ARGYLL SM ITH PROPERTIES OF S.A. (PROPR IETARY) LIMITED RESOLUT ION IN WRITING IN LIEU OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING We, the undersigned, representing the sole member entitled to :lIIend the annual general meeting of the company · I. Agree that, in terms of Section 179(7) of the Companies Act, as amended. the company's 2009 annual general meeting need not be held and that· (a) maners required by the Compan ies Act, as amended and (b) such other mailers, if any, as may, in terms of Section 179(2) of the Companies Act, as amended, be dealt with and disposed of by means ofa resolution in writing. 2. Agree that, although the 2009 annual financial statements were sent to us less than twenty-one days before the dale of this resolution, the 2009 annual financial statements be deemed to have been sent to us in the period prescribed by Section 302( I) of the Companies Act, as amended , and are hereby adopted. 3. Resolve that · 3.1 no dividends be declared in respect of the year ended 3 [st December, 2009; 3.2 no fees be voted to the directors in their capac ity as such for the year ended 3 1st December, 2009; 3.3 the directors be elected by a single resolution and that the following direclOrs be re·e lected en bloc B.I.M. Dzere P. Jensen M. Lichtenberg L. Torbensen 3.4 PKF Durban be authorised to perform certain accounting and secretarial duties. 4. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 275(3) of the Companies Act of, we confirm that we are aware that PK F Durban habitually and regularly perform the duties of the secretaries and accountants to the company, and agree to their appointment as auditors to the company. 5. It is noted that Messrs. PKF Durban will continue to act as the company's auditors and it is resolved that their fees for the past year's services be finalised by the directors. for: HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE IN SOUTH AFRICA 20" February, 201 1 20" February, 2011 Page 2 ARGYLL SMITH PIlOPERT IES OF SA (PIlOPR IETARY) LIMITED ( Registration number 2000/015236/07) Annual fin ancial statements for the year ended 31st December, 2009 DIRECTORS' RESPONSIB ILIT IES AND APPROVAL The directors are required by the Companies Act of South AtTica to maintain adequate accounting records and are responsible for the content and integrity of the annual financial statements of Argyll Smith Propert ies of S.A. (Pty) Ltd . and related financial infonnation included in this report. [t is their responsibility to ensure that the annual financial statements fairly present the state of affairs of the company as at the end of the finan cial year and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with South African Statements of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice for small and medium sized entities. The auditors are engaged to express an independent opin ion on the annual fi nancial statements. The annual fina ncial statements arc prepared in accordance with South African Statements of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice for small and medium sized entiti es and are based upon appropriate account ing policies consistently applied and supported by reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates. The directors acknowledge that they are ultimately responsib le for the system of interna l financial control established by the company and place considerable importance on maintaining a strong control environment. To enable the direc!Ors to meet these responsibi lities. the board sets standards for internal control aimed at reducing the risk of error or loss in a cost effective manner. The standards include the proper delegation of responsibilities within a clearly defined framewor k. effective accounting procedures and adequate segregation of dut ies to ensure an acceptable level of risk. These control s are monitored throughout the company and alt emp loyees are required to maintain the highest eth ical standards in ensuring the company's business is conducted in a manner that, in all reasonable circumstances, is above reproach . The focus of risk management in the company is on identifYing, assessing, managing and monitoring all known fonns of risk across the company. Whi le operating risk cannot be fully eliminated, the company endeavours to minimise it by ensuring that appropriate infrastructure, controls, systems and eth ical behaviour are applied and managed within predetermined procedures and constraints. The directors are of the opinion, based on the infonnation and explanations given by management, that the system of intemal control provides reasonable assurance that the financial records may be relied on for the preparation of the annual financial statements. However. any system of internal financial control can provide only reasonable, but not absol ute, assurance against material misstatement or loss. The d irectors have reviewed the company's cash flow forecast for the year to 3 1st December, 2010 and. in the light oflhis review and the current financ ial position. they are satisfied that the company has access to adequate resources to continue in operational ex istence for the foreseeable future . The annual financial statements of the company set out on pages 5 to 14 which have been prepared on the goi ng concern basis. were approved by the board on 20'h February. 20 11 and are hereby signed on its behalfby- ................. .......................................... ........... DIRECTOR ........................... DIRECTOR ............................ ..... ........ ........ ................... .. DIRECTOR ... DIRECTOR 20" February, 201 1 MINUTES OF A METING OF DIRECTORS OF ARGYLL SMITH PROPERTIES OF S.A. (PROPRlETARY) LIMITED THE METING WAS CONDUCTED AS A TELECONFERENCE ON THE 20TH FEBRUARY 20 1 I PRESENT: B.I.M. Dzere P. lensen M . Lichtenberg L. Torbensen (in the chair) MINUTES: The minutes of the previous meeting of directors were taken as read and it was noted that they had already been s igned. FI NANCE: The following matter relating to the year ended 31st December, 2009 were considered and con finn ed R 47330 Audit fees DIRECTORS' FEES: It was decided to recommend that no fees be voted to the directors in their capacity as such DIVID END: After consideration it was decided to recommend that no dividend be declared for the year ended 3 1st December, 2009. ANNUAL The draft annual financial statements at) I st December. 2009 were tabled. It was noted thai all the foregoi ng matters had already been incorporated in the accounts. The Joss for the year amounted to Rl 038 895 and there was a debit balance to be carried forward to next year amounting to R589 765. Aner consideration the annual financia l statements were approved and any two directors were authorised to sign them. F INANCIAL STAT EMENTS: for the year under review. This concluded the business and the meeting closed. READ AND SIGNED TH IS DAY OF ..... CHA IRMAN ,20 ARGYLL SMITH PROPERTIES OF S.A. (PROPR I ETA RY) LIMITED ATTENDANCE REGISTER Meeting of the directors held on 20 th Feb ruary, 20 11 .............. ..... .... ... ... ..... . .... .. ..... .. .... ............ DIRECTOR ........ .... DIRECTOR ... ......... ............. .............. .... ........... ............. DIRECTOR .............. .. ..... ... .... .. .. .... .................. ....... DIRECTOR ARGYLL SMITH PROPERTIES OF S.A. (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED 26th Januelief. ond 1\0..;", modo _ ...... ... _ iriot of ........ d........ _ 01Tl"'... ol .,.. <""'PI")'. "'" rotlow;", ~I 1m.. 10 Y"" ill c - . .... will> ,..... ..... it of "'" • .......-y. n...r..;iol ............ foo "'" ~ _ ll .. 00< ....... . 2009· I. 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