Complaint For of?ce use only For of?ce use onty Stateofir?i'sconsi'r - ERD case Number Dam ummqr? WOMEN Law for State of CL Equal Rights Dwsron Wisconsin Employees .3 E: .3, Section eased Wisconsin Statutes it?? g. L: ALIlhDriEatiDt'I for this form is provided under Section saucers}, Wisconsin State gt: li'jiompietion of this form is voiuntary. However, if you wish to ?le a complaint of retaliation with the :3 [fl Equal Rights Division you must submit written document containing the information sought by this form. This information is used for the purpose of processing your complaint and Hr maintaining the Equal Rights Division's records. Personal information you provide may be used for secondary purposes [Privacy Law, a. t; 1 Hm}, Wisconsin Statutes] if: ?5 Instructions Please Read Before lDomrzrieting This Form IE ?1 Provide all information requested beiow. TYPE DR PRINT IN BLACK INK. - You must sign this complaint on page 2, and ?ll out the Process Information Sheet on page 3 before submitting your compiaintto the Equal Rights Division. 1. lI?Jompialnent information: 2. Respondent Information: Your First Name DANIEL ?r'our Middle Name or Initial DI Your Last Name BETHARDS Your Street Address 5. Lake St Your City Brute Your State Your Zip lEiode 54330 Your Home Telephone Number {include area code}: {21?i4ib-Sd-B? Your Wort: Telephone Number {include area code}: Maywecall you atworit? Yes No Name of Respondentrs} {The agency you believe retaiiated against you.) If more is more than one respondent. ?ll out this bcxud??i information about one Respondent Use a separate sheetof paper to give the same information about the others and attach to this form. Wisconsin Deparbnent of Justice Respondent Street Address 1? W. Main St Respondent City Madison Respondent State WI Respondent Zip Code 5432i] Respondent Teiephone Number {include area code]: county in Wicconsin where you wanted: Douglas are all feionies under state and federal law.' e. What did you report in writing that you believe is protected by law? {For example: ?disclosed information to my supervisor about mismanagement, contacted my legislator about a waste of public funds} Give the date of each acb'on Disclosed information to my supervisor that a fellow law enforcement of?cer was in possession of a stolen US Government property M16 machine gun and was manufacturing ?rearms and selling them without a class ti? federal manufacturing license and was awe commiting 'sb'avr" purchases which END-91 (R. 11r'2?12} Page 1 4. To vvhorn did you disclose inforrnatlon regarding this information? Give the name title and teiephone number of the person you contacted. {For exam ple: ?Jane Doe. state legislator?i ?John Forest, my supervisor?. etc} Give the date of each action. What exactly did you say? David Matthews, Administrater of the Division of Criminal Investigatinn, Wisconsin Department of Justice, Mary Sassy, Director of Human Resources, Wisconsin Department of Justice, 5. Describe the threat or the employment actionls} your employer tacit because of what you did [For exampie: terminated mer disciplined me, demoted me, reduced my hoursr etc.) If your employer took more than four em a sat actions. leaee deacribe on a se rate sheet of er and attach to this ion'n. a. First employment ac?en: Tm; mar mane. signer-?mace, issued Wen-ems due See attached form Lesser} norm; Tag smegma Tris Lanes Dru Date taken: it. Second employment actionLE-ia Sec MT 0? Lem See attached form trainer? Tries-Ea use; m? ?t Date taken: Sit 3 c. Third employment action: Date taken: d. Fourth employment action: Date taken: Certi?cation And Signature By my signature below, I certify that I have read the above complaint. andr under penalties of Iavrr I declare that this cornglaint is true and correct to the heat of my Itnovriedge and belief. Signature of cemplainant or authorized representative Data signed 4f11i2l113 Ew'em- Maii your completed and signed complaint to one of the following of?ces: State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Equal Rights Division 201 E. Washington Ave? Room ASDD North Street Eco: SEES Ream T23 Madisonr WI Milwaukee, WI SEEDS Teiephcne: ESE-SEED . Telephone: [414} EST-4384 FAK: ELIE-SS FAX: {414] SET-4034 TIT: 254-3752 {414} Page 2 EQUAL RIGHTE COMPLAINT FREIGEES SHEET Please answer the following questions and retum this street with your oompleted oompiaint. We need this infonnation to e?eoiiveiy ass your complaint. First Name Middle Marne or initial Last Name DANIEL D. BETHARDE Today?s Date Date of Birth {requested for identi?eetion purposes} . Htii?i?id Hibi'l??b Availabilityicontaet information {lmportantL You must notify the are unable to locate you, your complaint may be dismissed} Equal Rights Division if you ohange your address or telephone number. it we is there a telephone number where you oan he readied ?oeteren i245 am. and 4130 pm?? Yes No liyes. provide the telephone number Please provide the name. know where you can be reset-red: address. and telephone number of a friend or relative who does not reside with you but who will hiame of oontaet person Relationship to you Jeff Elethards Brother Street Address City State Teiephone Number Railroad St. Lake Nabagamon WI [stat-assasos Settlement information Complete this seetion it you were [or stiil are} employed by Respondent: When were you hired? What isi'wes your job are? Ema-'1 952 Special Agent you stiil employed by the respondent?? Yes No Complete this eeotlon it you are no longer employed by the respondent: How did your employment and? I: Diae?narged Quit Laid off Retired El Either The date your employment ended Rate of pay at termination Hours worked weekly were notpron'roted, what wasthetitle ofthe position you applied for? Rate of pay Hours per week At this time. what are you seeking to settle-your oompiaint?? You will have an to provide more inionnation during the investigation Statistieal Informa?on: Are you: Male El Female Haoe {aired-r appropriate box or boxes]: Amer-roan indian or Alaska Native 1 Asian 1] Native Hawaiian or Pacific laiander were El Unknovm Ellaek or African American Page 3 To my friends, For those that do o?t know or hayen?t hea rd, I haye been on medical leaye since Dctoher of 24311. i know so me of you know I have been off, but, nobody really knows why. I haven?t really been able to share with you why, until now. I wanted to write this to tell you what is REALLY going on. hayen?t been able to tell anybody the truth. 1 haye been getting information from some people who haye been told I am not "mentally sta ble?1 or on the "rubber gun squad?. This is what happened. Attached is a copy of a document I emailed abouti?ia?months ago to Administrator Dave Matthews and Human resources Director Mary Casey after oonsulting with my attorney. I struggled with this for a long time before submitting it. i knew it would mean the end of my career, and I haye suffered a great deal mentally and emotionally, as has my family. i was in a bad place for a long time. i wanted to do the right thing, but, worried a'greet deal about what my fellow employees, and eyen what management would think of me. After wrestling with myself, I ?nally won, and decided to do the right thing regardless of what anybody thought of me for doing it. Some of you may disagree with what i did, but, the bottom line is, I haye to liye with myself, and doing nothing was not an option. I would neyEr be able to arrest somebody again and not feel guilty about it if I did nothing. The agents and people mentioned in the attached document are not in any trouble. They did nothing wrong. Only the subject of the email MM face some type of discipline or charges. And then there is me, who will probably get the worst part of the deal, the loss of a law enforcement career of some 25 years. This is mv of?cial noti?cation to management within the Department of Justice that i am aware of a?w,en?oreeme nt of?cer within the Department of Justice that is and has committed felonv _fvi_diation5 of federal ?rearms laws. Niv attornevr has advised me that hv doing this, I am now afforded the protections of Wisconsin?s whistle blower statute. Jav Smith took. a course to learn how to build 1911 ?rearms from Larry ?v?iclters, a prominent 1911 expert. Jav Smith then hagan manufacturing and selling ?rearms without a Class Federal Ma nufacturer' 5 License. This is a felonv violation of multiple federal laws. lav has manufactured or sold guns for or to: Special Agent Darren anelt? A 1911.45 pistol with Damascus steel upgraded parts Special Agent Jeffrev itostner- A 1911 .45 pistol Special Agent Michelle Smith- it IS 11 Commander length .45 pistol Investigator Dan Ross, Sawver Sherlst Departm ent- An Ali-15 assault ri?e 1 else believe i remember lav telling me he built a 1911 .45 pistol for his brother iere mv Smith. lav told me he built the aforementioned guns, but I also veri?ed that information hv talking to everviaodv except Jeremv Smith. Thev all told me they.r had guns built for them lav .iav. There are proha many more, but these are the onlv ones i am personaiiv aware of. it we uid he easv enough to ?nd anvr other guns that lay has built and sold, as i ltnow lav has used the following FFL holders to order guns and gun parts: The Gun Garage, ha?nlantl, Wi .iim?s Gun Shop, Sarahoo, W1 A relative of Special Agent Jeff lilo stner who holds an FFL if .lav took an order for a gun from one of his custo mer's and then ordered the parts to build that gun, the frame or lower would have to have gone to an FFL holder per Federal Law. This would require lav going to that FFL and ?lling out form and having a Federal Bureau of investigation hackgrou nd check completed to pick up the frame or lower for the gun he is building. if lav did this, and there is no other legal wav to get around this requirement, a check of the aforementioned FFL holder's records would easilv show it. It would be another federal felonv violation. Ev answering ves to question lie on form MTS, "are vou the actual transferEer?truver of the firearmis} listed on this form?" which has-to he answered ves or the FFL cannot transfer the frame or lower, lav will have committed fraud on the form and participated in the felo nv act of a ?straw purchase", as the gun was never really for him, he was building it for a . me Shertiy after .iay Smith return ed frem the FBI Academy, he asked me if i ceuld get him large trigger and hammer pins fer an Aft-15 platferm rifle. Mast Aft-15 rifles use small pins and the larger pins are me re dif?cult te ?nd. I am a licensed firearms manufacturer threugh the Bureau ef Alcehel, Tebacee, Firearms and Esplesiyes Apparently he theught I ceuld get them fer him. I asked him why he needed large pins rather than the standard small pins. .Iay teld me he had acquired a fully aute matic, machine gun lewer. i teek this as geed news, as it is net illegal te ewn a machine gun as leng as yeu register it with BATFE. 1 theught he may haye stumbled inte a geed deal semewhere. 1 teld him he sheuld check te make sure it isn?t steien, and then if he were te sell it, he ceuld make a great deal ef meney, as they are werth abeut Jay teld me he did n?t need te check te see if it was stelen, he knew it was steien. I asked him hew he knew that. He teld me it was stamped, Geyernment Preperby". Du ring the early fall ef 2e11, I asked Jay if I ceuld haye the aute sear {the aute sear makes the gun fully autematic} that was taken eut ef my Department ef Justice issued M15. He teld me that enly the SWAT team was aifewed te haye the aute sears in their ri?es. The rest ef the agents had theirs remeyed per SAIC Jed Sperry. teld Jay that was en the SWAT team, and that he knew ?rsthand I sheet as well as anybedy en the SWAT team. asked if he ceuid at least askled ifl eeuld haye my aute sear back. Jay stated he weuld ask .ied fer me and see what he said. Weeks went by and i hadn't heard back frem Jay regarding the ante sea r. i asked him if he had asked Jed abeut my aute sear yet and he said he had net. A few mere weeks went by and asked .lay again if he had talked te Jed yet. Again, he teld me he had net, but net te werry as he had a plan that weuld get me an aute sear far my r'rfle. Seyeral mere weeks went by and I asked .lay if he had talked te led. .Iay said he had net. but his plan was te giye me the aute sear eut ef the steien US lEeyernment M15. neyer asked Jay abeut the aute sear again and Jay neyer gave me the aute sear eut ef the steien M15. I I feel that I have a legal and meral ebligatien te preyide this infermatien te yeu. This has weighed heayy en my mind fer quite serne time, and caused an incredible ameunt ef stress en me and my family. I theught by transferring te Madisen I ceuld just walk away frem this mess and put It behind us, but my censcience has net allewed me much peace. I haye arrested subiects fer yielati ng federal gun laws, if 1 stand by and de nething while a pelice efficer yielates federal gun laws that we uld yielate my law enfercement eede ef ethics and my persenal Integrity. I ca n?t de that, eyen if it eests me my jeh. When i ?rst got that information, I contacted my attorney and the US Attorney's Of?ce to ask what i should do. The next day my attorney called me and told me that the US Attorney's Of?ce in Madison and EATFE in Madison were recusing themselyes as they lchew both Jay and me. However, the L15 Attorney's D?ice called out to US in Washington DC and Washington DC assigned the case to Minneapolis?t. Paul and US Attorney?s Of?ce. They are currently working on it. I share this information with you for two reasons. Number one is the truth. I may he crude, not politicain correct and a little rough around the edgesI hut, i am not a liar and my personal integrity is important to me. The second reason is to tell you to he careful. The rules are, there are no rules anymore. a police officer goes to his bosses and tells them that a superyisor is committing felonies and two months later the supervisor is still working there is something wrong with our system. Granted, the criminal inyestigation is not complete, but. if a crack?head check out person at ltwilt Trip accused one of you guys of stealing a candy hat, you would have been put on administratiye leave until the inyestigati on was completed. We are all equal, it?s just that some of us are more equal than others. And now you know the truth. Please he careful. it is not only the bad guys you haye to watch out for anymore. Sad, disheartened, and crushed. Dan HI everybody, iust learned today that Darren turned my last personal email into management. Eince then, management has loclted me out of our computer system, email, and wiped my phone and all the contacts out. i receiyed a phone call from human resources today and learned that Tina is coming up on Monday to take my shield, credentials, guns, and the rest of-my gear. It looks like the end for me. My momma always told me, ?always tell the truth and always do the right thing and you will always be okay." she was wrong, but only about the "will always be okay? part. I don?t regret what We done. The right thing is the right thing, no matter the cost. That will neyer change for me, so, don?t feel bad for me. I knew beforEhancl this could he the outcome and totd the truth anyways. When EATF is done with their imestigatio n, the only outcome I am interested in seeing is that BATF can tell our eyenrthing Bethards said was the truth. To these that thinlt ?you don?t snitch on cops?, your wrong. To those that haye called, emailed, and checlted on my well being and haye always had my hack, the nit you. i just wanted to tell you I have had a blast working with you guys and we hate done a iot of good together. ir?ou guys will oontinue to make me proud of once being a part of the best group of inyesti gators in the state and the nation. 1y'I-I'hen the apostles aslted .lesus what the greatest commandment was, he said, ?Loye your lIEod with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul, and love your neighbor as yourself.? Both of those things are about relationships. ii'our relationship with God and your relationships with those in you sphere of influence. God o?oyiously yalues relationships most of all. People are what matter. Please take care of yourselyes and each other, Dan Hey everybedy, I just wanted in give yeu seme mere detail en what is geing en with me and my sitnatien. After the last e-mail I sent, saying geedbye tc these ef yea I thenght I may net see again, due te us being scattered threugheut the state, and enly being able te see each ether at training er during large investigatiens, semebedy turned ever my email te management. They deemed it a suicide nete. Jay ccntaeted the heads cf the lecal law enfercement agencies in the Superier Of?ce area cf eperatien, and advised them that was suicidal. He teld them the Deuglas Eeunty Sheri?? a Department was ceming te de a welfare check en me, and that I was an lenger aeecciamd the Department ef Justice. He alse them that if they were te see me at their agencies, I wasn?t there en behalf cf the Department ef Justice, and that they sheuld remember that I am an FFL helder, I a let ef ?rearms, and that I am a very dangerous man. I am an FFL helder. I de pessess a large number cf ?rearms. I am a dangereus man, te bad guys, net te innecent peeple. After all, yeu can*t spell danger withent Dan I have never dene er said anything te make believe I weuld ge te a lecal agency and sheet up the place er fer seme ether nefarieus reasen, as Jay implied. Fer the recerd, I am net ner have i ever been suicidal. Nebedy ?em the Deuglas Ceunty Sheri?? Department came te check en me. As a matter cf fact, nebedy frent ear agency tried calling me er centacting me te see if I was ekay. I denbt they believed I was suicidal. If they really believed I was suicidaL weuldn?t yeu at least call? If they felt I Was suicidal weuld management have directed the agents net te have any centact with me, and if I ccntaeted any agents they sheuld nn?dfy their direct superviser immediately? I am net disasseciated with the Departlnent cf Justice. 1 am still an empleyee ef the Departlnent ef Justice. I den?t ifJay called these agencies and gave them this inferma?en en his ewn autherity, er ifhe was dimmed te dc it. TIWhile I was initially angry at his attemptte ruin my repntatien ameng the lecal law enferccment agencies, I am net anymere. den?t held any animesity tewarde Jay. Anger never helps, it enly hurts, and it deesn?t hurt the peeple yeu hate, it enly hurts yeu. I Intew he isjust scared abeut what he did. He leztews what he did and what is ceming pike fer him. ?rh??th? lav.r is againstyeu, yeu ge a?er the evidence. When the evidence is against yea, yea ge after the law. Ifthe law and the evidence are against yen, yen ge a?er the wimess and try and make him eut te be crazy er a liar. After being eff en medical leave fer a time, I received a phene call ?em Human Resenrees Directer Mary Casey. She gave me three cheices. ceuld resign, I be medically terminated as un?t fer duty er I ceuld apply fer medical disability. Te me these are net cheices at all. I am act geing te quit, I did nething wreng. My attemey advised rue te eentaet hire immediately if they terminate rne se we eenld, ?Beth retire in the Bahamas?, I was advised te apply fer medieal disability and te stay e?'werlr per my deeter?s erders, se, at least I eeuld eentinne te get a pay sheds and feed my family while the BATFE eentpleted their criminal investigatien and nut agency eentpleted their internal investigatien, Din ageney never even started an internal investigatien. I was very eeneerned abeut what upper management weuld tie with the inferma?en I tamed ever te thetn aheut Jay. I knew that lay, the Administratm and AG are geed friends. This is where the greatest arnennt ef nay stress same item. When yen?re net sure whe is en yeur tearn auyrnere, it makes fer a stressft? and untenable werlr enviren??lent. We have te he able te treat each ether eerepletely and I sent I never thenght I wenld need er use an atterney, but, ether than marrying my wife, I think that was the smartest tneve I have ever made, Just like any sane yen wetk, timing is et the unnest intpertanee. Play year eards tee seen and all yen get is the lew level ?metieeary and ean?t werlt up the ladder. Play there tee late and yen my net get anybedy. But, if yen play thent at just the right time, yen can get everybedy, and pessibly uneever a eenspiraey between individuals invelved, At ?rst I eenldn?t ?gure ent why they wenldn?t aet en nty infarrna?en. hie internal investigation, nething. Under nereial ifan agent eernntitted a feleny, they wenld have ent that line and set that heat adrift, and tried te put as much distanee between it and themselves as quickly as pessible. Unfereinately, fer the pewers that be, it will that despite being advised by a peliee e?eer that a fellew peliee et?eer was eenanitting felenies, they did nething, and net enly did they de nething, they went attetthe eep whe triedte de the right thing. It is inereduleus te me that a simple interest investigatien wasn?t eentpleted by ear ageney. It weuld have been as sintple as intendewing the twe agents I tnentiened in my initial e-tnail te Adntinise'ater Matthews. They weuld have the intermaden te preve Jay was manufacturing and selling gens witheut a federal ?rearms linense, have federal felenies. Anather sirnple eheek with the Handgen Hetline, whieh enr ageney runs and keeps the fer, weald have preved the purchases lay made in build these guns were ?straw purchases?, ttve nrere federal and state felenies. Pretee?ng a peliee e?'teer that is building guns that sent be trasad, and then putting them en the street is abselntely feelish. Why weuld rrtetnbers ef upper management rials their persenal integrity, let alene their esreers, fer lay, an easily prevable feleu? This is espeeially feelish with guns and gun vielerree being sueh a bet tepie in the media ahnest every day Dar ageney heads even went previde a letter that indicated lay was under investigatien by BATFE. BATFE respeuded by netifying eur department that they denit nen'fy the subjeets ef an 'investiga?en that they are being investigated. Ont agency heads then asked the US Atterney?s Df?ee fer the same letter and the same respense. The US Attemey?s D?ee deesn't ne?fy the targets ef an investigatien that they are being hivestigated. They knew this weuld be the respense they weuld get and it weuld give them cever fer net. an internal investigatien. It is the same respense eer agency weuld give a target ef a public integrity investigatien. Is it really pessible they didn?t knew this? Have they bean eut ef law enfercemem; and have net werlted a case fer se lung that they ferget hew te? I den?t think se. Even a reel-tie mvestigater weuld knew that. dealt think they ferget this rule, I think they are trying te it and cenduct damnge centre]. I believe they think that if they can rush threugb the medical disability issue, it will be easier fer them te minimize what Jay has dene. It will be easy fer them te say, the guy that made these allegatiens deesn?t even werh here anymere. He was put eut en medical disability due te mental issues. I assure yeu, there is NDTHING crazy sheet me and the enly mental issues I have are stress and amriety caused by being put in this pesitien by Jay and even mere se by upper management because they refuse te act. Dyer time, I develeped an epiniee as te why this ceuld be. Yen all saw the names ef the individuals I put en the list cf these that I knew sheet that had pumhased frern lay. That isn?t all ef them. [tely my atterney, the EATFE, the US Attemey, my wife, and a few cf my clesest friends knew this, but there is anethm individual I knew abeut. lay teld me he seld ene ef his .45s te Attemey General JB Van Hellen. Just like the ether individuals that beughr guns ham. lay, the AG weuld net be in any legal treuble fer buying a gun fretn lay. Bet, and this is a big but, pelitically, the AG weuld get a huge black eye. If it came eut that a peliee ef?eer in cur department was in pessessien cf a stelen US Government Preperty machine gun and was illegally manufacturing, and putting en the street, untraceable ?rearms, and that same peliee ef?eer said a gun te the Attemey Geral weuldn?t yen think the press weuld have a ?eld day with that infermatien?iI It weuldn?t be fair te die AG, because legally, the AG did nothing wreng, but the press weuld drag him threugh the pelitical muck andmire. lden?t want thalte happen. ljustthinkthe AG has smretmded himself with tea many ?yes? men whe are tee afraid te tell him when he is abeut te step e? ef a cliff. was directed by my attemey that this was net the time te netify the press aheut this inferma?en. Se, I wen?t be neti?ying the press at this time, But, if the A??s e?ce refuses te at least leek inte the infermatien I presided, by cenducting an internal investiga?en, what cheice weuld I have. I am even willing te take a lie detecter test er veiee stress analysis test if Jay is willing te submit he ene er heth else. When the BATFE ?nishes its criminal investiga?en, and if the Wiseensin DepartIIlent ef Justice ever gets started en its? inhem?l investigatieu, thee cempletes it, I will have mere infermatien fer yeu te lismn te. I talked te Special Agent Dave Nygreu ef the traineeapelis BATFE and he is just aheul: deue with his investigatien. SAID Smith, SA Darren Hynek, SA Je? liestner, and I have been interviewed and leeked inte eur statements. When the investigatien is eemplete, I will get eepies ef the ease ?le. When I get eerpies ef I ay' interview and my interview I will get mpies te yea. I want yen te listen te this new infermatien I have. and then read he?dt ei' eur interview reports. Then yen ean deeide whe was being truth?ll and whe wasn?t. It will he ilTE?J?l?blthings as a peliee ef?eer and still have a jeb. Yen ean erash yeur ear, get pinehed fer drunk driving er even lese yeur gun and still have ajeh. The enly thing yen ean?t de is lie. Ifyeu lie as a eep yeu. are dene as a rep. - Per my atterney?s direetien, I ean?t de anything until and the Hill]1 investigatlen is eernplete. He says we sheuld give them time te de the right thing. Persenally, he can?t believe that eur agency wen?t de the right thing. As fer me, I have my deuhts. It? been almest feur menths and ear ageney hasn?t even getten etarted en an intemaul investjga?en. Be as it stands, per my attemey, these are my eptiens: Let the internal investigatien and erirninal investiga?en he eempleted. Ifthe dees the right Mg, Jay will be given the same eptiens they gave me, resign er he tel-narrated. Then, per my attemey, it is ever and I sheuld he prepared te ge heel-t te werlr. E1 and up bael: at werk, I weuld net he staying with the DUI fer leng. I have had a eeuple ef jeh e?ers te werle fer ether law enfereement ageneies. I weuld just need te be heel: leng eneugh te ge threugh the hiring fer the leeal ageneies te get hired. I eani?t realistieally werlr fer peeple whe den?t trust me and weuldn?t lrnew the right thing ifit fell eut efthe sky and landed intheir lap. 2.) Ifeur agency demn?tdethe right thingm?eereadyteturneverallthe intermetien te the press. The press ean eenduet an hrvestigatien if eur ageney wen?t. After that, I am suppesed te settle in fer a leng drawn eut eivii suit. I am net the suing kind, but inevitably, it will net he me whe deeides te take this reute, it will he Jay and the administratien. Either way, my attemey has me eevered But, eptien ene weuld sure be a let easier fer everyene eeneerned, and it weuld save the tax payers a let ef meney. It weuld he a smart meve fer I ay and everyhedy else invelvei fer him te resign. I-Iewever, I den?t believe the right er preper thing anymere. His persenal arreganee, and the arreganee instilled in him by his superiers? suppert, whether what he dees is right er wreng, makes him really believe he is abme the law and unteuehahle. Jay has been re eerrupted by pewer that he believes the rules den*t apply te him. The rules are simply a weapen te be wielded by management te erush these that den?t fall in line with him. The truth is, abselnte peWer eerrupta ahsehrtely. About one vear ago, a ?esh of mine passed on the roost invaluable of information. It?l can share one thing with you, it would be this; if you feel jml?' job is injeopardv, due to urn?ighteous or rnalieions allegations or intent on behalf of management, reeocrd and or doeunlent ever}r eontaot with that individual. it"s not on tape and or dominlented, it didn?thappen. These are strangeandurrostialtiroes welivein. Apersonalreeorderis an insuranee poliev. It will be the best Bibi] you ever spent As bad as I have felt about the failure of our agenov to respond to the information I provided to there, I feel better because I did the right thing. I realise I ean?t eontrol what anybody else does. I eanonlv eontsol what I do. The admit?stral?r ean tr},r and oover fer lav if he wants to, as long as he realism there are eonsequenees for what he does, and is preparedto fanethernifhe isfotmdtoheinthewrong. This is going to be the most important ease I have ever worked in In}; life. In my opinion, one eop eorninitdng felonies is worth average bad guvs. This is the ?fth corrupt agent {that we know about} we have had in our agenev sinee I started here. "We have had We agents take their own life due to this job. Those are not good averages when oompared to most deparonents. Something is out of nhaelt. Be safe. Take eare of yourselves and eaeh other. Your non-suicidal friend, Lil lilannjr,r Bethards