25X1 g; 1? 3/05/05 3-9 I D1313 66-3944 Approved For Release 2% FOR: Binder of Meme! we: nus: My e? the Notice on wakiw?m in the Mymh?en, Mr. Warfield has signed the Notice: which yam manly .mnmea. He feels, howmr, that the Nance is onthe mm, its title is "Cove-t ands-security Cmidemiona tar Participation in 3211me mm Asaaciaticm" and. on the ?her hand. it appears tr; be a piss to: increased memberatdp. For example. its: 1n pamgzaph 2 533m that participation in BAA activa will he WM ta members a: the Assoc-mien fez: security. saver, and adminis- tr?m He name that activities. are 1-1111le rams by Hz? vim: whaher BAA is the proper paint to cover and security 1311611135 1431' participants in Association activities . is understood that the wading o! the Name repre- m; a emme cover aecunty on the an: hand and the an: the Media: We mtg-113mm in order to make the Associatian {unactu indepement . Changing this lawman may he time-consuming. Ware. M: . We?leld masts that you begin new the development a wart-aim of Notice In: pupae: .clari?cetien. Please a mann- lm on this pr;er and mm: as of the (are Wm a. revised draft Nazca may be expected. 25X1 Aft cc: (23:161. Suppoit Servicea Staff Chief. Reigulatiens Centre! Staff (15 Nov 66) Distribution: Orig D/Pers w/Subject, w/cy Att ?77.95%: r! 7 Art Inst. 'Fencing?Inst. roved For Release 2003/05/05 A-R P8 -00780R0014000600 - a I pp, . b3 5434 inis Notice Expires 1 October 1967 i PERSONNEL 25x1 COVER AND SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS FOR PARTICIPATION IN EMPLOYEE ACTIVITY ASSOCIATION l. The primary purpose of the Employee Activity Association (EAA) is to provide a broad program of recreational activities and services for Agency ems ,iovees. Since participation by certain employees in the Association's relivities may be restricted for cover and security reasons, a review of each application is made to determine the scope of participation permitted the appli- cant. 2. Participation in recreational activities and services which use Arency space, equipment, and time will be limited to members of the Associa? tion to ensure that each activity meets Agency security, cover, and adminis- 'trative requirements. As a member of EAA, an employee may participate in any or all of the activities sponsored by the Association, cover permitting. He is also eligible for other benefits, such as discounts on tickets to certain cultural and sports events in the Metropolitan washington area and on items sold by the Association. Nonmembers will not be permitted to purchase items from or through the BAA. 3. Current activities sanctioned by the Agency and sponsored by the Employee Activity Association are listed below. They are arranged in cate-? gories according to the relative extent to which they are likely to become identified: - . II Held Outside of Agency Held Outside of Agency Buildings - Identification Buildings - Identification ?eld in Agency Buildings-j as Agency?Sponsored as Agency-Sponsored No Identification Likely Considered Possible Considered Likely Glee Club -Golf League, Football _.Archeology Mbdern Dance Rifle Pistol (Held on Agency Bridge .Ping Pong. Sailing Instruction -7 I property) Camera Stamp Skiing Tours . Softball (Women) Camping info. Toastmasters Bridge Instruction Softball (Men) Chess, Coin Basketball -?Men (Held on Agency Craft Inst. Karate Ticket Service preperty) Travel Service Tennis Tournament Riding Club Fishing Excursions Bowling Tournament Garden Basketme (Women) TI - i '1 - Excluded {ram automo?c .-. downowdinv ?d 1 . I decluui?co?on 1 7 i .- {gong} as? Approved For Rele'ase 2003705105" 4-. I 777 . For Release 2003/05/05 CIA-RDP84-00780R001400060013-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L a PERSONNEL u. Mbmbers of the Association will be advised whether they are in: [Group AL - 'Unlimited in participation--able to participate in activities . listed in categories I, II, and in paragraph 3 above. Group - Able to participate only in activities in categories I and II. Group Able to participate only in activities in category I. In-anusual cases exceptions may be made for members in groups and to -pszticipate in activities other than those in their designated category. 5. In some instances an applicant may be ineligible to participate-in any EAA-sponsored activity for cover and security reasons. 6. Regardless of their category of participatiOn, members of the Employee Activity Association must not reveal to non-Agency personnel the fact that any 7 of the activities are sponsored either by the EAA or by the Agency. The Association will provide a cover and security briefing for all participants in the above?activities. FOR ins CENTRAL .. . .. I - H. . at: 3.5-1? omega? mu ?aal_u? hj?ru? 2R. L. BANNERMAN . Deputy Director for Support Distribution: . 14; 40v 1955 Or??g- IHXS . "fif- - ..5 1 e'D/Pere (Info)' Eff; - a . - DDS/Chrome 1 111. DDS/Subject DISTRIBUTION: EMPIDYEES I it {i . 'ksno_ COPY . HRH-HF an} 1 if _P9nvi Approved For" 7, .j 25X1 Fug. x. m, {tn-v a F, Approved For Release 66?5944 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Support Services Staff, SUBJECT Proposedl: . 25x1 1 . This proposed Notice is confusing to me. Its title is "Cover and Security Considerations for Participation in Employee Activity Association?, and yet it appears to be a pitch for increased membership . For example, the first sentence in paragraph 2 says that participation in BAA activities will be limited to members of the Association for security, cover, and administrative reasons . In fact, activities are limited to members by definition . I also wonder whether EAA?should be the focal point for reviewing each application to determine the scope of participation permitted by the applicant; and whether EAA is the proper point to provide cover and security briefings for participants. 2 . In Spite of the fact that this has been fully coordinated, I would like you to review come up with better rationale for the assigned responsibilities correction of other inconsistencies . Alan . Warfield Assistant Deputy Director for Support a; I cc: Directoy? of Personnel Art. Hopes: sew mura- 51 f" g? Linn?4? 1 i 1? 45-? ?37,433 .sz1 amazing Approved For Release