DocuSign Envelope ID: Mar-ch 250-, .2017 Mr James Eklund Director Colorads Wate: --Gonservat10n Boaru .- Colorado WatEr- 00nservat10n 80am 1.3.13 Sherman St, Roam 718 Denver, (3.0 8.0203 Re Phase 11(a) of the Study Dear Members 0fthe Colorado Water Cansarvation. .BEards- WE arE- writing on behalf "of the Arkansas Sauth. HERE and. Metro Basin Raundtabies esprEss Eur- concerns with the proposed Phase; 11(a) 0f 'thE- WEst Slope Basra unhdtahle? Technical Study 0's? Colorado River Responss issues of? statewide 'apphcabihty The East? Basin Roundtable members rely- an aa Caiomda RivEr is provide I water service. to apprommateiy ?80% ?of the. State 3 pspulatiss and .relatEd aetwny and to the majority of the State? 3 asmultma} economic The. March 7 scope of work proposes to explore potential voluntary, shaft tens, preemptive actions that? Calorado Water? user's EEuid take to protect critical reservoir elevations at? __LakE Powell and the State .3 Colorado River compact obligations during severe drought conditions. Such actizsns: are critical to our members 31311111)? t0 rehably mEet ?the water wads of Colorado 5 Range through the ongomg drought and into thE future WE support Efforts. .. . -- - .- analyze such actions and b6116V6-Thi3 issue is Elf statewzde interest . We would iike? to thank 37.011 and- year staff f0: redraftmg the of work-'11} an .Effart to as appraach acceptable to both West- SlspE and East Sispe Water 115E163 tiedra?. addressad- sEyEral of. 11113.. _.riaisEd? by East Slaps representatives However a .kEy. remammg issue. conEEms. What Entity or entities Will dlrect :aaj'd ?managE thE stady WE Want?. to.? be clear that WE ate not. objecting to the West Slaps. roundtables proceeding with. thE proposed scape of Wortk oathEir 0W?3W1th0ut CWCB and East Slope involvement given the statemde importance Ezf ihE Options and poltcles to 'bc. studled. WE behave it: should be conducted as as equal partnership between ?IiiE- CWCB. and the. Baa}: and West Slope reundtables WE this; ?sat-t was envisisned 1n the. establishment of the mundtables - DocuSign Envelope ID: Letter to Mr. Eldond and the CWCB March 203 2917 i- a E2 .0111 initial feedback on the scope of work included the request to establisb'a said}! management team comprised of CWCB, 'West Slope- and East Slope representatiVes to oversee the study and (1111 act ?1ework of the censaltant This Concept is described .111 the February 16 Potentlal Guidelines for Phase.- II preps: ed by the EaSt Slope technical team that was formed. to. Work on. Phase I of the. study (See attached). Equal partnership .111 the study management would modeliagmns and-the reVi_ew-of1nodei runs, preemptive Options and reports and-presentation materials. The? scope of work describes objectives- and questions-to be answered but-it does: not dosaxibe modeling 111113 and the assumptions beased, The. discretion ?10- de??e the . modeling runs.- and? their assumptions. is retained by the Galorado Rive Water Conservation with some leased. expat: from 11611111111 11101111111 committee-and. an. outreach "committee. TheRiVefDistri-et' audits consultant'- Will need to make; assumptionsaboui 111111.113! the .cseentand.- ?ltere-operations systems in jtb'e' river basi11 fut-ure- d'emand development, fixture operating ?policies o'f'thie large federal i1eservoir' system state drought contingency plans. various options Within Colorado and the Upper bas11'1' for voluntary actions to. help avoid. low reservoir levels changes 111. reservoir operating policies to support. preemptive actions Lake Powell 1:11 ggers. andzother 11:1 gger mecbanisws for-p1 eemptive' actions- ?aad ether'planniag-aad policy'm asters Embedded in these: assumptions Will be 11111111113111 failect certain desires endpoints-of "View that-imam. 11113111111 State- 11111161110110}; and Beat-Slope interests- So much State IS 1nvolved 111 these assumptions that 1's. would be for the CWCB- to take a passiVe 17016, With limited superwsory powers as suggested in the scope of Work The; East. Slope Roundtables strongly recommend that. CWCB Only be inVOIVed if if is of 311- equal management palmership bemeeo all affected regions. and the State An equal 111a'riag'e111e111 partnership critical to Insure the stud-y does not prejudice the Staieis negotla?ong - positions With other states, that the study. is conducted 110111 a statemdc perspectwe and that it is not biased toWard any particular regional interests We do 1101 bcirlieVe ?the provision that ?biterpre'tat?iims of "the Scope of Work that affect .sens1t1ve Water pohcy matters must be. approved. by the CWCB Director will effectively 1310111131 State. interests Without the also actively managing the 3.1111131; Likewise we do not believe the offer efpartimpatmg through a technical committee on the 11113113111th of model deimls" - affords enough; management control far the East Slope to represent its interests East Slope rou?ndta?ble representatiVes participated .111 the technical committee for Phase I of the study. HoWeVer We do not feel that. this leVei. of participation was effective. 111 fully reproSenting East DocuSign Envelope ID: Least-101111.; Eklund and the CWCB March 120. .2017 13-11 [11 'e I 3 Slope interests during Phase I and would be eaten. less- effective 111 representmg East Slope. interests during. Phase 1.1 The. CWCE ?had 311111111011 1010111; Phase I of the study, and] the 31110130000. Phase II seeps-of-Work 00.03 110?; propose a meamngful level of lncreased Envolvement by . CWCB ?We understand from Ehe March 13Wmeet1ng between representatwes 0f the CWCB and. the West; and East. roundtahles that .ithe CWCB and West. Slope- together I) regeet Ehe' 00110001 of- equal management and 23 103001 the request 101'?- changes. E0 1110000330 0fw01'k Ehat Would provide greater management 1010;0- Eh0 CWCB 01} East Slope 10111101311105. DsSpite :Ehese 1030000113 We have. 001111110011 10.011010130035100 01111611510121 mutually agreeable management shiueture- 1E1m01mp011ant E0. the Colorado River 'WaE'er- users. in; 0111' that they 1101 be \Viewed as offermg Ehei'ri 11113311011: approval of. the;- study and iESi 10311113 if Ehey' are 110101110030 00031 partnersh1p1?1'1i the management 0171.110 sEuidy Therefore the' East'S'lopei10111101210100 Willi not he. parhetpatmg 35100030110de as the scope-0111110111 1s eurrently Written The East S1000 roundtables and Eheir'i members 11111110011131.1101 Whether E0 0011111101: an independent .sEud'y 1.0111010 0011001113 as; the}:r 101211010 0' sEaEeW1de (11800301011 about 'Ehe. preemptwe actzons and establishing an. msuranee program for Colorado RiVer- ?Water systems desembed 10131111013910 4 .0f1110 Conceptual Framework :10 Colerado 3 Water Plan the. 0110131100011 above and absent the changes. E0 111000000 of Work. W10 hjaVe requested the Eas'E S1000 .roundtahiies Will. 1101' he parhmpatmg 111' the study. and We respeet?xlly request that the CWCB 11010011101333.1011: the; siEudy..Should the CWCB and West Slope he 1171111111; 10 make changes to 1110;001:1310 of work We. would 11701001001110 03333011111103; to: discuss- 11111011111}! agreeable approach ?01. 30an management of the: study and We 0011311101 helpmg fund the study 13311111101: if despite these CWCB chooses 10.0a1?t10133ateih. the study as desenbed 1111110 scope 0fi'W01k W'e-i 1033300111111}! request ithaE' the followmg sentences: be added 1:0 iEhe-i end of the second paragragh 11.1 the ?110310111110 ahdFin'al Deliverable? par?'eipationiats meetings and. ireVi'eW 0f. drafts. 31101110 11.01.00 construed represented. by: the applicants as 0 10001111111011 by the. CWCB regardmg :Eh0V011d11y of- any part; assumphons made .analy51s of results or 0011011131-1-0113.Th.e Work 35101111501 Will 001013! be that .017 the 0330110111113. and the applicants. 11111111011001080111111 any Way that the. study represents State Views 01- interests DocuSign Envelope ID: Letter '10 Mr. Bklu?nd and March 203 201?? B3g??4 111 closmg, We thank yen for your time. and con51dcratlon of the Adams-351. South Platte and Metro 10111161313133 concern; If you have any 91163110115 reg31ding the contents of; this 11:11:61,: please: feel 11:63.10 contact us - BocuSign'ed by: I Chau? of the South Platte: 1335111 Roundtable DocuSigned by: dei (Huh, Chair Qf1:11_e Arkansas 13331:: Roundtable accusignea by: 15111111; MS . WQ?Biggs C1131'r of 1.1111" M31163 Roundtablc cc: 63166.3..817011111; [111116113111 13133 1:63.111 itcheli'f??sta?tamms - Envelope ID: 53903525 89F8- T'o- LETTER RE m- the next t'cI years PHASE of:- the Risk Study POTENTIAL GUIDELINES FOR PHASE RISK. STUDY February 16 .2017 of East'- Slope.TechriicaIAdyiaqty map; The study 'w'iII evaluate veluetary preemptive. measures to. meet: compact ebllgatmns and avmd curtailment The. Study wI'Il be limited IQ temporary and voluntary measures that can be. The study wiII- dzrec?ced by a management team ef five:- peeple a? CWCB rep, {we reps from the West Slope. [and I'w'e reps frem Ihe Eas: Slope rm Bad Agent-Wm .. . West Slope Raundtables and water users and East: SIepe Roundtables and water users centribute equal fundmg for the study - 0f: management team Include developing a demszen making process for the management Ieam- (2 developing a detailed scope 03?- work and budget In; ceordmatxen the consultant def? rang the hydrelegy and demand and other modeling assumptzens (.4 I Identifying the spemfac preemptive voluntary measures that will be evaluated (5) res/revving and adjustmg medelmg and. evaluations and I6 rewewmgreper?cs and 0th?ri documentation -- - - - -.. Preemptive and voluntary measures It) be; evaluated wilI Include demand management and the storage If water in reservoirs Stated water wiII enly be assemated a reduction In censumptwe use;- not With new depletiens The advantages of. storing water if} upstream reservoirs and timing the releases from these w-iII' be; evaluated and compared to. staring/delivering the: saved consumptive use in Lake Peweli . . The. study will consader current supply and demand __as we? as: potentlal long?term supply and demand The study not Consider Changes In. interim gusdelmes 201'- other operating palmes benefits and Ilmtta?aens 0f Imkmg StateMod With CRSS The study :wi'II fecus' on voluntary measures that can. be. taken wathm the .state of Ceiorade However, assumptions regarding :h'ew Other states use water wiIl be. made :ncludmg how the ether uppei basin states 'wduid during a demand reduc?on pregram In Celerad'e DocuSign Envelope ID: 0: The study wil}' not evaluate water use-or- opera-tiona} :condi?cins. during-a. compact curtailment. The study will not evaluate howmuch i-water is ava'iiable for developmentunder the compacts. in the E'ongif?fm; The. study win; not?be used for settingjong term ac?ons or pe?cies-?that cou?td I be affettedby Changes in operating crifEria,- The. mad?iihgdiexielpped in thisstudyWil! not be useidjto 'inVestligate these items in the future Withdut'i?he consent of all entities in?amed in the: funding of this- study;