LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION April 3, 2017 Dr. Doris Hicks' CEO (Friends of King School District) Dr. Ann Ford, Principal (Joseph A. Craig School) 1423 St. Philip Street New Orleans LA 70116 RE: Followup from letter dated March 21. 2017 Dear Dr. Hicks and Dr. Ford: Thank you once again for speaking with the RSD and LDE stat'f yesterday regarding the letter sent on March 21' 2017 and for making your staff available for this call as well. Ijusl wanted to follow up on that conversation and confirm the items we are still requesting. Per the March 30'" cont'erence call' Tracie Washington agreed to gather the following documents and share them with me to distribute to RSD and LDE staff. and I want to confirm what we expect to receive as a result of that conversation: 1. Force Continuum documents from school security staff which summarizes the steps taken by the security oft'icer in restraining- 2. School/District wide policy related to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBS): 3. Any other school/district policy related to seclusion and/or restraint: and 4. Any documentation related to trainings provided by security staff, including topics covered at training and who participated in the training. In addition to the above mentioned document; I would also like a list of the staff that are part of the school's crisis team On the conference call, it was mentioned that some information ms shared as pan of the school's response to the Notice of Breach sent on or about February 14' 2017. However, after reviewing the documents provided in response to the Notice of Breach. none ot' the documents produced addressed the concerns ot' this most recent inquiry. It you have any questions or concerns' please contact me to discuss. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Sincerely, Wmafim: Candice R. Forest Attorney' Louisiana Department of Education cc; Tracie Washington. Esq. Louisiana Behave} fl POST OFFICE Box 94054 BATON ROUGE LA 70804-52064 I 877 ?53 272t LOUISIANASCHODLS NET