Display Ad 135 -- No Title New York Times May 7, 1974; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2007) ?pg. 65. - 1e EnV?irdnmentai Protection Agency recom- ends that electric utilities install. ?stack gas :rubbers" 'to control sulfur-oxide emissions 1d meet thestandards that have been set. is A tere are many _?stack gas scrubber? systems. II have been tested. Some?the mast . 'omising?more than others. imply stated, the scrubber lsdesigned to iminatemost of the sulfur-oxide emissions rcreating, in a chamber, a? violent rainstorm water'laced [with huge quantities of a remical, limestone or lime for instance. DOES CAREFUL EXAMINATION 'oblems. Horrendous problems. :rubber systems do remove sulfur-oxides. at in the process all of them are plagued ith one or more problems that make them treliabl?e and impractical for a major utility. Many scrubber systems produce a by-product that clogs the operation or erodes or corrodes the mechanism. Fau'lts that cause shut downs. An impossible situation for an electric utility that must have a reliable power supply I operation that will work all day, every day. If the system doesn't clog and-Shut down it creates massive amounts of sludge. Some like the most popular and most. studied system, the wet lime or limestone scrubber? do both. To understand the vastness of the amount of ground-polluting sludge produced. consider this: lf limestone scrubbers were applied to a 12,000 megawatt coal-fired system they would in only five years produce enough of this "oozy'gook" to destroy and cover 10 square miles of America to a depth of 5 feet. How?s that for a system that's supposed to solve pollution problems! If it deesn't have either of these major faults, 2 Broadway. N.Y. with Index (1851-1993) . Chances areit will have some ofis'everal less dramatic problems. And chances are-it hasn?t been tested at a coal-burning plant. WHAT MAKES AMERICAN ELECTRIC Power-1' . .REJECT scauesens'z - .. The problemsrevealed. Thescore card 0n?- scrubber tests. Time and time'again proven too unreliable, too impractical for electric . utility use. . - - . But agreater overriding reason is the sincere - belief'that there are better ways to solve the sulfurwoxide emission problem. One way is to release the enormous reserves of U.S. Government-owned low sulfur coal in the west. - At the same time continue the investment of time, energy and money in the development of the technology to clean high-sulfur coal before it is burned. Such a positive program, we think, is In the best interest of the people we serve and the? country we live in. American Electric Power System prpalachian Power 00.. Indiana 1. Michigan Electric Co., Kentucky Parker 60.. Kingsport Power'Co.. Michigan Power 00.. Ohio Power 00.. Wheeling Electric Co. . I. a