. ?all ?strict? s'ra ?ey- sites 5 Earl?- we as: 1. ~27" #21 tF' "?ght" i ij?tyt. e1? DALLAS eh c? . {f5 ti!- e" {a SUPERB-ITEM DENT RETIREMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement?) is made and entered by and herein the Ecucty Schcel Trustees el? [II-?les Ceunty. State at Texas {the ?Beard?l, ale-c as Dallas Scheme [the and Rick D. S-errells1 Edit. [?Ecrrells?j. Estrella and the District ar'eretTerred te celleeth-ely as the ?Parties," andeech. indiyiduelly, as a ?Farm.? NEW. the District, thrcugh its Beard. and Estrella. fer end in censideraticrt cfrhe tan-rs Stet-ed in this ?gment-em dc hereby agree, as full-sues: l. m. Smells will retire and resign hear his empleyntent hy the District effectiye Decunherll, can [the *eepmnen Date")- I. Scrrells agrees te duties as reaucsted fer the District during a hamlti-ttn peried frat-m Match 9. ll'. until December 3i. {the ?Trent-itinn Felted?). During the the District will pay Eerrells his current base salary, bene?ts1 and alley-lancer as presided in Para 1 pie: Sta] and ital-{Met the Superintendent Eenhaae?ttnted April l?ili as lJ?I?h?t?ltLlEtd by then] Irena tirme te willie? {the eycenren??icei?iurini the Transitinn Feried. the Et IJi?itztu'ints an intcr'iglt wheat-dent, hires a new Eupea'int tyriuen nctice tn Estrella that. e111: as has eenciudetl. Smells will; ml.- relinquish his Fewer-s and District?s Lad-dent. ,drc Dis?et will place 3 git apps-eyedleaue with pay until the 'cn Def; and agrees tc' vacate his effice and reruns-call persenal cite-ere er prep-city me his :1 as directed by the District. After that time, tit-trails agrees his contact the District may be limited in an ?as needed basis? as determined solely by the District. 3. W- In sends-sti?e with his retirement and in Fer this Agreement, the District shall preside Serrells a lump stun payment Iisr all cl? his unused, accumulated Slate perennial leeye days, lees ell applicable state and federal Est-test, deductinns. tutti urit?lth?ltl'l'tgs [?ue ?Separatist: Compensation"). as presided hy the District Persenrrel Policy, Seetinn The Separatist] Ccmpenmtiun will he paid te Harrells widtin thirty {Jill} days alter the Separation Date. Except as speci?ed in dt'Le Paragraph, Ecrrella shall net he entitled te participate in any ether employee lr-esteiiLsr includan but not lintited te additicnai wages, stipends, venetian pay, siclt pay. assesses, health at dental bene?ts, creey ether than ct? renturteraticn. after die Setter-stirrer Date. Enn'clls hereby that the District has paid all wag-es due in See-e115 as ct'the Efl?cctiye Data {hereitu?er daiinad} at this Agreement and dces net ewe Sen-ails any farther males, henuses d-r additicnal cf any ltinti under any mitten at are] petieies, plans, practices d-r agreements as at" the Effectiye Date el? this Agreement Ag" . 4i. s. him?5% recited hi this a ??mll? shell 339.3% the existence cr terms of ?s?at?euement [including the enteuntngel . Sitteratlch Gem-tea. talent-?ran or ?nancial adviser fer utu?pc ?nancial advice, er as ctharwise red by; it ceurt errells agrees ll-El-I te this titer tit {including the ates-ant Separattcit per-realise} te any current at liarrner cane-Jayne cf the District. Sci-tells agrees that he may only state that any matters beseech Sat-tell: and ?re District lut'rc been mclyed- the District and Set-tells will agree he a mutually press release regarding his retirement and septa-acids ?-em the District. Sheuld h?rcrrells ltaye arty fer the District this Agreement, tensile agrees te direct all slush questiens 1he President cf the Ecnl'ldentlal Agreement and Release Page I W001368-030817-1-1 .pdf Baard. Eat-tells agrees that canlidentiality is a "arterial hi this Agreement and that disclesure cl" infannatien sheet the teens and enntlidtets cf this Agreement {including the Seats-etien Ctaupensatian} Ey Itirn weald he a mayerial breach cf the Agreement. understands and agrees that wlaailed Pr?til 33??le Agreement by the District areaurt ardar will eat canning-h; ar et?the m?gpl?g tn een?dentiality and Agreement. sit 15astage if? EH1 a: hater: 5mm Deecnaher SI, 3133:. er at such earlier data and time as may directed by the District under Paragraph"? at this AgreetnenL, Sen-ells agrees ta return all at the Dish-let?s prapetty in his pessesslen er censtruetise pceseseien, including hat net limited tn, access cards, keys, castes, and passwerds, telephenes, ccmpeters, camputcr ?les. hard drit-ic. diskettes, and all at the District?s dewments and ?les and preprictaryaad eant'ldential infermatinn. fer the Separatien Eampmsatlen recited herein, Sun'ells af?nns and agrees that Eur'nells will net alter, amend, delete, ar madily any writing er date that.- ie in any way related tn the sen-ices, custamers. pragrams, aetiyitiea, and ampleyae: at the District. Surrelis's agreement includes the preteetien at data that is scared electrenically, 1rianally, er via saund rescaling. ti. W. In exchange far the Separatian Campensatien recited herein, Smells Itca'cby releases. acquits, halel ltannless, and finesse discharges, as hreettiy as passihte, the District, alt Beard Trustees, Bren-d members, administraters, ef?eers, maplayces, servants, agents. representatiyea, attanteys, incense-s, af?liates. street-same, predecesacra, and all rather persans acting antler, by, dn-eegh. er In cataaert with any et'chetn {celleethciytlte ?Released Parties?). and each ef?thcm. treat any and all claims, demands, causes at ectitms. e-hligatiens, casts, expenses, damages, kisses, liabilities, suits. demands, including Ia and east! actually 'liqgll'l'l'?iil, af' Iaheteirea' character, in law m?f?ity. lteewn ee- antenna-e, stauaery at an law, WE, state, at unsupectcd. tail-a?st er they exist as cf the E?'ectiiye?l'gitih? at this Agra?ti?l?' ,ilihis Release speci?cally ineludesg ?g?t limited ha, all claim? Arising eti't fig-Elma la gnarled-teem with the District. clairng.?~ iitld he advanced in any with any ?1 354 date]. agencies, including but In see]: as claims t'ar discs-ire: q?hmassrn'ent, at pursuant tn Trtle 1till ef the Cir: Ighla Act. at 1964. the Americans with iaehilities Act, as amended. The Family and Medical Leaye Aet af IEIGE, the Age Diserirninatian in Act af 1961? the Cutler Warhead Berte?t Preteetian site-l; af 1991] lhe Fair Lahar Standards Act, lhe Equal Pay Act, the Civil [Lights Act 111' Hill, at: LLEE. Eeetiea 1?33], the Texas Educatian Cede, die Tears Gmrernmcat Cede. the Testes Laher Cede, er any ether state cf federal law er statute. and far any and all edict claims which cauld have been ascermd in a lawsuit, state as federal, steanary er as camnten law, fer damages, deelaa'atary relief. end-lat equitable relief, them the beginning af time to the E?iectiye Data at' this Agreement. Sen-tells agrees that this Agreement canclusiycly reselyes any dispute SerreLls ntay hayc 1with the Released Patties and stall that as a utensil-ate hart-u every type EFF claim a-r lawsuit by Eat-tells the Released Parties. THE RELEASE HEREIN ALED DUES WT WCLUDE CLAIMS THAT BE RELEASED CIR B'l" APPLICABLE LAW, HCLUDWG, BUT NOT LIMITED TC, THE RIGHT TD FILE A CHARGE CIR PARTICIPATE IN AN WVEETICATICH CONDUCTED B?t' DR. THE RIGHT SEEK EHFEJHEEMEHTCIF THIS AGREEMENT. Hen-wetter, the Earretls is releasing and wanting any right in any mattetm'y sheeld any gut-emanate] amcy pursue any charge er claims an Era-ralls' behalf. Barrells understands that he is net waiving any rights at claims El'?t he. may have that arise a?ci- the EtTecti-re Date at?lhis Agreement. .gf-the Unlikely street that a claim was put gliheed, Senella?ie'eiaeh'hngc Separatian Etenpertsat? herein, hereby assigns such .E-eztia' tetgegst?aegm In: the aim?. Te, ?ii ?estas may be permitted ta as segs??eepi?iea?bie Jae. the es hereby spec tn release, acqu sigh mines, and feteyer discharge, Se any-end all .idementl's, causes ai? actinns, e-hligaliatt?i-Ihasta, expenses, damages, lessee. liabilit?s. suits. den-lands, including attcmeys' fees and casts, here any legal er administrative currently pmding ar subsequently hraaght against tie-reeds in his individual capacity er in his elliciaJ capacity as an and as Ew?d??i '3me District, Pit-?tiling lh: imi?enda} 1which is {are} the heels of any claim, demand, er lawsuit erase arinthe til-tare arise while Smells, as Supedntendetitand as an etnpleyee at? the District was acting within Eeetldentiet Separetlnn Agreementaed Release Page I meanness-tenements?? WOO1368-030817-1-2.pdf the enters: and ample at" Sta-rells?s employment with the District, excluding, hmseyer, these claims or causes at aches where it wm determined that Sorrells committed an action requiring a mandatery rep-art to the State Beeld fer Eduginn Certi?cation. ant, of?cial raidetmduet, or committed an [lineal act. ortet?iltct er 'ea??h'nrting gross negligence or had EEW inditt'ereace, or reckless disteg 'ia?di?tcluding an r? eapmses, or damages that enable or payable under an his ?h?pact. held 1st Dish-let cr Sortells. THE Eli-t asso noes HGT mi, in r. CLAIMS BE RELEASED 0R. ET APPLILHELE LAW, This 1i], BUT Ti} ?lE RIGHT TD SEEK ENF NT tilt THIS AGREEMENT. it? E. It! gym. Eat-tells represents and agrees that he has carefully read all of the provisions of this Agreement and has been advised that he has the eppertunity to can salt and has consulted With an at his own espense. Sm-rells understands that he is waiting claims lay signing this Hymnal? and he will receive cmtsitletatinn heyontl that which he was anthem-tee entitled to receive het'cn: ems-inn into this Agreement and eaten into this Agreement veiunta?ly and acid. the fail and complete understanding of its tents. SDRRELLS THAT HE MAY CCHSIDER THE TERMS THIS A FULL {2i} CALENDAR BEFORE SIGNINC, hit-TD THAT HE MAT REVGIEE ACCEPTANCE TO THIS- AGECEEMEHT SEVEN FULL CALENDAR CF ITS SIGNING, ET A WITH-TH DEWEHED HG LATER. Tiihi'nl PM- CIIN THE. SEVENTH CALENDAR DAY Tl] THE DISTRICTS PRESLDEHT. Provided. however, in the event strewn-cation by Sane-11s, this Agreement is immediately staid end Entrells will not rennin: any censidetatiott tinder this Agreement. including the Separation Campensatian. Serra-Ila further understands that the release ahoaI'e 'mcludes a waiver of all rights and clamis which Estrella may have arising under the Senells understands that by si this Agreement, he wait-es his rights lalms under that exist as of the seam he of an easement. Entrells in erstands that ?-tthe-Eiyhig rights or claims under the??Ea??IWElPh that may arise alter the -. 1; we of this r1 Anarchism. tel? awake" t? ?3 ,St at? cf ??eas: . ?3?an s. mam Gleen the nature at! Semih?a Willis, it {an be nee?ery far this ?tment-int to be fully executed prior to the last date that San-aha is employed by the District (has, the Separation Date}. Consequently, and subject In the terms herein, the Parties understand and agree that, in nnier for the D'ntrict to he ehligated ta matte the Shptua?uu Cumuetnatlen and other payment: in Surrelis speci?ed hereln, Snrrella shall he required to {h comply with all at? the terms at this Agra-ale]! during the Transition Period, and execute {and net melee] a He?Ai'?rmatien of this Secund Release enacting pmisions hereLa during the time period fen-1 the Ilete of this Agreement until the Separa?en [late {the The District shall also sign the tile- and include a decent! release ni'Enrrells, The lite-mutation shall he in a. fern: agreed tn lay the Parties 3th shall hashsned and executed at iem tea {Ill} days before January 31, if not earlier, ta ensure payment at? the Separation Compettaatiuu tn Sorrellt is made timely In eccerdanee with Paragraphii ul' this Agreement. it}. Estrella tmtlecrattands that he may ?le administtatiye curmplaints with state and federal agencies which investigate claims, such as the Ieaas Workforce Conunissinti- Civil Flights [ligated nrthe E-EDC. senate represents andrajturanta ?'tat he has not brought any admit?ati'atitre camp]ah1t:a the Diets-ice er the Released Patties: the E??eotilrc Date ot?this reareg?liig?l?l warrants that he will not. ?le an Wine complaint against the matting: dig-helium Has Separation Date. To the extant tithes initiated or in the future initia?iseit administrative wen-r premature with any state, Weft deal agency advancing a claim I'listricr, or Panties. if any, Em-rells agrees to wi all such claims and request that the aga?ea ?untrained class their ?les. In the event that any such agency erennrt seer assumes jurisdiction of any lawsuit, claim, charge, er or pumped: to bring any legal plate-edillgs en See-alls?s behalf, Sen-ells will request any such agency or c-otn't to widalraw them. anther to dismiss the lawsuit, claims. charge. or complaint with emjudice. including. any current or pending. adminlshath-e complaint and Set-tells agrees not to receive any monetaiy awm'd as a {Seaside-tie] SEPII'I-iithll Agreement and Release Page 3 FINN-?Pn-?-Ellf?-?l?m?' result at? any innieirtnal eernplainta er charges met] with ttrnae state at federal agencies. earning in this Agreement win he eenan-uert ta prevent 5nrrel]a ?nm?gartieipering er testifying in ineeatt er marinated by any Federal nraLate agency. In anti-ting in thia Agreement prairibitq? '1er item renartiqg.? ble eintetiena of federal lane at- 1 In any gaearnntetrtal agency at Elmira: matelng . sweetie: are premixed under the eel-biteir ef federal late-e er a? age"? te?? a? ?We? ?i?t Elam. During Hui?{Wit Perlael'antl met the Separatian nnella agrees [a Memi?aneete anti fall}.r temperate with [Triatiiatr iL-t Beard members. agents, and ears in teapanae ta, err in defense at; any demand, ela'rrn, eernplairtt, suit, aetien er legal praeeariing brought againat the Dietriet, ita Beard members, at agents. art'eing Pram any eete nr eumta alleged he have during the tarm eF Senella? emplayrnent with the Dietriet, at nn additienel expense tn the Diatriat ether than reimbursement in Eerrella fer his daeuruented reaaenable and necessary nut-ef-paekat travel at huaineae eapenaea, pita-?- reintblaaemant et' an;r eatery [net 11:; Barrens be lei-mt: taking time his then ettrrent emplezr'tnent. if any. an assist; the Dian-jet at its rectum. Bitten Eerre?a 1rut-ill retire and in the event he is net empleyed at the rinte1 the Diatriet. aha? enlgr be nbligatett at page Serralle Fer hie deer-nerttetl reaaenaliie and nut-af- peeltet travel er emanate- Heqneela fet- than Set-rella with res-peer te metrera ahall be made tbrnuglt the El-nartl President. an}- Super-immanent. earlier legal eenneel far the Dietriet. and the animal ta be te Samlle shall be mutually agreed apnea in aaeanee. 11- Smells Refuse-t5 met he he5 we desire te and agreea that he will nee seat: re-ernplayrnenr with the Dian-ice. he haa ae desire ta perraue re?empleytnent attlt the Diel?nt. Sam-Ila ante-ea far the ineideratien reeited herein, the Dian-jet aha have the righ?b refttae tn ample}:- him in an}- ealianitj.r heat reeaurae by Serralla. The Di ta give Serge antral Jab referenee that eeneiate gt? hataternent at? Entrella'e pnaitinit while an enapl?ee {the District and the deter: nf Serra ?tnent: with the Dietriet. if aaeh ., niraered ?5 Heard Preeieleat in anilinedh thia amen: altenlri be eeat Win?eld a parent-tat irate. aa'y Dietriet employee at ?i-nernher,? lit their 1: retiral and innit-ideal leap-acne, at Le Diatriet er Beard member prneiding melt reference. 13. MW Patti-rm in eanaieleratien I?er tl'l? Separatina Came-meetinn. San-ella agrees ttrat ta defame, slander. libel, disparage at teal-ta any defamata-ry ar' darwagalery atateIaenta agajt?rat the Dish-iat, ita Beard men-there. earninietratare, n-r agents, but net: limited In, any earner-ante tn the media er en media sites, after the Etta-alive Date ei? tiria Agreement. Simila?y. the Dietriet agreea ant ta defmne+ slander, libel, er matte disparaging statements about Sen-ell: whleh harm Ilia reputatittn. a?arthe Effective Date ei?thie 14. mm This Agreement ahall net be eenatrtted in an}.I We]: as an aalmiatit'an by an} Fart}r nt'anjt' liabilityI er nearerniailiilit}r er as an hearty Party at any wrangdeing er eielatlen at? me late againa': the ether Parry. IS. W. tit-errella that' except as set feet]: inereitgti,1 an repeeaenta?ene a 3r kind er aharaeter been been made In ?uaifelia be any agent, eeatnjeiey ef the Diab'ietgtak' tire executian nf?aie ?rearm-met? eta? 33-39% Eh? Eighth" it. "5-3 as? Elf-#1. 1:59 55" MEL. in Paragraph 2 alarm: with @5335", reed: tn- "it er hie Empleytnent a Agreement and all [trier ar- wanna-2m agreemeata, anti ?eetandmge between the Parties (melanin? net limited tn the element ?gment-ant], and eeneHrntee the era-ire agreement hen-teen Eerreila and the Diatr'tet with reapant be the subject matter tI-f ens Agreemt She-aid an}I prae'ieitrn at! this. Agreement be declared invalid, the ealittiur nt'tJte remaining terms er shall net he a?'eeted and shall remain in ierea. I Eye. ant. Baird-Ital Separatina Agra-amen and Release Page 4 eral1ttuteeh-taatra1ea'eane1r WOO1368-030817-1-4.pdf Any biaseh if this H?r?ment 11y Enrrella itrill result in immediate Furi'eiture at the Seem-alien Cemnensatien. and SettelLs shall immediately repay any ametmt ef the Bengt-anal: Eempenaatien received ftem Hie Distrlat. The District shaihje untitled tn immediate injunntis-e relief remedy any 1: . :Ei?it Agreement. The remedies set Fergtjah?a are in add?ttien tn, and net in lieu her legal er 135' 33? - ?3 a 15:9. r3 ?t?xg f? 'Iil'll . - . 1:1 n?i??a ?lth 7-star! The Agreement may net i?ed uniees the Whine ei-snhange is in Elli] . by hith'Pa?ies. This Agreement they be executed in te termite. eaah ef While]! shall be deemed an ariglaal far all put-paste and all ef which taken tagedter shall eenstinita but an: and the same insutnnenL It is net that eaeh part}- henna: enenut: the aatne nannies-part. 11H: Pasties agree that an eleeltenie signanire is Ihe legally binding. equivalent In a handm'ltten signaltn'e and has the lame validity and meaning as a handwritten signattu-e- This Agreement may else be exchanged by ih-esittlile n-r eleetrenit: transmisstien. 19?. This Agreement shall be binding Sen-eils* heirs. representatives. exeeatnrs, admlaianaters, and assigns. and shall inure in the bene?t at the District and eaeh and all at? the Released Parties. and te their heirs. representatives, admini?ratnrs, and assigns. Ill. n; grad: VHIE- This ?ywheel is made and entered inns in the Slate nfTetLas. and shall lie enfatned. and get-arisen under the laws er ?an atata wltlieut regard tn the eenllint nt? The l?l?rElJ?EE? P?fL?l Elf ?li? Agreement shall in all mean he eanan'uedas a 1arltele. aeenrdittn re its fair meaning. and net liar er against either party. Easel usivejta?iadietien and 1.esnne arlsing ent at?, in eenneelien saith, er regarding the?interpretatinn at this Agreement shall lie ia?hpntepi-iete stale diatriet er federal! dishigFg-uurta . .3. - "Qt in?ated g?lfg?? Enlanty. Tents. ?u-t??ei '53m?e?e?w: days agree 1 i a argue 1t, the i . has net revisited his aempns? it?is Agreement as stiles-red under elapse-[the tut- DarenDate.- 3/ 1? ?7 muss tenure sealants r? Er: I Title: PrteidenLBaiai-d efTruatees e? e5? ail-lie? h?j?l ?Ecz- iEI?Fg'qr' .E-- 't?eiun? ?if. Ii.? at!? at a?ha?? title's e?t?t. 1g: .43: ?e $11 5 4.33 rs Sap-taliaa Agreement and Release Page 5