Mobile Speed Demonstra3on Results •  503 viola*ons captured at Brother Mar3n High School •  School zone speed limit of 20 MPH used as criteria during 4/17/2015 deployment (2:53 PM to 4:16 PM) 1 ©2015 American Traffic Solu3ons, Inc. Proprietary and Confiden3al Mobile Speed Demonstra3on Results •  105 viola*ons captured at high school •  Speed limit of 35 MPH used as criteria during 4/21/2015 deployment (8:53 AM to 2:18 PM) 2 ©2015 American Traffic Solu3ons, Inc. Proprietary and Confiden3al Mobile Speed Demonstra3on Results •  102 viola*ons captured at 4504 Paris Avenue •  Speed limit of 35 MPH used as criteria during 4/20/2015 deployment (9:27 AM to 2:54 PM) 3 ©2015 American Traffic Solu3ons, Inc. Proprietary and Confiden3al