Display Ad 73 -- No Title Wall Street Journal (1923 - Current?le); Nov 23, 1981; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Wall Street Journal (1889- 1993) pg. 22 gs to as1< about Acid PublIc opInion polls Show an Increas- ing awareness among Amencans of the phrase ?aCId ram.? ProbIng the depth of that awareness shows that It IS regarded as a phrase connected the ?enVIronment.? After that. the kernels of knowledge become scarce Here are some questIons you mIght ask If you are one of those concerned Amencans who wants to learn more about the subject - Have there been any major break- throughs in knowledge about the Issue dunng the past year?7 - How well do we understand the atmospherlc chemistry of the sulfur and nItrogen oxides. theIr transport and uItImate deposmon. and the ecological effects of aCId raIn? . - Are there any accurate estimates of the amounts of the sulfur and nItrogen OXIdes In the atmosphere? Is there any relatIonshIp between natural and man-made Influences? - 1n the cases of most bodies of water claImed to have recered damage. IS the past hIstory Information too often anec- dotal, frequently based on Inadequate In- strumentatlon and sometImes conflictIng? - ls forecasting where aCId raIn fall an establIshed sotentIfIc procedure? 0 Are there Instances where pollutants are transported In one dIrectlon across a boundary and subsequently transported In the opposne dIrectIon back across that boundary? Is some aCIdIty In precrpItatIon essen- tIal to the world's evolved blosystem? The questions could go on and on. But, you get the Idea. There Is a great deal stIlI unknown about the subject The fact that there Is a great deal un- known has not deterred a Senate com- mIttee In WashIngton from reachIng a pount where it may approve legIslatIon supposedly deSIgned to control aCld raIn The sponsor of one bIlI admIts that the proposed standards are ?arbItrary? And, an aIde has sald ?no one knows" If the legIslatIon wm do the 10b. A report by the CongreSSIonal Of?ce of Technology Assessment states that the ?qwck fIx? legIslatIon cost $2.2 to $4.1 billion each and every year In 31 states borderIng on and east of the MISSISSIDDI RIver. For consumers In at least three states. OhIo. lndIana. and ItlInOIs. this could mean increases of as much as 50% in their electric bills. How does that strIke you as overreactton and overregulatIon. somethIng we supposed was passe In WashIngton these days? We belIeve the Is bad legIsIatIon and the wrong way to approach the Issue We hope you do, too. and WIN let the followmg CommIttee members know your VIews by man, phone or WIre Stafford (R -VT) Randolph (D - Va Baker (R - Tenn) Bentsen (D - Tex DomenICI (R - N. Mex) BurdIck (D - Chafee (R - l) Hart (D - CO) SImpson (R-Wyo) Moymhan (D- Y) Abdnor (R -S D) MItchell (D - Me) (R -1D) Baucus (D - MT) Gorton (R - WA) Murkowskl (R -AK) lnCIdentatly, we?ll be happy to share the answers to the questIons above Just erte us at: Coalitlon for EnVIronmentaI- Energy Balance, PO. Box 15026. Columbus. OhIo 43215 (614) 464-0771 Coalition for Environmental-Energy Balance