Statement from Chris Saini March 22, 2017 I am not an expert in the field of daycare. Although my advocacy is now an imperative for me it is only in its infancy. I think the financial commitment from the federal government is a good start. I did not hear the budget speech and there isn't any Internet/cable where I am right now. Hence I do not know if there was elaboration on how the funds would be allocated. However, simply throwing money at the problem to create more spots in a unsafe and poor quality system is not the answer. Yes money has to be part of the solution but what British Columbia needs is massive reform Not just more spots in the same broken system. We need a comprehensive and effective plan to make daycare about quality education, safety, accessibility and affordability. The $10 a Day Daycare plan is British Columbia's best shot at this. I urge all citizens to do their research and understand what this could mean for our present and our future. The ECEBC (Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia) have released the findings of a study they did on the socio-economic impact of the $10 a day daycare plan for BC. It is a lengthy and excellent read. I believe this is needed explain such a complex situation. You can get it on their website (​​).