FROM: 05/04/2016 15:07:51 #401 :gg?aggfStarttaatartto. SA Mata?mac Lit? 11 aovamam-mt (91S) Etta-2060 "f a a? aouomom erX (9'16) $192186 mtitt??f?tt?mi gig-3;? 5432111me otatmot W7: Loom mow: 1NME2N: .mo GREEN FEVER moi, aorta .31 1 CORONA, {335? $2880 371 68:10 FAX (SET) Tart-~41 6r.) Bataan. Astamolymoroho r. Lindort}? assomolyioaigov as May 4, 2016 The Hoaorahlo Freddie Rodriguez Chair, Joint Logislativa Audit Committee 1020 Street Room 107 Sacramento CA 95814 Dear Chairman Rodriguez: We are writing to request an audit of the Department ot?Mot-or Vohiolos (BMW), to amass the protocols for prevonting and oomhatting :titaud in the Disabled i?ai?aon Parking Plaoarcl program. Uncle-2r existing iaw, persons with pennanont may obtain a distinguishing placard from. The pl aoardholdor, or a person tranaptming the placardholdor, is authorized to park for uniimitod periods; in parking SpacaS with posted time: limitations,, and is not required to pay parking motor foes.l DMV reports approxihiatoiy 2.5 million. placatds currently in oiroulaticm, which is aquivalant to one placard for every 8,8 drivers to Those placards are automatically renewed, every two yeata. The: chief of Iitvoatigationa Division tostitiod before the California Commission on Access in July 2025 that tharo exists a signiz?oam ?prohlam with the diaahlod placard ab113-of?3 The department has taken steps to increase enforcement ao?tivitioa, efforts are primarily focused on roasting to specific oompiainta. DMV does not proactively mine the existing database to identify and revoke placards, and it is unknown how many p-taoards currently in circulation were fraudulently ohtaihad. While the Lagiaiatm-a authorizad the DMV over 15 yea-ES ago to conduct an ?annual, random audit. ot?applioationa submittodaad orooaasad," EDMV states that no such audits have": ever been conducted.4 Evidence suggests additionai waakrmsaoa in i?rauci prevention protocolS. While existing law requires DMV to ammall'y sot-ooh its database of?issuoti placards to identify individuals, DMV admitted it}. April 201 5 that placards; are ?not automatically checked to See if that person is Still alive anci wol'it?? (1 While misting law requires that mac?iioal providers maker. infomiatioh available to substantiate an applioaiztt?s diaahility, DMV does not appear to 1 Vehicle Code Sec. 22511.5. 2 4 Vehitzie Coda Sect. 1825, added by AB 1792 (V'tilaralgoaa) (Chapter 524, Statutes of 2000). 5 Vehlcie code Sec. -~big-hocks-h ??ctisable Wat?l . Hacyaz'ta'd papa: FROM: 05/04/2016 15:08:06 #401 coordinate with appropriate licensing boards- to enforce this provision.7 A wide range of providers may certify the disability physieians, nuree practitioners, certi?ed nurse midwives, physicianassistants, ehiropl'aotors: and optometrists): and DMV reports that investigations regularly ?hit a brie]: well? because providers ??wonit sin-tire information with This ?rst objective of thin audit is to review a. subset of existing planardsl to quantify the relative percentage in circulation that should not have been issued or renewed. The second objective is; to identify the effectiveness of DMV policies and protocols for preventing abuse, investigating complaints, and. removing placards. from. circulation when they are. itauduiently need or obtained; . i. For a sample ofplaoards selected by the Auditor, determine how many were not appropriately issued or renewed. This analysis Should include, but is not limited to, all oi?tlte following: a? ?n G: l?lae the applicant been issued only one planned at a time consistent with Vehicle Code - Section 225 Does; the authorized medioal provider?s name and signature l'nateh infomiation on tile with the appropriate licensing board?10 through DMV and the appropriate licensing board, inspect the substantiating infomtation retained. by each provider pursuant to Vehicle Code Section. 2251 is the information consistent with the definition of ?disabled poison? in Vehicle Code Section 295.5? Compete the. placatdholder?a infln?tnetion with data item the Office of Vital Records of the State Department of Public. Health, (or other appropriate database), as required by Vehiole Code Section What pet?oentege of placardholders are What percentage of placards remain in eireulation and continue to be automatically renewed, deep-lie any of the following? i. A report {tom local authorities that the placard hoe been confiscated. ii. A report that. the placard. has been lost or stolen. A eottlviotion for ofthe placard under Vehicle Code See. 4461 or 4463. iv. Any other evidence available to DMV that the placard may have been fraudulently f. g; obtained or used. What percentage ofplaeards were certified by each type of provider (Le. physician, nurse ptaotitioner, certi?ed nurse n'lidwife, physician assistant: chiropractor, or optometrist)? For plaoards found to be liandulently obtained, what percentage were certi?ed by enoh type of provider? 2. Does DMV annually review its date?baee end withhold renewals for deceased placardholdets, as; currently required? 7 Vehicle Code Sec. 22511.55lellal. ?3 3A 9 The second objective should include data for at least the taller-3 years. 1? Medical Board, Board of Registered Nursing, Physician Assistant Board, Board of Chiropractic Examiners, and Board ofOotometry. FROM: 05/04/2016 15:08:22 #401 3. D0611 DMV 111111113} placardheldars 111111111113111111 111171111111111011 1.1111111211113111 eligibla 111w 11111011361111.1111 01111111111111 111111111111 agencies as required by law?? Are 12116363 111111.11111111170-011131111 1111111111111}! 1111111111211? 4. How 111111151 rep1acament placards 1:101:11 DMV 11111111111131 1531.111 1311131111311 10 Vehicle (3 0111: Sec. 2251 1 5581).)? Does: DMV 11111111111311.3161}! 11111111111 11 11131111 stolen placard before' 1ss11111g 11 11.111 1161311111111. 7 .5. D1133 DMV 11111112111. 1111113111111 contigcated by local. authorities as 1131111111111 by Vehicle Code S110 225115631)? 1-111W11111ny such 1111111115118 does DMV 51111111111131 Ieceivc? 0111.1 111111.11 5.111111107111163 11-11111in access DMV 11112-01113 pursuant to VehiaEe-z: Code 531311 2251 1.1 57 for 1111111195118 111' 11111111111111.1111 1111 1211111111 1.1.1111 been 11111011311 11511131, 31011111 11111111111111.1111 c1111wled111vok1d 111 exp1111d <11 W113 1118111111 111 1111113131111 1121113111111 171313371 1113111111611 as 11151161131111 for 11 131311011 exceeding 60 days? Are 1111:: 11.001111; 1113411 111111: 111161 11111111711111? 7. Existing law 1111111011113, 13111111111011 1111110111. 1111111111111 111111111 5111011911111 1.11111111511111113 2 13111.13 UMV pmactivezly investigate complan?s and update 113 1121111113312 when. a. Placards; 11111: 11331111111111.1111}! {1111211111111 (11? 11111111101131}; 1313111111. 111 11.131111111121131 1111111 or 1.131: 11 1111111111111 111 11111111111111 01717611111111 Code- 131111.446}. <1 Placards are duplicated and fraudulently sold 111 01151111131111 111 11111111111111111 V6111 c111 Code 81.1) 4463'. Thank 3/011 .1017 31111.11 co11s1d11111111111 of this 1111111131 3111111111 320111111111: 111131 11111111111151 <11" 17111111111111? 11116111101131 11111111115111an please 111111111111. 1311111111 1311110111111111. A51semb1y R11p1h1b111a11 Caucus 017111111 11f1'1011'13y 21111.1 Budge-11119113} 31.9 3900. Sincerely, (MM ?3 i?m WW..- ?ic L111 111' g: 13133111111131 1? 11?" 1211111111. Mike (121110 43rd District 13' Vehicle Code Sec.22511.55(b1(31. 1* 11111111111 Code Sec. 22511.6.