(1/80) Stat: of Washington a 30 .4 3.-int ?t For School Use Only ;Ri2 section may be completed\ if a rush ig, esired by Lhe .- I Stata of Hashington employin El district. Superintendent of Public instruction Olympia, Hashington Suggfint ndent?s Signature Name of District801denda18 SchooI District'?m?f?_ other accompanying materials (as Certification and Licens'ng, 01d Capitol nal scrvi?c d'strict off' . ith check or I ,Co 4 ?Ivuvia, WA 9850& or bu sent to an Irivr attached. .vrtificatc requehted: Initial (reciprocity based on teacher education program) Initial (reciprocity based on experience} Initial (without reciprocity ~:i:uca vvrtificntion: . other iegal names under which your file Have you ever held any kind of Washington certification? 23 certificate number C;n L161n11?xl?i,r (city) 1.0, (state) ?77} may (zip code) (telephoney? birth ABLE). 30', Place of hi th PAI'faczz/rpAfa. 985,20 you citizen of the United If not, have you declared yOur intention to 3 ?Iz?t?amv: a citizen? When? 5.: in last {on years have you ever pled guxity, been convicted, fined, imprisoned or "a . i ?~44 . x, probation {or violation of any law, polxce regulation 0r ordinance (excluding HGT I I .t?latxons for a flne or forfeiture of $100 or less was imposed)? ?No hf [a Yes ?int last ten wears have ou ever been dischar cd or forced to resi for misco duct '5 . unantisfactary service from any position teaching or other? Yes Ho ?u ever had a certificate revoked, suspnn3:3 or denied, or have you - hed a teaching Certificate to avoid revocnt on procedures? Yes Hg - 5v. 2330 of state :f 7 (J [3 w- . ??ugu WW .. 1 *1 5* o: Lertiftcatson and LlconSIng nnly: I Hailed?kw-?mv?AA-wu? L.