009'" mm! 'mf'o-wm 1 no . N7 STATE MICHIGAN CA5 alumna mam 03913 CZ I 17thJUch|AL CIRcurr 06 Coon ul- Conn mm 180 Uttawa NH Grand Ra LL5- . . pvds, MI 49503 . 1 Funding, . paramount gap'::d Anthony Leonard HestdaIe. rd JAK HoId'ings ENT .m mum fl! Douglas Doornbos (P2517ll I: 2932 East Paris, SE For. Grand Rapids. Mi 49512 (616) 957-4950 unding Paramount Capita1 my rum "a Paramount Capital Funding, LLC and Anthony Rinkus DTriaI Dconsen.' 5004 Spring Ridge El Summaw 9.5mm" 13mm" Ada, MI 49301 El DISMISSAL lemom prejudlce rareludice No cause at action 3 mm." on acme mum duty. new as "mm by ORDER OF JUDGMENT Damages 5w Other condilians, ii any' Interest Casts other (specify) 5, atty) 5 Judgment $411,485.14. This judgment will earn interest a: applicable shimmy rales KXA note or other wnden evvdence of Indebledness has been filed wiih me clerk for cancellation DApproved This Judgment resolves the Iast pending claim. but does not cIose the case. is case should remain ms ORDERED matthisjudgmentisgranled open to aI'l fo st judgment all proceedings. 7/7, at, Juagel PlalrmN/Anomey Douglas Docrnbos DelendanI/Annmey Judgment has been entered and will be final unless within 21 days ofjudgmeni date a motion for new trial Of an appeal 'r CERTIFICATE OF MAILING i certify that a copy of this judgment "15's the other parly(ies) or lheir anumey(s) ordina mail a I lh addresses), IUDGfigfiD 1 JUL 07 2006 ac ram JUDGMENT. mm "Remover om Siqmluiu