Rec'd from Stu Dalton, 4/17/15 The Electric Power Research Institute began operations in 1973 for the purpose of ex- panding electric energy research and development under the voluntary sponsorship of the nation's utility industry, public, private, and cooperative. Its goal is to develop a broad, coordinated, ad- vanced technology program for improving electric power production, transmission, distribution, and utilization in an environmentally acceptable manner. EPRI represents a major milestone in utility industry cooperation and response to the electric energy problems we face today. The primary areas of EPRI's research are nuclear power; fossil fuel and advanced systems; power transmission and distribution; and energy systems, environment, and conservation. The beginning of the EPRI concept can be traced to l965, when the Electric Research Council (ERC) was organized to encourage all sectors of the electric utility industry to join in cooperative sponsorship of electric energy research. ERC brought together representatives of the Edison Electric Institute the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Amefj?i? can Public Power Association, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and the US. De- partment of the Interior. 1 By the late 1960?s the utility industry found itself caught between meeting increasing energy demands on the one hand and. rapidly growing environmental concerns on the other. Diminishing gas and oil reserves and production and increasingly stringent environmental standards turned a poten- tial energy problem into a reality. It became evident that a tremendous challenge lay ahead for the rest of the century. In the fall of 1969 ERC Goals Task Force to establish a blueprint for utility industry researchna'nd development through the year 2000. The Task Force report, issued in 1971, was the most comprehensive study ever developed on electric utility requirements. it called for total expenditures by the utility industry, federal government, and electric equipment manu facturers averaging $1.12 billion annually for the balance of the century. Concurrent with the study, ERC worked out details for an industry-wide orgt-rnization to provide direction and support for this ambitious under taking. The result was the Electric Power Research institute which succeeded the Electric Research Council and assumed management responsibility for the programs of the EEI and the ERC. The ERC did an outstanding joii of hringing all segments of the industry together to suppoit re search work. But its most important contribution was to lay the foundation for a strong national utility industry organization wrtli authority, tech nicai and administrative expertise, and greatly in creased funding, to develop and coordinate industry-wide energy research. The Electric Power Research institute appointed Dr. Chauncey Starr as its first president on Janu ary 1973. Formerly Dean of the School of En gineering and? Applied Science, University of Cali fornia at Los Angeles, Dr. Starr is one of the country?s most distinguished and experienced lead ers in energy development. He served as Vice President for Rockwell international and President of its Atomics Division during his 25-year career prior to joining the UCLA faculty. occupied its headquarters ill Palo Alto in September, 1973. The same month the institute opened an office in Washington, DC. to provide for close coordination of EPRI research programs with parallel efforts of federal agencies such as the Office of Coal Research, the National Science Foundation, and the Atomic Energy Commission. As of September 1, 1974, EPRI had 220 research projects under management or in contract negotia tions. The total value of these projects, over their contract lifetimes, is $195 million dollars, including funding from other organizations. OBJECTIVES OF EPRI Major objectives of the Electric Power Research institute, as set forth in the Articles of incorpora- tion, include the following: . To promote, engage in, conduct, and sponsor research and development for electricity pro- duction, transmission, distribution, and utili- zation and all activities directly or indirectly related thereto. . To provide a medium through which investor- owned, government-owned, and cooperative. I. owned power producers and all other persons interested in the production, transmission, distribution, or utilization of electricity can sponsor electricity research and development for the public benefit. To dist-over, through study and research, ways to improve the production, transmission, dis- tribution, and utilization of electric power, in order to insure the adequate power SUpp/y vital to the progress of the nation and the world community. . To seek, through scientific research and devel- opment, solutions to the environmental prob- lems related to the production, transmission, distribution, and utilization of electric power. . To provide a medium for coordination and cooperation and for the exchange of informa- tion, among all organizations, public or private, concerned with electric power research and development, To develop, prepare, and disseminate informa- tion and data on scientific research and devel- opment activities in the field of electric power. EPRI will not make operating decisions for the utility industry or for government bodies. Its mis- sum is to focus national utility resources on continuously providing the technological options needed for insuring that future electricity demands can he met in a manner that best serves the overall public good. is At l? STRUCTURE To carry out its mission, EPRI will require a staff of 250 to 300. A substantial number of these people will be on loan from utilities and supplierS, on sabbatical leave from universities, or on post- doctoral assignments. The technical staff is composed of four divisions. . THE NUCLEAR POWER is rESpon- Sible for research projects in the areas of nuclear safety and analysis, engineering and operations, and nuclear materials. THE FUEL AND ADVANCED SYS- TEMS promotes the development 0f new technology for using fossil fuels particularlY .5 is 3'50 in x? 77;. in environmentally acceptable ways. This di- charge of developments related to conversion and storage systems and new energy sources including fusion, solar, geothermal, mag- netohydrodynamics, fuel cells, and other advanced systems. THE ENERGY SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION DIVISION is concerned with energy supply and demand studies,?environ- mental considerations, energy conservation, and system planning and simulation. THE TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION handles projects including underground transmission, ac overhead and dc transmission, sys- tem reliability, and development of better distribu- tion systems. The major responsibilities of these divisions are 1) to assist in determining the relative emphasis to be placed on research in the various fields over the short and long term, 2) to make recommendations on projects under consideration for EPRI funding, 3) to closely monitor EPRl-sponsored re- search projects, and 4) to promote continuing coordination and communications with other re- search activities in their fields. initially, hardware research will take place where it can best be performed in manufacturers? facilities, universities, or government laboratories with close project management by EPRI staff. may also operate (and own) facilities that either exist now or may be built in the future. These will be located wherever both talent and existing facilities make the work most productive. EPRI facilities may develop into regional centers each specializing in some nationally significant area of research. in addition to the technical divisions, there is an administrative division and other functions such as planning and communications at EPRI. To accomplish this unique and critical research effort, has attracted highly qualified indi- viduals. Senior staff members, in addition to Dr. Starr, EPRI president, are: Richard E. Baizhiser, Director, Fossil Fuel and Advanced Systems?formerly Assistant Director, White House Office of Science and Technology. Milton Levenson, Director, Nuclear Power? prevmusly Associate Director, Energy and En- f: ,Viionment, Argonne National Laboratory. An EPRI organization chart is on the next two pages. .1: E. Robert Perry, Director, Tammi, merit (and Acting Director, Trari?. Distribution Divisioni~formerly Direct- search, Power Equipment Group, .412; Corporation. j: 3 7.11,, . . I. Sam H. Schurr, Director, Energy Systems, 1, vironment and Conservation?formerly of Energy and Mineral Resources, Resources for the Future, inc. 1 Robert L. Loftness, Director, Washington, D.C. Office?previously Deputy Director for Tech- nology, Office of Atomic Energy Affairs, US. Department of State. Robert A. Sandberg, Director, Communications? formerly Senior Vice President, Corporate Public Policy, for Kaiser Industries Corporation. David Saxe, Director of Administration?former- ly Vice President, Business Management, Atomics International Division of Rockwell international Corporation. Henry A. Darius, Secretary?formerly Assistant Secretary and Counsel, Northeast Utilities and its subsidiary companies. Louis 0. Eisaesser, Assistant to the President? previously Director of Research, Edison Electric institute. Richard L. Rudman, Assistant to the President- previously engineering computing consultant to IBM. Cyril L. Comar, Director, Environmental Assess- ments Department?previously Professor and Head, Department of Physical Biology, and Director, Laboratory of Radiation Biology, Cornell University. George R. Hill, Director, Fossil Fuel Depart- ment?previously Director, Office of Coal Re- search, U.S. Department of the interior. Walter B. Loewenstein, Director, Nuclear Safety and Analysis Department?formerly Director of Applied Physics, Argonne National Laboratory. Lawrence E. Minnick, Director, Engineering and 7 Operations Department?previously Vice Presir. dent, Yankee Atomic Eiectric Company. Edwin L. Zebroski, Director, Nuclear Suit and Materials Department-formerly ir- Fuel Programs, Nuclear Enginegli?y General Electric Company. 15343 . r; I 'r 'r $2504 :nxum 3533 :mE?sm tub-3 Iii-tall- v.53 0-. 8-: h?iw .9: Y?ahl?? ll?Shh 3. .113 5:58.. gap-a I ill-l Inci735: .Irlrl Ilium tic 2 gm 5] 3 an! 53.32.:? Suufm ?ix cg a a 2.: Ila 93': 5% .235 .13: a nits aim in. .5 53-91%; - -. emshf'the'eiectric ., investor-owned com- -a'gencies, rural cooperatives, ,Ie'y Authority, and the U.S. De- e??lnterior. In most cases, investor- wymp?anies participate through the Edison no Institute, public-owned organizations "9h the American Public Power Association, .. ?nd rural cooperatives through the National Rural EleCtric Cooperative Association. There are nearly 500 member organizations Supporting the EPRI program. These utilities ac- count for approximately 85% of the electric power generating capacity of the nation. By the 1974 funding formula, members are called on to contri- bute the equivalent of .10 mills per kilowatt hour of sales. In 1975, the rate will be 0.115 mills per kilowatt hour of sales. Of this amount, about $25 million annually goes to the Liquid Metal Fast Reactor Program, and up to 20% for research and development programs of local and regional interest. The remainder goes to EPRI, whose 1974 budget was $68 million dollars. For 1975, this figure is expected to be $90 to $100 million dollars. Breeder BOARD OF DIRECTORS . .5 A principal fac?t?h?i? is the very long lead?fiin, technology to have a sigriif?ic- ability of utility systems to pro 1? . Only near-term technologies, stration phase, are likely to have much I?m o. to 1985. Intermediate-term technologies: a, of proven scientific feasibility but engineering development may be Important tween 1985 and 2000. Finally, there-are the Ion-~52 term projects whose scientific feaSIbility is still .. uncertain and which may not be significant until after 2000, if ever. HIGHEST PRIORITY . Research toward technological options that Will permit continuing utilization of coal for power production in new and retrofit applications in con- ?3 i1 formance with environmental standards is of high priority. This work includes coal liquefaction, coal gasification and coal beneficiation. Clarification of safety issues, particularly for light water (conven- tional) reactors, is one of the most pressing near- '1 term concerns in the nuclear power field. Develop- ment of the fast breeder reactor, which would ex- 3 tend our uranium resources for hundreds of years, and the gas-cooled reactor are also of high impor- tance. The 15?man EPRI Board of Directors is com- posed of the following: Chairman is James E. Watson, Manager of Power for the Tennessee Valley Authority. Vice Chairman is Shearon Harris, President 8: Chairman of the Board of Carolina Power Light Company. Other members of the Board are: T. L. Austin, Jr., President, Texas Utilities Company. John F. Bonner, President and Chief Operating Of?cer, Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Jack W. Carlson, Assistant Secretary for Energy and Minerals, The U.S. Department of the Interior. Robert F. Gilkeson, Chairman of the Board, Philadelphia Electric Company. Robert W. Gillette, Manager, Public Utility District of Grant County, Washington. Jack K. Horton, Chairman of the Board, Southern California Edison Company. Charles F. Luce, Chairman of the Board, Con- .. solidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. John M. McGurn, Chairman of the Board, 3? Virginia Electric and Power Company. Robert V. Phillips, General Engineer, Los Angeles De and Power. John G. Quale, President, Wisconsin Electric Power Company. Manager and Chief partment of Water Thomas C. Shirley, Chairman, Research and Technological Development Committee, Na- tional Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Lelan F. Sillin, Jr., Chairman and President, Northeast Utilities. ?5 ?1 Frank M- Warren, President, Portland Genes, 1" 5 Electric COmpany' .. and esthetics of our transmis- ?1 ??h?is must be improved. EPRI and equip- ?iri?rhanufacturers will closely coordinate?their in this area. Superconducting transmissmn iin?es appear to have exciting for the 1985 to 2000 period. EPRI works closely With federal agencies in sponsoring this research. Intermediate term in the program includes fuel cells, high capacity storage batteries, solar energy conversion, magnetohydrodynamics, i and novel topping and bottoming cycles, all con- sidered to have substantial payoff possibilities, ADVISORY COUNCIL An example of long-term R86 payoff is fusion?both the magn. and the laser-pellet concepts. These; nificant scientific uncertainties whic feasibility difficult to assess at the However, the eventual payoff for success is [1 29, and the national effort in fusion is justified becau-sei of the possibility of providing the post-2000?eta - . with a near limitless energy option. Because of its 7 complexity, fusion research may require a sub- stantial and continuing investment for several de- cades before a tangible public benefit becomes evident. present . The ultimate goal of the research program is to develop technology in the best interest of all segments of our society. This mission can be accom- plished only through continuing communications with all sectors of the general public. What are their needs? Their concerns? Their ideas? How well do they understand the various facets of today?s energy situation? The EPRI Advisory Council, composed of prom- inent leaders from government, labor, education, science, and business, provides this liaison between the public served by the utilities and the Board, officers, and staff of EPRI. The Advisory Council meets quarterly to reflect public attitude and needs and make recommenda- tions relating to EPRI program direction. Chairman of the Advisory Council is Joseph L. Fisher, formerly President, Resources for the Fu- ture, lnc. Vice Chairman is Arthur C. Stem, Profes- sor of Air Hygiene, University of North Carolina. Other members are listed below. George I. Bloom, Chairman, Public Utility Commission. Erwin D. Canham, Editor Emeritus, The Christian Science Monitor. Charles C. Coutant, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Ruth M. Davis, Director, Institute for Com? i puter Sciences and Technology, National Bureau of Standards. Arthur G. Hansen, President, Purdue Univer- sity. Alfred E. Kahn, Chairman, New York Public . . Service Commission. Thomas L. Kimball, Executive Vice President, National Wildlife Federation. James F. Mauze, Chairman, Missouri Public Service Commission. William D. McElroy, Chancellor, University of California at San Diego. Martin Meyerson, President, University of Pat Moran, Chairman, Arkansas Public Service Commission. Bruce C. Netschert, Vice President, National Economic Research Associates, Inc. William A. Nierenberg, Director, Scripps ln- stitution of Oceanography. Arthur L. Padrutt, Chairman, Wisconsin Pub- lic Service Commission. ?Lulu Ruth Patrick, Chairman, Limnology Depart- ment, The Academy of Natural Sciences. Charles H. Pillard, International President, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Elvis J. Stahr, Jr., President, National Audu- bon Society. Joseph C. Swidler, Director, Institute for 4" Public Policy Alternatives, State University of New York. John P. Vukasin,Jr., Commissioner, California]- 1 Public Utilities Commission. .- John G. Winger, Vice President, The Manhattan Bank. Marvin R. Wooten, Chairman, Utilities Commission. Box 1041 2 than 250 utility industry executives and "?in?eers serve on 5 industry advisory com- mittees The 20 members of the Research Advisory Committee, the senior group in the Institute in- dustry committee structure, work with President and Board of Directors to identify needs of the utility industry. In addition, they coordinate the activities of the entire structure. RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman of the Research Advisory Committee is L. F. Lischer, Vice President in charge of En- gineering Research and Technical Activities, Com- monwealth Edison Company. Divisional Committee Chairmen, also members of the Research Advisory Council, are: Fossil Fuel and Advanced Systems: H. L. Falkenberry, Chief, Power Research Staff, Tennessee Valley Authority. Nuclear Power: H. M. Dieckamp, Executive Vice President, General Public Utilities Service Corporation. Energy Systems, Environment, and Conserva- tion: Lawrence T. Papay, Director of Research and Development, Southern California Edison Company. Transmission and Distribution: Robert A. Bell, Director, Research and Development, Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Other members of the Research Advisory Com- mittee are: Perry G. Brittain, President, Texas Utilities Services, Inc. John J. Bugas, Manager, Colorado-Ute Electric Association. A. G. Bullard, Jr., Director of Research, Caro- lina Power Light Company. it TRY ADVISORY GROUPS Four Divisional Committees, ?09 the four EPRI technical divisions; .. sion directors. Task forces in each mg 3? area work in more detail with the divisions; ing needs, and measuring priorities and pro?t . values. Subcommittees, formed at the optloh the task forces, are functioning at the progr? a ?51-171; 1 level in much the same way as task forces, ., R. F. Cayot, Chief, Department of Engineering Research, Pacific Gas 8: Electric Company. Gerald F. Diddle, General Manager, Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. G. E. Dreifke, Manager, Research Develop- ment, Union Electric Company. S. William Gouse, Jr., Director, Office of Re- I search Development, United States Depart- ment of the Interior. 1 Edward S. Halfmann, Director of Research, Philadelphia Electric Company. W. B. Harrison, Vice President, Research, Southern Services, Inc. Raymond A. Huse, Manager of Research Development, Public Service Electric Gas Company. Hilbert S. Johnson, Senior Vice President, Portland General Electric Company. 8. Hale Lull, Vice President, Planning Re- search, Northeast Utilities. Harold Lurie, Director of Research Develop- I ment, New England Electric System. ,4 R. J. McMulIin, General Manager, Salt River i Project Agriculture Improvement 8! Power District. Lawrence J. Simpkin, Director of Engineering Research, Detroit Edison Company. ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE Headquarters 3412 Hillview Avenue