1; Water, 'slowspeedcredited forl crash [#311, gm" crash of . . ndonloddared and there he -- . . . .. uni: in. The std-och of shouts or "'Get the sin use wee climb over - - pissesighs'sod-crew mm -. vlved. with some clinching stop the plane?s and singing ?Row. IRow. Row Your Bolt? sothey stited rescue. dildos. wife'. Volum- ?was our way no color do or - .- plane. (Booth; 78?. had been for Charlotte. N.C..lt plunged lnl?ii the-hey Itter talent! was short- Wills. The . .maile I or": sel'e mp: the tip ff" tell.sect.ion nesrpi toucheil?the edge" y?hrehooncnte runvii r. erewasnohllcat_ he vim shorting." Fred Fur-sir. Fed- . 1' ersi AviIrion Administration spokes- ., . - run. we in Washington. "Until we mm the ?filter- ?TThri' 91' know why tire-guy mm - dens pretty weli.'.' Johnston said. oil. we rim no wry-or lineuan the 50?? rmnseri Md been tilt-sins meniscus?ideas" while others. like 5 'Pollte ?dime . . Groom?s bogin'ning to wonder if anything else can-go wrong NEW YORK The groom survived I plose-cmh. but the wedding site wes?ln the path of Hurricane Hugo. which lied jest rendered the Intended honeymoon resort I dilute: me. "I?ve had everything paella]: go wrong with this wedding In Ear." sIld Tern Newberry. shortly sitar the crash of Flight 5050. Theplsne skidded Lil-- ureter late Wednesdey. Two pee? pie died. Ind lid survivcd. Newberry wee to he married It Beach. 5.0.. to Connie Blend. on Saturday. Uniortunsur- iy. Hugo arrived shout midnight Thursday. A mocha? described I women trapped-with her tact s.tcw inches iron: theorem. ?Wvl??i the tide oom- liig in. We just used brute strength Ind hare hInde together out." ~Toni Newborn. 27-. Lifer? York inter. had been 911 hi! mg to lill wedding Saturday-tn ingtori. MC. He. remembers looking out the window It the mnupg?zpeeding He?wslted and waited runoff. nally realising something. in: Wooden In emp? ty The dock supports I grid of lights.- . In I taint drizzle. police officers of win. and ?refighters cluster? It the run- edge Ind described how they plucked "mosti ers? . nit - h: calm" peasons . The couple. both their plan totslres honeymoon. ?You'd laugh it I told you said Newbon-y. "Virgin islands" The Caribbean resort hes been decIIi-nd I disaster ares. Only once during the crash or- deel did Newborry. {New York- Clty hooker. question It he?d mite ..-, . Martin. clutohsd ?oating chunks of mam-54 min. one intent. pi- wood that common: war In the lion, rear [light utendente moon Hull'kr'nldniehl cargo!? Near o?ier mw m?emher- Ibo-m. 11min I it We! me? from a - . - .V rei't. Apparently no piusengershed w?f?kwt? ?m Newm' The still-erm mm. noun; with that? rill1 some mu? wm tile jet slid Into the w. a he slowspcodof 5119111. well! Lilo" to trees women _an.sn r ed in I harry said. somehow msnegod to - hull: of seats Ind metal in the tail girl free Ind slide down the section. At ?rst. the railroading clu .iynto wetcr. lived it metered Ind tilted with wetsr.._. He uncle to ranks his wedding This woman and pinned upside m. When he tineily arrives in down within sight of the two letsll- North CIrolise. "I'm going to kiss the ties. 'estii of,_wh0nl suffered groond."he said. "But first i?m going We! to Idle my fiancee.? us. I "1 said to myself, 'We'rc not going - 9. mam - rescuers so glad this hep- mod now Ind nili'in winter." slid Larry Johnston. I police diver. The Till-deans innermost! reel: deep. - g, he in jolted. tel niopIi sharp "cited-into trim allied nose splint. -: and I smell T-sheped section or Fronchrecover ?bla?Ck box? from crash site in Niger I -. wesrmaroei POST ?It's not I feeling." he slid. "There were problems in? nauvering the {police} boot Ind we got caught sort of sideways near the host. . .. we: roelly mortified." Discover Goya's timeless etching: and Iiilke Pstors' linier cartoons. Now ihrough Oct. 15 at the Dayton Art Institute. Spmeored by the Dayton Dally News nun-rip expense olsend. Li'i?AJ'reIld'eot Rona Lspsutre sold Investigetors believe a bomb is the ly - wraclu ?most prohIhle" cause.? Ilthough . "lilsch box" they luvs not ruled out I structural ?French-DOW detect-The pilot hroadceot no mee- iown sport over Iago indicating no ?resin tr?hlg_lgot_ PARIS French soldiers Lax airport security worries experts, passengers, pilots PARIS The likelihood that someone put I in trinity Iirports. for exImple. outsiders can borne oboIrd I French backwe: .. _roarn_unchetlenged.sround- parked liavod in have blaens bomb. 3 recorders. with or Mr; mvemtions Ind electronic were expected to provide. first concrete indicstions otwliht ?ed when 'Iirli'her q- idoil. Tuesday over the'Tlns?ro'Dcu spreading plec and and kiIJln die: placen- rssrid crew members. . licl'lret es French prom-hoof: the site The DC: ill. on I [light irorn Ere;- i zeidlle. gouge. to Perle. lied taken on lrom I stop in one. Seven Amoricsns were killed. in- cluding Bonnle Barnes or Robert L.;iPi.iglj. U5. Imbasosdor to Chad. Shown: to help plan the Octo? her wood or her denyitor. Anne. Nieccord ng'to her sister._ I Margaret ?chutzlue. Bah-who '?hsd justicornpietedn two-year stint Theothsr Americsrie were: - tor. ireeh ism mung spo- ciIltste over IlrcrIitwlnai-I'olliry. Worldwide. according to the internal-Iona! Air Transport Association. 900 to 1.000 scheduled airlines serve 5.000 to 8.090 Iii-ports. Security is sit but sheen! In many ol the elrports. Experts scrutinize major Iii-ports liter fatal incl; dame. but otherwise airport security is tell to national authorities. with almost no oversight. John Brindiey. Transport Association spokesmen. if terrorists target airports where security is led. echoing concerns of others. the cost oi protecting ?ights could be [or higher then once believed. Vi? lounges from which olilclois Ind their redness wIlk directly doors. Frequent-newton rcport broken x-rey equipment. tIciiIdIIsieIl marches Ind oven instances where smell bribes allow psosnngers to skirt llmeuconeun'iing secu- rity checks. SOI'MIln'ies only cursory checks Ire made or heggege handlers. caterers-and cleenm. "it's not just Airlcs." ind. ?Not much ls gol n; on in Reykpivllr (toslIndlor Adelaide (Austi- Ilsl. any. so people night he I little morn relaxed." Bemerri deputy director oi the Lon- don-iist instituto for Terrorist Studies. concurred . i' 909 13094.. rd dismens'. on Chadian capital in cherish}: the Ponce (harps. Her . miles-to mgdsouth?il?toms mot rllveslo Tens. - . - mt Mark Carrier '35. wool-amt -- . mm lhe?l'?m??w?g' tram Houston. soil senior operation Mont. .Vernpioyeoe oi Tut-I. Girls.- um um . supervisor Jernos irurilngtan BL. 45. huladeth Editing Co, . .. Pm 0' Bel'?lie- 0' l-Minai All Mmesuanu- the m? ?envision lilrp- icon from planet Minuteman Corn In Department ind naiuinmhim. . "tombs-d ,Wed-hodlei FrenirlIanexsa. .French-olitc Ill piece! 01 twisted mull timid Impound warrior. or terry. Ibls? to coniir the authenticity oi I I . I. l. governments Md to transcend nations] sovenelgn- Tl"! Fmblem goes far beyond screening passengers ty to counter growing tin-em. end hsgsege. . .. two mnymoue d5- .clst'ing the plane, was "hound-by islernii: thld. - One cellar liberation oi Sheik Abdul WORM. the Shll? cleric Inducted by. lei-lei in August, Irii 'Lotrres'r onions on Flumcuororu - Hosanna DOD I '5 choose I - --. swldeeoledbnineiookl . orwo'ilcuslop?l'brdaninl . instrumental . InefALunou mini: manner emcee . 6 . .1 -- ant-tutu: i