 ate HKD :1680 1580 1580 1680 . Cos! oilhIs room: HKD 1512a (non-smoking room pmierredFolapphcable sense To [at price [or this raervan'an HKD 15120 lease Pprouna'm 07% Quiecr om h' C'Ed'mam MlsterCard "5 guarantee: me km ESE.CEE '3 . Name on card: Edward anowdnn I I It ?5 your obh'gason to safeguard mislex and keep mLsouea's manoer woman-2n 52cm: accordance wim your Inmmal security urooedures. Edward Booked by: 1 lecode: 90707 mun-d huudnmna my; Country m) Telephone: A MEMBER OF DESIGN HOTELS Lasl Name Fm Name Ruom Number- Mv Snowden Edward Joseph Room Type Courtyard Room Conflimanon No s/w 25259237 Company Nama/Agamsze ViNo 0V Guasus) swung com 1 (D Arnvar Dala Dapaflurs Dale: Vi 05-21-13 05-30-13 Davy Room Raw Dauy Supplemem Cgalger Guest Stgnature' HKD1.650 00 From Room To 7 Room HKD The above rale(s) am summ I0 10% semos d:an p9: room per Pas Number 'Daxo at am: us 0521433 Comet: Numbw Ema>> Addrass' mqum Fryer No: Cmespendung Morass' Counlry: us Pos'lnl Code>> Memm of Paymem: Amax Visa 7 Master 7' Diners JCB cuv cm 7: Cash Credit Cam Nunban Expu'y Dale: vow man can will be mmonm rm mo mm room as applicabIe) mus HKsmoo per nun II no dyoul uy' 'Epeclalr Rate cwe- MB 015* OIA Rernarkr Booking - GuestOwn mm nun!" mwmlum-ummwmusnuwnmfiwm Guest Sigth I human-mm '19 mu '0 Bookinqicafi dy'liflu Sen-u fled 19 2013 [3.01:20 {[57 Bookingfiem Booking confirmation 25 9435927 Fax io. 00 K0ng Dale: wadwesday, 2w May Aim: -- concerning; Dock: vg LG rfi'rrato" 259:35927 Fax: 'sszaxsamn Oedv (,dfld uen, nave renewed me veservahon for your hotel .5qu are cumming the meters vxa fax If you have any quesuons veservabon. please feel free to contact us' leiupmne: 800933973 Fax $656155 134 899, E- mail Your 9 sincerely, icon! A'r-va' Thursduy, May 13 33:239'70' 1 9 N.mberof Saturday, 1: gym" 64,7 7 fl Club King Raom wilh City View and Loungenccm -- Nun Refundable -- Breakfast included {or gust rd ?rmw A (farZ persons) Room 13mm: 'nmta' Mwer, tam, 53(Ety DEDDSK Box, payrrerrv aw TV, EVEDHUHE, air firm-hova 'Va'm'wer, Di rams, refviccrafor, (1891, free 7'25, Im'et, bammc m, uni-vs, Cherie S, Cwanhels, 1' Safe 30:1 Hanszman 1V,execuL\aLerge Access, DL nq 5525071. Cily Pastures Cl mange hamfis sum asp Hy mcern/om, F-ce nreazrasianc r-ee mmuahou: :ne may. qu aged 12 and overare welcnma (EL-EUR56 can enjcv a (ma nr uar (beverage cm}. in mil De revere-ne'- once a day, $30ng fromme 2nd mayorstay Meal pl: rcaKiasr is included In me room mm. Cancellaflon: Manse norm cancelied, defred or H1 Case ofnoihow, me mm price thhe reservaion wli be chrged. Depusil: The Leia! mica ufme reservabcr le he chamec the say of boom; we mm. Cost or this room: mm 4349 room praiarmd) A TAX 'Iutapphcab A City Ex is naeunp'mabia no "a service charge Ls excluded. TOLEI price far [his ram-VD Han: HK Guns! nques (please take appropriatz action): I do change womsi Credizcard visa CVC-oode: 339 guavantee: camnumber: Fleasevcmc" Exp'rydate: 07-15 Name on cam' - :s youomigau'an to safeguard was fax and keep ems guest's Cred-(Gm inrorrnau'on swim acmmanoe mm yo ur inmmal Semi-fly procedures, Bunker} by: Snawden Edward lecode: 2104: "mass unimd Shana nun-H:- City: caurmy: (us) Telephone: A MEMBER OF DESIGN fino- Last NEE: "'51 Nay--a :xs' Snowden Edward Joseph 3 '4 SIW Company NamalAgom Nama' Booking com Amval D318 Datu- 05-30-13 0601-13 Dav'y Room Rate 7 Tax; Sauna-am Chase $55 5:32? Fm To 217' um Yha above ra\9(s) are scum 10% semen ($398er room 34;. 7 7 Nauonaw Fm Numt;r 7 5.25 :v in us -- CrNaci Number Ema: incur. Dar v: Address: us Pass Cane Method 0! Paymant Amax V|sa Maw am .4: Cy: ea;- Cream Card Number- acn eas- Special; RmeCode: mauve/A Rm "mum-15x" iififigficmma'nuflnnu. "13.x an" mus-tun. 'ouu: Mum-mums:an nun-'1: sun "Wu-mammaflWQ--umnmp-uufivw mumm-muM-w--a--Munuu MW nun-mum" . k. f' l" mg C02 3531:1931; Farm: THF Kan; Date: Wedwscey 3'4 Fa x: tangy Yuen' emu/9d me (Psel'muon for your hut-:cuesrwm regammg UH: vesewauon, please 753' in" In Len-art q; i' hm #65 (0)65 134 899, firms! cmturnersenncfibowm; (cm 5m '19 300ka mm LENI Saturday, 1 June a: "may" 1 room: In Numberci ., Monday, 10 June 13 96,50" -- war, Dam, saiew :apcsxaux, say-99mm. Chzr'ne' w, 1 a - cameooe, cask, free memeschannel>> \apmo 5m rm Hetrsaee'vTV'wew, Coqu Emu If a 5320' '5 one Den-vomsum 0V 3 SOEGGJS sumo a .uj I3: and QWS Dark Enjoy Free beverages 'ffl rv pr Hwy: ~ce .2 am Dense mm mama may my moms guess aqeu 12 a1: same. Meal plan: no meal opflun mm loom cancellah'an: Fleas: rum larceny: wowed pnce a! {re 'aservauon ww be charged Depu he m2 919 of me umnw'm 32 [famed on ca of bookan. .'osu men so mso 16801580 mac Con roam: mm room pmremd) A 3 A (41y 2x15 Wotapp'xcble 10 sen/v.2 dam! is EYULEEC w- rolal price for (his 15120 cues request (pen a me acmn): I would mu a: shy in the same mom Gum! as": Vb: (we as; vunmnl'm -- 95:9 (Pec(m a -v Em genhe"! :51: "wild lineman - :u )flJ :c'aav saw-mam cm: am -l=en S'ficuexsuvcv: arc 1 not." 1 . u't'anu mm yum < A MEMBER OF DESIGN Ylflu' Last Name Fusi Name' Room Number Mr Snowdan Edward Joseph 10" Room Type Courtyam Room Confirmauon No 3 23474237 Company Namn'Agsnl Name 7' '7 Na of Guesx(s) m>>.an com 2 Amvm Dale Depanum [1219' 0501713 '06-1013 A . nan) Room Rm Dmly Supglemenl Chavga' Guest smnawm K0 1 '580 00 Fm!" Roof" To Rm HKD shew! am sunscl 10 SGMW (27'8ng DOV i Ndl'c'k'ulw szpon Number 0313 O'Blfih us -- MM Comm Number Emil! Aaceass>> Frequom Fryer No - Address: 7 Counlry' us Postal Code' Method 0! Payment Am" V's, Diners JCB 7 CUP Cam Cash 7 Cream Card Number Yum mm care will on gunman Iv ma abov- mm m. (humane) pun HKSIDOO par marl. a! mo beginning a! yam my. Ispeaaxs: RUB Coda: MB CIA Ramarks: Booking Amunl anwimuaawmm nonhuman mull-uulml. "lull-ll . <fl From 7 "Min Fri d7 Mm 201] 12.13:" (EST rm! 1 by B??king mun: The Nra ng nu Fax: +h5723690972 deay, I me Fooknn 58/ was may Candy Yuan, We have recewea me (mlowmg resewatmn for your mtel and are confirming the (Islalls fax. yuufilmvs'dny (magnum regarding this rmewanon. p'ease feel nee Lo Contact .5 Teleamnr" 500933313 Fax -65 (0)65 134 899; t-marlcunmmer Yours sneflmy. Booking com when rooms. 1 i: l$f?$b1? Deucnme: IE mm 13 3:3: 2 King or Room with Park View - nee Roam upgmde [mm Simian Wew- Nun Refundable far gueq Edwagd snowdg', (Mr 2 persons" b0" 'w a. mmuar, mower, Dam, samv payrae- wew TV, w'emmnc, ,'va rdweq, uammbe, ramo, rel'ngermor. desk, (we no ems-s, (Wet. bammo'r', suppers, are m: awe tranmm, laump SaVe 90x, Hangman TV,wew,1?Cd Dock Smon we, and ENJOY a free upgrade a: a mom mm park JOY nee r: was many [mmu'e 7nd day nnua GJfifis must be aged 17 and she>>: no say mm rvurv' Meal planr'rnere As 'uealaam" mm m: loom. Cancellalio Muse note, murmured, mocmad u' mm 9' no s'mw, nu: ma' pnce Mme reservamn w'llbe c'na'gen, DepoleI'lc toml pr'c'l 0me be than ed on the da nf cook-n. Cast arrhis morn: mm 11840 (nan-smoking mum preferred) A TAX \s not appimme service clva age IS ededea' Guest request (mar-e fake appropfiam acrxm) Please keep me in the same mam.1hanl{yoy (remind-'6 CVC-code: cos guarama. Pleaee checkme - Exl dam: 11-13 Ca.dnumber. WY Name on cam, I [r '5 ynwoawaum safeouarc this Fax and keen ms guest's (may: 12m Normanon secure aocomanre mm your gammy promnme' Bookvzd by' Aucms: lecude: 93797 . Unlhd Shh: Amade- Cay nanny, m-