ROBERTSON Woodlands Primary School Forfar/Carnoustie Schools Outcome of Structural Investigations Summary Report November 2016 0 Introduction I Appendix la 0 Appendix 1b 0 Appendix 2a 0 Appendix 2b 0 Appendix 3 0 Appendix 4 Index Goodson Associates visual inspection report W.A. Fairhurst visual inspection report RCT Intrusive Survey Report Variations from Design Rectification Works W.A.Fairhurst Final Report November 2016 Parties involved throughout the investigations and their responsibilities are detailed below: Elgin Education Trusted Partner for Forfar/Carnoustie Schools IML Infrastructure Management for Forfar /Camoustie Schools Robertson Construction Eastern Main Contractor for the construction of the Forfar/Carnoustie schools. Robertson Construction Tayside- Responsible for carrying out visual Intrusive surveys and organising and management of remedial works W.A Fairhurst Project Engineers for the Construction of Forfar/Carnoustie Schools Responsible for carrying out visual inspections and identifying any remedial works to be carried out, and to ensure the works are carried out to their satisfaction and schools are safe for use thereafter. Goodson Associates Initial independent engineers for Robertson Construction to carry out visual inspection, and later appointed by IML to act as independent engineers during the investigations November 2016 Report on Visual and Structural Findings Woodlands PS School 1. introduction Following on from the structural faults found on the Edinburgh Schools Project earlier this year that identified various issues with Head Restraint Ties, Wall Ties and Bed Reinforcing, 7 schools within the Forfar/Ca rnoustie contract were surveyed to establish that the construction met the design criteria The schools investigated were of steel/concrete framed structures with an external envelope of "non?load bearing? walls. In these schools, cavity masonry construction is primarily limited to games halls, with timber/metal stud framing used elsewhere such as the accommodation wings. In line with the initial information from the Edinburgh Schools investigation, investigations focused on these areas of cavity masonry wall construction and the interaction of wall panels with the principal structural frame. The report detailed below is for Woodlands Primary School. (opened 2008) 2. Visual Inspections Robertson Construction (Tayside) appointed Goodson Associates to carry out visual inspections to identify any potential concerns regarding the stability of external walls. The visual inspection identified no defective areas on any of the elevations, with no evidence of cracking to render or mortar beds. A second inspection was then arranged with the original contract engineers (W.A.Fairhurst 8; Partners) on 22/06/16. Following this inspection, and W.A.Fairhurst report, the decision was made to carry out intrusive investigations at all schools (except Carlogie PS, as this was a refurbishment) within the scope of works, to satisfy Angus Council, Elgin Education, and Goodson Associates, that the structure has been built as intended, and concerns of structure failure was removed from the equation. All findings are included within this report. It has been noted that on some of the construction drawings, that facing block was to be used as the external wall finish to the main building, when in fact this was changed pre?construction to facing brick. Appendix 1a Goodson Associates visual report 0 Report - Marked up drawings (No photographs from the initial survey have been sourced) Appendix 1b W.A.Fairhurst Partners visual report 0 Report a Design Drawings 3. Intrusive Survey Findings During the investigations it was evident that in certain areas, the structure was not built in line with the original design. Photos and marked up drawings of our findings, were issued to W.A.Fairhurst for review on 29/08/16. As Goodson Associates were originally appointed by RCTL on the initial inspections, IML then appointed them to act on behalf of themselves and Elgin Education. This was practical, as they were already familiar with the schools to be inspected. Throughout the investigation-of Goodson Associates was issued with the evidence from the investigation for comment and any subsequent questions were answered by? Our findings and variations from construction drawings are included in Appendix 2a RCT intrusive survey report 0 Report/Photographs I Marked up drawings Appendix 2b Variations from design Head Restraints The holding down straps identified on W.A.Fairhurst Drawing No 60299-55?561 were not investigated at the time of the intrusive survey and deemed not to be installed, as there was no evidence of these being fitted. Bed reinforcing Internal walls are constructed with 2no skins of 100mm block tied together to achieve a 215mm thick wall, therefore bed reinforcing is not required. Wall ties Various areas were investigated and the findings were as follows: Where the wall was constructed of timber frame the wall ties were found to have an embedment of 70mm. Where the wall is constructed of a block inner skin and brick outer skin the exposed wall ties had an embedment of around 30mm. These areas consist of 2no panels on the games hall and one to the rear at the plant room. The 2 panels on the games hall are approximately 5m wide and 4.4m high supported at both ends with steel and brick columns. The single panel at the plant room is single storey and approximately 2.4m long 3m high. 4. Remedial actions The areas requiring remedial works have been highlighted on the attached elevations drawing from IVIRT Architects Remedial works have been carried out to the affected panels with the introduction of remedial ties to the defective panels. The centres of the ties have been installed in line with the structural engineer?s recommendations, and 15no pull tests were carried out above the Helifix recommended 2.0kn. Representatives of Angus Council were present during the works and witnessed the testing being carried out at the various locations. With regards to the head restraint straps, since the inspections?of W.A.Fairhurst has revisited the school recalculated the design and confirmed that there is no requirement for introducing additional restraint at these areas. Details of rectification works are detailed within Appendix 3 with W.A Fairhurst?s final completion report included in Appendix 4 5. Conclusion All remedial works have been carried out and signed off to the satisfaction of our structural engineer, which concludes the investigation at Woodlands Primary School, with no further action required. Please see below sign off from all relevant parties involved throughout the investigations, and confirmation that all information included within this document, is an accurate account of the findings during the visual inspections, and that all remedial works have been carried out in accordance with the engineers recommendations and details Principal Contractor (Robertson Construction) Project Engineer (W.A.Fairhurst Partners) On Behalf of Robertson Construction Tayside Authorised by _Vlanaging Director On Behalf of W.A.Fairhurst Partners Approved by _(Project Engineer) APPENDIX 1a Goodson Associates Visual inspection report 0 Report 0 Marked up Drawings 0 Photographs 2016 also at Edinburgh, Glasgow Leeds Commerce House tel +44 (0)1224 624 749 Commerce Street web Aberdeen A81 1 SFN email aberdeen-g?goodsonstom consulting, Ci vii Structural and Transportation Engineers Robertson Construction Tayside George Buckman Drive DUNDEE 04 May 20 6 Angus DD2 35F Dea- Masonr-y Review of Angus Schools We refer to the above and following your instructions, con?rm having visited the following schools in your presence over a period between Wednesday l3?! and Friday April 20l6. The purpose of our presence was to offer advice, when requested, during your walk around the schools with a view to identifying any areas of concern which would require further in depth investigation. Burnside Primary School, Thomas Street, Carnoustie DD7 YJZ Cariogie House, Carlogie Primary School, Caesar Avenue, Carnoustie DD7 6DS Carlogie Primary, Caesar Avenue, Carnoustie DD7 6DS Carnoustie High, Shanwell Road, Carnoustie DD7 75$ Langlands Primary School, Glamis Road, Forfar DDS Strathmore Formerly Kirkriggs Primary, Strathmore Primary School, St James Road, Forfar DDS Whitehilis Primary School, Fyfe Street, Forfar DDB 3EQ Woodlands Primary School, Queen Street, Carnou'stie DD7 7SU The outcome of your initial survey highlighted two schools which were identi?ed for further investigation. Based on the selected drawings and photographs provided, we comment as foliows: Carnoustie High. Carnoustie In view of the cracking indicated at the high level areas, intrusive investigations should take place to con?rm the wall tie condition and level of embedment. This should extend to any lower levels following the outcome of the high level investigations. V) Gr. 3 :1 .555: ?at-,5 is 2 trade; name ol Ger-dean townie; li-W'I-rd. Egan-Jilly}? Lcmuumty engineering huumn :nvlturlment A Limit: 1 reg ered 'In NU. H-n' .2- Robertson Construction Tayside 4 May 20 6 The remaining schools on the survey list also have cracking, the majority of which would appear to be due to shrinkage, insuf?cient expansion joints and possibly a lack of bed joint reinforcement. However, it would be prudent to select areas in each of the remaining schools which have smaller cracks and carry out random intrusive works. These works may result in confirming the level of any maintenance required over a prolonged period. Please note that this approach only addresses the existing wall ties and embedment at high levels in an attempt to reduce or remove the possibility of uncontrolled collapse of any wall panels around each school building. Yours sincerely Regional Director Mutation 'mu'mm Maw? Game; Hall mm- b; nrqus Cum EREENE 7 KONG-U5 Polysetcr powder coated alumna-n windows, means and twilight: he m'm 221nm no.? gluing; below BOOM Innh mm to be In arm guns: on as 5152 A11 maternal man: to bu hummus nah splay-ed rum: raw painting and Mannequlmd l'lrt ten mam 1-D all!? [cal mlharlly mm ml. in mk?lnnl gum beads! in talcum-:1. mm:- Gm: no helm ramming: or nuts required. all unwind! doors hauem pm 15mm below grudad away mm morn: :1:de Mu: 1:15 ramp dawn Lo urnund 1w - ground level ?mall-r 15mm below m. All new doors to Wm Ind 3cm: wm: barrier In: dour; 125mm dun Immedlalelr in rm am! dour: It?ll be WM WORK coma; It! be ?Wm Wellanm solid tam dam win mamng PVCIlpping. NDF Inland l'aclnn: I?m-manna WI Ire [Emmy ?re tut In ram Ike hm 3mm? Boiling Cum-d. All 91am: dun in mm murmur aperture: to meet aqua-mm: uf mum WHOM. Ireland In INTERNAL WALL 100mm mutual ha! In mum-ml: dad math ma mun.- var lama Munch Sim"! \?ndl: avw. umber Ill- [linen-nil member membrane; am the: meaning m. ms wade linear name Inhaled ?lth Hack tam-ammanufactum: mm Hall walls in m: aumr learin aim- blackmail: and \vi'lh and Mr cram hl-adsmk. 50mm ma mllv. 75mm thick Myron? Imuianun luxdmm min w: and 215 lulu wall will In M: lh'd: leave; Innerlnil'ln talr faced punt malny h?odmwk. Mum and Mat mum mutmm muons. Mum: panels dad with tadlrmud Imam Ntrrum window: In Mr: ammo am am last ?lm own unaum of mm ?mu. In all window; In with: 111:ch umil??nn urat lam 105mm} [or am mm mm: hf ?ours-ca. may moulstm 1'9"er provision mean the remlm af?ne Education melm} indium 1599 and National (are Samoa-d: (mum; uni: the up: all?} Toiluk which re?ect: Illa mum ohm Bulk?nn Stan?eld: [Bushnell Emulallnm ?x13. ?lu?hkruxi 9-5 .5317 . Gilli-{13' I Almam Muir awn ?can: ?mam mama. I m? "mm UH Wm. Dcmlum-lc In'n am-mo mum-Mm let-amen I'm-mm? mum:- arr: ulna mun-mm mm 1.. '5 a cmmucrm mu: "an I W, In mum? mam-u Ian-ammo? comm ml mad mm Alabama mum: flail macaw ?Momma?:- ad?: mum mmn-ml?m-?lhl: ma mm M: Minimum ~ItwleES?vmm aluminum ?man FEBLW Hum Law: dulmloFEsntI-m; 701 m: {Milli lemma-am Ail/3. Camus-Ii ROBERTSON Km mull-and? I: How! mmar mm? Pause mm; WM . mm SPACE rm. ?9 mum REP. STAFFEPARENT ROOM Lil nth-nu IHM Hamlin-Hum mum 3:35! a Mackie Ramsay Taylor Chartered Architects CLASSROOM 4 . ?1 4? ?ma?a Street, Abardeerl. A810 1QA 53mm smca (Emma?) 6379? 4-7 II: LIERARY untu- Fox-far 8: Camoustie Schools Woodlands Primary School Ground Floor Plan 1:1un@m mun-II aim-1n u- er 2006 00 mmry 2m 1346 APPENDIX 1b W.A Fairhurst Partners Visual inspection report 0 Report 0 Design Drawings Robertson Construction Tayside Investigation of Blockwork External Leaf, Forfar Carnoustie Schools Survey Report June 2016 Investigation of Blockwork ExternaI Leaf. Forfar Camouslie Schools Survey Report FAIRHURST CONTROL SHEET CLIENT: Robertson Construction Tayside PROJECT TITLE: Investigation of Blockwork External Leaf, Forfar 8. Carnoustie Schools REPORT TITLE: Survey Report PROJECT REFERENCE: 115831 DOCUMENT NUMBER: 115831Idndlo1 ISSUE 1 Name Signature Date '5 d) Prepared by - 30/06/16 2 e. 2' Checked by - 30/06/16 06 a: a 2 Approved by - 30/06/16 Rev. Date Status Description Signature By 8 1 Checked 6% 5 Approved .2 2 Checked Approved This document has been prepared in accordance with procedure OPIPOZ of the Fairhurst Quality and Environmental Management System of Blockwork External Laaf.doc .?2151? ?wl?L?u Investigation of Biockwork External Leaf. Forfar Carnoustie Schools Survey Report Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Whitehilis Primary SchoolI Forfar 2.1. introduction 2.2. Inspection 2.3. Robertson's Inspection Report 2.4. Conclusion 3.0 Strathmore Primary School, Forfar bubNNI 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Inspection 3.3. Robertson's Inspection Report 3.4. Conclusion 4.0 Langlands Primary School, Forfar 01010101 U1 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Inspection 4.3. Robertson's Inspection Report 4.4. Conclusion 5.0 Carnoustie High School, Carnoustie OI 5.1. introduction 5.2. Inspection 5.3. Robertson's inspection Report 5.4. Conclusion 6.0 Woodlands Primary School, Carnoustie 10 10 11 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Inspection 6.3. Robertson?s Inspection Report 6.4. Conclusion 7.0 Burnside Primary School, Carnoustie 11 11 11 11 12 7.1. Introduction Inspection 7.3. Robertson's Inspection Report 7.4. Conclusion 8.0 Carlogle Primary School. Carnoustie 12 12 13 13 14 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Inspection 8.3. Conclusion Appendix A - Inspection Report - Whitehills Primary Schcoi, Forfar Appendix Inspection Report - Strathmore Primary School. Forfar Appendix - inspection Report - Langlands Primary School, Forfar Appendix Inspection Report - Carnoustie High School, Carnoustie Appendix Inspection Report Woodlands Primary School, Carnoustie Appendix Inspection Report - Burnside Primary SchoolI Carnoustie en- or: ..-.- I ave X:t111-11 5i1 15?st?i 1 of Blockwork External Leaf.doc 14 14 14 a: investigation of Blockwork External Leaf. Forfar 8: Carnouslle Schools Survey Report 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 "5 Introduction The purpose of this investigation is to check the external skin of blockwork at the Porter and Carnoustie Schools listed below, with particular reference to possible defects arising from deficiencies in the wall ties. Whitehills Primary School. Forfar Strathmore (Kirkriggs) Primary School, Forfar Langlands Primary School, Forfar Carnoustie High School, Carnoustie Woodlands Primary School, Camoustie Burnside (Thomas St) Primary School, Carnoustie Carlogie Primary School, Carnoustie The insiections were undertaken by our-on 22 June 2016 with - and Robertson Construction Tayside in attendance. Please note that this report is based on an inspection made by Fairhurst during which we did not remove any finishes and is based on a visual check of the structural elements where readily accessible. Problems of timber infestation, fungal decay, damp and asbestos are outwith the scope of this report. This report has been prepared for the sole and exclusive use of Robertson Construction Tayside in response to their particular instructions. Any other party using the information contained within this report for any purpose whatsoever, do so at their own risk and any duty to care to that party is excluded. We have been advised that Robertson Construction Tayside has undertaken inspections of the schools. A copy of the Inspection Reports for these investigations is included within the Appendices. We have overmarked these drawings with notes from our survey on 22 June 2016. . - Jag-hm; of Blockwork External Leatrloc ?t Investigation of Blockwork External Leaf. Forfar Carnoustie Schools Survey Report FAIRHURST Appendix Inspection Report Woodlands Primary School, Carnoustie ..Blockwork External Leatdoc . "01-55 Gun: Hill mammal mm Comm WIMWSJ 3 ROOFUEHTS much-u. mm and m?m In ?human-Jun gm mam-u} Wu: In be him hall- Mal annular autumn Camel manhunt: hands: Ill Intunumt Namath? to tens: I'll-u marl-nag ten-HIM 90016 All mfg? dam 15m below grand my rm [but MU) 1:15 ramp lawn-Id ?mml level umnlr 5.5mm mm. mm: with heme: Iran mum I: ll dam 1200mm dew Iran hum him?! 3 mars MI E: Immoams ?lldm?ehwbe?mwmm? - W??mgi?-Umgum& uv?. Th 1 manual-mm ?gunman-um? I nuwumumuram [m cum??'mnusu: Erma . m:mtdmamp?wwmu . . tum-mum N1 Mi won: In Hula mne?munm In mum at In I mum! puma): known nailed on nouns 421m he! will but "Mn mural mung hair-n ?hum? ?Um ?Imam ?Ill-Hui" WW RIM I ['25 am 57ml Ememmuylhl: rdumFESdm-su I Flmmum Mull dun-tn Hall-Ina um Phi mu dcln? slum (all! Ln WEN WMCOWON ENTRANCE a our: doors MW. mud Mm! for mung mmaxum m: muramn la ?My the Incl nus-Jam ?uidlnu Emmi. Ni outed In It?: double mall" mm no me: mac-1am Inning WWII: Hf: magnum In Inuit-axe: ml: m; Chum-10mm HIM: um lul' In cam-mum with Rand madn- ur fauna W, 56mm Md: avity. umber hl: hm m! cum-ho. breather mambmne. 5mm Ullck shed-Imp ply, .115 wld: umuu {I'm unrated ultll ml: in 1111mm Dumll'nz Wlbamd, :Inlnl'ux nae! wul'l'ba me a! mu: Malina-nus momma-dam Mal-I Ham-nil: In 10!: um: my dad with J: Hand made-urban mum-1:. 50m um um, Tim? and mum In yam 03-0 Ind 215 mu: wallw??ll In 100!an have: with tam Icahn rahrfanad quainy mock-mm. whim acumen-5mm at rum: a mum madman: rem-re mm VENTILATION . ?lh Putnam La wln?ws nu ma triad: um hulk 106mm: lure-damn: mumoi?nararaa. Mn: Iqu-Mdnn-num-I (?mu 1 4n n-m? nm-p' mum I u. I ?En- uh in Tammany Envision ?The Education [khanl mm)mm Talk: mumbdw mama Myanmar-d) mum Mackle Ramsay Taylor Chartered Architects deria Shear, W631. A510 IQA Tm (E1221) $9155 Fm: (0121} @355 ml: mama? Farfar 8: Camous?e Schools 91.: lemmas Woodlands Prlmuxy School 115331: Forfar Carnoustie Schools External Leaf Investigation of Biockwork 1 Ground Floor Plan Inspection Record 22 June 2016 1:100 @Ao Woodlands Primary School. Carnoustie mmoa Wall-II haul mm Mn a mom investigation of Blockwork External Leaf. Forlar 8. Carnoustie Schools Survey Report - ?Mi FAIRHU RST 6.0 Woodlands Primary School, Carnoustie 6.1. introduction This school is single storey with the classrooms in timber frame construction and the Games Hall in steel frame construction. The external finishes are facing brick and render. 6.2. Inspection The external walls were found to be in good order. The alignment of the walls were noted to be good and no significant defects were noted in the facing brick and rendered areas. Render panels -- -- _Facing brickwork 6.3. Robertson?s Inspection Report The inspection undertaken by Robertson did not identify any defects. No intrusive investigations were undertaken. A copy of the Inspection Record is included at Appendix E. 6.4. Conclusion No defects were noted which indicate possible problems with either wall ties or the stability of the outer leaf. g; 1? - .. 3m?; ram; of Blockwork External Leaf.doc "i1 WWBECUT ROOFLADDEI DENUTES 11m FEW-IE - DEHOTES LORD-MG UNE mt; HASONRY MW WNW TRUSSES. mm SCHOOLS FAIRHURST mo cm. ancanam in Inn-- has menu SEW-WNW u- ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION SL DESIGN PHILOSOPHY PLAN. 23m, 3mm Emma 354.05 PLANT ROOM LOCATION JEA CHANGED ?w H- 60299-55?550 Rev. Dale Description Drawn Chkd. App. 4 .. ROOM LEVEL R6 Fla. SIZE I 254:1?6131 U3 2 254114661 U3 3 mums: UB 69 3 2? {magnum ua vnmEra?? him ?1 on II. anaxIAIHs ua panm? lama?ner-m: we ?3 I 0515 {um um] an mama: ham saw ur Isms Ju cam-r02 .. a a mum ulnum