Display Ad 130 -- N0 Titljefl 19 1974 New Y0rk Times (I923-Current i . ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Tlmes (1851?2007) Index (1851?1993) 'wr - - . I '35; about this tine lots of people may be asking, is the The gloomy prospect that significant areas of this country could reach the point of part time electricity usage seems unbelievable. But, it could happen as early as the middle of next year. This is not the doomsday prediction of an electric utility. It is the studied conclusion of the Federal PowerCommission. An FPC news release of a staff study declared that by 1975 ?many steam electric power plants could be ordered to shut down because they do not conform to air quality standards?. Strict adherence to unreasonable regulations that are not necessary to protect health, would only jeopardize the nation?s electric power supply. The FPC is not talking about the ambient American Electri Appalachian Power 00.. lndiana Michigan Electric 00.. Kentucky Power 00., air standards of the Clean Air Act. They refer to the unrealistic requirement that emissions be measured at the top of the stack, instead of at the ground level where peeple live and breathe. I We completely support the mandate of the Clean AirAct to protect human health. But, like the Federal Power Commission, we question the wisdom of regulations that assume the existence of a workable, reliable and non-polluting commercial technology which doesn?t even exist. Unless action is taken now even? the most diligent conservation of energy, which is so necessary, will fail to avert the forced curtailment of power. Requirements must be adjusted to allow the use of alternate methods of meetingthe standards of the Act. We not the method that counts, it?s the result. Andvve can deliver the result. One method that does exist. . . and does work . . . electronically measures air quality. at groundlevel, and sets in motion constant air quality controls to meet the standards. Automatically. The Federal Power Commission recom- mends it. The government?s own electric power system, the Tennessee Valley Authority recommends it; So dowe. Additionally, the vast resources of clean, low?sulfur coal the government owns in the West must be released. This coal is the peoples? coal and the people need it. it takes time to open mines and time is running out. Soon even this solution will come too late. But it action is taken today, no one need ask, ?What time is the electricity on?? tomorrow. Power System Kingsport Power 00.. Michigan Power Co.. Ohio Power Co., Wheeling Electric Co. .