Display Ad 104 -- No Title New Y0rk Times Mar 26, 1974; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Tim pg. 54 Therefs no more nonsensical a concept than i cffgenerate less" as a solution to our energy crisis. The nonsense is revealed evidence: I '1 it teak energy t0. PFOduce everything we haVsinthis country. s- "Everything- Since we" producemore thanany other nation, AmeriCa uses 35% of the wOrld?s energy and highest standard of living in i i the racerded' history of man. Just start listening to the critics of our society, start generating less energy, and the plummet begins. . . Less production, fewer jobs, lower demand for products followed by still further diminished production and galloping unemployment until America is eventually reduced to the hard life. es (1851?2007) With Index (1851?1993) - ?333; . That is what no-growth critics advocate? whether they realize it or not. America?s population is growing and it is going to take. more -- not less -- energy merely to maintain our present standard of living..And the poor are still with us. What of them? Reduced energy will hurt them the most. With oil and gas in short supply where will that energy ccmefrom? ltcan come from electricity, generated by coal -- which won?t come near short supply for over 500 years. And once we?ve dug it we can begin to put electricity to work in all-the places where it can be used, and assign to oil and gas those tasks where nothing else can be. Coal -- reliable coal is the solution. But coal can?t be Used unless our merit! representatives begin to act: I 1. To reasonably madi'fy theplean' Air Act 5? that more Of our coals may be burned. 2. To releasethe vast reserves of U. S. I Government-owned lbw-sulfur coal. in the West. - . lt America didn?t own about halftime world?s known supply within its own boundaries every working. man in the country Would really have something to worry about; And that?s net nonsense. I i America-has more'coal than 583: . has all. Lot?s dig American Electric Power System" Appalachian Power 00., indiana Michigan Electric 00.. Kentucky Pgwer 60., Power (20.. Michigan Power 00., Ohio Power Can'Wheeling Electric Cor: 2 BROADWAY. NY. ana'th-y-L'yl-c-v-q . 5 tub-OI -s v! 'i