tum . LLII COMPETITION MARKET PRICING 4? WORK E-Ehl EFIEIAHIES AND AGREE: Medicare Part is the mast etteetive part at Medicare. I Part seats are signi?ea ntlI.r lewer than originally projected Premiums have remained stable I Se niers Isnjet.r casts and the benefits at eempatitien EI UL.- have dissussed fer Ihs ?rst repealing Fart D's preteslieh against gesernment interference in presenptie-II drug prising. Bureaucrats Inn-euld setp-riees In rauenlng efmedlemes tor seniors. Marketsurn petite? in Medicare Part Dis Writing The last thing lawmakers should do is exertmare gauernmentemtrel werene at the few lraa-Inarket elements attire Medlsare system. In fact. Part should he a medal ter reform elsewhere in Medicare. KEEP GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS OUT OF MEDICARE PART .1. El 5' FlEr