17AE-CR00991 CAUSE STATEMENT I, 01115:: Slim Mann, I duly lppifinml Cuntral 0mm Omar In Ind fur Clly alluvial-shin. Missonrl, knwing flu! Mn an Ihll mm In minimum by law. mu flu! tell unnhiymi nn farm In! In": [have cerium the on August 8, 2m hum! "2701 "human amid Riverside. Plane Caunly, Mlflonfl, Small M. will" mull, horn 01/37/19". Iudll uni-ler IIan mum"! on: or mare 0mm. Tire [nix ml: belleiere mum: The Ammk ls InAnlmul Dental Officer m- fl'lie Pollee Riveniidie, Flam County, perenrnl inveeilgedeo end reperie rne Affiam bee upemined die renewing M: On lune 15.2016. Slum M. (label rnede eppiieedbn do ihn City nnuvereide for opcupeney permii for! m--Eor--pmfil elm-i w. Plums Rind, Riverside, Platte Couniy, Mhdouxl. Tire did ibebueineer . oreupeney pernir unn'i eueir dnre prenieei were inspeuted by m: Riverside Fire end ibe Mbeeuri nepernnem a! Agieuirure. 0n lune 24, mo, Sergpuanmphull eornpleun born a eiuren wire weniee Uh: anixueue tn teeier ieline when ebe obeerved enirnel bending. Sergeenr Crunpbell end omen zudeir responded to die on my nude comm will; Me. Gubei,1bey enined this wunhu'und were overwhelmed by lire erreng odor emcee. They eeiinreied any felines in edges eeverei miner em died vvere running loore. Me cenei Mild sergenn cerepbeii ilui lb: lied applied for Mullins ecu-penny pennii end eeid ibe dryweii worker roid ner sine did um need mu. Me. aebei iwenly. dve onire ieiinee would be removed. 1min Flinn: i1 fill! Building Official for "15 CM ufRI'venidu, pnnod Innch afviulafiml to M1. Gabal (d0 Cm: widen ie the nerne for opening bullies wiibnui burineer oeeupeney permit. The nodee werued Me. Elbel thin." mith must bu {mm the pmlilu hymn: 27. 2016 haun. 0n lune. 20 16 er om 11mm, Mr. Fuller re-iriepeeoed ibe premise: ibr oompllenee ml lire neiloe lo well: ill: nninull i'rornbie building. Mr. Fuller enid are building was bnwever, be observed ilnnugir rile nun fi'uint windewr epprueirrieneiy live In men saline: running thou: the inside nnhe building, Mr. Puller eeldhewae eiro uvawhelmed by the ode: uranxcune {ecu and urine bnrnilne ulterior oribe building Mr. Fullu enenpleiedrwo Cndu vinleiinmn Me Gebei fur ellnwing enimel wumb cullwt musing ofl'miv: end noximu odorin empeaie premise: end for keeping mlmal: in znned eree proper'iiceore from ilie Olly of Riverside. Tbecndei vlnleilmie were eemoeniaed mum Ms. cabel'i ENNIS in Karim. dun: we'd eel brink/10,2016 e: 1700 hours In Minilcipiil Cal-n. od luly i. 2016, due Rivereide Fire Merebel iriepeeied ilie prenieer ibr fire ende vlniednne Six violnfium'wen MIMI. Ms, Gebei wee giwn mil lulyzz, in mire veneerinne in tire violailnne. Fullawing this City's inspecfiorl, ibe Depemnem die my die Mfimfl. vepooiing die did no: 1135 ibelr inepeoiinri far lire type rile wee npernzing, buedrennore. lenmmt erAgrleidiure gave Ms. euhel ennui-er iliiriy deys kl eorrepr vile [sum for rivey would reiurn ei die end bribe thirty on reinepeoi the premises. 2016. Mr. Niermeelved en one-ll roeu memo binelrnniw leknl repnrred roongodnroreerend cal irierernenninglnooirlrbu nan.me - odor, mien upper-e be meager inure momlng end nigiu liner. i=irrdrerrner believed ilde le affming mania peitonege, On luly 25, 2016, ML puller rerurned on ma re conduct building inepeciioe The vleinripre iieled on this Fire Mnrebel-e lnepeeilon Report from luly i were run eoneeoed. Mr. Fuller enreiied iire eenie miner oder en reporied on lune 27. Fullawing Mr. Fuller's lnvpeciion, been: due neperunrnu or'Agrleulmre pendueied remand lnepeniinn onne due in die mun-a mien breinese The Affilm wee preseni. neperbneo: ofAylcuImle iold rile are prevnieer did nor pas! NV zaso - IJDZ ludv- - Wild filmiumwala ?1 their inspection for the type ofbusiness she was operating. Furthermore, Department of Agnculture inspectors gave Ms. Gabe] another thirty days to correct the' issues for they would return at the end of the thirty days to re-inspect the premises. The Aftiant observed a noxious odor consistent with feline feces and urine. On August 4, 2016, the Afiiant was contacted by Dr. Jean Schmidt with Department of Agriculture, regarding the felines being held at 2707 West Platte Road. Dr. Jean Schmidt said she could hear cats in the building when she attempted to make contact by knocking on the door. Major Skinrood and the Af?ant arrived on scene. Dr. Jean Schmidt, and Christine Mohr, who is an animal health inspector for Missouri Department of Agriculture were standing in ?oat of the facility located at 2707 West Platte Road. Heather SteinIe, Brandy R. Fannan, and Debbi Mitchell arrived at the business. The three ladies stated they had been involved with Street Cat Rescue. They had previously been helping Susan Gabe], the president of Street Cat Rescue ?x up the facility. They said they had stopped by to make sure any felines being held inside were being properly cared for, because Susan Gabe] had been incarcerated for several days. The ladies had a key for the business, unlocked the do or and invited Dr. Schmidt inside. Dr. Schmidt went inside with the ladies to check on the well being of the animals. After 5 minutes or so Dr. Schmidt asked us to come inside to - assist with neglected animals. Steinle, Fannan, and Mitchell also asked for our assistance arranging medical treatment for the felines. The ladies were visibly upset with the current state of the animals. As Maj or Skimood and the Aftiant entered the building we were overwhelmed by the odor of feline feces and urine. Dr Jean Schmidt observed several felines with nasal discharge and ocular discharge as well as diarrhea. Stainle, Fannan, and Mitchell voluntary transferred ownership of the felines to the City of Riverside. They were concerned for the feiines? current health and were not able to provide the medical care needed, They were only able to provide health certi?cates for 4 felines that were transferred ?'om a rescue named forever friends located in Neosho Missouri. The Af?ant observed several felines in each of the cat rooms, as well as in kennels located in the back of the building. Dr. Schmidt started documenting and removing the felines hour the cat rooms. The felines that were in the most urgent need of medical treatment were placed in pet carriers separated Earn the other felines. Dr. Schmidt transported the felines in the most urgent need of medical treatment to Wayside Waifs in .her vehicle. Mr. James Fuller who is the Building Inspector for the City of Riverside arrived on scene to provide support. We loaded all the felines in pet carriers and transported a total of thirty-six felines to Wayside Waifs. I Eight of the thirty-six felines were humanely euthanized due poor body condition, severe upper respiratory infection, and tested .positive for Feline Leukemia. Twenty-six of the remaining twenty-eight felines suffered from some or all of the following Upper respiratory infection, Coccidian, tapeworm, parasites, ringworm, ocular discharge and diarrhea. Ms Gabe] has the following animal violation convictions in Gladstone M0: 0 four counts of exceeding the number of animals at a residence and ?ve counts of failure to vaccinate animals 0 10/11/2016 one count exceed the number of animals at a residence, one counts fail to provide adequate veterinary care, one count failure to provide shelter and water for animal The Af?ant believes the facts revealed in this investigation establish that Susan M. Gabe! did commit one or more criminal offense(s). it is also the belief of the Af?ant that these some facts establish probable cause for the arrest of Susan M. Gabe]. Animal Control Officer Shane Moore Date: Ami/? 7" A?iant Printed Name dc Title Af?ant Signature The Court ?nds probable cause and directs the issuance of a warrant. Judge wv 23:60 LL08 'zo rudv - eueld - parL?I 17AE-CR00991 IN THE CIRCUIT COURI 0F COUNTY, NHSSOURI SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT STATE OF MISSOURI, Plaintiff. vs' CaseNol Div. Susan Gabel 3 SEN DOB: 01/27/1978 Defendant. INFORMATION Eric Zahnd, Platte County Prosecuting Attorney, State of Missouri and Stephen E. Msgers. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, upon information and belief, charge that the defendant: In violatiun of Section 578.009, committed the class misdemeanor offlnimfll neglect, punishable upon conviction under Sections 558.011 and 578.009, in that on or abcut August 4, 2016, in the County of Platte. State of Missouri, the defendant had a cat in her custody and knowingly failed to pmvide adequate care for the animal by failing to provide animal waste disposal ln the building in which the animal was housed, a failure which resulted in substantial harm to the animal. 578.009-002Nl9835599.0 The theta that form the basis for this information and belief are contained in the attached statement offsets, made a part hereof and submitted as a basis upon which this court may find the existence of probable cause. wv - 1an Indv - - Pena fillmtummia Wherefore, the Prosecuting Attorney prays that a summons be issued as provided by law. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ERIC G. ZAHND PROSECUTING ATTORNEY ls/ Stephen E. Magers Stephen E. Magers, Bar 0. 69204 Christopher P. Seufert, Bar No. 58136 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney 415 Third_St., Suite 60 Platte City, Missouri 64079 (816) 858-3476 (816) 858-3472 (fax) 8360 11-03 '10 a?eld PalH AIIBONOJIOBEI