REPORT 1 OF THE COUNCIL ON SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS (A-01) Pharmaceutical Expiration Dates (Reference Committee E) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Objective. To evaluate the issue of drug expiration dates and the clinical and fiscal consequences of setting such dates. Methods. Letters sent to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) elicited information on how expiration dates are determined for pharmaceutical products, whether the actual shelf life of many drug products exceeds the posted expiration date, and whether data exist on the clinical or fiscal impact of expiration dates. In addition, literature searches were conducted in the MEDLINE and HealthSTAR databases, and the Web sites of the FDA, USP, PhRMA and Defenselink were searched for information. Data Synthesis. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are required to place an expiration date on the container/label of a drug product as a prerequisite to marketing the product in the United States. Expiration dates are determined by stability assessments that follow scientifically based procedures that have been harmonized by the International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) guidance. Expiration dates only apply when the drug product is stored under defined conditions. For most U.S. drug products, expiration dating ranges from 12 to 60 months from the time of original manufacture. Based on the Shelf-Life Extension Program (SLEP), a stability testing program the FDA has administered for the United States military, the actual shelf lives of some drug products may be longer than their labeled expiration dates. The Department of Defense has reportedly saved substantial money as the result of extending pharmaceutical expiration dates. Currently, there are no reliable data on the clinical or fiscal impact of pharmaceutical expiration dates in the civilian environment. PhRMA has informed our American Medical Association (AMA) that lengthening expiration dating for drug products in the civilian environment would not provide the same economic benefits that SLEP has provided to the military; that additional stability testing would add substantial costs to drug development and manufacturing; that most innovator drug products that are close to expiration can be returned to the manufacturer for credit; and that, whereas the military stores its drug products under optimal conditions, this would be far less likely in the civilian environment. Once the manufacturer’s container is opened and drug product is transferred to another container for dispensing or repackaging, the expiration date no longer applies. The USP has developed recommendations for pharmacists to place a “beyond-use” date on the label of the new container. There is little scientific basis for “beyond-use” dates. However, the American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) encourages, and 17 states require, that pharmacists place a “beyond-use” date on the label of the prescription container that is dispensed to the patient. Conclusions. The Council on Scientific Affairs recommends that AMA Policy H-115.983 (AMA Policy Database) be modified. 1 2Action of the AMA House of Delegates 2001 Annual Meeting: Council on Scientific 3Affairs Report 1 Recommendation Adopted as Amended and the Remainder of the Report 4filed. 1 REPORT OF THE COUNCIL ON SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS CSA Report 1-A-01 Subject: Pharmaceutical Expiration Dates Presented by: Michael A. Williams, MD, Chair Referred to: Reference Committee E (Richard R. Johnston, MD, Chair) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2At the 2000 Annual Meeting, the House of Delegates adopted amended Resolution 527, 3Pharmaceutical Expiration Dates. This resolution asks our American Medical Association 4(AMA) to urge that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the United States Pharmacopeia 5(USP), and the pharmaceutical industry evaluate the issue of drug expiration dates, the clinical 6consequences of setting such dates, and the fiscal impact. Furthermore, the Council on Scientific 7Affairs (CSA) was asked to monitor this activity and report back to the House of Delegates at the 82001 Annual Meeting. 9 10Methods 11 12Subsequent to the adoption of amended Resolution 527, our AMA sent letters to the FDA, the 13USP, and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the trade 14association that represents the research-based pharmaceutical industry. These letters raised the 15question of whether the actual “shelf life” of many pharmaceutical products might be 16considerably longer than the expiration date that appears on the manufacturer’s container, which 17could result in unnecessary waste, higher pharmaceutical costs, and possibly reduced access to 18necessary drugs for some patients. Specifically, the letters asked each organization to provide 19relevant information on how expiration dates are determined for pharmaceutical products, 20whether the actual shelf life of many products is greater than the posted expiration date, and if 21there were any data on either the clinical or fiscal impact of expiration dates at this time. 22 23Literature searches were conducted in the MEDLINE and HealthSTAR databases for English24language articles published between 1966 (or 1993 for HealthSTAR) and January 2001 using the 25terms “expiration date” and “drug.” The MEDLINE database also was searched using the terms 26"dosage forms,” “drug stability,” “chemistry, pharmaceutical,” “drug storage,” and 27“pharmaceutical preparations.” Additionally, the Web sites of the FDA, USP, PhRMA and 28Defenselink were searched for information. 29 30Scope of Report 31 32Based on the responses from the FDA, the USP, and PhRMA, as well as the limited published 33research on this subject, this report is intended to inform the House of Delegates about the 34following: 35 36  How expiration dates are determined for prescription drug products; 1 2Action of the AMA House of Delegates 2001 Annual Meeting: Council on Scientific 3Affairs Report 1 Recommendation Adopted as Amended and the Remainder of the Report 4filed. 1 CSA Rep. 1 – A-01 — page 3 1  Whether the actual shelf lives of many drug products are greater than their labeled 2 expiration dates; 3  Whether there are any data on the clinical or fiscal impact of expiration dates; and 4  How expiration dates differ from “beyond-use” dates that appear on prescription drug 5 containers dispensed to patients by pharmacies. 6 7How are expiration dates determined for prescription drug products? 8 9Under Section 501(a)(2)(B) of the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), manufacturers 10of prescription drug products must establish controls for the manufacture, processing, packing, 11and holding of drug products to ensure their safety, identity, strength, quality, and purity. 12Requirements for these controls, also known as current good manufacturing practices (CGMPs), 13are established and monitored by the FDA. 14 15As part of the CGMP regulations, the FDA requires that drug products bear an expiration date 16determined by appropriate stability testing (21 CFR 211.137 and 211.166). The FDA defines an 17expiration date as “the date placed on the container/labels of a drug product designating the time 18during which a batch of the product is expected to remain within the approved shelf life 19specifications if stored under defined conditions, and after which it may not be used.” 1 20 21Part of the technical documentation that must be submitted by a manufacturer to the FDA in a 22New Drug Application (NDA) is a stability assessment of both the new drug substance and the 23new drug product (the dosage form, including the new [active] drug substance and [inactive] 24excipients, in the final immediate packaging intended for marketing). The stability assessment 25follows scientifically based technical procedures that have been agreed to by the United States, 26the European Union, and Japan under the International Conference on Harmonization of 27Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). The most 28recent guidance on this subject is entitled, “Draft Revised Guidance on Q1A(R) Stability Testing 29of New Drug Substances and Products,” which was published in the Federal Register on April 21, 302000.1 31 32The purpose of stability testing is to provide evidence on how the quality of a drug substance or 33drug product varies with time under the influence of a variety of environmental factors, such as 34temperature, humidity, and light, and enables recommended storage conditions, retest periods, 35and shelf lives (expiration dates) to be established. Stability information should cover, as 36appropriate, the physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological attributes of the drug 37substance and the drug product.1 38 39The stability assessment starts with stress testing of the new drug substance. This establishes the 40inherent stability characteristics of the molecule, such as degradation pathways, and leads to 41identification of degradation products and, therefore, supports the suitability of proposed 42analytical procedures. The nature of these studies depends on the individual drug substance, but 43usually the effects of elevated temperature and humidity, oxidation and photolysis, and hydrolysis 44over a wide range of pH values (when the drug substance is in solution or suspension) are 45evaluated.1 46 47The new drug substance and, subsequently the new drug product, are then subjected to formal 48stability testing over time under rigorously defined storage conditions of temperature and 49humidity. Initially, at least three batches of the drug substance must be subjected to stability 50testing. All three batches should be manufactured to a minimum of pilot scale and the synthetic 2 1 CSA Rep. 1 – A-01 — page 4 1route and method of manufacture should simulate the final process to be used on a full 2manufacturing scale. Similarly, at least three batches of the new drug product, preferably from 3different batches of drug substance, also must be subjected to stability testing. At least two of the 4three batches should be manufactured to a minimum of pilot scale and the manufacturing process 5should simulate that to be applied to full production batches and, furthermore, should provide 6product of the same quality and meet the same specifications as that intended for marketing. 7Stability testing should be conducted on the dosage form stored in the packaging proposed for 8marketing.1 9 10Typically, both the new drug substance and the new drug product are subjected to long-term 11stability testing (storage conditions, 25 oC +/- 2 oC/60% RH +/- 5% RH) for a minimum of 12 12months and also to accelerated stability testing (storage conditions, 40 oC +/- 2 oC/75% RH +/135% RH) for six months. In some cases, intermediate stability testing also may be necessary. The 14storage condition at which the long-term testing is conducted will be reflected in the labeling and 15expiration date. Data from the accelerated storage condition may be used to evaluate the impact 16of short-term excursions outside the label storage conditions (such as might occur during 17shipping).1 18 19According to the FDA, expiration dates for prescription drugs (and over-the-counter drugs) that 20are subject to premarket approval requirements generally are based on the amount of real-time 21data available at the time of FDA approval of the NDA. However, the expiration date may be 22extended a maximum of six months, provided the accelerated stability data submitted with the 23NDA are acceptable, and such an extension must be verified with actual real-time data at a later 24date.2 According to PhRMA, the initial expiration dating for prescription drug products usually 25falls between 18 and 24 months.3 26 27Since stability data submitted with an NDA commonly are based on pilot scale batches of drug 28product, the expiration date granted at the time of FDA approval is generally considered to be a 29tentative one. The FDA expects that stability study data from the first three production batches 30will be submitted in annual reports from the drug’s manufacturer. The expiration date may be 31extended by the manufacturer with notification to the FDA in an annual report based on data from 32these batches; the FDA emphasizes that this period applies to drug product stored under 33controlled conditions as discussed above. The expiration date may be extended as many times as 34requested by the manufacturer as long as adequate data are provided. 2 Because manufacturers 35can extend expiration dating periods based on satisfactory long-term stability data on full 36production batches accumulated years after the original approval, mature products tend to have 37longer expiration dating periods than those products that have been on the market for a short 38period of time. It should be emphasized, however, that extension of drug product expiration 39dating periods is strictly voluntary for pharmaceutical manufacturers. 4 40 41The amount of stability testing required for generic drug products subject to Abbreviated New 42Drug Applications (ANDAs) depends on the availability of significant information and 43experience with the stability profile of the innovator product and on the complexity of the drug 44product/dosage form. For “simple dosage forms,” the FDA typically will accept three months of 45accelerated stability testing for one batch (pilot scale) to support a tentative expiration dating 46period of 24 months.3,5 47 48According to PhRMA, marketed prescription drug products in the United States have expiration 49dating ranging from 12 months to up to 60 months from the time of original manufacture. 50PhRMA is unaware of expiration dating for drug products beyond 60 months. 3 2 1 CSA Rep. 1 – A-01 — page 5 1Are the actual shelf lives of many prescription drug products greater than their labeled expiration 2dates? 3 4The FDA defines shelf life as “the time interval that a drug product is expected to remain within 5the approved shelf life specification provided that it is stored under conditions defined on the 6label in the proposed containers and closures.”1 Using this definition, it appears that the actual 7shelf lives of some drug products are greater than their labeled expiration dates on 8containers/packages. The best evidence to support this comes from the Shelf-Life Extension 9Program (SLEP).6 10 11In 1985, the United States Air Force was faced with a large (war reserve) stockpile of drugs that 12were approaching their expiration dates. The Air Force asked the FDA if it could determine if the 13drugs were safe and potent beyond the expiration dates set by the manufacturers. Since 1986, the 14FDA has administered SLEP for the United States military. According to the FDA, this is an 15internal program for conducting real-time and accelerated stability tests for drug products based 16on the same procedures that are outlined in the NDAs and the United States Pharmacopeia and 17National Formulary (USP 24/NF 19) (official January 1, 2000).2 The SLEP program only applies 18to “stockpiled” drugs and not to other prescription (and over-the-counter) drugs that the military 19purchases each year. Also, every batch of a to-be-stockpiled drug product purchased by the 20military is tested and tracked in order to extend the expiration date for that batch. 4 21 22To date, the SLEP program has evaluated and tested 312 drug products to determine if specific 23drugs maintained their stability profiles past their labeled expiration dates. Many of the drug 24products tested did maintain their stability profiles well past their expiration date, up to as much 25as an additional 107 months. However, not all of the tested products maintained their stability 26profiles past the labeled expiration dates. Furthermore, certain lots of some drug products did not 27maintain their stability profiles past the expiration date, while other lots of the same drug product 28did. The reason for this disparity between lots of single drug products is not always evident. No 29other aspects of drug product safety and effectiveness are evaluated and tested under SLEP. 2 30 31It is imperative to note that the military stores these drugs under optimal conditions, either in 32carefully monitored controlled room temperature warehouses or, when appropriate, in 33refrigeration devices.6 However, it is unclear whether SLEP would have applicability to the 34civilian environment. The actual shelf life of a drug product depends on the conditions under 35which it is stored, among other factors. A drug product stored in an unopened container under 36recommended conditions of temperature, relative humidity, and light likely will have a longer 37shelf life than the same drug product stored in an opened container under less than ideal 38conditions. Thus, while pharmaceutical manufacturers could probably get longer expiration 39dating for some drug products by extending stability testing for longer periods of time, once the 40drug product leaves the domain of the manufacturer, variable storage conditions (e.g., in 41pharmacies and especially in patients’ homes) could negatively impact product stability. In its 42response to the AMA, PhRMA emphasized these important differences between the military and 43civilian environments and its potential impact on public safety. 3 2 1 CSA Rep. 1 – A-01 — page 6 1Are there data on the clinical and fiscal impact of pharmaceutical expiration dates? 2 3The FDA and PhRMA were unaware of any comprehensive studies that addressed the clinical 4impact of pharmaceutical expiration dates and no such studies were found in the peer reviewed 5scientific literature.2,3 6 7It is important to emphasize that the FDA, USP, PhRMA, and various pharmacy organizations 8recommend that drug products not be used after their expiration dates. 1,7,8 This also is the current 9policy of our AMA (Policy H-115.983, AMA Policy Database). Because the potency and other 10quality attributes of a drug product cannot be reliably predicted after its expiration date, there is 11the potential for a suboptimal therapeutic response or some other safety problem. 12 13Reliable data, available in the public domain, on the fiscal impact of expiration dates also appear 14to be very limited. The CSA did not identify any comprehensive studies in its literature searches. 15Also, the FDA and PhRMA were unaware of any comprehensive studies that addressed this issue. 16The FDA noted that it lacks the resources to pursue such studies. 2,3 17 18News media articles on SLEP report that, on a cost-benefit basis, the Department of Defense has 19saved substantial amounts of money on drug expenses for a relatively small investment. 6,8 20According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, the military claims it spent $3.9 million on 21stability testing and saved $263.4 million on drug expenses from 1993 through 1998. 8 In its 22article, The Wall Street Journal suggests that similar savings could be achieved for consumers in 23the civilian environment, but that pharmaceutical manufacturers deliberately put shorter 24expiration dates on their drug products for marketing, rather than scientific, reasons. 8 However, 25the author of this article did concede that it is not known how much of the $120 billion-plus spent 26annually in the United States on prescription and over-the-counter medicines goes to replace 27those that have expired.8 28 29In its response to the AMA, PhRMA vigorously disputed the assertions made in The Wall Street 30Journal article. PhRMA emphasized a number of points in its letter. First, PhRMA argued that 31the development of stability data to support the original or an extended expiration dating period 32for a given lot of drug product is costly and time consuming. This cost is added to an already 33expensive drug development and manufacturing process and ultimately has to be passed on to 34patients. PhRMA also emphasized that most innovator drug products in the distribution stream 35are subject to take-back-for-credit arrangements (within about six months of remaining shelf life) 36for “nearly expired” drug products. Pharmacies can take advantage of these return arrangements 37either directly with the manufacturer or through a distributor/wholesaler. Finally, PhRMA argues 38that the consumer market lacks the military’s logistical capability to properly store drug products 39for prolonged periods of time. PhRMA believes this poses potential problems of reduced efficacy 40and safety for patients. As noted in the above discussion of SLEP, the military stores these drug 41products under optimal conditions. However, in the civilian environment, this often is not 42necessarily the case. For example, hospitals may repackage bulk drug product into unit dose 43containers, retail pharmacies usually transfer drug product from a large stock bottle to a small 44prescription container that is given to the patient, and patients are known to store their 45prescription drugs in bathrooms where storage conditions are far from optimal. 3 46 47PhRMA and the FDA also noted the important differences between the needs and operations of 48the military when compared to the private sector. While the military stockpiles drugs for 49disasters, the private sector generally prefers a high turnover rate of stock to minimize inventories 50and the capital tied up with it.3,4 2 1 CSA Rep. 1 – A-01 — page 7 1Based on the limited information available, it remains unclear whether lengthier expiration dates 2on pharmaceuticals would ultimately lower the cost of drug products for patients. 3 4How do expiration dates differ from “beyond-use” dates? 5 6As discussed above, pharmaceutical expiration dates are placed on containers/labels of 7manufacturers’ drug products. Expiration dates are determined by stability assessments that 8follow scientifically based technical procedures that have been harmonized under ICH guidance. 9Expiration dates only apply when the drug product is stored in the manufacturer’s original, 10unopened container under defined conditions. The FDA approves the expiration date for a drug 11product and, the USP 24/NF 19 requires that the label of an official drug product bear an 12expiration date. 13 14A “beyond-use” date is different from an expiration date. By removing a drug product from the 15manufacturer’s marketed container or bulk dosage container and placing the drug product in a 16different container for dispensing to a patient or for repackaging (e.g., into unit dose packages for 17further dispensing in a hospital), pharmacists may be altering the expiration date. In such 18instances, the USP has developed recommendations to place a “beyond-use” date on the label of 19the new container, as follows: 20 21 The beyond-use date placed on the label shall be no later than the expiration date 22 on the manufacturer’s container. The beyond-use date is a date after which an 23 article [drug product] must not be used. Based on the information supplied by 24 the manufacturer, the dispenser shall place on the label of the prescription 25 container a suitable beyond-use date to limit the patient’s use of the article. 26 27 For articles requiring constitution prior to use, a suitable beyond-use date for the 28 constituted product shall be identified in the labeling. 29 30 For all other dosage forms, in determining an appropriate period of time during 31 which a prescription drug may be retained by a patient after its dispensing, the 32 dispenser shall take into account, in addition to any other relevant factors, the 33 nature of the drug; the container in which it was packaged by the manufacturer 34 and the expiration date thereon; the characteristics of the patient’s container, if 35 the article is repackaged for dispensing; the expected storage conditions to which 36 the article may be exposed; any unusual storage conditions to which the article 37 may be exposed; and the expected length of time of the course of therapy. The 38 dispenser shall, on taking into account the foregoing, place on the label of a 39 multiple-unit container a suitable beyond-use date to limit the patient’s use of the 40 article. Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, or in the 41 absence of stability data to the contrary, such a beyond-use date shall be no later 42 than (a) the expiration date on the manufacturer’s container, or (b) one year from 43 the date the drug is dispensed, whichever is earlier. For nonsterile solid and 44 liquid dosage forms that are packaged in single-unit and unit-dose containers, the 45 beyond-use date shall be one year or less, unless stability data or the 2 1 CSA Rep. 1 – A-01 — page 8 1 manufacturer’s labeling indicate otherwise. * For all other types of nonsterile 2 dosage forms, the beyond-use date is one year or the time remaining of the 3 expiration date. 4 5 The repackager must maintain the repackaging facility at a temperature, such that 6 the mean kinetic temperature is not greater than 25 o. The repackaged dosage 7 forms are similarly stored. The plastic material used in repackaging must afford 8 better protection than polyvinyl chloride, which does not provide adequate 9 protection against moisture permeation.7 10 11Unlike the substantial, scientifically derived stability data that determine an expiration date, there 12is little scientific basis for “beyond-use” dating. However, the recommendations of the USP on 13“beyond-use” dates generally are well accepted within the pharmacy community. The American 14Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) encourages, and 17 states require by either law or regulation, 15that pharmacists place a “beyond-use” date on the label of the prescription container that is 16dispensed to the patient.8,9 Current AMA policy (H-115.983) also recommends that pharmacists 17place a “beyond-use” date on the labeling of all prescription medications dispensed to patients 18and, that the “beyond-use” date be based on USP recommendations. 19 20Summary 21 22Pharmaceutical manufacturers are required by federal law and regulation to place an expiration 23date on the container/label of a drug product as a prerequisite to marketing the product in the 24United States. Expiration dates are determined by stability assessments that follow scientifically 25based technical procedures that have been harmonized under ICH guidance. Expiration dates 26only apply when the drug product is stored in the manufacturer’s original, unopened container 27under defined conditions. For most drug products in the United States, expiration dating ranges 28from 12 months to up to 60 months from the time of original manufacture. 29 30Based on SLEP, a stability testing program that the FDA has administered for the United States 31military, it appears that the actual shelf lives of some drug products are longer than their labeled 32expiration dates. Furthermore, it has been reported that the Department of Defense has saved 33substantial amounts of money on drug expenses as the result of extending pharmaceutical 34expiration dates. 35 36Currently, there essentially are no reliable data on the clinical or fiscal impact of pharmaceutical 37expiration dates in the civilian environment. PhRMA, the trade association representing the 38research-based pharmaceutical industry, has informed our AMA that lengthening expiration 39dating for drug products in the civilian environment would not provide the same economic 40benefits that SLEP has provided to the military. PhRMA contends that additional stability testing 41would add substantial costs to drug development and manufacturing. Furthermore, PhRMA notes 42that most innovator drug products that are close to expiration can be returned to the manufacturer 43for credit. Finally, PhRMA argues that, whereas the military stores its drug products under 44optimal conditions, this would be far less likely in the civilian environment. PhRMA believes 45this poses potential problems of reduced efficacy and safety for patients. 2* The FDA commented that the USP’s “beyond-use” dating recommendations do not apply to drug products 3repackaged into unit dose containers by manufacturers and commercial repackagers. For solid and liquid 4oral dosage forms, FDA’s Compliance Policy Guide 7132.b11 applies, and it allows repackagers to assign 5up to 25% of the remaining expiry on the manufacturer’s bulk container, not to exceed six months, to the 6repackaged unit.4 7 1 CSA Rep. 1 – A-01 — page 9 1Once the manufacturer’s container is opened and drug product is transferred to another container 2for dispensing or repackaging, the expiration date no longer applies. The USP has developed 3recommendations for pharmacists to place a “beyond-use” date on the label of the new container. 4The “beyond-use” date can be no longer than the manufacturer’s expiration date and often may be 5shorter, i.e., one year. Unlike expiration dates, there is little scientific basis for “beyond-use” 6dates. However, the APhA encourages, and 17 states require, that pharmacists place a “beyond7use” date on the label of the prescription container that is dispensed to the patient. Current AMA 8policy (H-115.983) also recommends that pharmacists place a “beyond-use” date on labels of 9prescription containers dispensed to patients and, that the “beyond-use” date be based on the 10USP’s recommendations. 11 12RECOMMENDATION 13 14The Council on Scientific Affairs recommends that AMA Policy H-115.983 be modified as 15follows and that the remainder of this report be filed. 16 17H-115.983 Expiration Dates and Beyond-Use Dates of Prescription Drugs Products 18 19 Our AMA: (1) supports the inclusion of expiration dates on the containers/labels of 20 prescription drug products and recommends that expiration dates be determined by 21 pharmaceutical manufacturers using scientifically based stability testing with subsequent 22 approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); (2) urges the pharmaceutical 23 industry, in collaboration with purchasers, the FDA, and the United States Pharmacopeia 24 (USP), to determine whether lengthening of expiration dates will provide clinical and/or 25 economic benefits or risks for patients and, if this is the case, to conduct longer stability 26 testing on their drug products; (3) (1) recommends that pharmacists place a beyond-use 27 date on the labeling of all prescription medications dispensed to patients, and that the 28 beyond-use date be based on the recommendations in the most recent edition of the 29 United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary (currently USP 24-NF 19) (official 30 January 1, 2000) (USP 23-NF 18) (official January 1, 1995); and (4) (2) encourages the 31 United States Pharmacopeial Convention, Inc., in collaboration with pharmaceutical 32 manufacturers, pharmacy organizations, and the FDA Food and Drug Administration, to 33 continue to explore the development of appropriate stability tests for the determination of 34 more scientifically sound beyond-use dates for repackaged products. (3) urges that the 35 FDA, United States Pharmacopeia, and the pharmaceutical industry evaluate the issue of 36 drug expiration dates, the clinical consequences of setting such dates, and the fiscal 37 impact. (Modify Current HOD Policy) 2 1 CSA Rep. 1 – A-01 — page 10 References 1. International Conference on Harmonization; Draft Revised Guidance on Q1A(R) Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products. Federal Register. April 21, 2000; 65(78):21446-21453. 2. Letter from Janet Woodcock, MD, Director, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration. December 15, 2000. 3. Letter from Alan F. Holmer, President, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. November 17, 2000. 4. Letter from Jeffrey E. Shuren, MD, JD, Food and Drug Administration. March 28, 2001. 5. [Draft] Guidance for Industry; Stability Testing of Drug Substances and Drug Products. Food and Drug Administration. June 1998 Available at: 6. Garamone J. Program extends drug shelf-life. American Forces Press Service. March 29, 2000 Available at: 7. Supplement 1 to The United States Pharmacopeia, 24th Rev., and the National Formulary, 19th Rev. (USP 24/NF 19). Rockville, MD: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention; 1999:2589-2590. 8. Cohen LP. Many medicines prove potent for years past their expiration dates. The Wall Street Journal. March 28, 2000. 9. Report 1 of the Board of Trustees, Prescription labeling. Proceedings of the 144th Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates. Chicago, IL: American Medical Association; June 1822, 1995;31-36. 2