Minutes of Meeting Oklahoma Energy Resources Board September 13, 201 1 A meeting of the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board was held Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 10:00 am. at DCP Midstream Partners, LP, 6120 S. Yale Ave., Suite 1100, Tulsa, OK 74137. Notice of regular meeting and tentative agenda was posted for public view at the OERB main of?ce on Friday, September 9, 201 1 and at DCP Midstream Partners, of?ce on the same date. MEMBERS PRESENT: Terry Adamson, Mark Aebi, Pete Brown, Phil Cook, Mike Cross, Bill Gifford, David House, Rusty Johnson, Jim Medico, Tim Munson, John Pilkington and Will Whitley. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Cantrell, Tom Goresen, Suzette Hat?eld, Ronnie lrani, Rob Johnston. Julie Kruger and Mike Wiskofske. MEMBERS RESIGNED AND NOT REPLACED: Lee Boothby and JD. Holbird. OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Terry President), Phil Spurlin (Beacon Environmental) Dave Thomas (Brothers Mickey Thompson (past OIPA President), Dale Malody (Marathon Oil Company) and Sam Langford (New?eld Exploration). CALL TO ORDER Chairman David House called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. House thanked Bill Gifford and DCP Midstream for hosting the meeting. Gifford explained the emergency procedures. ATTENDANCE In the absence of Secretary Kruger, Adamson called the roll and reported that a quorum was present. MINUTES Pilkington motioned to approve the May, 2011 minutes and Cross seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 10 (Johnson and Munson hadn?t arrived, yet) and 0 nay. Stitt gave the Director?s report (attached). Stitt stated that she had just returned from a meeting in Wyoming where she met with the Wyoming Legislature Joint Minerals Committee regarding the OERB. Stitt added that they were complimentary of the OERB and that one of the legislators wanted to draft OERB type legislature that day. The Wyoming Land Trust currently oversees education in natural resources. Jennifer Billings gave the Public Relations report (attached). Billings showed news clips from the Economic Impact Press Event. Stitt thanked David House and Tim Munson for appearing on The Verdict with Mayor Cornett. OERB Board Meeting, page two. COMMITTEE REPORTS ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE no report. ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE In the absence of Chairman Hat?eld, Mathis reported that the last deposit was $1,390,766.58 bringing the current cash balance to $1 1,653,293.31. The amount of unencumbered cash is $1,474,817.22. Mathis reported that the State completed the audit of the OERB and the OIPF with no reportable ?ndings. Mathis announced that due to changes in legislation, the OERB as ofJuly 1, 201 1 will pay 2 1/2 percent per annum on interest accumulated each month based on the daily cash balance. Other fees the OERB is required to pay are transaction fees of 1 30.47 per month and a C?vent fee of $250 per year. Stitt explained that all state agencies are charged these fees. Brown asked how much the fee would be on the interest payment. Mathis answered that the fee was $104 last month. SCHOLASTIC OUTREACH COMMITTEE Chairman Munson thanked Schaeperkoetter and Standage for their work on the PetroTech program. Forty new students are registered for the September Introduction to the Oil and Natural Gas Industry. Munson continued by saying that there has been signi?cant improvement to the Oklahoma City PetroTech program. Munson also recognized Todd for her new Petro Pros slide Show. She re-designed the show to include age speci?c presentations and also incorporated some quizzes. Munson asked Schaeperkoetter to give her report (attached). Schaeperkoetter stated that the PetroTech program was going very well with forty new students in the Oklahoma City program and twelve in Tulsa (twelve is the maximum number for Tulsa classes). Schaeperkoetter announced that the Geophysical Society is providing a scholarship for a Tulsa PetroTech student. She also reviewed some PetroTech demographics with the board stating that ?fty percent are in the oil and natural gas industry and the average age is thirty? ?ve to thirty?eight. Schaeperkoetter stated that six teacher workshOps are scheduled for the fall and are open for registration. Student Scholarships have been distributed and the committee is pursuing the possibility of reinstating the mentor program and also plans to talk to the students about being Petro Pros. Terry commented that Stitt invited him to visit a teacher workshop at Edmond Santa Fe High School. Terry stated that when he arrived the cafeteria was full of more than 200 teachers that were listening to a Petro Pro presentation while they ate lunch. After lunch he toured all the different workshops underway. Terry added that the student education program was really going well and thanked the staff and board for their efforts. House asked that the staff let him know when an event like that would be held in Tulsa so that Mayor Dewey Bartlett could highlight it. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION COMMITTEE Chairman Adamson asked Spurlin to give his report (attached). Pilkington asked if there were still plenty of projects being submitted for restoration. Spurlin answered that Beacon received thirty projects last month from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. Spurlin added that they have identi?ed over 800 projects and received over 400 and have a return rate of just fewer than twenty percent on mail outs. Sowers updated the board regarding the Sable Marr project (attached). Sowers explained that completion of the project would cost between $300,000 and $350,000. Future use of the site would be limited to agricultural uses. There was some discussion regarding this site with Adamson stating that the committee would update the board at the November board meeting. OERB Board Meeting, page three. Adamson announced that the committee put together the OERB Internal Operating Procedures for Environmental Project Review and Restoration (attached). Sowers reviewed this process with the board. House explained further that the process shows the complexity of the procedures the staff goes through in restoring a site and commended Adamson and Sowers for putting together this report. Sowers reviewed the projects/sites received graphs with the board (attached). PUBLIC EDUCATION Chairman Brown reported that at the last committee meeting in Tulsa they focused on two student education messages and one economic message. The committee is pleased to ask Brothers to move forward. The two student education messages are will? and ?We Believe?. The Economic message is ?These Hands?. House asked what the timing for these new messages would be. Dave Thomas answered that ?lming would begin in late October with the messages airing early in 2012. The economic message will begin airing late Spring of 2012. New Business Stitt explained that the OERB board consists of six Governor appointed positions, six Senate, six House and three appointed by the OERB board (two purchasers and one royalty owner). Stitt added that the terms were expiring for the three appointed by the OERB board. Those three are Julie Kruger (royalty owner) and Bill Gifford and Jim Medico, purchasers. House commented that Bill Gifford has been a great board member, has stayed involved, and has provided a place for the board to meet in Tulsa over the past few years. MOTION: Pilkington motioned to elect Bill Gifford as a purchaser board member for another term. Cross seconded the motion and the motion passed by a vote of 12 and 0 nay. House commented that Kruger was in Washington DC talking about our industry at this very time and added that she was an excellent board member. MOTION: Brown motioned to reappoint Kruger as the royalty owner board member. Gifford seconded the motion and the motion passed by a vote of 12 and 0 nay. House thanked Jim Medico for his six years of service on the OERB board. Medico is recommending Garrett Phelan to replace him on the board. Phelan serves as Senior Crude Marketing Representative for Sunoco Logistics Partners, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. MOTION: Gifford motioned to appoint Garrett Phelan to replace Jim Medico on the OERB board. Cross seconded the motion and the motion passed by a vote of 12 and 0 nay. House introduced Mickey Thompson, past OIPA President and great supporter of the industry. Thompson presented an idea to the Board to create an OERB type national student education program. He related that he was not asking for funding from the Board, but rather asking for their OERB Board Meeting, page four. support in this effort. There was much discussion with the general consensus being to support the project. Thompson will provide updates along the way. MOTION: Brown motioned to support the national student education program presented by Mickey Thompson with updates as the program moves forward. Pilkington seconded the motion and the motion passed by a vote of 12 and 0 nay. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business Brown motioned to adjourn the meeting and Cross seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 1 1:25 am. Respectfully Submitted, Julie Kruger, Secretary Cher-1 Standage From: meetingnotices?sos.ok.gov Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 8:42 AM To: cstandage?oerbcom Cc: MeetingNotices@sos.ok.gov Subject: Open Meetings Confirmation Meeting Notice Confirmation CHERYL STANDAGE OKLAHOMA ENERGY RESOURCES BOARD (OERB) 3555 NW. 58TH ST., #430 OKC, OK 731 12 405-942-5323 This message con?rms your meeting notice posting with the Secretary of State. DATE AND TIME OF POSTING: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2011 8:42 AM INFORMATION POSTED THE AMENDED REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULED FOR: TUESDAY, SEP 13, 2011 10:00 AM AT OERB CONFERENCE ROOM 3555 NW 58TH ST., STE. 430 OKC. OK HAS BEEN CHANGED TO: TUESDAY, SEP 13, 2011 10:00 AM AT DCP MIDSTREAM TULSA, OK You may View and print the web postings of your body's meeting notices by visiting our website at: your meetings page. Cheryl Standage From: meetingnotices@sos.ok.gov Sent: Friday, September 09, 2011 8:44 AM To: cstandage@oerb.com Cc: MeetingNotices@sos.ok.gov Subject: Open Meetings Confirmation Meeting Notice Con?rmation CHERYL STANDAGE OKLAHOMA ENERGY RESOURCES BOARD (OERB) - ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION COMMITTEE 3555 N.W. 58TH ST., #430 OKC, OK 731 12 405?942-5323 This message confirms your meeting notice posting with the Secretary of State. DATE AND TIME OF POSTING: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 201 1 8:43 AM INFORMATION POSTED A REGULAR MEETING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR: TUESDAY, SEP 13, 2011 8:30 AM AT DCP MIDSTREAM TULSA, OK You may View and print the web postings of your body's meeting notices by visiting our website at: your meetings page. OERB Board Meeting Roll Call /0 Date: Quorum (44): Yes/ No Adamson Terry lrani Ronny PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Aebi Mark Johnson Rusty MK PRESENT ,4 ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Brown Pete Johnston Robert PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Cantrell Mike Kruger Julie i PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Cook Phil Medico . Jim PRESENT ,4 ABSENT PRESENT ,1 ABSENT Cross Mike Munson Tim yd?) PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT Gifford Bill Pilkington Jr. John PRESENT 34 ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Goresen Thoma? Whitley Will PRESENT ABSENT PRESENT ABSENT Hatfield Suzett r-W-tskefske/Mike PRESENT ABSENT ?0 .. We? WW House David PRESENT ABSENT [b OERB Board Meeting Roll Call Date: Adamson Terry PRESENT ABSENT Aebi Mark PRESENT L- ABSENT Brown Pete PRESENT ABSENT Cantrell Mike PRESENT ABSENT Cook Phil PRESENT 1; ABSENT Cross Mike PRESENT ABSENT Gifford Bill PRESENT ABSENT Goresen Thomas PRESENT ABSENT l/ Hatfield Suzette PRESENT ABSENT House David PRESENT . ABSENT Quorum Yes/ No lrani PRESENT Johnson PRESENT Johnston PRESENT Kruger PRESENT Medico PRESENT- Munson PRESENT 5; Ronnie ABSENT Rusty ABSENT Roben ABSENT Julie ABSENT Jim ABSENT Tim ABSENT Pilkington, Jr. John PRESENT ABSENT Whitley Will PRESENT ABSENT Wiskefske ??TMike PRESENT. ABSENI To: (702/3- 3555 N.W. 58?? St., Suite 430 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112 (405) 942?5323 1-800-664-1301 NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING Members of the OERB and other interested parties From: David House, Chairman Time: 10:00 Tuesday, September 13, 201 1 (Agenda posted Friday, September 9, 201 1) Location: DCP Midstream Partners, LP, 6120 S. Yale Ave, Suite 1 100, Warren 11 Building (The l. IV. VI. VII. building that says SemGroup at the top), Tulsa, OK 74137 Tentative Agenda Call to Order Chairman David House Introduction of guests and roll call Minutes of previous meeting Director?s Report Mindy Stitt Page 3. Committee Reports: A. Administrative Committee Update, discussion and possible vote(s) on administrative issues. B. Accounting Committee Update and ?nancial report. C. Scholastic Outreach Committee Update, discussion and possible vote(s) on scholastic outreach issues. Page D. Environmental Restoration Committee Update, discussion and possible vote(s) on environmental issues. lizgm 313?). E. Public Education Committee - Update on marketing/advertising campaign. Discussion and possible vote(s) on public education issues. Old Business. New Business. Vote on renewal of the OERB's royalty owner and purchasers three?year terms. Julie Kruger Royalty Owner representative, Bill Gifford Purchaser representative and replacement for Jim Medico Purchaser representative. Student Education Proposal by Mickey Thompson. Adjournment. REPORT September 13, 2011 Since the last board meeting, presentations were made by the staff for the Wyoming Legislature?s Joint Minerals, Business Economic Development Committee, a workshop for out-of?state Royalty Owners in Atlanta, GA, a Mid-Continent Exploration and Safety Network Meeting, the Education Awards Banquet, the Council of Petroleum Accountants Society and the OCC's District luncheon in Duncan. The Staff also conducted two safety assemblies one at Covington-Douglas High School and one at Riverfield Country Day School in Tulsa. The staff manned a booth at the Annual Meeting in Dallas, a Safety Day in Duncan and an Innovation Conference in OKC. Attached is a summary report of work orders issued to construction contractors for phase restoration work since May 11, 2011. Forthis period, the OERB issued 66 work orders for a total of $1,005,193.40, the largest being issued to Been Dozer Service in the amount of $219,933.00. The OERB has a new Education Coordinator. Ms. Taylor Todd joined the staff on July 15. Public Relations Report Jennifer Billings Respectfully submitted, Mindy Stitt, Executive Director Oklahoma Energy Resources Board COMMUNICATIONS REPORT OERB BOARD REPORT Communications Sept. 13, 2011 THE FOLLOWING NEWS RELEASES WERE PREPARED AND DISTRIBUTED: Economic Impact Media Alert for press event Economic Impact Report Teacher workshops Taylor Todd hired - 11,000th site restored (sent to Ada media only) - OCC field inspectors honored NEWSPAPER COVERAGE (press clippings received since last board meeting May 10, 2011y May 6, Ponca City News, Ponca City Teachers attend OERB workshop May 8, Enid News and Eagle, C-D FFA Banquet May 8, Shawnee News Star, Bethel School May 12, Konawa Leader, OERB honors Trinity Taylor at State Capitol May 12, Elk City Daily News, Pioneer Field Trip May 12, Seminole Producer, Konawa student honored at state capitol May 13, Oklahoman, Oklahoma Hall of Fame Inductees May 13, Journal Record, Hall of Fame selects 2011 honorees May 13, Journal Record, Briefs May 14, Yukon?s Chairess attends OERB energy education workshop May 18, Elk Citian, Students explore museum May 18, Elk City Daily News, Students explore museum May 18, Elk City Daily news, Oklahoma Hall of Fame names 2011 honorees May 20, Blackwell Journal-Tribune, Braman Elementary Activities May 20, Blackwell Journal-Tribune, BIA approves 2011-12 budgets May 26, Cyril News, Cyril School Awards June 2, Hooker Advance, Between the Bookends June 16, Pauls Valley Daily Democrat, Student Honored June 22, Moore American, Three Cheers June 22, OETA, Economic Impact of oil, gas touted in report June 22, AP, Study shows Oklahoma?s energy sector booming June 22, The Republic, Okla. City U. study commissioned by oil and gas industry shows energy sector boom in Oklahoma June 23, Enid News Eagle, Study shows Oklahoma?s energy sector booming June 23, Oklahoman, Oil, gas booming in state, study says June 22, McCurtain Co Gazette, Study Shows Oklahoma's energy sector booming June 23, Journal Record, Study: Oil and Gas industry posts job growth June 23, Hugo Daily News, Energy sector booming in Oklahoma June 23, McAIester News?Capital, Study shows Oklahoma?s energy sector booming June 23, Tulsa World, Oklahoma energy sector booming, study says 3 COMMUNICATIONS REPORT June 23, Urban Tulsa Weekly, A way through the maze June 23, Miami News Record, Study shows Oklahoma?s energy sector booming June 23, Edmond Sun, Study: oil, gas provide 300,000 Oklahoma jobs June 23, BusinessWeek, Study shows Oklahoma?s energy sector booming June 23, Bixby Bulletin, Oil/natural gas one-third of state?s economy June 23, Forbes, Study shows Oklahoma?s energy sector booming June 24, Norman Transcript, State still depends on oil, gas industry June 24, Seminole Producer, Impact of oil and natural gas in Oklahoma June 26, El Reno Tribune, Oil and gas industry remains cornerstone of state economy June 26, McAIester News-Capital, Oil, gas industry vital to McAlester area June 29, PennEnergy, Oklahoma: Study sees strong growth of oil gas industry, jobs June 30, Stroud American, OERB releases oil and gas report June 30, money.msn.com, Study shows Oklahoma?s energy sector booming July 1, Bristow News Record, The impact of the Oil Natural gas industry on the state of Oklahoma July 1, Oklahoma City Friday, Steven Agee, College Dean July 1, Oklahoma City Friday, OKC Energy Capital of the future July 6, Hominy News?Progress, One Industry, One-Third of the State?s Economic Output July 6, The Sayre Record, The impact of oil and natural gas on Oklahoma July 6, Seminole Producer, No More Fireworks Burn Ban Passed July 6, Wewoka Times, County Commissioners Pass Burn Ban Resolution July 7, Okeene Record, One Industry, One-Third of the state?s Economic Output July 7, Konawa Leader, Burn Ban Passing should stop midnight pops July 12, Seminole Producer, Jasmine Moran closes in on the One?Millionth Visitor July 20, Midtown Monitor, Independent Oil Producers Key to Economy July 20, Jenks Gazette, Independent Oil Producers Key to Economy July 20, Bixby Breeze, Independent Oil Producers Key to Economy July 20, Broken Arrow Express, Independent Oil Producers Key to Economy July 20, Union Boundary, Independent Oil Producers Key to Economy July 20, Owasso Rambler, Independent Oil Producers Key to Economy July 22, Oklahoman/Newsok.com, OERB names education director, coordinator July 27, Perry Daily Journal, Students hear about oilfield dangers August 2, Journal Record, Todd joins OERB August 2, Muskogee Phoenix, OERB selects education coordinator August 7, Lawton Constitution, The state of oil and natural gas. Resources vital to economy August 14, El Reno Tribune, Energy boom a big boost for CORD area August 17, Hominy News?Progress, Do Teachers Only work nine months of the year? August 17, Watonga Republican, CORD director reflects on oil and gas activity August 17, Cleveland American, Teachers Fuel Up at Energy Workshop August 18, Cherokee Messenger, Oil, gas still drive Oklahoma economy August 19, Express?Star, Area teachers fuel up on free supplies at energy workshop August 19, Okmulgee Times, Area teachers attend OERB energy workshop August 20, Muskogee Phoenix, Teachers fuel up on supplies at workshop August 21, Seminole Producer, Seminole Teacher attends energy workshop August 21, Daily Ardmoreite, Teachers fuel up on free supplies at energy workshops August 24, Delaware County Journal, Area teacher fuels up on free supplies at energy workshop August 24, Okemah News Leader, Area teachers fuel up on free supplies at energy workshop August 25, Pond Creek Herald, Melanie McKee Fuels Up on Supplies 27/ COMMUNICATIONS REPORT August 25, Fletcher Herald, Area teachers fuel up on free supplies August 25, Prague-Times Herald, Prague teacher attends OERB education workshop August 25, Perkins Journal, Area teachers fuel up on free supplies August 27, Yukon Review, Yukon teachers fuel up on free supplies at energy workshop August 30, Oklahoman, Oklahoma: 1971 vs. 2010 August 31, Catoosa Times, Catoosa teacher fuels up on free supplies September 1, Dewey County Record, Card of Thanks September 1, Walters Herald, Area teacher fuels up on free supplies at energy workshop September 1, Johnston County Capital?Democrat, Trey Hays attends energy workshop September 1, Lincoln County News, Teachers attend energy workshop September 2, Duncan Banner, County inspectors honored September 4, Stillwater News Press, Stillwater teachers fuels up on free supplies September 5, Daily Ardmoreite, Two Ardmore field inspectors honored September 7, Skiatook Journal, Energy Workshop September 8, Ringling Eagle, New Books available at Gleason Memorial Library Total: 91 RADIO COVERAGE: June 22 KOCO 5 6pm June 22 OETA?Oklahoma News Report June 22 KFOR Shot, but never aired June 22 Newsok.com video June 23 KTOK June 23 Radio Oklahoma Network energy report runs on 14 stations across the state June 23 okcfox.com Study shows Oklahoma?s energy sector booming September 11 The Verdict MISCELLANEOUS COVERAGE: June 4 KMGL Vault Opening Appearances/Events July Pacer Energy Marketing Newsletter 2011 COVERAGE SUMMARY: Since 2011 story counting began, the OERB has appeared In 197 newspaper stories. The OERB has been included In 1 organizational newsletters, 18 radio programs 14 television news stories, 2 televised half-time reports and 0 miscellaneous print pieces. RELATIONSHIP BUILDING. Legislative e? b?Iast e- blast - Facebook ads - PRSA, Women in Comm, Young Energy Professionals, SPE, etc. EVE PROJ ECTS: Fall Newsletter COMMUNJCATIONS REPORT - Annual Report Museum Videos - New public education campaign shoot PLANNING: Social media we?re always trying to make it better more useful Marketing workshops National media September, 2011 FY-2011 Administrative Public Education Environmental OERB Financial Summary Budget $2,628,555.83 $5,500,000.00 $6,000,000.00 Assessment Deposit $1,390,766.58 Paid to Date $2,420,136.35 $5,146,540.01 $5,163,614.26 Current Cash Balance $11,653,293.31 Outstanding Encumbrances $10,637.81 $737,958.05 $610,029.89 $1,358,625.75 $1,085,512.15 $5,155,163.13 $2,579,175.06 $8,819,850.34 $1 Reserve $1,185,014.25 Total $15,313,57008 $12.730,290.62 FY-2012 Budget Paid to Date Outstanding Encumbrances Administrative $2,981,993.11 $97,092.41 Public Education $6,000,000.00 $314,084.37 Environmental $6,000,000.00 $275,736.82 Reserve $6,782,421.19 Total $21.764,414.30 $686,913.60 Unencumbered CashL i . . Receipts vs. Disbursements - Last 25 Months i 32.700.000.00 . $2,800,000 00 - - 52.500.000.00 I 5240000000 52.300.000.00 52.200.000 00 i $2,100,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,800,000.00 $1,700,000.00 $1,800,000 00 51.500.000.00 $1,400,000.00 $1,300,000 00 $1,200,000.00 $1,100,000.00 5800.00000 370000000 36 00,000.00 $500,000 00 $400,000.00 4 520000000 5100.00000 3000 976/201 1 51.000000 00 - - -- $900,000.00 $300,000.00 4 60 -6 60 vdas 50 130 50 qu 60 0i -uer in ms 0L dew DReceipts 43? 3 0L -unr lDisbursemenls Ol?lni? 0L -0nV dag -uar ll 4: ASSESSMENT DEPOSIT HISTORY MONTH 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 January 183,993.86 181,764.05 164,304.22 427,266.64 666,663.15 473,503.93 558,675.32 967,194.20 $531,276.56 711,372.64 February 103,807.90 80,029.30 103,773.98 625,151.81 267,637.83 249,374.49 342,351.45 702,373.18 403,121.75 412,190.81 March 130,359.77 143,489.18 140,064.18 591,208.89 490,455.60 214,329.08 419,847.58 853,956.65 220,237.49 739,816.01 April 163,722.46 181,620.01 165,680.07 707,709.39 523,327.21 313,787.19 620,632.31 $1,665,454.99 $557,840.51 748,041.61 May 121,460.34 123,085.36 111,733.55 360,679.34 152,084.77 181,050.99 301,640.78 758,117.41 245,785.81 985,507.52 June 152,154.22 120,410.74 177,177.30 443,127.32 345,922.26 359,227.25 593,829.54 1,288,710.37 513,412.17 1,002,757.10 July 217,685.58 221,199.17 147,295.01 485,333.10 533,868.82 292,356.33 631,224.12 1,145,024.08 600,093.17 999,014.66 August 51,556.66 92,591.19 110,139.34 208,881.86 198,831.85 272,202.15 314,718.17 560,705.26 361,841.70 1,420,141.51 September 170,565.59 113,340.01 132,523.39 372,854.10 277,209.72 360,290.67 741,475.97 901,914.83 568,615.39 13,061.93 October 134,004.12 116,938.72 137,607.00 535,113.01 390,407.45 414,514.54 712,600.24 678,047.06 669,110.55 863,033.61 November 124,870.11 137,079.91 171,572.56 298,596.40 197,303.32 348,342.28 678,220.52 472,188.44 431,670.67 702,950.83 December 116,574.60 136,023.39 340,089.09 343,562.88 238,288.57 404,667.27 681,324.49 514,330.68 620,485.31 598,147.79 TOTAL $1,670,755.21 $1,647,571.03 $1,901,959.69 $5,399,484.74 $4,282,000.55 $3,883,646.17 $6,596,540.49 $10,508,017.15 $5,723,491.08 $9,196,036.02 Refunds $80,981.13 $46,258.68 $141,702.78 $295,345.50 $163,315.76 $217,469.64 $333,454.84 $422,905.77 $233,487.31 865,499.64 of Assess. 4.85% 2.81% 7.45% 5.47% 3.81% 5.60% 5.05% 4.02% 4.08% 9.41% MONTH 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 January 983,492.97 1,123,981.11 1,926,463.89 1,084,186.19 1,478,902.15 1,766,656.05 1,037,056.80 1,299,110.42 February 591,212.39 1,058,206.81 1,586,795.88 1,219,723.93 1,588,428.10 976,496.31 904,740.87 887,639.57 March 799,624.33 849,055.58 1,201,116.34 1,196,566.15 1,338,927.52 875,152.60 939,013.31 973,612.78 April 1,384,680.25 1,242,599.48 1,694,672.07 1,151,302.39 1,657,409.72 992,268.53 1,522,202.82 $1,544,258.84 May 278,276.02 881,648.13 1,068,539.65 1,116,253.01 1,633,170.26 676,974.52 1,257,947.48 1,070,663.88 June 765,764.08 1,154,170.82 1,391,022.80 1,204,687.22 2,008,022.11 671,063.88 1,334,943.42 1,057,798.72 July 1,368,367.94 1,240,078.34 1,164,136.63 1,324,082.65 1,845,416.95 712,226.61 1,255,025.58 1,626,101.86 August 1,579,281.02 966,346.84 1,195,433.02 1,240,964.03 2,278,438.03 718,621.67 1,094,969.87 1,435,389.20 September 1,021,108.95 1,071,114.66 1,110,634.81 1,391,248.31 2,273,119.98 821,983.23 1,085,978.55 1,390,766.58 October 309,168.33 1,165,632.58 1,256,710.52 1,367,456.21 2,568,326.14 1,062,289.69 855,009.16 November 672,653.57 1,283,982.18 1,320,088.91 1,230,417.20 1,759,372.62 758,143.39 1,070,374.05 December 555,288.48 1,090,045.07 1,014,572.96 1,056,179.67 926,706.43 788,847.41 808,130.76 TOTAL $10,308,91833 $13,126,861.60 $15,930,18748 $14,583,06696 $21 ,356,240.01 $10,820,723.89 $13,165,392.67 $11,285,34185 $0.00 $0.00 Refunds 1,191,612.49 $1,694,480.22 $1,661,622.06 $1,959,349.49 $2,636,725.39 $930,289.68 $1,295,690.00 of Assess. 11.56% 12.91% 10.43% 13.44% 12.35% 8.60% 9.84% 97672011 .22: Petro Pro Presentation Statistics 2011 -2012 Presentations Completed Students Reached Presentations Scheduled 11 of Students 2010-2011 Presentations Compieted Students Reached 2009-2010 Presentations Compieted Students Reached Curricula Statistics Little Bits of Teachers Trained 2011-2012 2010,2011 2009-2010 Fossils to Fuel 11 of Teachers Trained 2011 -2012 2010-2011 2009?2010 Fossils to Fuel 2 11 of Teachers Trained 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009?2010 Petro Active 11 of Teachers Trained 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 CORE Energy Science Math Social Studies Language Arts 2011-2012 11 of Teachers Trained Science Math Sociai Studies Language Arts 2010-2011 11 of Teachers Trained Science Math Sociai Studies Language Arts 2009-2010 of Teachers Trained As of 8122111 July 0 0 45 112 July 100 111 July 114 85 38 July 43 21 July 27 20 8 July 21 69 11 3 109 Aug. 0 0 Aug. COCO Aug. 000 Aug. DOC Aug. A 3 D0000 00000 00000 9. Sept 0 0 2 152 309 Sept 25 46 Sept. 19 36 Sept. 15 24 tonne 34 Oct. 0 0 13 549 21 2260 Oct. 60 113 Oct. 31 112 Oct. 1? 31 17 10 44 Nov. 0 0 22 750 21 967 NovNov. D0000 Dec. 0 0 14 84 14 469 Dec. DOC) Dec. Dec. Li ece weccee oece Jan. 0 0 30 1007 11 278 Jan. 000 Jan. DOD 06060 0 0 13 348 29 846 Feb. 101 161 Feb. 54 63 FebOERB Student Education Statistics Feb. March 0 0 11 485 53 2258 March 30 72 March 39 68 March 14 42 March 19 March @0000 April 33 706 47 1539 April 72 49 April 18 19 April 21 16 April April DDODD cog-are 28 12 24 May 53 1455 46 1378 May May 3? ece 5 May 00000 June DC) a) cecce 09006 192 5589 252 10516 YTD Trained 100 483 537 YTD Trained 114 331 371 YTD Trained 43 145 190 YTD Trained 2? 80 102 YTD Trained 298 Total Trained 1,120 1,020 537 Total Trained 6,051 5,937 5,606 Total Trained 635 592 44 7 Total Trained 1,658 1,631 1, 551 Total Trained 21 69 11 8 109 586 900 431 465 2,382 501 763 377 407 2,048 Call-ins to OERB January-August Projects 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 . A .. 9?27 Projects/Sites Received January-August 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 I page: 9 m_ .21 Projects/Sites Restored January-August 600 500 400 300 Flit?Prbjects 1 l# Sites 200 100 - 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 3?7 William D. Gifford Bio William D. ?Bill? Gifford is Vice President, Mid?continent Region, of DCP Midstream LP, which is a partnership owned by Spectra Energy Corporation and ConocoPhillips. Gifford has held various positions with DCP Midstream LP, or one of its predecessor companies within Spectra Energy Corporation, since 1981, including responsibility for Oklahoma gas purchase, gathering, conditioning and transportation operations. He currently serves on the Oklahoma Marginal Well Commission. Gifford is a native of Kansas and received a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Kansas. He is married to Lana Gifford and has two adult children. j? Julie 5. Kruger - Bio Julie S. Kruger manages oil and gas properties for LLC, and the Trust of Raleigh W. Shade in Tulsa. Kruger previously worked as a landman for Houston Oil Minerals, Blocker Petroleum and 26 Exploration. Kruger holds a degree in petroleum land management from the University of Texas. She serves as Chairwoman of the National Legislative Council for the National Association of Royalty Owners. She also serves on the NARO Board of Directors, and was recipient of the NARO Presidents Cup Award in 1999. Kruger currently serves as OERB Secretary and volunteers her time to the OERB Public Education Committee. She is royalty owner representative. 3/ Ji Environmental Assistance Corporation September 13, 2011 Mr. Terry Adamson Chairman, Environmental Restoration Committee Oklahoma Energy Resources Board RE: Executive Summary The following Executive Summary reviews the projects as turned in to the OERB and status of each. SUMMARY for August, 2011 . Received 30 new projects from the OCC. . Completed 21 projects with 44 sites for a total construction cost of $209,615. . Committed $86,353 for construction based on new bids received for 15 projects with 29 sites. 2011 PROJECT OVERVIEW (Calendar Year): . Received 325 projects with 446+ sites. . Completed 163 projects with 443 sites. CUMULATIVE PROJECT OVERVIEW Projects Sites Total Received 6,841 14,766+ Dropped 1,280 1,450 On Hold 116 216 Completed 4,674 11,394 Active 771 1,706+ Total cumulative environmental spending through 8/31/11: $67,684,71612. STATUS OF ACTIVE PROJECTS Projects Sites Under Construction 94 298 Phase 1/2 Complete 252 983 Waiting on ROE 321 321+ Phase 1/2 Backlog 104 104+ 2000 E. 81. Building 400, Suite Edmond, Oklahoma 73013 (405) 3308688 FAX (405) 330-8068 Environmental Restoration Committee Report September 13, 2011 Oklahoma Energy Resources Board Page 2 BUDGET REVIEW: Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Environmental Budqet: 5,700,000 Environmental services and related project costs YTD: (2,092,070) (includes analytical laboratory) Committed environmental services - Construction complete (invoices paid and approved but not paid) (2,913,150) Construction complete (invoice not yet received) (35,199) Committed construction (465,341) Projects in bidding process - (5,505,760) Balance as of 8131111 194,240 Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Environmental Budqet: 5,700,000 Environmental services and related project costs YTD: (391,704) (includes analytical laboratory) Committed environmental services (1,708,296) Construction complete (invoices paid and approved but not paid) (36,966) Construction complete (invoice not yet received) - Committed construction (4171694) Projects in bidding process (1,114,083) (3,668,743) Balance as of 8I31l11 2,031,257 Sincerely, 36%ch (3. Phil Spurlin, RPG President cc: Mindy Stitt Garrett Phelan Bio Garrett Phelan serves as Senior Crude Marketing Representative for Sunoco Logistics Partners, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Sunoco Logistics is one of the largest crude oil purchasers and transporters in the State of Oklahoma and also has operations in Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, Michigan, Louisiana and the Rockies. Mr. Phelan began his career in the oil and gas industry in 1998 working for Amoco as a revenue accountant. Following the merger of Amoco with BP, Phelan held various positions including pipeline revenue analyst, crude oil and re?ned products scheduler, and business deveIOpment coordinator for BP Pipelines North America. Phelan is actively involved in local community organizations and is a past of?cer of Inland Corporation. Phelan has been an active member of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association since 2008. Garrett is a Tulsa native and holds a Bachelor?s degree in Accounting. He also earned a Master of Business Administration degree from Arizona State University. 391