·1· ·evidence because Maysonet has nothing to do with ·2· ·our case. ·3· · · · MR. GIVEN:· I obviously join.· Also, just for ·4· ·the record, Exhibit 7 is Bates stamped JR-L 41094. ·5· ·BY MR. AINSWORTH: ·6· · · · Q.· · Sir, did you ever call somebody -- call ·7· ·someone and tell them falsely that you represented ·8· ·a person who had been arrested when that person had ·9· ·not actually been arrested by the police? 10· · · · MS. ROSEN:· Objection, form, foundation. 11· · · · MR. EKL:· Do you understand the question? 12· · · · THE WITNESS:· No. 13· ·BY MR. AINSWORTH: 14· · · · Q.· · Let me do it -15· · · · A.· · I don't understand the question.· I'm 16· ·not sure. 17· · · · Q.· · Okay.· There's an allegation that 18· ·various members of the Chicago Police Department 19· ·along with various criminals were ripping off drug 20· ·dealers and making it seem as if the criminals were 21· ·being arrested but they were not actually being 22· ·arrested. 23· · · · · · · And there's an allegation that attorneys 24· ·would assist in perpetrating this ruse by ·1· ·contacting the people from whom the drugs were ·2· ·stolen and money was stolen and calling that person ·3· ·to say, Yes, my client, who was one of the rip-off ·4· ·artists was actually arrested and actually being ·5· ·criminally prosecuted? ·6· · · · A.· · You mean that paragraph in Mr. Omar's ·7· ·302? ·8· · · · Q.· · Yes, sir. ·9· · · · A.· · I have read that.· It's an absolute lie. 10· · · · Q.· · And you haven't -11· · · · MR. GIVEN:· Go ahead, finish your question, 12· ·and then I have an objection based on what you have 13· ·already said. 14· ·BY MR. AINSWORTH: 15· · · · Q.· · Okay.· Did you ever call somebody at the 16· ·behest of a third party to falsely state that your 17· ·client had been arrested and was being criminally 18· ·prosecuted when, in fact, your client was not being 19· ·criminally prosecuted? 20· · · · MR. GIVEN:· Here is my objection.· This goes 21· ·back to what I referred to earlier as your flimsy 22· ·excuse for most of this deposition.· When you say 23· ·there are allegations, I just want to be clear, 24· ·there are zero allegations in this lawsuit having