To: Fr: Fr: University of Portland Faculty Members Thomas Greene, Provost Alan Timmins, Vice President for Financial Affairs Mindi Logan, Chair of Faculty Welfare Committee and Members: Stephanie Michel, Tamar More, Hans Nordstrom, Tara Prestholt, Kaye Wilson-Anderson February 23, 2017 Compensation Decisions Dt: Re: The following elements describe the status of faculty compensation for 2017-18. This effort is in accordance with the strategic plan, Vision 2020, Tactic E.2.3: “Review, monitor, and maintain appropriate compensation levels for faculty and staff.” Stage 1 provides an initial step in addressing some of the most critical issues. Stage 1: 2017 -18 • Minimum beginning tenure-track assistant professor salary across all units: $60,000, a $5,000 increase. All faculty hired this year meeting the above criteria are included. • All full-time tenure-track assistant professor faculty members currently under $60,000 will be raised to $60,000 plus eligible for a merit pool increase which is 2.5% this year. • All full-time tenured full professors will be increased 4% plus eligible for a merit pool increase which is 2.5%. • General merit pool for all faculty members in 2017-18 is 2.5%. Stage 2: Subsequent 2 -3 Years • Engage in a compensation study with CASAGRANDE CONSULTING beginning in the spring of 2017. All ranks and disciplines of faculty will be reviewed along with any gaps or overlaps between ranks. This firm operates independently and strives for fairness which will help the University attain and then maintain its strategic plan tactic (E.2.3). Implementation of recommendations from this compensation study will occur in the subsequent 2-3 years in accordance with Vision 2020. The entire goal of stage 2 is to create a sustainable plan going forward that allows the University to maintain appropriate compensation once the recommendations have been implemented. If you have questions, you may contact any of the authors of the memo.