86: EBP FRGM: 1 5.33885 1 35 . 1 i if: ?my Tb: Fit: i cc; Brim Williams From: Kellcy Ku?baba Dab: RI: uk? Simo??d Murray 5 i' Hammad Maya Anduaon via it his home mm: of 8504;959:929 on! hum mmbex in Florida. Jeff called him 31: ta week ago him know that] wouldbe conmc?E-?IS it?! ?Birding 53 Mus-my. He and 1'61"de not got into much about ?nation over the talephone. ?e rememwra MY. [1)?ng not spam to him in am 20 yum (Ucfbm this call). Lloyd has not lived in Cream: fox about the last an. Lloyd recalls bemg at the 1' Center at. the; was ?rm: as Jc?'amzmd for 7 gram. my were both about 7 years old. This is wfiem rim-y met 13:! Many. Manly um . :tn??momhu. um: has memries ofEd Murray hem; verbally abusive. He also memblm Ed tllcing a speci?c mm in Jeff. bcom?ng Jeff?a ?Resoum Plenum? HP at some pom. He bllim tint mics prior RP was Barb Mania. but she has simm?pamd may. ?iinyd tried to avoid Ed as numb as pnnible while at the Fury Celina?. Lloyd was abuts: at me?Parry Cenmr, am: by Ed- Hi: sued years ago but the clue didn't go anywhere nut mung pron When thay was about 14 yam old, Lloyd 6am to a foster home and Ie??wam to 1m with Bet. On: the yuan Jeff would viait Lloyd at his father hams. Je?'aanfeased stories about a sexual mlatiomhip with Ed that startud when Ed became his :aretaker. Lloyd (1035 not remember Je?? talking about. Ed abusing him a! 111% Pan-y Ha Ja?? much amen; because he I talking ?b?ut tha details {um-name. Lloyd just listened without :eiiwed that Ian? nestled a friend at am time. He dam not hm: my kmwledge about Ie?' mailing these in drum to In 3:111:11. He would walk ?u sh?cets at times. Around mundw uld was: Lloydha hard mu 1931-1982 he and Ed had a ?lumcc meeting in Portland. Ed invi L10 :1 was about 16 was 0113. ond mauve: to 116?: mm: . uw?n? tavern. Ed wired Lloyd money an son. He gave hurl alcohol and "Wm" am: a pmple "cl mar?ul?l. 1.1mm life had [gm couple of times and had marred. During these an pubic hair. Lloyd?s abuse has 1911 him a life of?ng: ind pd: minor (his 3915?; Ina-alga ni?ce)- HI: him he?n out nfprison for 1 had no contact with Ed and Is not IWIIE mNWPorlenL Hclhinks ltwuon sun for momy (mi km.) me Any. Ie??was new: at the apam??l when 311:}: chars, Lloyd mm mm Ed had an unusual lump on his penis and bright red on. H: was convicted uEhnvins sexual 001mm with and feels he is doing well 1mg. He has th'n he was a public ?gure. He is uncommithla with Wine, but willing to pmicipate if . 1.5. - . '35-enun?dwu? .. .