effects of such structures and uses in the Town and to enact bylaws in a manner consistent with sound land use planning goals and objectives. 3. Temporary Moratorium For the reasons set forth above and notwithstanding any other provision of the Zoning Bylaw to the contrary, the Town hereby adopts a temporary moratorium on the use of land or structures for ?Marijuana Establishments?. The moratorium shall be in effect through July 1, 2018. During the moratorium period, the Town shall undertake a planning process to address the potential impacts of marijuana in the Town, consider the Cannabis Control Commission regulations regarding ?Marijuana Establishments? and related uses, and shall consider adopting new Zoning Bylaws to address the impact and operation of Marijuana Establishments and related uses. Summary: This article would implement a moratorium on recreational marijuana facilities in Ipswich while the state clarifies a number of provisions in the legislation approved by the voters in 2016. By adopting a moratorium, the town will have time to review the scope and application of the amended legislation and make a recommendation to town meeting in the future. This requires a 2/3 majority vote. ARTICLE 24 Land Acquisition for Farley Brook Water Treatment Requested by: Director of Public Works To see if the Town will vote to: (1) authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire an interest in fee (or lesser interest), in a portion of the land on Mineral Street (Assessor?s Map 41B, Lot 326), now or formerly of NYLAJO LLC, identi?ed as Parcel A on a plan entitled ?Plan of Land in Ipswich, MA, Property of NYLAGO, dated October 9, 2008, on ?le with the Town Clerk, said Parcel A consisting of 5,400i square feet of open land, for water quality treatment purposes; and (2) authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire said parcel by purchase, gift, lease, or otherwise; and (3) authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept and expend without further appropriation any federal and/or state grants pertaining to said acquisition; or to take any other actipn relative thereto. Summary: The proposed article would enable the Town to acquire a parcel of land adjacent to Farley Brook in the vicinity of Mineral Street, for the purpose of constructing an engineered wetland. Farley Brook has long been identified as a major contributor of pollutants to the Ipswich River. With the support of funds from the Section 319 Nonpoint Source Pollution Competitive Grant Program, the Town has been investigating sources of pollutants in Farley Brook and potential measures to reduce the levels of those pollutants. Constructing a wetland on the subject property, and then diverting the water ?ow into the wetland for treatment purposes, is one the measures recommended by the Town?s engineering consultant. The treatment capacity of the wetland area is dictated by the square footage of the wetland. Purchasing this 5,400 square foot land-locked parcel will increase the capacity of the wetland area by approximately 30%, thereby treating a greater ?ow from the brook. Without the inclusion of this parcel, su?icient space will not be available to provide any meaningful level of treatment of Farley Brook. This requires a simple majority vote. ARTICLE 25 - Ipswich Trust Act Requested By Petition: Isaac Ross ?To see if the Town will amend Part II of the Regulatory General ByLaws of the Town of Ipswich by inserting therein the following new Chapter to be entitled ?Prevention of Warrantless Seizure of Immigrants?: De?nitions. For the purposes of this Chapter the following de?nitions apply: 1) Civil immigration detainer request means a non-mandatory request issued by an authorized federal immigration officer under Section 287.7 of Title 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations to a local law enforcement of?cial to maintain custody of an individual for a period not to exceed 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and advise the authorized federal immigration of?cer prior to the release of that individual. (2) Convicted means having been proved guilty of a criminal act in a judicial proceeding, unless the conviction has been expunged or vacated pursuant to applicable law. 16 Eligible for release-from C?lth?Odj.? means that the individual may be released from custody because any of the following conditions as occurred: a.All criminal charges against the individual have been dropped or dismissed; b.The individual has been acquitted of all criminal charges ?led against him or her; c.The individual has served all the time required for his or her sentence; d.The individual has posted a bond, or has been released on his or her own recognizance; e.The individual has been referred to pretrial diversion services; f.The individual is otherwise eligible for release under state or local law. (4)Law enforcement official means any department, of?cer, or employee of the town of Ipswich, authorized to enforce criminal statutes, regulations. or local ordinances; operate jails or maintain custody of individuals in jails; and operate juvenile detention facilities or maintain custody of individuals in juvenile detention facilities. (5) ICE means the United States Immigration Customs Enforcement. (b)Detainment. (1)Except as provided in subsection (2), a law enforcement of?cial shall not detain an individual on the basis of a civil irmnigration detainer request after that individual becomes eligible for release from custody. (2)Law enforcement of?cials may continue to detain an individual in response to a civil immigration detainer request for up to 48 hours after that individual becomes eligible for release from custody, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, if the individual meets any of the following criteria: a. ICE has a criminal warrant for the individual; b. The individual has been convicted of a violent crime as defined in M.G.L. c. 140, 121; c. In the past ten years, the individual has been convicted of a felony as de?ned in M.G.L. c. 274, 1; d.The individual is a current registrant on the Massachusetts Sex Offender Registry; e.The individual is identi?ed in the federal government's consolidated terrorist watchlist. (3)Law enforcement of?cials shall make good faith efforts to seek federal reimbursement for all costs incurred in continuing to detain an individual pursuant to this section. (c)Reporting. Beginning no later than January 31, 2018, and no later than January 3lst of each subsequent year, the Ipswich Police Chief shall submit a report to the Town Manager who shall forward that report to the Board of Selectmen who shall docket the report and include it as an agenda item in their next-occurring meeting. The report shall include the following information for the preceding 12?month period: (1) A statistical breakdown of the total number of civil immigration detainer requests lodged with the Town?s law enforcement of?cials, organized by the reason(s) given for the request; statistical breakdown of the total number of individuals that Ipswich law enforcement of?cials detained pursuant to subsection organized by the reason(s) supporting the detention; (3) The total number of individuals transferred to ICE custody; and (4) A statistical breakdown of the total cost reimbursements received ?om the federal government pursuant to subsection organized by individual case; or take other action thereto? Summary: The Ipswich Trust Act is a safeguard against the misuse of our local police department to enforce Federal Immigration policy. Immigration policy and customs enforcement are the sole purview of the Federal government and are not the role or responsibility of municipal law enforcement o?icers. Allowing the Ipswich Police Department to become involved in immigration enforcement undermines an immigrant trust in law enforcement, and exposes the Town to liability for unwarranted detention and deportation. The Trust Act will: 0 Free the Ipswich Police Department to focus on criminal violations and public safety. a Safeguard Ipswich taxpayers against the cost of an unfunded federal deportation and detention mandate. 0 Protect the town from liability for unlawful detentions without a warrant. 0 Protect law abiding residents and visitors against detention and deportation. ARTICLE 26 A new-school site other than the existing Winthrop School site Requested By Petition: Peregrine White, Jr. Whether the Town should recommend to the School Committee and the School Building Committee that a site other than the existing Winthrop School site be considered for one new elementary school. 17