Case Document 30-5 Filed 02/10/17 Page 11 of 23 PageID 403 Ami OF WORK 1.8 Task TitioiPurpose New Equipment Training (NET) and Maintainer Training. The purpose of. this training is to conduct classes with a group of USSOCOM Goat-atom and Maintainers to operationally prepare and to ?use the SPG-9 Weapon System and. Konicurs Weapoo System, as well as to perform the necessary maintenance, ti?oubleshootiog, and calibration of both weapon systems as needed. This Statement ofWork (80W) defines the requiromonts for to provide new equipment training and forwani deployed. intermediate and depot level maintainer training services to SOP InuTheater Support (SITE) for the Missile Systems and SPG9 Weapons Systema. This 80W provides apeoifio requirements for performance on 000} as an amended This contract is providing the optimum solution, but can be increased based on SOCOM and the Usor needs. 2.8 Baokgrouoci as part of the Total Paokage Fielding in support of contract t192254-15~C~ 0801; Putpie Shovel (PS) and our partner, Taoticai (SB) will utilize our combined extensive training and maintenance capabilities to form Team Purple Shovel in order to provide and the receiving units with thorough, compliant aoduoexoollod Weapons NET training consisting of OPNET and FIMNET for Missile Systems, and Weapons System. ?iia T0 wilt provide support for 011*Sii? support in Jordan begioaing Di June 2015 (estimated weapons arrival); with the period ofpelformanoe beginning on 15 May 2015 with bevel Quali?cation this work is in ooutinuod auoport to 8000M and deployed units. 3.0 Fiow?hwn Clauses - The SUBCONTRACTOR shall he held to the some contract clauses as Purpio Shoveli The host government organization may placo additional related clauses into the Technical Area Task. If this should the SUBCONTRACTOR is responsible for upholding the spirit and legal nature ofthe - 41} Contract Type The oontraot vehiclefor this effort shall be Firm Fixed Price (FFP). 5,8 Period of Performanee/Vaiidity iierioti The Period of Performance {Pol?) shall he in accordance with the contract and Specified by the 'i?aak Cutter, or astimating purposoa, the seller shall present the estimate: based upon the duration outiined below: Two Senior instructors (one per each weapon system) and one (1) Senior Weapons Rumor/F811 located at MSAB or HUS, madam for the period of 15 May 2015 to 15 August 2015. Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the rostriotions on the titie page of this subcontract INFORMATION Attachment A Case Document 30-5 Filed 02/10/17 Page 12 of 23 PageID 404 The Actual Period of Performance will begin upon issuance oftesk order or other authorization to proceed :t?rom the Contract Administrator. Validity Period. n? Team .Porple?s proposal will be valid for 90 calendar days from the delivery of this proposal. 6.0 ijectives The mission requirements are fluid and ever changing to matoh the demands doling combat mission. 80F equipment must be equally fluid in capabilities and fonetionslities. The objectives ofthis etiort are so: 1. Provide the teehniosl expertise to extend the equipment and 2. Provide fisld/intermediate/minims?l depot Ievei maintenance classes and conduct RAM and supportsbility analysis to facilitate improvement processes; 3. Provide Operational NET to detsnnine best utilisation for SOP Forees to train Host Nation Forces to satisfy mission requirements; 4. Provide POI Development support to Forces to Train Host Nation Forces; and, 5. Conduct quality ass?ssments to maintain the weapons and vehicles for the duration of the mission in the environment. will provide Field Level Maintenance and Operator (OPNET) training for the above~mentioned systems. Upon Task Order (T0) sword, OPNET and FLMNET requirements Will be codified and our approach will be compliant and aligned with the components deployment and 2' sohecinles. The class duration for and FLMNEI will consist of roughly 96 hours (8 days)?per eoutse and will employ an insti'sotor/stndent ratio of for each class conducted. This will include clay and night live tire and allow for remedial or additional training. in addition, the Senior SME instructors will assist in supporting the initial Host Nation training courses to ensure sate and procedures are being instructed. utilize a. train the trainer method this both the FMLNET and oourses. Each course wili have practiosi exercises throughout the oourse instmotlon to ensst?e the students sate prepared to move to the next phase and can perform the required objestives. Team Purple Shovel will coordinate with SOCOM Respective Components to design any specific OPNET and FLMNET objectives, Atiditionsliy Delta Course which is a condensed version of the 36410113? course for students who have previously eompieteci and previously certified for similar weapons variants can be made available as well. These Delta courses provide the student with weapon variant speci?cs without detailing general levei of insn?uetion previously covered in a certifying oourse, ?hit Specific: Tasks . 7.1 Training and Maintenance SET Instmotors and Armor will be responsibie for wee-pen maintenance (fieldfintormedistefdepot level) classes, physical con?guration classes (Platform and Training), and any other specific training sopport ifeqnit?ed; identifying the quantity of Operator New Equipment Training (0PNET) and Field Level Maintenance New Equipment Training Use or disclosure ofdsta contained on this sheet is sohj set to the on the titie page of this su?iaconn?aet 9BQPIUBTARY Attachment A Case Document 30-5 Filed 02/10/17 Page 13 of 23 PageID 405 expected to procure the oquipmont appropriately to ensure thoir employees have: all the tools to carry out the tasking outlined in this statement of work. 8.0 Lows} of Effort for Tasks 8.,1 Jordan site Mogram for planning purposes: (2) Former 30F Senior Instructors (one. pot tho weapon system) and (1) Weapons Armor/FSR looatod at MSAB or 1:1-5 Jordon for tho period of 01 May 20} to 0?3. August 2015 (dates can bo shiftod at the govoromont?s request based on weapons availability anal mission needs). a 2,268 hours OCDNUS (2 80F Instructors/l Armor 9 Weeks) 0 5041101111; OCONUS (DEM Quolifioation Silo 2 Wooks} - 120 hours CONUS (40 hours for rotation prop l. Week) That: mat tho host government or military will 1101136 and food pomonnol. The pricing is based on tho 2 instructors and 1 armoror 'boiog housed and fed (JR?Site with tho opototorsNo pot?client or lodging has been inoludod in this proposal for Jordan. 11" have: to be; made: for personnel, than additional costs will be: billed to Purple Shovel with tho JTR most current rates. 8.2 Training at 0111M facility: - 2 weeks at Missile Systems and SPG9 Manufacimor, Bulgaria Plum wool: for preparation to deploy a medical clearance a immunizations a cloamnoo and QCDNUS Common Access Card i poroonol gear fit out 9 program brio?ugs and coordination meetings 8.3 Summary Hours Labor FY 15 Total Category/Description Hours 3039? instructor (2) COWS 1 2% 120 WPN (1) naval/rotation prop mg . Total ?gym gory/goocrfn?on in [hodtor 15 i?iou'rs 8013? Instructor (2) . .1 . WPN (1) GLUNUS 2.772 2772 The location and activity are of a. sensitive nature: and as such, the contractors must be able to obtain a Soorot or higher cioaranoo lovols. The individuals shall be onusito on on as needed/when Izoodod basis. This will ootail oxtondod work clays anti workweoks. Use or disolosw?o of {iota contained on this shoot is subject to the t'cairiotions on tho title page oftliis suboontraot PROMTARY INFORMATION Attachment A Case Document 30-5 Filed 02/10/17 Page 14 of 23 PageID 406 9.0 Dollvorablosfiloporting Requirements 9.1 Final Technical Report shall provide a final report including task background, objectives, assumptions, speci?c data collected, analyses conducted, conclusions and Team Purple Shoxrol will use tho inputs for the final report it delivers to the oustomor or additional reports as needed. 9.2 In~Progross Reviews In progress reviews (lPRs) shall be conducted. to provldo project status and. progress reporting. 10.6 and Departure Points Porsonnol traveling shall utilioo the web silo at Mt lira ll?lillgt?m] For i?formation and. requirements travel. 11.0 Government li?umishozl Facilities Govornmont furnished faoilitios roquiro? are classroom and tango facility. 132.0 Government: Ftlraishod Data Access to technical documents ahd design drawings as required during tho performance of the; effort will ho providod within it) working days after government approval of request made to the Government by Govommont furoiohod oquipmoot iclootifiod at this time weapons systems and mmtmitioo for training. 3.3.3 Security Roqoiromonts/Classifloatlom Work on this of?i?ort requires support personnel to possess Secret or highor security levels. As such, tho opproprioto olooranoos shall loo roquirod and sapwood.? 14.6 Terms of Payment This Task Order is a Finn Fixed Price (FFP) 1 detailed price brookdom and. summary can be provided upon request. Total prloo for this training effort: Skth?idgo agroos to tho Purplo Shovol pogo through payment of six percent oftho labor oosts, ootlmotod at $1 5,1210, duo or withhold following completion of tho idon?tifiod work and payment by tho government. Payments will bo invoiced binwookly with terms payable 30 to the following atldtoss??rplo Shovel, LLC Christopher 'Worroi 1.3430 Rook Havel} Way, ill 103?, Storliog, Virginia 20166 Or Elootronioally to BML: monollogotoumlosliovgil.oom Use or disclosure ol?data. contained on this sheet is sobjoot to the restrictions on the title page ofthis subcontract PROPRIETARY WORMATION Attachment A Case Document 30-5 Filed 02/10/17 Page 15 of 23 PageID 407 (FLMNET) to be trained and rcsponsibio for the coordination with the Senior Original Equipment Manufacturcr (OHM) for unique dotniis rotated to thcir systems. Additionally the instructors? for tho Missile Systems and SPG9 Weapon will be responsible for technical inspection and inventory, weapons safety, mal?fn11ciions, safe cloaring, ordoring and replacing armor ensuring weapons are operationally maintaincd for the mission. Tho ability to wort: directly with the cod-?user in? theater has shown an increase in the mission success and improvements to thcto training courses. 7.2 Supply Support instructors will utilizc, to tho maximum extent possible, existing Doi) supply chain practices, principlcs, and guidanco. 7.3 Maintenance Planning and Mnnagomont instructors shall track; and report rcpair data in order to facilitate proper logistic and spare part support. 7.4 Support Equipment Access to certain program data, facilities, and maybe providoti as deemed necessary by the requesting activity. Contractor will idcntii?y any additional support that is noodod owsito that may be roqnircd to tupport the training courses (classroom, weapon system, range facility, tango support, ammunition, ctc.). 7.5 Training and Training. Support Former SOP instructors will be rcqoircd to train SOP pctconncl'on the: use, implementation, and oxootltion oi?nll oppiicahic Weapon TTl?tt. 'i?raining materials covering course instruction and equipment operation and are key to tho training proccss providing nutrients with detailed information and on ficldod equipment. loam Purple 3110ch Sr. Traincr will coordinate with. snppottcd units to ensure adequate of quantitios of all training materials are maintained on hand to moot the 3000M ?elding anti training schoduic. Each student attending NET will recoivc a personal copy of the training materials for instruction and future 7&6 Manpower and Pomonnci "l?ho Contractor shall provide: all personnel and CONUS management required to perform the activities as defined in this 30W who have tho technical expertise to refine and extend SOP equipment and capabilities at deployed locations. shall ensure their omployccs possess all oquipmont required for documcntotion and shall oontidcr tho onviromnont the shall ho operating in. Based on previous cxporicoco and considering the; environmental conditions of'thc Trainers and electronics laptop ccmputcrs) are expected to have a life expectancy of 6 months. Contractor is Use or disclos uro of data contained on this sheet is subject to thci'o?trictions on the title page of this PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Attaclim out A. Case Document 30-5 Filed 02/10/17 Page 16 of 23 PagelD 408 14 1 Travel and Lodging Costa and Estimates Pormoot to FAR 31 Slint?idgo reimbursable costs for lodging, and locals and inoidontal cxpoosos arc the most current Iatcs from the JTR Tianspot?tation costs are based on actual costs incurred and mileage: rates, as appropriate and as exhibited to the HR for tho time the coats wore incurred. Tho pricing is based. or: the 2 instructors and 3: Still? armor being housed and food. oonsitc with the operators .. 11o porwdiom or lodging has been included in this proposal. for Kordcn. If accommodations havc to be. made for Team PS personnel additional costs will bc billcd to Purple Shovel LAW with the JTR most current rates}.M 15.9 Applicable: Subcontract Clauses 15.1 MODIFICATIONS It is tho intent of tho partics that this subcontract shall not contain anything inconsistent with or contrary to tho provisions that may to act forth in tho cootroot under which this subcontract is issued. Consequently, the partics hct'cto agrco that the Subcontractor at Purple Shochs request will negotiate in good faith upon such modi?cations to this subcontract consistent with the requirements ofthc applicable prime contract. 15.2 INTERPRETATIONINOTICE 0F . This written agrocmcot and all identi?ed writings documents inoozporatcd by tofcroocc - heroic, or physically attached thereto. constitute the complete agreement and no other prior or either written or oral shall be considered to change, modi?g or contradict it. Any ambiguity in tho will. not be strictly against thc'dro?or of tho subcontract longuagc, but shall be resolved by applying tho most rcosono?blc interpretation unclot tho circumstances giving fol] oonsidcration to the intentions of the parties at the time of subcontracting. it shall be the obligation of the parties to exercise due diligcnoo to discover and to bring to the of tho Purple Shovel President at tho earliest possible timo any ambiguitios. disc'rcpcooios, inconsistencies, or oon?iots in or between tho Performance Work Statement or other documents. - 15.3 APPLICABLE LAWS This subcontract and tho performance thorco?f are govomcd by tho lows ot?tltc state; of Florida. 15.4 During the period. that this contract is in effect, Purple Sitovcl and the Subcontractor agroo not to solicit for cmplomncot or otherwise prosciytisto any technical or profossional cmployoos of the otiior party aosigncd to work on the prime: contract or subcontract without the prior approval of tho other party. 1 5.5 ENFORCEABILITY In case one or morc of the provisions of the contract or any application shall be invalid, . unenforceable, or illegal, to whole: or in part, the validity, coforooability cod legality of the remaining provisions and arty other application shall not in my way be impaired thereby, Use or disoiosurc of data containod. on this shoot is to the on the title page ofthis subcontract INFORMATION Attachment A Case DocuEnerit 30-5 Filed 02/10/17 Page 17 of 23 PageID 409 15.6 ITARIEAR CERTIFICATION ITARKEAR Certification Applicablo if this Agreement is subject to compliance with international Traffic in Arms Regulations. 22 CFR 122.1. Tho roprosonts that it is currently registered with the US. Department of State, Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Directorate Defense Trad-:3 Controls (DDTC) and will maintain. such rogis??ation throughout the term of the Agroomoot. Tho Subcontractor will remain 'rogistored with DDTC throughout the term of any oxport lioenso, oxomptioo or ogroomont entered into ondor the Agreement. The Subcontractor will ooti?y Purple Shovel. immediately if any of the following occur: tho DDTC registration is not ronowod, (2) there is any gap in time botwoon tho end of a registration period. and the approval date of the approval letter from DDTC. (3) the registration number is changed, or (4) tho registration is terminated for any reason, 22. CFR 122.4 (Iorti?oation The Subcontractor will notify Purple Shovel immodiotoly upon any decision or action which roqolros ooti?oatloo of changes in information furnishocl by the Subcontractor to DDTC in with 22 122.4. 1. Neither tho Subcontractor, its chiot? oxooutivo ot?oor, president, vice presidents, other senior ot?oors or of?cials comptroller, troasoror, general ootmsoi) nor any member of its Board of Birootoi?s is: a. The subject of an indictment for or has been convicted of violating any of the US. criminal statutes enumerated to 2:2 CFR 120.27 since the effective. date of the Arms Export Control Act, Public low 94029. 90 Stat. 729 (Juno 30, 1976}; or b. Inoiigiblo to oonoaot with, or to a lioonso or othor approval to import defooso articles or sowioos from, or to receive on export license or other approval from any agonoy of tho US. Govoromont; . 2.. To tho best of the Submoti?aotor?s knowledge, no party to the export as defined in. Section 126.703) has ever been convicted of violating any of the orimi?nal statutos enumerated in 22 CFR. 1.20.2? Since the o?footivo (late: of tho Arms Export Control Act, Public Law Sir-tn 329, 90 Stat. 729 (Juno 30, or is ineligible to contract with. or to rooeivo a liconso or other approval to import dotonso artiolog or dot?onso services from, or to receive an export or other approval ttom any oftho US. Government, and 3. The modal porson gigoing this cottit?ioation is a responsible of?cial who has been ompowot?od by the: applicant and is a citizen of tho United States. INBEMITY - Should. thoro loo any brooch or misstatomont contained heroin damage: to Purple. Shovel. and. its Wholly owned subsidiaries and of?liotod companies, including its paroot company, the Subcontractor agrees to defend, indemnify and savo harmless, Purple Shovel and its wholly owned subsidiaries and af?liated companies, including its poront oompany, for any cost, damages, iosoos and exponoos incurred. Use or disclosure of data. contained on this sheet is subject to the mstriotions on the title page of this subcontract PROPRIETARY . . Attachment A