THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Dear Friends of Renewable Fuels and Attendees of the 2017 National Ethanol Conference, My greetings to all of you gathered in the beautiful city of San Diego for the 22nd Annual National Ethanol Conference. I regret that I am unable to be with you in person. We are working diligently in the early days of my Administration, with a world-class Cabinet and White House team, to reduce the regulatory burden on American industry, to cut Government waste, and to reform our health care system and horribly outdated tax code. We are taking actions to ful?ll our solemn pledge to make our country more prosperous, more united, and stronger than ever before. It is already happening all across America. Rest assured that your President and this Administration value the importance of renewable fuels to America?s economy and to our energy independence. As I emphasized throughout my campaign, renewable fuels are essential to America's energy strategy. As important as ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard are to rural economies, I also know that your industry has suffered from overzealous, job-killing regulation. I am committed to reducing the regulatory burden on all businesses, and my team is looking forward to working with the Renewable Fuels Association, and many others, to identify and reform those regulations that impede growth, increase consumer costs, and eliminate good-paying jobs without providing suf?cient environmental or public health bene?t. My warmest wishes to all of you and to the Renewable Fuels Association for this important and valuable gathering. I wish I could be with you while you discuss the future of America's renewable fuels. Together we will revitalize our economy and strengthen the United States energy sector. With very best wishes for your success,