Dl!le 1:11~0/WOJOla.Q" A Pubflc Service Agency AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE TESTER (AVT) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR MANUFACTURER'STESTING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: 0 0 0 0 Original ~ 150 Renewal (Annual) S150 Modification $70 Additional Permits S50 CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX: D Address Change D GZI Authorized Representative Driver/Operator [i) Vehicles INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete online or print and complete by hand using black or blue ink. • Submit completed and signed form and fees to: Department of Motor Vehicles, P.O. Box 932342 MS L224, Sacramento, CA 94232-3420 SECTION 1 -AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE TESTER INFORMATION .• . E.f>N NUMBER NAIJ.E OF MANUFACTURER Apple Inc. BUSIIIESS NAME SECRETAAY OF STATE ENTll'll NUMBER C0806592 Apple Inc. 8 US L~ ES S NAME LICENSED SY OV.V AREA COOE!TEl.EPHONE NUMBER ( 408 ) 996-1010 CflY STREET AD OR ESS STATE CA Cupcnino I [nfinite Loop STATE CITY MAJUNG AOORESS OF DIFFERENT fROM STR££T ADDRESS) CA Cupenino I Infinite Loop MS: 318-2CP Company's training, testing, and employment records are kept at: ZIP COO€ 950!4 D ZJ?COOE 950\4 Additional pages(s) attached. FACIU!'{ NA.\OE Apple Inc. STATE CITY STREET ADO AESS Cupenino I Infinite Loop CA ZIP CODE 950]4 FACIU!'{ NMI E STATE CITY STREET AOORESS SECTION 2 -'v_EHICLES EQUIPPED FOR TESTING ZIP CODE List all vehicles in fleet. Number of vehicles in flee1 .=.3_ _ _ __ PLATE NUMBER STATE ISSUED \/IN NUMBER YEAR MAK£ 7MQV503 CA 2T2ZB IBA6FCOO 1564 2015 Lex us R.X450h 0 PLATE NUMBER STATE ISSUED \liN NUMBER YEAR MAXE MODEL 0AUTo 7VFG777 PLATE NUMBER MODEL 0AUTo CA 2T2ZB IBA6FC002926 2015 Lex us RX450h 0 STATE ISSUED VIN NUMBER YEAR MAXE MODEL 0AUTo 7VUZ660 CA 2T2BCIBA2FC008381 2015 Lex us RX450h PLATE NUMBER STATE ISSUED VINNUMBEA YEAR MAXE MODEL 0 SlATE ISSUED OL311 (NE\'19/2013)\"/WW YEAR \/IN NUMBER Page 1 of 4 MAIJ NIN G COMPLETION OATE DATE ENAOU.EO IN O.IPLOYER PUll. NOTICE PROGRAM 04/05/2017 03/28/2017 PRINT TRUE FUU NmE !LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE) DRIVER UCENSE NUMBER I STATE ISSUED CA Ma,Jeremy l'N.AINING COMPLETION DATE DATE ENROU.ED IN O.IF'LOYER PULL NOTICE PROGRA.\1 04/05/2017 03/2&/2017 PAl/'ll TRUE FULL N.WE I LAST. FIRST. MIDDI..E) ORJVEA LICENSE NUMBER I STATE ISSUED CA Rosas, David TRAINING COMPLETION DATE DATE ENROU.ED IN E).IPLOYER PULL NOTICE PROGRAAI 04/05/2017 03/2&/20 17 PRINT TRUE fULL NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDL€) DRIVER UCENSE NUMBER Gadda, Christopher, David ~~ATE ISSUED CA DATE ENROU.EO IN EMPLOYER PULL NOTlCE PROGRAM TRAIN INO COM Pl ET1 ON DATE 04/05/2017 03/28/1017 PRI.'TT TRUE FULL NAME (LAST. FIRST, MIDDLE) ORI V EA UC ENS E N liMBER Hwang, Victor, Chung ISTATE ISSUED CA TRAINING C0'.1PLET10N DATE DATE ENAOU.ED IN EMPLOYER PUll. t/OTICE PA0GRA'~ 04/0512017 0312812017 PRINT TRUE FULL NA.'-IE (LASt FIRST. MIDDLE) DRIVER LICENSE NUMBER TRAINING COMPLETlQN DATE DATE ENROUED IN E).IPLOYER PUll. NOTICE PROGRAM PRINT TRUE fUlL NAME (LAST,FIFIST.MIDDLEI ORI'IER liCE~SE NUMBER TRAlNING COMPLETION DATE DATE ENROLLED lrl EMPLOYER PUll. NOTICE PROGRAM PRINT TRUE FUll. NMIE (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE) ORtvEA LICENSE NUMBER TRAlNING 00MPL£llON DATE DATE ENAOU.ED IN El'~PLOYE.R PUll. NOTICE PROGRAM Page 2 of 4 l STATE ISSUED ISTATE ISSUED IsTATE ISSUED OL311 (NEVI S/21l13J vNI..,." l,:z.\'~,s~.6M.V,Lu_$g-Q~J-Ylt':!68!.:AvrNuMeER NA\AE SECTION 3 - AUTONOMOUS VEHICL~ DRIVER/OPERATOR continued PRINT TRUE ~Ull NAME (LAS!; FIRSt MIDDLE) DRIVER UCE.'ISE NUMBER TFIAJNING CC\IPLETICN DATE DATE ENROI.U::D IN EMPlO't'EA PULL NOTICE PROGRAM PAINT TRUE FUll.. NAME (LAS r, FIFlST. MIDDLE) OflNER UCENSE NUMBER TFIAINING COMPI.CT10N DATE DATE ENROLI.fD IN E.\! PLOVER PULL NO'TlCE PROGRAM PRINT TRUE fUll NAME (LAST. FIRST, MIDDLE'J DRIVER l.ICENSE NUMBER TAAJNINO COMPLETION O..TE D-\TE ENROLLED IN EM"LO't'ER PULL NOTICE PROGI\.\M PAINT TRUE FULL NA.'/.E (LASi; FIP.Sr, MIDDLE) DRIVER UCENSE NUMeER TRAINING COMPlETION DATE MTE ENRCUED IN EMPLOYER PULL NOTICE PP.OGRAM PAINT TRUE FULL NAME (LASt fiRSt MIDDLE) DRIVER UCENSE NUMBER 'ffiAINING COMPLETION DATE DATE ENROLLED IN EMPLOYER PULL NOTICE PROGAA\1 PRINT TRUE FULL NAME (lAST. FIP.ST. MIDDLE) DRIVER UCENSE NUMBER TRAINING COMPLETION DATE DATE E:'IP.OLL£0 IN EMPLOYER PULL NOTICE PROGRAM PRINT TF.UE FULL NAIAE (LAST. FIRSr. MIDDLE) DRIVER UCENSE •JU,.BER 1RAJN INO CCMP LETION DATE O..TE ENROLLED IN EMPLOI'EFI PULL NOTICE PROGRA.\1 PAI:-IT TF\\JE FULL NAME (LAST. FIRST. MIDDLE) OFIIVER UCENSE NUMBER TRAINING COMPLETlON D,_TE OATIE E.\!ROLLEO IN EMPLoYER PULL NOTICE PROGRAM PAINT TRUE FULL NAME (LAS~ FIRST. MIDDLE:) DI11VER UCENSE NUMSeR TRAINING COMPlETION OAIE OATE ENROLLED IN EMPLO't'ER PULL NOnCE PROQAA.\.1 PRINT TRUE FULL NAME (LASr. FIRST. MIDDLE) DRIVER UCENSE NUM'BER TRAIN! NO COMPLETION DATE OATIE ENROLLED IN ~PLO't'ER PULL N011CE PAOGRJ..\l PRI~IT TRUE DRIVER UCENSE NUMBER FULL NAME (LAST. FIRST./.IIDDLE) TRAINING COI>I.PI..ETION DATE DATE ENROLLED IN EMPLO't'EA PUl l NOTICE PROGRAM PRINT TRUE FULL NAME (LAST, FIRST. MIDDLE) DRIVcR UCENSE NUMBER TRAJNII"iG C~-'PLETlON DATE D-\TE ENROLLED IN EMPlO'I'ER PULL ~OTlCE PROGRAM PRINT TRUE FUU. NAI.IE (LAS UIRS T. MIDDLE) DRIVER UCENSE NUMBER TR.o\JNING COMPLE'TlON DATE DATE ENROLLED IN EMPLOYER PUll N011CE PROGI\.\M 0L 311 (NEW 9/2013)VIWW Page 3 of 4 I STATE ISSUED I STATE ISSUED I STATE ISSUED IST"'TE ISSUED I STATE ISSUED I STATE ISSUED rTA!E ISSUEO I STATE ISSUED I STAlE ISSUED I STATIE ISSUED I STATE ISSUED e I STATE 1ssu D I STATE ISSUED ~~D.Myj,O_S_E[O_N['(l.;.~~· ~ AVT NUMB ER NAME SECTION 4- APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT INITIALS 1. The autonomous vehicle is being operated on roads in this stale solely by employees, contractors, or other persons designated by the manufacturer of the autonomous technology. 2. The driver will be seated in the driver's seat, monitoring the safe operation of the autonomous vehicle and is capable of taking over immediate manual control of the autonomous vehicle in the event of an autonomous technology failure or other emergency. 3. An autonomous vehicle shall not be operated on public roads until the manufacturer submits an application to the department and has been approved by the department. 4. The autonomous vehicle has a mechanism to engage and disengage the autonomous technology that is easily accessible to the operator. 5. The autonomous vehicle has a visual indicator inside the cabin to indicate when the autonomous technology is engaged. 6. The autonomous vehicle has a system to safely alert the operator if an autonomous technology failure is detected while the autonomous technology is engaged, and when an alert is given, the system shall require the operator to take control of the autonomous vehicle or if the operator does not or is unable to take control of the autonomous vehicle, the autonomous vehicle shall be capable of coming to a complete stop. 7. The autonomous vehicle shall allow the operator to take control in multiple manners, including, without limitation, through the use of the brake, the accelerator pedal, or the steering whee\, and it shall alert the operator that the autonomous technology has been disengaged. 8. The autonomous vehicle's autonomous technology meets Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for the vehicle's model year and all other applicable safety standards and performance requirements set forth in state and federal law and the regulations promulgated pursuant to those laws. 9. The autonomous vehicle has a separate mechanism, in addition to, and separate from, any other mechanism required by law to capture and store the autonomous technology sensor data for at least 30 seconds before a collision occurs between the autonomous vehicle and another vehicle, object, or natural person while the vehicle is operating in autonomous mode. The autonomous technology sensor data shall be captured and stored in a read-only format by the mechanism so that the data is retained until extracted from the mechanism by an external device capable of downloading and storing the data. The data shall be preserved for three years after the date of the collision. iO. The driver will be seated in the driver's seat and has been identified in this application, and provided training as outlined in the training materials submitted with this application . S10/(_ Sm!L~Y?zL Sfhk 11. The applicant for an autonomous vehicle testing program permit shall maintain records confirming all driver/operator(s) driver license record is in compliance with the good driver criteria and shall immediately remove such drivers from the testing program upon notification that the driver no longer qualifies for participation in the program . 12. The operation of autonomous vehicles on public roads will be in compliance with all provisions of the Vehicle Code and local regulations applicable to the operation of motor vehicles. SECTION 5 "'"":'CERTIFICATION I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. . dAd mm1s .. tra toro f th e program for the above name employer. I f urther ce rrt 1 y th atl am th eau th Of/Ze PROGRAM OI~ECTOF\IA\JTHORIZEO Steven M. Kepnftr REPRESENTATIVE PRJNTED NAME AND Trn.E DRIVER UC ENS E NUMBER ....--?_ DAZ!i-7I -zo J 7 ~QNATUq~/ STREE'T"?J)OR!;SS I ' IZIP CODE 950[4 Cf1'll STATE Cupertino CA EMAJL A.ODRESS FAXNUM8ER AA EA COD EfT ELEP HONE NUMBER skenner@apple.com ( 808 I Infinite loop Page 4of 4 ) )996-1010 CUll (NEW 9/'2013) 'iNN/ April 12, 2017 Department of Motor Vehicles Occupational Licensing Compliance Section 2415 1st Avenue. MS S441 (Courier Service Only) Sacramento, CA 95818 Dear Director Shiomoro, Apple is pro1Jiding the following written explanations in support of application form OL 311 Section 4, Applicant Acknowledgement, under the requirements of the Autonomous Vehicle Tester Program. Written explanation regarding section 4, #8 of form OL311, per OL312, Section 1. As discussed with the Department of Motor Vehicles, section 4, ~8 of form Ol31l is not applicable to development platforms used for testing pu rposes only. Written explanation regarding section 4, #9 of form OL31l, per OL312, Section 1. As discussed with the Department of Motor Vehicles, section 4, #9 of form OL311 is not applicable to development platforms used for testing purposes only. However. Applicant's development platforms will have the ability to capture and store relevant data before a collision occurs. If any clarification or further information is needed please contact me directly. Sincerely yours, x/!za;7/ \feve Kenner Director of Product Integrity, Apple Apple 11n~n i te Loop, MS 301·3VG Cupertino, (A 95014 T 408 996-10\0 F 40899~275 www.apple.com STATE OF CALIFORNIA -:·, ... :;_DMV _USEONLY ;. :·._._ ., DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES A'/TNUMBER AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE MANUFACTURER SURETY BOND (Vehicle Code Section 38750) Licensing Operations Division Occupational Licensing Branch P.O . Box 932342, MS: L224 Sacramento, CA 94232-3420 09177739 Bond Number Sl'l':ETY US£0;-:LY 59,450.00 Premium Amount SURETYUSEOSL'r' KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, A le Inc . PRI:\CIPAL NA.\IE(SI AXIl DBA doing business as an aUionomous vehicle manufacturer (section 38750 , Vehicle Code) whose address for service is 1 [nfinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 Atrro~·o~ IOUS VEHICLE ~IA..'NFACi\JRER ADDRESS as PRINCIPAL . and Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland -------------------- SL'RETY t'A.\IE a corporation organized under the laws of_M_a_ry_:_l_a_nd _ _ _ _ _ _--:::-:-::=~==-:-:-:=-:-------------and authorized to transact a STATE OF L"CORF'ORATIO.' I general surety business in the State of California, whose address for service is 1299 Zurich Way, Schaumburg, IL 60196 SU ~ SER ~1CE ADDRESS ----------------------------·as SURETY, arc held and fumly bound to Lhc People of the State of California in the p~nal sum of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5 ,000,000). for which payment we bind our;c\vcs. our heirs, executors, administrators. March 15, 2017 successors and assigns jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The bond term shall begin on 80~'0 EFfECllVE DATE WHEREAS, section 38750, Vehicle Code, requires lh~l the Principal file or have on file with the Dcpanmen1 a bond in the sum of $5 ,000.000 and this bond is executed and tendered in accordance therewith . NOW THEREFORE, the conditions of the foregoing obligation arc that if the Principal satisfies any financ ial judgement for bodily injury. death , or property damage in a motor vehicle accident in an autonomous vehicle as delincd in California Vehicle Code section 38750 operated on California public roads for testing purposes by or on behalf of the Principal, then this obUgation is to be void·. otherwise it is 10 remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED HOWEVER, this bond is issued subject to the following express conditions: (1) This bond shall remain in full force and effect for all liabilities incurred and for acts, omissions, or causes which arose before the cancellation or withdraw!. (2) This bond is executed by the Surety to comply with sections 38750 Vehicle Code, Chapter 2 (commencing with section 995 .010), ti tle 14, part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure and Title 13. California Code of Regulations, Article 3.7, section 227.10, said bond shall be subject to all the tenns and provisions thereof. (3) The aggregate liability of the Surety hereunder on all claims whatsoever shall not exceed the penal sum of this bond in any event. (4) This bond may be cancelled by the Surety in accordance with Anicle 13 (commencing with section 996 .310), chapter 2. 1i1le 14 , part 2 of I he Code of Civil Procedure. (5) The Surety, ils successors and assigns. are jointly and severally liable on I he obligations of the bond, chapter 2 (commencing with section 995.0 10), title 14, part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure and Division 16.6, section 38750 of the Vehicle Code. (6) The Principal and Surety may be served with notices, papers and other documents under chapter 2 (commenci ng with section 995 .0 I0). title 14. part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure at the addresses given above. I certify (or declare) rmder penalry of perjury. under rlre laws of tire State of California that r!Je foregoing is rrue twd correCt. The undersigned execlilt'S this bond orr behalf of the surery rmder an unre1·oked power of arrorney. Executed at San Francisco, California On (Date) March 15,2017 P. Austin Neff PRNTEDOR TYPED NA.\IEOF ATIOR.-.:EY-1:\-FACf OL 317 (NEW 912013) V'IWW lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) On _ _. :.:k"""1a:.:. :rc.. : c:. :.:h;. :l:;. :5:;.:.•. =2:. .: 0. : . 1. :. 7___ before me, -----=D:....:·....:B::..:·-=D=ia:...z.._.N,::..:..::o~ta~'...c.Y...::P:..;t:.:..:lh:::..:l:.:..:ic=--Dau (Hue insert11ame a11d Iitle af the officer) personally appeared _ _ _ _ _ _ _....:Pc.:.·..:.A.::.:.t:.::I.S::.:I.:..::il.:....l:...N,:...:e:LJ{f'-------------NAME(S) OF SJGN£8(S) w!to proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be tlte person(a) whose names(s) is!a¥e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that 84#!/he/l#ey e.x:ecuted tlte same in lt#lhis/l#eH. signature{s) Oil lte#/Jis/~ authorized capacity(k!i), and tftat by tlte instrument tlte person(5), or lite entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed tlte instmment. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY wzder the laws ojtlte State of California tltat tllejoregoi11g paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. SigJJature af Notary U ZURICH Ai'VlERICA.J.'IJ INSURANCE COMPM'Y COLONIAL A..<\-IERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY FIDELITY MID DEPOSIT COMPA.J.W OF MARYLA..t'-1> POWER OF ATTORN'EY Kl'\lOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the ZURJCH A.J.\ifERICAJ'\l!NSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New York, the COLONIAL Al'vfERICAN CASUALTY AJ\lD SURETY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Maryland, and the FrDELITY A.l\fD DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a corporation of the State of Maryland (herein collectively called the "Companies"), by GERALD F. HALEY, Vice President, in pursuance of authority granted by Article V, Section 8, of the By-Laws of said Companies, which are set fonh on the reverse side hereof and are hereby cenilicd to be in full force and effect on the date hereof, do hereby nominate, constirute, and appoint P. Austin NEFF, Emilie GEORGE and Jessica L. NOWLIN, all of San Francisco, California, EACH its true and lawful agent and Attorney· in-Fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver, for, and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: any and all bonds and undertakings, and the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presentS, shall be as binding upon said Companies, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed :md acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the ZURICH AMERJCAN INSlJR.AJ\JCE COMPANY at its office in New York, New York., the regularly elected officers of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland., and the regularly elected officers of the FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at its office in Owings Mills, Maryland., in their own proper persons. The said Vice President docs hereby certify th:~t the extract set fonh on the reverse side hereof is a true copy of Aniclc V, Section 8, of the By-Laws of said Comp3!1ies, and is now in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Vice-President has hereunto subscribed his/her names and affixed the Corporate Seals of the said ZURICH AMERiCAN INSURANCE COMPANY, COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, nnd FIDELITY Al'li"D DEPOSIT COMPAJ\.'Y OF MA.RYLAA'D, this 6th day of April. A.D. 2016. ATTEST: ZURICH AMERICA.t'l INSURANCE COi\fPA.J'\1' COLO!'iL\L AJ.\-t:ERICAN CASUALTV Ai''ffi SUR£11' COl'vrPANY FIDELITY ,\1\1) DEPOSIT COMPA.t\'Y OF 1\-lARYLAl'tl) By. Secretary Eric D. Barnes Vice President Gerald F. Haley State of Maryland County of Baltimore On this 6th d:w of April, A.D. 2016, before the subs.:ribcr. a No tOll)' Public of the St~te of M~ryland, duly commissioned and qu.a.litied, GERALD F. HALEY, Vice Prcs.idcnt, and ERIC D. BARNES, Secretary, of the Companirs, to me pcr.mna\ly known to be the individuals and officers dc:scnbcd in and who executed U.e preceding instmmcnt, and acknowledged the execution of same, and being by me duly sworn, dc-poscth and saith, that he/she is the said officer of U.e Company aforesaid, and thal the seals affi~ed to the preceding instrument arc the Corpornt~ Seals of said Compa.nirs, and th:H the said Corpor.uc Seals and the signature as such officer were duly a(fu.ed and subscribed to the s:~id instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I h.avc hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day :1nd yC3r first above wrincn . Constance A. Dunn, 'No1:1ry l'ublic My Commission Expires: July 9, 2019 POA-F 01&0580B . DMV USE ONLY APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR AS AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS 0LNUM6EA I I I I I I I KNOW ALL MEN BY TI-IESE PRESENTS: That VWe $(even M. Kenner on behalf of Apple Inc . PRINCIPAL:S TRUE FUll. W..\ll:(S) AND DEIA(S) Autonomous Vehicle Tester As Principal, who has applied for a license as a -----------------------~ hereby appoint(s) the Director of Motor Vehicles TYPEUCENSE as principal's tnJe and lawful agent upon whom all process may be served in any action, or actions which may hereafter be commenced against said principal, arising out of any claim for damages suffered by any firm, person, association, organization, corporation or limited liability partnership, or company, by reasor\ of che violatiorl by said principal of any of the terms and provisions ofchc California Veh.icle Code or any condition of the bond. Principal further stipulates and agrees that, when personal service of process upon principal cannot be made in this State after due diligence, that service can be made upon the Director of Motor Vehicles. In the event of the Director's absence from his/her office, that service can be made upon any employee of the State of California in charge of the Director's office, and that such service of process shall be of the same legal force and effect as if served upon the principal personally. The principal further stipulates and agrees that the agency created by said appointment shall continue for and during the period covered by any license that may be issued by the Departmc nt of Motor Vehicles, and so long thereafter as the principal may be made to answer in damages for a violation of the California Vehicle Code, or any condition of principal's bond. The principal funher agrees !hat for purposes of venue, whenever service is made upon the Director, the service shall be deemed to have been made upon principal in the cou7 in w7'ch principal has or last had his/her established place Df business. Lj ; Zo / J tN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said principal has hereunto set his hand the )I X - ~c__ ·NOT,;Rv.CEJqiFI¢AtE OF-ACKNQWLEDGE~~NT c/ --- ·~-. -- _, ..... •' SIGNA11JRc OF PAJNCIPAL -·- ,·, A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document, to which this ccni.ficatc is anached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy or validity of that document. State of California County of On 50. Apr:/ tl f"' (; /o. ( t?-- 7,~ "Loll beforeme, f2(V1.V1 GrvfA 1\LIJf~,v PVlbf~·{, !VI. /L \fr:. personally appeared vr::n (-YJ/)e/ who proved to me On the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the pcrson(o') whose name~U\! subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me tha~s.hclthey executed the same ir&Wherl~ authorized capaciry(~ and that b}@bd?ljldi' signature.(;r) on the instrument the person~, or the entity upon behalf of which the pcrson(S") acted, executed the ins1rument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct WITNESS my hand and official seal. (SEAL) ·oR oMvJcHP oi=Ficf:R Aci c,.... CD )> D D Apple Automated System: Lovv Speed Driving Training Goal Conditions Safety driver should ensure development platform stays within the course while maintaining 30mph Track length : 0.25 Miles Track width : 15 feet Road shape : Straight Development PlaHorm State : Trainer driving using OBW controller Manual 1nput behaviors Safety driver should be able to accelerate w/o overriding the 08\N mode Press1ng the brake pedal or grabb1ng steering wheel will dis· engage OBW mode and safety driver should take manual control of the development platform to complete the course .,.....__ Automatic driving .... . . Manual override path expected carr41 r~ff =l1 Apple Automated System: High Speed D1·iving Safety driver should ensure tile development Training Goal Conditions platform stays within the course wl11le maintaining 65mph Track length .. 36 miles Track width : 15 teet Road shape : Straight Development Platform State : Tra1ner driving using OBW controller Manual input behaviors Safety driver should be able to accelerate w/o overriding the DBW mode Pressing the brake pedal or grabbing steering wheel will disengage OBW mode and safety driver should take manual control of the development platlorm to complete the course Automatic driving -o11111 · · Manual override path expected 0:\}r:"t;f m": l Apple Automated System: Tig l t U-Tu rn Training Goal Development platform will enter tight U-turn zone Safety driver should ensure the vehicle stays within the course wh1le maintaining 15 mph Conditions Track length : xx miles Track width : 15 meters/feeuyards Turning Radius: 42 Ft Turning Radius to outer ring Road shape: Tight curve (U-Turn) Development Platform State : Trainer driving using DBW controller Manual input behaviors Safety dnver should be able to accelerate w/o overriding the DBWmode Pressing the brake pedal or grabb1ng steering wheel will disengage DBW mode and safety driver should take m~~· :·. __;,;:;."~-~;-~~:::: · ..-:~;..-' ·. ;. ; -"".....~ I \ \ , . _ •. ·. "' .. - -•. ..,.. ! ;) ' :.,_'\~..~~-< ·_(_:_ · i r #~·.- ..:' ./.! ************** ..~;.:; ; · ;~p DO NOT DETACH - 'REGISTERED.·IOWNER INFORMATION ··~: .':-~~~~~fl:}~?.,/ ******** * ***** • .,~; ~·~:A~~~~~i;f::' '- :.:·~-· . : . :,REGISTRATION CARD VALID FROM: 07/22/2016 TO: 07/22/2017 .·· PU!J,'VR. ~~[j~i{-'; tJ ."~ U ~yR_··:is'I' so1:.0 LEXS 2015 llODY T'Y PE t1001>L UT 0000 VLf' CLASS PS •YR T YP£ V'EH TYPE LIC 170 11 2015 Q YP 2T2ZB1BA6FC001564 ISSUED 'I'YPE VEHlCLE USE DATE AUTOMOBILE 03/29/17 CC/IILCO 60/43 OT FEE .RECVD 03/29/17 PIC 3 US!: 7AX. 2805 PR EXP DATE: 07/22/2017 AMOW IT PAID REGISTERED OfiNER APPLE INC 3000 LAKESIDE DR STE 2 3000 LAKESIDE DR BANNOCKBURN IL 7MQVS03 VEHICLE JD NUMBER MO HP LICENSE NUHBER $ 2843.00 AMOIJN1' DUE ;,]-IQIJ:-lT RECVD 60015 t.IENHOLDER FOO 7MQVS03 564 CERT!flCATE OF COMPUANCE-8RAKE AOJUSTMENT ........................ , .. Cl c:a c,..._,...,~.. t111 (lO"tiAOII• ..., • ...,.... Pl'ilPOSE 0 0 0~ ."':':;,:;..:=,~ .\·. ('/~":_~~ .I\ - - SUF!EAU OF · ,'! AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR -.:~·-· CER PFICA!iOll T)!:e Brn!h Wl'i cle I l v n] P,c-p._, , _(., '·loe'-'·""'-"1 ,r:~ ' ' 1· 0 0 0 0 0 ME.AKA~IAY DEviCE CI!ECt< VAlVE AH1 GO~ER~/0'1 CONI>ECIIQOIS SJ.f'EIY V;.LVE T;~ J!~~-1d'J. l'l~k.Jr.: _5_':f-,--;}() All '""" dlc-dcrd """"" "'~ ol nn .:>pctO\'e.:.lblc tn:""""011. udjus.~m<>r.l (I n:o~ l r ~• 'P<"I'c:e~urct. ond · 16 r IJ'h:J C:\~fcr nia _ or Rt'~ul.oca ol Entcri;t:rr""~r.t 0 Ocrur "-'r.f 1 --- ~- TYPE Of MMER USED Rc~:.:~J~n al R~.:1c.do?rd IJr:r.'.(;J(: g !kr E~..iFnllUI>tlO"'. lh-l Vchk.!e Cod~. or.d ll!o 8us.11~ ,:,nd P10f~n! Codll. 1 hl'~cd1fft t.1nO-:r ~1\Jlly lh~l Ul{) ~tlovl: i< 11\lo 111>tl eo~~ • ~~ ~c ~ ollna S\a!e ~ C~;fcml:l AOJU Th~ cell•f•c..,le L·91 {RC'\1. JM'l l· fT'l\.:~\ bC' LJS.U4Jd c:n th-o d.llO' of in3pcctron and fs v.lf;d tor 90 d.ly.s Dlld l~:)u..,neu STATEMENT OF FACTS Complete the appropriate section(s) in full (Including vehicle description) and sign Section H. UCENSE PlATEiCf NUMBER VE!iiCLf/VESSEI. I0 N U~l SI:R YE.ARIUAJl.AI E C!ICLE 10 NUUBE"A Mail to: NAME ADOIIESS ClrY REC 2~ (11£\1. &"2008) WWW ST...TE ZJP STATEMENT OF FACTS Complete the appropriate section(s) in full (including vehicle description) and sign Section H. YEAI'IIMME UC£NSE PI..AtEJC; NUMBeR 7MQV503 2015 I Lexus The current market value of the vehicle or vessel is: Changes were made at a cost of$ $_ _ _ _ _ __ on this date - - - - - - - This is what I changed: Check all that apply: Unladen Weight changed because Motive Power changed from Body Type changed from 0 Number of Axles changed from 0 0 0 (Public Weighmaster Certificate is required. Exception: Trailers) to - - - - - - - to------to,_ _ _ _ _ __ Please print 0 I , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a n d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - are one and the same person. 0 My name is misspelled. Please correct it to: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 I am changing my name from I, the undersigned, state: Applicant certifies that the development platforms that it is registering under the CA DMV Autonomous Vehicle Tester Program will be used solely for the purpose of testing . During all on-road testing, a trained and alert safety driver will monitor and supplement the use and controls of the development platform being tested. The development platform uses hardware and software to monitor surrounding objects and events. The development platform is capable of sending electronic commands for steering, accelerating, and decelerating and may carry out portions of the dynamic driving task. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing Is true and correct. PFIINTEO LAST NAME Kenner SIGNATURE X FIRST W..\IE MIOOU: N;U./clcctric) 0Hrall Test llcsuiJ PASS ConJ;r;nu!Jiions! Your \"chide p:!.~Scd Ihe SIIIO_I! Check in~pcctinn. which helps c~lifumb reach it~ daily goal of removing c-mi~nl the air. Th:tuk yon ti>r h-cping your ,·chicle well maiutainc<.l. Visual Inspection: PASS 1-'unctionallnsp.:ction: I':\5S ~nlll~-fumlillg Smog Oteck Certificate Numh~r: ZN9.~5.1.lSC DMV m Numb<.·~ bl~'lN7qZ~6-! Y our Smog Check ccn i f"k~tc ha.< been dcctronicall)' trJn Your certificate is valid (or '10 tbys from Jah: of i>. 10 Set"t•r>JSwirdtc.< PASS Fu.:l Metering- Sy~tcm PASS :\OTAPI'LICAnU: T•ul•l1-:l•~r~c·r1Sup,·r.:h:ugcr I' ASS Rc,;ull In (orn1 :II t(ln Couuols fud E''3por3ti'"c Sy~rcm (1:\'AP) ltcsulr Liquid l'ud !'ASS Lc~~ CltL"Ck !'ASS OUDII Smoc Cheek lm11ation Sr~tlon I nrorm~tinn N~mcJID: Sl:•rion 10: ln,pcctor DON f.:. Sof\w~r~ Vc~>i(>tt/OIS I o.~o (; El. (" A:-.11 NO IH~r\1. JOHNS AUT(),\IOTIVE SUNNYVALE, CA 'lJOl\6 (-10~) 73'J-III'J r40S) 2-M-151•-l donjnhn~~ulooc1. ~ rnJil.c'c•• n ID: GORl)ON, ,\NTJ IONY:E00/01)(-,S li. 7 .'l'/J J)/CVOI).J 7 36 .~ :."."! I 1 • ll, f i . :: ~-~-~;~r:: ~:.;_;:'::f ~~ . IS .Y.Mi'·;I;_P.,_r~r)'-'"REGISTRATION CARD OR A FACSIMILE COPY IS TO BE KEPT ~HTH THE ICLE .. FOR' 'NHICH IT IS ISSUED. THIS REQUIREMENT DOES NOT APPLY WHEN THE ICL'£ .-·'!r-s" 'LEF·T;:·lJN'ATTENDED. IT NEED NOT BE DISPLAYED. PRESENT IT TO ANY PEACE OFFICER UPON DEMAND. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A RENEWAL NOTICE, USE THIS FORM TO PAY YOUR RENEWAL FEES OR NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF THE PLANNED NON-OPERATIONAL STATUS (PNO} OF A STORED VEHICLE. RE~ffiWAL FEES MUST BE PAID ON OR BEFORE THE REGISTRATION EXPIRATION DATE OR PENALTIES t'IILL BE DUE PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE SECTIONS 9552 - 9554. EVIDENCE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE FROM YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE DEPARTMENT WITH THE PAYMENT _QF.::JU:NEWAL FEES. EVIDENCE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE IS NOT REQUIRED IHTH R.¥. , ~·~ ~~~- - . . :· -~~~ ,~-~ \~-·f ~, '., ,• :;:• , ." ~ '. Jl ' r.:r lj / '/ . • \ ., .. , •. . -· -~ _J/• ~· I~ · ~ ·., ' ~ .· ":' . ' '" ' /, DO NOT DETACH - '~G·;r~TERED.(O'i~ER INFORHATION ~ .............~ ~':-·': \~....,.... ***;,.;'********* -:;:-..... _. i 1"- \, r'"l ************** ~.-r:-:.·' ~=.:::::.---· -:·:·,·· ·.:_~! ~- '.' -.c -·~· .:.....=- ...--.. . '- , - .!_ •>"Tl ~- ... .:.... • • h ' l l \ - . • ~ • ,. I,-,;-:- _, ' REGISTRATION CARD VALID FROM: 10/08/2016 TO: 10/08/2017 VLf" c~ss LEXS 0000 2015 EOOY TYPJ! llOOEL UT TVP:S VDI:ct.B IJSE AUTOMOBILE ~\P PS •YR. 'n'Pii 1-IC' 170 2016 11 yp PJ.T'Il 2T2ZB1BA8FC002926 l~SU£:> 03/31/17 CC/A.LCO 60/43 ar F:c:s ~acvo nc 03/31/17 3 U!lE TJ>.X 2550 PR EXP DATE: 10/08/2017 AXOutr; P.r. I D nEe 1 S'fERf:O omreR APPLE INC 3000 LAKESIDE DR STE 2 BANNOCKBURN IL 7VFG777 \'EHICt,.t 10 !M1116lt MO Q L I C~tl~£ )MI[)f.R 60015 FOO MISC#: 522537 $ 2593.00 CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE-BRAKE AOJUSTJ.\ENT de: a runPOSt t;F CER:IfiCAI"ll'':o or 0 RCM' ~ SI'IMC!: !lilA.~!: S. P.:.H~I!IG Mi.KE If' Ll!t21lmD'l J { 0 ~I \' Tl\1s cartJhG'\ill mu!:.l bo •1-!u(ld on 0 ·91 (Rev ~ -~ 1 \~'H~ dl\I~J 01 •n~peclron 3:""-d 0 8~EAAAI'JAV DEVICE 0 CONt.ECIIC.~S 0 SAI'ETYVJ.J.''" 0 CIe, Ch\"Ck.cd &!.o N 1~n:ll y .~oo,..cl\.lt L'\f\'P EQIJ'rr.'!('Nin:s:.Y~£"0 o, Ji!1 Cl~NCE lNtPS f;i!P lA',? TYPE S:<;;L ,,:1(1 I NJ.\.'0 p.1r10rn\n(J IM 0\~IC:tbl., ~t\.an, by l~ Guteou ol Autorr.otN•) R ·p.o•r n(}d me \.'Cf~ mal"'uiJ ctu,r.r. 'md tJ J\n~ Tt:J'! r ~ CAI• ~omin · . i-':cgv~atecM. tno Vet\:~\.• Co<:t!. ~1\d U"l<' Bu!tlncss 011od Ptol1.SE PlATEICF NU..,BER 7VFG777 A; I Lexus 2T2ZB1BA6FC002926 STATEMENT, FOR.USETAx EXEMPTION " -~ -.•. 1 I o , '" 0 , \o "" • ? , • This transfer Is exempt from use tax because il is a: 0 0 0 0 Family transfer sold between a parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, spouse, domestic partner, or siblings (if both are minors related by blood or adoption) . Addition or deletion of family member (spouse, domestic partner, parent[s]. son/daughter, grandparents. grandchildren). Gift (does not include vehicles traded between individuals, transfer of contracts or other valuable consideration). Court Order 0 Inheritance NOTE: The Use Tax Exemption cannot be claimed if the vehiclelvessel being transferred was purchased from an otherwise qualifying relative who is engaged in the business of selling the same type of vehicle/vessel. The current market value is: S_ _ _ _ _ __ The vehicle does not require a smog certification for transfer of ownership because: The last smog certification was obtained within the last 90 days. 0 It is powered by: D electricity 0 diesel 0 O t h e r - - - - - - - - - - - 0 It is located outside the State of California. (Exception: Nevada and Mexico) 0 lt is being transferred from/between: 0 The parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, spouse, or domestic partner (as defined in Family Code §297) of the transferee: 0 A sole proprietorship to the proprietor as owner. • 0 Companies whose principal business is leasing vehicles. There is no change in lessee or operator. • 0 Lessor and lessee of vehicle, and no change in the lessee or operator of the vehicle. • 0 Lessor and person who has been lessee's operator o1the vehicle for at least one year.· 0 lndividual(s) being added as registered owner(s)." • Does not require smog certification unless Biennial Smog is required. 0 r,., II This vehicle has not been used or parked on a street or highway or off-highway. I am applying for a: Transfer Only 0 Title Only 0 The vehicle is not currently registered. II has not been driven, moved, towed, or left standing on any California public highway to cause registration fees to become due. It was not transported over any California public highway or operated within California to cause off-highway fees to become due. Appropriate registration will be obtained before the vehicle is operated . Enter your Disabled Person Ucense Plate, or Disabled Veteran License Plate, or Permanent Disabled Person Parking Placard number below: PERMAN H IT DISABlED PERSOI.I PLACARO DISABLED PERSON PLATE The vehicle to which m Window Decal will be affixed is: UCENSE NUM8ER VEHICUE MAKE Mail to: ADDRESS crrv STATE liP STATEMENT OF FACTS Complete the appropriate sectlon(s) In full (Including vehicle description) and sign Section H. liCENSE PLATEICF Mi!.I&R 7VFG777 Vl:Ifii"Trrn~1ion Vehicle f .:~t Daldrimr kccpint; your vchidc u.•cJI Ol:lint:lincJ. Vi~u.-.1 lnspcctiom: PASS Funclionallns pcclion: I' ASS Sm<>g Chcd CcnilicJic Nuonho:t: ZN91\5J.HC: DMV ID Number. 2SJ7N792Z2M Your Smog Chcd ccrtilic~Jc h:1.< been clcctronical\y tran.,miucJ lo Dt>.IV. Your ccrtiftcalc i> I' a lid for 90 tbys from dale of issu:~ncc, Please keep lhi ..; copy for your r~cMtk \'i~u:1llnsm· e~ion ({null lnrorm~linn Rc•ull ln.;p~clion Cuc~m'V PASS C:•talysl PASS Crankc' ~$c Emis~iotl PASS lnijl<'Ciion Cal~gur.· Air lujc((ion Sy~tc111 Compulcr<, Scnwn:. Switch.:~. ~ntl Wiring J:: _,h~u-'t (i~s lkcir~ulation (ECiR) P,\SS Fuel P,\SS fud lvlcl,·rill!: Sys1cn1 PASS Other NOTt\ I'I'UCA OLE Tur\)(l..-ll:trg~ri Supcrch~rgcr PASS V~.:uum Liuc.< In Scn>or:>!Swil.:hcs Result NOTAPPLICAULE PASS F.miHinn Con1rn\ ~ni<'IIIS R<:suh (f:VAP) Etui~s inn Rd~I.:J Cumpnncui~Sy~l.:m~ FuPclinnol Cheri; lt~wlts l{c.;ulr I'ASS r,,ss Li<.juiJ Fuc'l lcJk Check SmM Check ln.< pcctinn S1~11on Conunls f:,·Jpor:~li\'c Sy~ lcm ID: 00011 Sl~lion lnrnrm~lion lo~pc.-tur ~;omc1lD : RC20J925 DON & JOHNS AUTOMOTIVE 10.~0 E El CA~IINO RI.:.J\1. SUN1\:\'V ,\LE. CA 9-IO!"t. Suflwarc Vcr~iuw'OIS GORDON. ANTHONY/ F0070061\ ID: lo. 7.9'13.0/C\'0(\-l7,1(, (40S) 7J 11-I I I-l tl<'nioh IL'-llllo~il;l!m~ il.com I ccrtil)·. under penally of perjury. unJcr Ihe \;~w.< nrthc Slak ofCJiofomi:.. 1hat I pcrl'omicJ the in.urc~u 1cquirrmcnt~. ;u1JJlt lh~ io o'onll,11ion 3/3/ 19fhlc li>l~ll on Ihi> V('hidr insprrlion rcpnrll.' Jmc and a(t:Uralc. ~~D~ OR A rACSIMILE COPY IS TO BE KEPT WITH THE ~ THIS REQUIREMENT DOES NOT APPLY v1HEN THE NEED NOT BE DISPLAYED . PRES~T IT TO ANY P~CE NOT RECEIVE A RENEWAL NOTICE, USE THIS FORM ~~~~IFY THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES OP THE ; (PNO) OF A STORED VEHICLE. RENEt:-::-·· · ~ '• \ .; · , '\'- Y~Yrt'ti~~CE COMPANY MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE DEPARTMENT WITH THE ~NT. . OF';~Ar-.; ·~EES. EVIDENCE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE IS NOT REQUIRED W ~-_;.~(7,i~'f~~ .'R~AL OF OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLES 1 TRAILERS VESSELS OR. IP YO ,;E~I&~:A - :~.·_ ~ . ~:1~. · ·.:;f:EHIC!.E. I I \ VIHEN ltffiiTING TO DMV, VEHICLE FROl-1 HAKE 1 AL't1A'lS A....'JD LICENSE, . ~ .., ") -· '...-. 1' ~~~~i~~~~~~, PRESENT ADDRC:SS , AND T HE ID~_f:~l~.~op_to~·(mwraERS. ~ l. lt::CB'~ ·,_.. ·_. ';:::::;;;:_~ DO NOT DETACH - REGI STEREO 0\'MER INFORI.'1ATION Jltl_ll ~~~I ~11111111 ~II II IIiIImlllllll ~ II ~ 111~~11~111111 ill ~I ~I I -'"iif:$1JQ''r-n:; ~ :· . -·~·, ~ ... :t:•. ·:. \\.•. :,,._; REGISTRATION CARD VALID FROM: 1 0/05/2016 TO: 10/08/2017 y~ 1+:10£ 1. YR I S'!' GOI.O 2015 LEXS U'I' nrc. Vl:.'l: cLr 2016 Y.P )() G XY 110 t:\.'H:il t;R 7VTJZ660 11 VEIItCLS to II'JHBI:R 2T 2 BC1DA2FCOOB381 c.o.:-~ rs=o 11/07/16 ·;.J~c AUTOMOBILE "r: 11/07/1 6 >!C S'tiCI(DI lS&UI:O 4 0 1 591529 ~C~ A.:~ rau u 671,00 $ DONLEN TRST LSR APPLE INC LSE 3000 LAKESIDE DR 2ND FL BJl.NNOCK 3UR.t"J IL 6 001 5 L.! !:.cn-:?~ c:t~ BNY MT C l\S COLLAT ERAL PO EX 39 DEE:RFIELD IL 6 0 015 COO - . .~ • •••• -' ''' '" • ,' .. . . .. .... , ~ · - - · - • - - \ , , •'" • w o . . . . ~ ... 6R1 On 0 0671 00 OO Oo CS -. ~· · ·-~ •• , ~ ·, •- • •• • 0 • • . - - - ._ . .. , - . , ... . . . ' ' ' • • • - - · · COO 1 1071G 11 · - -• - - • • - • • • - - • • - • • • • • , , , , , .,, 7VUZ660 3 91 , .. o 0 o• •• • • CERnFlCATE OF COMPUANCE-BRAKE ADJUSTMENT /;,.:t." -~ ~··· Clc:a /·~ \ ~;~, 1 BUREAU OF AUTOMOfiVE REPAIR "-, ·:_~.,.-:/ BA 2204889 Apo~ca~la IIems Shailll~ lrO(.!ft(-d I I I ET(ll>l ;>Ompt• Nl ')( -- So.,~ O~E'tl f,.b'N I(:JJntrt-, Sttti~t;'!.C::CfY Cone-1JOn f!l ijl V:l.,JV., )t,~~h,\rr.c:ll ol Pc-.:.cn~::u :-:cd Vcl\C!o - - - "'"'· _[ A.r by 1~c 0 !ll'IEA.XAWW OEV\~E 0 CHEC~ VA!.'IE 0 AiR C:,(N~H t!Orl 0 co:mECI IO.'JS 0 SAfE1VVI·lVE h~v o pocrtonn~ ~!"& ·'~~catt.o ln~al"l , Out~D.u of ltLdC4"rYJ~i..,c f"1r.:>3ttM\d tho \-.;:h'r'llc.t~ Cedll. .lnO thl' (h; ~.in~ .1nd Prof('3lo"'O1~ Coct~~ I h.cr ll . TYJJad'er pen~ f:y LJn •~'1 of tt'10 5tA1q 01 C.::.lifam...t 1!1.11 the ~vc i-s uue and C.O!U:o~•·J ~ r-/ ,_ CEATIACATE OF COMPUANCE-LAMP AOJUSTIJENT /;.--;.;~ (.;~:"0~~. SURE AU OF \!~~'} C. ;~.::::·/ LA 2170239 .-,,~l2.PZ~rz;R,tr~~Fl. Do81c ~'HICL[/(:;UCE'l/:J.iEI BL- ~UPf-~ti"~I••JI........ AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR f.'O "i/p"Jf'[;,~'"J'!'r-~ {__ "v\I<..E VR ~12kJS rLTRPOSC Or CE nn;cC~li0'-1 ln,

fi: , ... ~ _ __ lj3 E) - - - -- Ac:..'9l:.:JOtiorl or R1~N"'.:;:1 1t:Co,.'.!' Oo'Y~'S C~~.O.N Bc'~w lo,.~n1JI'( Ac.t!..':'~'"'..:~: ClE./.f\AIIC£ \.A~.IPS !..M.!P rgl'lD~ Sy,;::~ Ret".l·t 0 t.'.QOfl -:2015 0 t0(:>1!1f~AI10Nl.M.<~5 ~ StOE l.At,ti'S LJ SPOT 1-"MP; ~ 1!.\CK·UP LAMPS f(lt 9{) days niter I S.~U!l11CO. A PvMc Servlca Agency STATEMENT OF FACTS Complete the appropriate section(s) In full (Including vehicle description) and sign Section H. VEARIMAl.<&fl 7VUZ660 VOriJ engine (!;~ !Vck.:tric) OJmncro:r: GVWR: r•.ooo :mJ kss 763 MoJd: it.\ 450H R~~ulr Ovcr:tll Tc11 PASS Congr.orubti<~ns ! cu•i~<..r<.t Yow Srno;,: Cbc...:k .:.:nilicarc- """' l>ccn clcclronicJ!Iy rran,miucd ro D:-•IV. Ytlur rc-nificJ(c i ~ "~hd r'or 'l() c.lays from d11c of is;;\LlO~c. Plc~'c l.ccp this copy for yuur rc,·oak Vircm ~UTAI'I'!.IC r\lli .E Turbochar st.·r!Supc·rch"r~cr NO rAPI'l.ICAriiY I' ASS Eonis~ion LiquiJ Fud L~. tk Rc.,ulr I'ASS PASS I' ASS I' ASS P,\SS Control Sy,rrms Funclion:~l ln.,pc.:rinn C:otn:ory . Calaly~t Ccauh-3$•' Emission Coutrol< Fuel Ev:~rorari•·c Sy!>tcm (E. VAl') Oth~r Emi~s ion V;~,uunt Check R<:latcd CornponcnL~:' S ~s r cm.< Lines to ScnSoi"-'Switdt<."S !tc~niL< Clt,·ck OBDJI Smoc Check lmprcrion Srnciun lnfnrm:llinn RC203?25 DON & JOI!NS ,\U'f()~IOTI\T. IOi<(l E EL Ct\,\\1!•.;() !tEAL StJti<>n 10: SUJ\'1\'Y\' ALE. ('A (..10~) '))').) )[4 ')~OSI• dolljohn~~IIIO(il: ~. rmi l.cotll lro~pc<.'h>r ,.;;uu.:/10: (;OR DON. A NT! 10:-i\' IE()()7t)06S Sot\"':'"' Vcr~ i un!OIS I D: 1>.7.