I?f1i, . . Jul-w . 1? .- 2'11 .. 1 ?111+ m: [f 51? 29;} - .fwgm?f'lWM [If ['11?1'1 1: .I 111-" tin. (111715? ['.'tUlL1 . ?f H. 2 Yb Itlt nth-.1 ringers. Far. 1 it hit?. ?.iurlnl?) the 1971'- Fill Cd, bl" '.;Fnutory durlnq {Lit trnt. #9 thLir of routin?, nearly Hf Thn?c rjpabllifln? AFC {rated at Iva?t nnc0 during ?nch '41' pr-rlmd. of tho mus Capabilities available at th~.c facilities indicdtos a wl?? variety of communications and considerablc zcdundancy in the paths available to then. The means available are generally deriVUd by: a. operated by the White House Commun1Cutions b- Commercial facilities. Connection to systems Operated by other agencies, the Department of DPIOHBU. 3. A review of the communicatlona means available indicates sufficient redundancy is pxovlded to furnish communications hotwocn the President and the Lhroe components of the National . {If I?l?r.i?l .1 II F1 II uL Tht?J 1| 1 Kill {13? I I- limrl run! Cir thifl tin" It?il. 1w LEW?Ittji?tl??! n.1t1? Tr 1.1 3h; act-nil {.3'3111' and Of {hr Nafl?nal ?llitnFF I 1?9. *:?1nd CKWMILE, with {ww?un?n thi icvywic?ltuf the 'utionnl ".19Ch hlrborne Cor?nnd Enclossqc] is. a ?are detailed of the (ft-munica- {Lt-:13 fncilitl?a Encloeurc n/a