Display Ad 75 -- No Title New York Times Feb 4, 1976; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851?2007) with Index (1851?1993) I every Po itician hung this . on his of?ce wall, he?d soon see And its solution .- - Unless we are determined to become an OPEC puppet, what we mUst do is painfully clear._ We must conserve all energy?in particular our oil and gas. We must accept the fact that coal is, today, our only alternative. The only fossil fuel in which we are-seIf-sufficient. We must expand our use of coal. But we?re not! Why? . The problems generally associated with the mining and burning of coal have been solved. Except?the destructive, regressive actions of a small minority. . . the fanatical environmen- talists. Note we speak only of the fanatics.- We embrace fair, reasonable and necessary controls. In fact?by deed-and dedication?we have long?since proved our concern for the environment. But,7neither we nor this nation can condone the . extremists. Alreadythey have succeeded in making it nearly . impossible fornuclear power to play the role it should in solving our-energy problems. Today, it takes ten years to build a nuclear plant, if you?re lucky. (In other countries, five!) And a handful can stall construction in the courts even longen A narrow-minded minority is also blocking the development of our coal resources. At every turn they employ stalling tactics, court actions, legal technicalities. Anything to impede the kind of use of our coal that could free us from dependence on foreign oil and its devas- tating economic consequences. When will it stop? Probably not until lights start going out and factories start closing for lack of severi our-energy pro lem. power. Which will happen in parts of our country? in less than ten years. Then there will be a public furor. The political. powers will act. They?ll sweep asidethe'exq tremists and establish strict but reasonable restraints. Must we follow this time-wasting scenario? Maybe, just maybe, if every politician did hang these shocking statistics on his office wall, it would be clear that we needa National Energy Program that has as its core. . Coal and Conservation. The call to. greater I energy independence Gem. pummel American Electric Power Company, Inc. Subsidiaries: Appalachian Power Co..-lndiana a Michigan Electric Co., Kentucky Power 00., Power 00., Michigan Power Co.. Ohio Power'Co.. Wheeling Electric Co.