'53? UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20450 Q. 0 .Q. ?0 ?goumms, April 17. 30]? OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR EMORANDUM SUBJECT: Relorming the Federal and Reducing the Workforce FROM: Michael Flyni Acting Deputy Admmistrato T0: General Counsel Assistant Administrators Inspector General Chiefliinancial Of?cer Chief of Staff Associate Administrators Regional Administrators On April 2017. the Office of Management and Budget issued a memorandum that provides Uuidancc on implementing a comprehensive plan for reforming the federal government and reducing the workforce. The guidance requires the lollowing four deliy'erables by .lune 3t}. 2017: Draft Agency Reform Plan: Draft Agency FY 2-018 2022 Strategic Plan; Draft ?t?v?orkforee Reduction Plan: and Plan to Maximize limployec Performance. 4.35.1 Id Final plans for the first are due in September with the OMB budget submission. The guidance outlines a number ofdifferent requirements and speaks to the interrelationships between the different plans. A workgroup recently was tormed to begin scoping out an approach to dey'eloping an Agency Reform Plan. The April 12 OMB memorandum also addresses the requirement issued earlier to reduce the size ofthc federal workforce. While this memorandum ends the wide hiring freeze. each agency must determine based on its situation if a hiring freeze should continue. Given our resource situation. we will eontinu a freeze on external hiring. Very limited exceptions to this external hiring freeze may be permitted on a case?by-case basis with approval Internet Address 0 Recyclew?ecyclahle 0 Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks On 100% Postconsumer. Process Chlorine Free Recycled Paper by the Acting Deputy Administrator. Internal reassignments may proceed where appropriate. but Senior Resource Of?cial approval will be required it'the reassignment is across NPMs or regions. The 0MB guidance also requires all agencies to begin taking immediate actions on near- term workforce reductions. In light olithis guidance. we will begin the steps necessary to initiate an early outfbuy out program. Our goal is to complete this program by the end of FY 2017?. I appreciate vour patience as we work through the details of the guidance and will work with you as we more forward. cc: Administrator Deputy Assistant Administrators Deputy Regional Administrators Assistant Regional Administrators