ri??nli?ter:?l . mutt? mom I an m. 2015 momma Comroial do Eotados Unidds :12, WU on c. 3.5 ES. i'i?i??mwc EnladwUnidoa do America. - ASUNTO: Casos do madora poruana on Houston Mo dirijo a uatod para saludario cordialmonte al mismo tiornpo oxprosarie nuestro agradocimionto por la participaoion do too Estados Unidos do Am?rioa on la raunion do! Grupo do Exportos sabre Tala liogat su Comeroio - EGILAT on at maroo dot Foro do Cooperaoion Asia- Paolfioo- APEC Ilevada a cabo Ida dies 20 21 do Iabrero on Lima reunion on Ia cuai nuostraa oconomias han raf?ioado tau ?nno decision do seguir iuohando ?rmomonto contra Ia tala ilegal. El motivo do Ia preoonto as manifootarlo la aoriodad con la que ol gobiomo pomano data tomando la oxiatoncia do on oargarnanto do madora axporlado dosdo oi Peril. quo so onouentra paralizado on Houston. EEUU. Io owl ha motivado nuoatra profunda preocupaoion la decision do nuostro paia do aolarar los hed'ios ralacionados a1 rospoclo. i . Candideramds may importanto prociaar due. al momonlo on qua Ios produoios pretriamento roioridos salioron dol pais. oontaban oon todos if? loo Iogales v?lidamonto omitidos por la Autoridad Regional Foroatal do II - Fauna IS?t-roatre do In region do Loroto quionoa oi otorgamionto do loo Ilitill?s omitioron guias do transpono forestall do awardo a sus -por to. one In madam on ouostidn oumplia oon requisites females '65 Ian oi distant: legal poruano. We Io anterior.- maria importante qua do brindor?n todas Ids garanlias "Jun; lips outeddadda mmpotontoo para continuar can too promos do a ?n do mluar la voracidad do In proaunoidn do Ian 11m mm um poslblo oxirmcion do odgon ilogal la at Vitual .. dd, wingin- Md an al diatoms do control forests?. qua Why: [Womanhompmduoido Mignon .ll ii?. '??c'noI I3 - Pumroanbisaapaodadmdl?mr Wares poroanas qua adquirioran la madam (squallos qua aompron. no loo qua W). pador oomaar sobro an prawnlo origan ilagal do wolquiam do was pmddolos foraslalas al momenta do Ia saiida do! pais. ,Coho predator qua saguimas alantos a Ias rosultados do los rospectivoo prooasao abiortos a ?n do idonti?aar Ias rospansabilidados qua ooneo?pon'dm 5 ?Manor canformo a Lay on aquollos lunoionarios que hayan incurrido on alguna omlalon oxcoso do funoion. adomos do raalizar Ias donuncias oonospondiontas on oaso. do ldontificar rosaansabilidadas on rapraoontantos do! saolor priuado. Como as do so oonaaimionla. duranto Ios ultimas arias a! Ford ha dado muaslrao ciar'oode ou oomprornisa on Io luoha contra la tala ilagal la promoalon dol manejo form oaalonlblo, aspooialmonto dal manojo lorastal cornonllaria, ol oual a loo puoblos indiganas aprovaohar sua basquas. par la qua asla siluaclon as obsolutarnonio contraria a la political naoional foroslal Loo praduataa foroslalos dol oasa on invoaligaoion provionon do bosouos do la Region Loroto, donda oi raopoatiuo Gabiarno Regional ajorao la Autoridad Regional Forootal do Fauna Silvastro doado o] 2010. Caboprooisar tombion. qua oi propio Gobiorno Regional do Loroto oola trabajando an honor rofarrnas on Bus proaasos inlornoa. lo qua so ouidonoia on Io craacion do la Auloridad Regional Ambiontal da Laralo. qua a irauas do la Ejooutiva do aeration Forootol do Fauna Siluaotro (DEGFFS). oroads modiaato Ordonanzo Regional 012-2015-GRL. do fooha 05 do octuEIro dol 2015. canaliluyo so more autm'idod foreatal do fauna silvoalra regional. En one oonildo una do 135 funaianas qua son do oampalonoia do In DEGFFS as al I. alar??omlonio do has titulos habilitantoa on Io region. Io duo tiono coma objetivo a" . promovor osogurar ol manojo forastai sootonkrlo 5 par supuasto oi adder: logol do .- - loo produdoa forastaloo qua oa aprovaahon an la region. asi coma au poolerior arm oion El Gabon-radar Regional do Larala ha maniloolada ou voluntad do oonllnuar - . Woo on is do! sector foroalol on an region 5* ha oxpruado qua no . 9! do dioha raglan a avalar lo tala liegal do aus booquosooclar laraotal an Loroto. . 7: par ma?a do in presents: quialora oamunicario qua ai Sowiaio No 5 do Fauna slams SERFOR an au oalldad do Marlow Mom 5I qu Faun! ??voot'ro ado anoargada do hear on: roviaian mm do: do] moo p-aruano paraldantifloar aportunidadoa' demon-out re 'ch?II ?ally? . ll la" \ri ?a :I'hr? I I I?vl I mm do Immad?n Forum de Fauna 3mm mourn: gno- t'c'd? lit mm del Esiado al sodor prlvada center? can an We fall de la fauna mas complera poslbie can mission 0 del origen al de ins producing forearms: mader'abie's pm on (I'mprfi?imw; or?goh pal). . . ?rm Mwlar mi! despido de usted.13.. . . .??nili {Ii :iili :1"pr I 1'1, 22:" I. ?it?ll his5'1" . I: i] ".Iiu?I . . Niki.? Mr: ?l - lily)?: "'th- . -4 . 1-- .- I35unitary Minister?s . nTrad I 0mm In?ow-ism . armorsmm Peru? . FIEB. 29 2016 [Stompz mum 3:5 -. -- secEIon - - .3 MAR. 01 zeta-4:09:1zpm Cameroonian: 2: Document Processing] 5' The Honorable MICHAEI. United States Trade Representative Washington, D.C. United States of America. Re: Peruvian Wood Con?scated In Houston I am writing to express our gratitude for the United States? participation in the last meeting ..of the Expert Group on illegal Logging and Associated Trade under the framework 9 .- .2 I of the Asian~Paci?c Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) which took place in Lima on February 20-21. At the meeting, our representatives ratified their ?rm decision to continue 7. I I the ?ght against illegal logging. :3 so of this communication is to state that the Peruvian government ls paying attention to the existence of a shipment of timber which was exported from Peru Blocked in Houston, USA. Our country is deeply concerned about the matter and to IclIarifv any related facts. ment had been issued by the Regional Forestry and Wild Life WW .- . . Igivv'ere In force, when the timber forest product IeIftI PeruI; I3 Mll'il?l'y Minister?s of Foreign Trade Of?ce and Tourism ?Decade of the Disabled in Peru? -'Yeor of Consolidation of Gran 5 Sea? systemnuatmay gone undetected. "3r? I?j'f l" in addition, the Management Information System - a system that provides .I information on the supervision of existing licenses, and is consulted by Peruvian exporters and-US importers -did not register any preliminary information about potential doubts on the legal origin of the exported timber. Therefore, at the time, neither the U5 in'lporter, nor the customs authorities, or the Forestry and Wildlife Technical Administration in Lima, or the Peruvian exporters who acquired the timber (buyers, not producers), were aware of the alleged illegal origin of said forestry products when they left the country. it is worth noting that we shall remain vigilant with regard to the results of the relevant administrative proceeding, in order to identify liabilities and enforce legal sanctions on any official for failure to perform his duty or abuse of power. In addition, any liability by representatives of the private sector shall be identified and reported. i As you know, in the last few years Peru has clearly shown it is committed to ?ghting illegal I logging and" promoting sustainable forestry management, particularly community-based forestry management which allows indigenous people to bene?t from forest resources. This is why the present case is absolutely contrary to Peruvian forestry policy. .roto Region, where the relevant Regional Government has been in charge of Forestry Wildlife since 2010. lI.Il A worth noting that the Loreto Regional Government itself has been working on 'm internal procedures An example of said reforms Is the creation of the Loreto I . . mental Authority, 3 new forestry and fauna regional authority, through the. 91"" Forestry and Fauna Management (DEGFFS) created by Regional . lie-om. ofOctober 5 2015 folgs Is to grant licensos in the region for the pupr? .- -. - forestry management aswell as. of course. llIIl'l'l ?ll?I I. 1 . ll?! I1 ?lat .1 I ll II. I ?l?I I I ll I'll?: bulb; and that forestry controls will be further strengthened in Loreto. I would hereby like to inform you that SERFOR - the Peruvian Forestry and Service - In Its capacity as forestry and wildlife authority, is fully responsible for ??ltering Peruvian procedures in order to identify opportunities for improvement, take media measures, and carry out any reform required to strengthen security and ensure that Peru' 5 forestry exports have a legal origin. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the government of the United States of America 3f, 7" for the assistance provided to Peru for the past years. It enabled us to start implementing the MGSNIFF (Forestry and Wildlife National information System) Control Unit. This Unit 2 will enable State institutions, and the private sector to have real-time, and as complete as . pds'sible, tracking information on the legal origin of timber forestry products for export .5: Iiinoereiy Yours, [Ministry Stomp] 1'51. .. n5 o3?. - a] Governor expressed his willingness to continue consolidating nos in the region. He stated that It is not the region? 5 policy to allow, or endorse