. - 0 Approved For Release 2M07I12 8-0 STAFF MEETING 20 June 1972 STATINTL . STATINT National Securit' lnformation-?Classification, De? STATINTL classification and Access discussed briefly the new Head? quarters Regulation?ioting 1at while it will not be a be st?seller, it is to he read "avidlyo" Of significance is that classification of documents STATINTL can no longer be left to the secretaries who prepare them . Bob noted that the regulation is not yet effective and that. we are awaiting word from the White House that our paper meets all essential criteria . A Headquarters Notice will be issued to announce the effective date. Bob noted that the regulation specifies the use of a rubber stamp "Exempt from general declas'sification schedule" which is at variance with the initial distribution of the stampo When the regulation is effective you may use the one you have until you receive the corrected stanipo it is ex? pected that a full supply will be received about 29 June, and in this order will he the correct stamp of the type Incui'tionetlo Bob also pointed out that the regulation as printed contains a new sentence 011 page 23, ?If the classifier is other than such person, he shall be identified on the stai?np as indicatedg" There is no ?stamp? for this pur- pose and the system of preparation of correspondence should indicate who the official classifier was on a particular documento As the regulation now stands, only an, officer having TS classifying authority may make the judgment whether a document falls within one or more- of the exemption categories in the Executive Ordero Precise instructions on this and other similar points cannot be issued until the Director has had an maporttmity to conside a. proposal made to him that he grant a exemption for all. documents falling within one of the four exemption categorieso Liaison. with the Law Enforcement Assistance Administratlon Mira 'Oshori'i stated that the Director has established a. policy that the Agra-me}; Approved For Release 2001/07/12 CIA-RDP78-06207A000100080018-0 I 1 Approved For Release 2M7I12 will be "forward looking? in its dealings with the was the official liaison officer with LEAA until. his retirement ocen y, one of I?loward's former deputy directors who has retired, 1as a consultant contract with and has been established as the official liaison l'1etween the Agency and LEAAO I?loward pointed out that our work with LEAA is a two wway street and that while we are anxious to provide them. with some of our expertise, they in turn are willing to provide us with the results of some of their research? For instance, LEAA's effort in metal detection devices to counter hijacking could have an application in our interest in audio countermeasures techniqueso I STATINTL 4., New Official Photograph of President Nixon ?_note.d that the Agency has received new official photographs of President Nixon ?(both color and black and white) which we are asked to substitute for those new on display., LSD has the negatives and will print only the number of copies that are requiredu The intent is to replace those we now have, hut-if there is a need for additional copies a request can he consideredo Tex asked that each Office Director assess the needs and convey them to LSD on exten? sion 5245 not later than 27 June?, (can 5 5., The Watergate Caper Mro Coffey stated that the Director has twice made it clear in Morning Meetings that the Agency has said all it intends to say on this subject and desires that there be no cl:1itchat with friends and former emplo rec-3s about it., Any press inquiries are to be referred without comment to who is substituting for Angus ?Ihuertner, and any internal inqunries 31011 d. be referred to Mru Oshorno 02. would be interested in knowincr of an present or former employees who might have been working I 6 Apprec -- Mr Coffey expressed his sincere cappreciation to all planning officers and their assistants who worked so hard and long over the past weekend to prepare for the hearing wit].1 the Executive Director on the FY 19 74 budget 7 Rabies Sea-.11 ?-e1tpr essed his a:pp1eciation to OMB and particularly for delusion? a 1. abies scare which arose at. where some child an were exposed to a rabid puppy, 8 ., Drug Abuse Ex; l..1ihit at AMA ?1otod that the Agency's drug abuse exhibit was being well received at the A111erican Medical Associa~ tion conference in San Francisco this ween? We weie told that 8 out of every 10 persons who viewed the exhibit took a sniff of the pseudo 111ari._iuana., Thus far, five iretnicsts have been received to 1 so out display at other ga tl1cri11gs., Approved For Release 2001/07/12 .15 Approved For Release CIA- RDP78- 9. 111017011. so in V111r1111u 11103910 I?axed m- Tom Yale announced that the State of ?1/1113111111 1111.51 sjust issued [5110;507:1011511 1110011113 tax formula which will 110001110 offecti?o oIIocI will be to 17110100110 tax deductions f0]. Virginia residents ?10111 $2110 31/ [101: pay 1161100 An Agency notice is in 11110111211 ?1I1'o11 and the OI I100 01' 115111111100 is planning 10 start the new wit l1holdi11gs for vouchered funds payrolls for. Iho pay pa r100 beginning 9 July and 011 23 July for unvouchered 11111110113, 00: Each attendee Distribution: Orig - subject 1 chrono Approved For Release 2001/07/12 CIA-RDP78-06207A000100080018-0