PATROL GUIDE Section: Personnel Matters Procedure No: 205?40 OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT DATE ISSUED: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 10/27/16 10/27/16 1 of 10 PURPOSE To regulate off duty employment of uniformed members of the service, except that off duty employment performed with the Paid Detail Unit. DEFINITIONS SECURITY FIELD - Includes guard service, payroll driver/cashiers, personal escorts (bodyguards), and employment in check cashing establishments, etc. WATCHGUARD LICENSE - Issued by the New York State Secretary of State, upon a written request obtained from the Office of the Personnel Bureau, licensing a uniformed member of the service to engage in the off duty employment of providing guards in a security related field. NOTE After OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION (PD407-164) has been prepared and approved, uniformed member of the service wishing to apply for a Watchguard License will be directed to report to Employee Resources Section and comply with instructions received. CLASS I FEDERAL FIREARMS LICENSE - Issued by the Department of Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, to persons engaged in the business of selling firearms at wholesale or retail. DEALER IN FIREARMS LICENSE - Issued by local licensing officer to any person, firm, partnership, corporation or company who engages in the business of purchasing, selling, keeping for sale, lending, leasing, or in any manner disposing of, any pistol or revolver. PROCEDURE When a uniformed member of the service wishes to engage in off duty employment, or when any member of the service wishes to engage in the practice of law off duty: APPLICANT 1. Prepare OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION (PD407-164). a. Enter total number of hours to be worked each week. (1) Do not use terms such as ?varies? or ?changes.? b. Enter name and address of corporation in space captioned ?Outside Employer? if applicant is an officer of a corporation. (1) Do not use term ?self employed? if applicant is part or sole owner of corporation. c. Enter administrative, managerial or planning functions to be performed and the function of the corporation in space captioned ?Describe specific duties and responsibilities.? d. Enter name of president of corporation if employed by a corporation 2. Deliver all c0pies of completed APPLICATION to commanding officer a. If off duty employment involves dealing in firearms outside the City of New York, also deliver a copy of completed application for a Class I Federal Firearms License. After subsequent issuance by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, provide a copy of the license to the commanding officer. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURE NUMBER: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 205?40 10/27/16 2 oflO APPLICANT (continued) COMMANDING OFFICER BOROUGH COUNTERPART OMMAN DIN OFFICER NOTE NOTE b. If off duty employment involves dealing in firearms outside the City of New York, also deliver a copy of completed APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AS A GUNSMITH OR DEALER IN FIREARMS (INDIVIDUAL) (PD625-043) or APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AS A GUNSMITH OR DEALER IN FIREARMS (PARTNERSHIP) After subsequent issuance by the local licensing officer, provide a copy of the license to the commanding officer. 3. Interview applicant and determine if conditions of off duty employment are within Department guidelines and guidelines and rulings published by the Board of Ethics. 4. Forward quintuplicate (file) copy of OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION to borough commander/counterpart for review, if APPLICATION is for employment in security related field. 5. Assign patrol borough administrator to conduct thorough investigation of security related application. 6. Return OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION to member?s commanding officer indicating approval/disapproval. 7. Ascertain that applicant understands ?Guidelmes/Prohibitions? as outlined in ?Additional Data? statement. 8. Confer with applicant?s immediate supervisor. If applicant is on, or being considered for MODIFIED ASSIGNMENT, telephone Of?ce of First Deputy Commissioner to determine whether reason exists for disapproval of APPLICATION and enter results of inquiry on APPLICATION. 9. Enter recommendations, sign and forward OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION as per instructions on form. 10. Advise member whose APPLICATION has been DISAPPROVED that such decision may be appealed. Forward all disapproved or renewal APPLICATIONS and notice of termination or change in employment to the Employee Resources Section. 11. Monitor on?duty performance of member engaged in off duty employment. 12. Recommend revocation of permission if outside employment interferes with member?s responsibility to the Department. 13. Advise applicant of possible revocation of permission to engage in off duty employment should member become subject of disciplinary action or classified as ?chronic sick.? 14. Reexamine approved OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION of newly transferred/temporarily assigned member to ensure that current assignment does not result in a con?ict of interest or corruption hazard. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURE NUMBER: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 205-40 10/27/16 3 of 10 APPLICANT 15. Submit new OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION to report any change in status of employment, change of employer, duties, location of employment, etc. 16. Submit renewal application for continuing off duty employment beyond each twelve month period at least ten days prior to expiration of current approved request. 17. Prepare Typed Letterhead requesting review of APPLICATION that has been disapproved and submit to Commanding Officer, Employee Resources Section. EMPLOYEE 18. Assign Off Duty Work Number and insert in appropriate space on form. RESOURCES 19. Request record check from Intelligence Bureau regarding: SECTION a. Employer b. Individual or premises to be protected, if appropriate. NOTE The existence of a record at the above unit will be cause to disapprove APPLICATION. 20. Complete captions under applicable section on APPLICATION, enter recommendations and sign. 21. Distribute c0pies of APPLICATION as follows: a. ORIGINAL - place in member?s Personal Folder b. DUPLICATE - return to command of origin c. TRIPLICATE - place in Off Duty Employment file maintained by Employee Resources Section (1) Security related APPLICATIONS and Watchguard Licenses will be filed under Specific categories, payroll drivers/cashiers, bodyguards, check cashing, etc. QUADRUPLICATE - forward to Medical Division. COMMANDING 22. Note approval/disapproval on command file copy of APPLICATION. OFFICER 23. Return ORIGINAL to member concerned. 24. Advise and instruct member whose APPLICATION has been APPROVED, regarding: a. Guidelines/prohibitions listed in ?Additional Data? statement b. Carrying of weapons in other states. (New York City police officer status does not license member to carry weapon in another state; authorization must be obtained from state concerned). 25. Instruct member applying for Watchguard License of ?Guidelines for Watchguard License? (see ADDITIONAL DATA statement). a. Direct member to report to Employee Resources Section to prepare affidavit and comply with instructions received. 26. Direct Integrity Control Officer to verify that members concerned comply with prohibition against requesting overtime compensation for off duty employment related arrests. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURE NUMBER: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 205?40 10/27/16 4 oflO COMMANDING 27. OFFICER (continued) C.O., FIREARMS AND TACTICS SECTION INTEGRITY CONTROL OFFICER ADDITIONAL DA TA 28. 29. 30. Indicate on OFF DUTY APPLICATION, after approval and prior to forwarding to Employee Resources Section, that a copy of the Class I Federal Firearms License is attached, if applicable. Forward copy of Class I Federal Firearms License, and APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AS A GUNSMITH or DEALER IN FIREARMS (INDIVIDUAL) or APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AS A GUNSMITH or DEALER IN FIREARMS (PARTNERSHIP), and New York State License and APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AS A GUNSMIT or DEALER IN FIREARMS (INDIVIDUAL) or APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AS A GUNSMITH OR DEALER IN FIREARMS (PARTNERSHIP) to Commanding O?icer, Firearms and Tactics Section, after recording license numbers on member?s FORCE RECORD Maintain a file of members who have obtained Class I Federal Firearms Licenses or New York State Dealer in Firearms licenses for dissemination to inquiring ranking members of the service in cases of suspensions, modified assignments, removal of ?rearms, etc. Audit OVERTIME REPORTS (PD138-064) submitted by unifonned members of the service to ensure that requests do not pertain to off duty security employment related arrests and advise commanding o?icer of findings. GUIDELINES: The following guidelines apply to ALL o? duty employment: a. Off duty employment MUST BE (1) Performed outside regular hours of police duties. (2) Approved prior to starting or changing employment, AND for EACH EXTRA job or change of job for the same employer. (3) Approved in writing from the Chief of Patrol, (Commanding O?icer, Movie/Television Unit), IF employment involves working as a technical advisor for motion picture or television productions. A uniformed member of the service may engage in off duty employment WI THO UT prior approval: (1) During the period of suspension without pay, OR (2) While on continuous vacation and/or terminal leave immediately after ?ling an application for retirement. During a period of suspension without pay or vacation/terminal leave pending retirement, the member concerned remains o?icially a member of the service and, as such, may NOT engage in any type of employment or activity which, by existing law, is prohibited to police o?icers, or which may constitute a con?ict of interest or create the appearance thereof (see GENERAL PROHIBIT IONS). Excessive sick leave or other evidence indicating off duty employment impairs ability to perform assigned police duties is cause for revocation of approval to engage in off duty employment. A request for permission to work while duty may be DISAPPROVED even though it does NOT SPECIFICALLY fall within the IONS section or violate the sections contained herein. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURE NUMBER: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 205?40 10/27/16 5 of IO ADDITIONAL e. A member of the service (uniformed or civilian) seeking part time employment in DATA another city agency, or in ANY other governmental jurisdiction or agency (continued) MUST prepare ?Certification of Compatibility or Dual Employment? (DP1021), in QUADRUPLICAT ALL FOUR COPIES of the form, which are available at the Employee Resources Section, will be forwarded to the Employee Resources Section for processing. f. Uniformed members of the service engaging in or seeking off duty employment are reminded that the law prohibits certain types of employment. Some members while engaging in bona?fide occupations, may unknowingly, in the normal pursuit of their particular off duty occupation, be violating one of these statutes. g. Section 2604(a)(1) of the New York City Charter prohibits public servants ?om taking a position in a ?rm which the public servant knows, or should know, is engaged in business dealings with the City. ?Position? is broadly de?ned and includes an o??icer, director, manager, employee, trustee, attorney, agent, broker or consultant to the ?rm. The de?nition of includes an individual seeking business on his/her own behalf and as a sole proprietor. ?Business dealings? are de?ned as any transactions involving the sale, purchase, rental, or disposition of any goods, services, or property; any license, permit, grant or bene?t; and any performance of or litigation with respect to any of the above. It is quite possible that a member not completely familiar with these provisions could ?nd himself/herself in violation of the law. For example, if a member has been approved as a vending machine salesperson or dealer, he/she would be violating this statute if he/she were to take a position with a ?rm or enter into a contractual agreement with any City agency or representative thereof to place a vending machine in any building or upon property owned or leased by the City of New York or any of its agencies. h. The Charter prohibits members ?om engaging in any business, transaction or private employment which is in conflict with the proper discharge of their official duties; using, or attempting to use their position to obtain any ?nancial gain, or other bene?t, including employment for themselves or any person ?associated? with them ?associated is de?ned to include a spouse, domestic partner, child, parent or sibling and a person with whom a member has a business or ?nancial relationship); and disclosing any con?dential information which is obtained as a result of a member's official duties or using such con?dential information for any ?nancial gain or other bene?t. i. A uniformed member of the service is prohibited from holding any position or engaging in business dealings which involve the manufacture, sale or recommendation of any alcoholic beverage. However, employment is permitted in a premises licensed to sell beer at retail for Off-premises consumption (supermarkets and grocery stores). Also see P. G. 203?10, ?Public Contact Prohibited Conduct. j. A member may not accept any valuable gift from any person or ?rm which the member knows or should know, has or intends to have business dealings with the city. A ?valuable gift? means any gift which has a value of $5 0. 00 or more, whether in the form of money, service, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, thing of promise, of any form. k. Members are also prohibited from working, owning, selling goods or services or obtaining licenses relating to horse racing activities, race horses, tracks or ?rms either owning or dealing in the racing of horses. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURE NUMBER: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 205?40 10/27/16 6 0f10 ADDITIONAL DA TA (continued) I. Uniformed members of the service may write ?ction or non?fiction books and articles on their own time and receive compensation provided that the restrictions contained in P. G. 212-76, ?Information Concerning O?icial Business of Department? are adhered to. OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION should be submitted in this regard to the extent that members of the service are being paid for their writing. It may also be permissible for members of the service to be employed as technical or background consultants by television and film production companies. The consulting position may relate either to a particular incident a homicide, robbery, rescue effort, etc.) or to a specialized ?eld of expertise arson, explosives, aviation, etc. Again, the restrictions contained in PG. 212-7 7 ?Release Of Information 0 News Media? and 212?76 ?Information Concerning Ojficial Business of Department? MUST be adhered to, OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION must also be submitted for these positions. In addition, prior to entering into any contractual relationship of this nature, members of the service are advised to seek private legal counsel. The sale of exclusive proprietary rights, based on the involvement of an individual in a particular incident, is strictly prohibited. For example, a member of the service assigned to the Aviation Unit can be retained as a consultant or advisor on general technical matters or for background on a particular incident; he or she cannot sell exclusive ?rights? to a production company for the story of the o?icer?s role in that incident. Many of the duty employment prohibitions and guidelines involve con?ict of interest related issues as addressed in Chapter 68 of the New York City Charter. Each member of the service should be familiar with those provisions. In certain limited circumstances, a member of the service may hold an otherwise prohibited position with written approval of the Police Commissioner, a determination by the Conflicts of Interest Board that the position would not conflict with the purposes and interests of the City. Conflict of interest questions or questions regarding waivers may be directed to the Deputy Commissioner, Legal Matters. GENERAL PROHIBI IONS Ojfduty employment is PROHIBITED when ANY of the following conditions exist: a. b. c. Member is a probationary police o?icer with less than one year aggregate service who has not completed Entry Level Training in the Police Academy. Existing law prohibits a police officer from employment in such job or premises. O?duly employment is also prohibited, as follows: (I) Interferes or conflicts with regular or emergency police duties. (2) Requires the Police Department uniform or shield to be worn or used in any manner in any of duty employment, except if approved by the Paid Detail Unit. (3) Affects member?s ability to perform police duties. (4) Exceeds twenty hours each week, EXCEPT when performed during vacation period or when on terminal leave. (5) Is to be peiformed three hours immediately prior to regular tour of duty. (6) Requires member to be an Oj?cer, organizer, or hold a position in an employee organization, labor union, or member will become involved in a strike or labor dispute. (7) Requires UNIFORMED member to work, UNLESS AUTHORIZED, for an organization licensed or inspected by the Police Department. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURE NUMBER: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 205-40 10/27/16 7 of IO ADDITIONAL (8) Is knowingly performed for a person who has a criminal arrest record DATA (9) Is required to be performed when member is on sick report. sick leave (continued) or disability. (10) Involves the guarding of licensed premises. Involves employment in any premises licensed by the State Liquor Authority, pursuant to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, except that employment is permitted in a premises licensed to sell alcoholic beverages as long as they are not handled by the applicant. (12) Involves employment by a UNIFORMED member of the service in precinct to which assigned (However, a UNIFORMED member assigned to a command whose jurisdiction encompasses more than one precinct may be permitted to engage in o? duty employment within the area to which assigned, UNLESS circumstances of such employment would constitute a con?ict of interest or a corruption hazard, member?s ability to provide off duty services while on duty). (13) Involves employment as a process server, anmhere. (I4) Involves operating or having a financial interest in an arcade, video or pinball game. (15) Involves participation in any pari-mutuel racing as a rider, owner, driver or trainer of a horse. (I6) Involves the of burglar alarms and security systems. (I 7) Involves employment as a street peddler within New York City. (18) Involves employment as a locksmith within New York City. (19) Involves being employed in any capacity as a second hand dealer (except used cars) or second hand dealer purchasing and selling precious metals (gold, silver, etc.) (20) Requires uniformed member of the service to perform investigative duties or secure a New York State investigator?s license. (21) Involves the guarding of diplomatic personnel and/or the premises of diplomatic personnel. (22) Involves employment by a foreign government. PROHIBITIONS FOR ATTORNEYS ENGAGED IN OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT In addition to complying with any other relevant Department policy, procedure, or prohibition, members engaging in of duty employment as attorneys will also adhere to the following: a. Members shall not represent private interests for compensation before any City agency or appear anywhere, directly or indirectly, on behalf of private interests in matters involving the City. b. Members shall not appear as attorney or counsel against the interests of the City in any litigation in which the City or other government agency is a party, or in any action or proceeding in which the City or other government agency is a complainant. c. Members shall not serve as an attorney, or represent any party in any manner in negligence cases or criminal cases. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURE NUMBER: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 205?40 10/27/16 8 of 10 ADDITIONAL d. In addition to the general prohibition against superiors and subordinates entering DA TA into any business or ?nancial relationship (see P. G. 203-13, inancial (continued) Restrictions Prohibited Acts members shall not appear as attorneys or counsel for, or represent in any manner, a higher ranking or lower ranking member of the service in/assigned to their same command. The Con?icts of Interest Board has determined that a ?business or ?nancial relationship? exists when an attorney performs legal services whether or not the attorney receives compensation. GUIDELINES FOR SECURITY RELATED OFF DUTY EMPLOYIMENT: a. In addition to complying with the Guidelines and General Prohibitions, uniformed members accepting of duty employment in the private security ?eld are advised that: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Uniformed members of the service who accept ojf duty employment in the private security field must be aware that they will not, in most instances, be entitled to or receive legal representation and/or indemni?cation from the city. Those bene?ts of city employment are afforded to municipal employees only when they act within the scope of their employment and in discharge of o?icial duties. An off duty uniformed member of the service employed in the private security field does not, by virtue of that employment, relinquish the power and authority conferred by the laws of the State of New York as a police o?icer. However, when an o?icer e?ects an arrest in furtherance of the private employer ?s interest he is acting primarily on behalf of that employer, not in discharge of his duties as a police ojficer. Uniformed members of the service in their private capacity may not investigate crimes for private employers and ordinarily should be the complainant and not the arresting o?icer for off duty situations which arise O?or example: trespass and burglary situations) unless the exigencies of the circumstance require that they act in an arresting capacity. Because the city will not ordinarily indemnijy uniformed members of the service against claims brought by individuals for action taken in connection with off duty employment, it is recommended that uniformed members of the service ascertain whether their private employer maintains liability insurance covering the ojf duty employment and a?ords legal representation and indemni?cation for acts or omissions occurring during off duty employment and in furtherance of employer ?s interests. All rules and regulations established by the Police Commissioner must be complied with fully. All court time, both arraignment and follow?up appearances directly related to any duties and responsibilities in the Off duty employment may not be performed on Police Department time nor may overtime compensation be received for such time from the City of New York. Accordingly, OVERTIME REPORTS should n_ot be submitted in connection therewith. Further, it is the uniformed member?s responsibility to see that the o? duty employer/client has Workers? Compensation on coverage for guards to cover any injury or disability received in his employment. It is also understood that the City has a claim on any monies paid by Workers? Compensation that would duplicate paid sick leave by the City. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURE NUMBER: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 205-40 10/27/16 9 of IO ADDITIONAL (6) OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION must be submitted to the DA TA Employee Resources Section for each specific client, location and (continued) company of employment. For each new assignment, even if for the same employer, a new request for approval must be submitted, with the employer?s name, and new location of person or premises to be protected. (7) Members may NOT work in off duty employment as security guards at a location where a strike or labor dispute is ongoing. (8) If a uniformed member of the service ?sftrearm is discharged or member is injured as the result of an assault, while employed duty in a security related capacity in New York City o_nlv, the precinct of occurrence must be noti?ed immediately by the uniformed member involved. Incidents occurring outside the City of New York require immediate noti?cation to the Operations Unit. The THREAT, RESISTANCE OR INJURY (T.R.I.) INCIDENT WORKSHEE (PD3 70-154) must be completed and veri?ed for all such incidents (see P. G. 221-04 ?Firearms Discharge by Uniformed Members of the Service a. To expedite processing, a member requesting permission to engage in of duty employment in the security ?eld is authorized to personally deliver the completed OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION to the Employee Resources Section. GUIDELINES FOR WA CHGUARD LICENSE In addition to complying with the Guidelines, General Prohibitions and Guidelines for Security Related Employment, uniformed members of the service will comply with the following re: Watchguard License: a. If the uniformed member intends to form a corporation and employ any other person in a Watchguard Service capacity, then the requirements of New York State laws regarding watchguard licensing must be complied with. ?Watch, guard or patrol agency? as de?ned by the General Business Law (Article 7 Section 71, sub. 2) shall mean and include the business of watch, guard or patrol agency and shall also mean and include, separately or collectively, the ?tmishing, for hire or reward, of watchmen or guards or private patrolmen or other persons to protect persons or property or to prevent the the? or misappropriation or concealment of goods, wares or merchandise, money, bonds, stocks, choses in action, notes or other valuable documents, papers, and articles of value, or to procure the return thereof or the peifonning of the service of such guard or other person ?Jr any of said purposes. The foregoing shall not be deemed to include the business of persons licensed by the industrial commissioner under the provisions of section twenty- ?Jur?a or subdivision three-b of section of the Workers? Compensation Law or representing employers or groups of employers insured under the Workers? Compensation Law in the State Insurance Fund, nor persons engaged in the business of adjusters for insurance companies nor public adjusters licensed by the swerintendent of insurance under the Insurance Law of this State. Uniformed members of the service employed in a Watchguard Service shall comply with all rules, regulations, guidelines and prohibitions, regarding off duty employment. In addition, members will comply with Department directives, regarding integrity monitoring procedures. Uniformed members of the service applying for a Watchguard License comply with the following: 1) Prepare required A?idavit at Employee Resources Section after OFF DU TY EMPLOWEN APPLI CA ION has been prepared and approved. NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURE NUMBER: DATE EFFECTIVE: REVISION NUMBER: PAGE: 205?40 10/27/16 10 0f10 ADDITIONAL DA TA (continued) RELA TED PROCEDURES ORJIIS AND REPOR 10) Submit a list of all clients or prospective clients of Watchguard Service, including names, addresses and speci?c location of business, to the Intelligence Bureau and Identi?cation Section for records check. If member has no clients at time of making APPLICATION, the A?idavit will state that fact and may be approved, if the member applying agrees to submit the identiJj/ing data of prospective clients prior to entering an employment agreement with such clients. Maintain an updated and uni?ed list of all clients, locations, etc., which must be made available for Departmental inspection. The Employee Resources Section will maintain a separate folder for each approved Watchguard License containing a list Of clients, locations and copies of approved OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS of i uniformed members of the service employed by such Watchguard Service. That the corporation or the member concerned will not have a client who is the subject of a criminal investigation or a premises licensed by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board or a diplomat, or any other client that the Police Commissioner may disapprove on the grounds that such employment would not be in the best interests of the Department. Will not have any client located within precinct of assignment, that is, if the duty employment is of a premises, it may not be located in the precinct. If the Off duty employment involves the security of an individual, he may not reside within the precinct of assignment. The corporation or the member concerned will not provide services to clients who are then engaged in active labor strikes. The corporation or member concerned will not advertise or represent that its employees are members of the New York City Police Department or that it operates under its auspices. Will not employ a uniformed member of the service Of any rank assigned within Watchguard Licensee?s immediate command or employ any member of higher rank. Provide Employee Resources Section with names and addresses of a_ll employees, both uniformed members of the service and others. DO not employ other members of the service until such members present approved OFF DUTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICA TIONS. Civilian Employee 013?" Duty Employment (AG. 319?23) APPLICATION FOR LICENSE AS A GUNSMITH OR DEALER IN FIREARMS (INDIVIDUAL) (PD625-043) APPLICATION FOR LICENSE As A GUNSMITH OR DEALER IN FIREARMS (PARTNERSHIP) (PD625-042) OFF DUTY EMPL YMENT APPLICA TION (PD40 7-164) THREAT, RESISTANCE OR INJURY (TRL) INCIDENT WORKSHEET (PD3 70?154) FORCE RECORD (406-143) OVER TIME REPORTS (PD138-064) NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT