Display Ad 60 -- No Title Wall Street Journal (1923 - Current file); May 9, 1979; ProQuest H1stor1cal Newspapers: The Wall Street Journal (1889-1993) pg. 15 Washing coal with ordinary water is nothing new. But now- after thorough pilot testing - we are pioneer- ing a much better and a more economical way to wash coal. And clean it deeply. too. The process is quite simple: Raw coal is crushed. exposing more of its natural inner impurities. The crushed coal is passed through a bath of heavy liquid. The lighter "cleaned" coal floats to the top and the heavier impurities sink to the bottom. Test results have been so promising we are building a demonstration plant to process 125 tons an hour of tenaciously dirty coal. Our objective is coal not angel-clean, but deep cleaned. Cleaner. certainly. than it could be with Yes . nSIde- and out! present washing methods. And it will burn better as well as cleaner. We expect this pioneering to make abundant Eastern high-sulfur coal more usable from an environmental standpoint. And more efficient from an operational standpoint. Cleaner coal. It will help make the America we see ahead a better America. American Electric Power we see a busier, better America Serving in Ohio. Indiana. Michigan. Virginia. West Virginia. Kentucky. Tennessee. ?u dramatist-Hut -