Awmm. sew STATE OF MICHIGAN msamm 17TH Jun-cm cmcun couurv mane Omula App." Prod-1c. pl 180 UTTANA, H. GRAND RAPIDS. MI 49503 FUND . PARAMOUNT ANTHONY RI INK Chum. new" DCriminll Probate In ma mutter oi Anthony Rinkus In me Name of the People a! the sure of Michigan, TD 5004 Spring Ridge Ada I Ml 49301 u: mun immani-u'y in Mill "you nquwu W: la nu in. own b-cauu uldillbilmel [all-n can You ARE ORDERED: 1. to appear personally at me lime and place slated bela Courtroom of Hon. mum unwed. Ynu mlyba rlquimd to "pal! Vrom lime mum: Ind dly ra uly Dennis B. Leiber merrier: 11"" 1:30 p.m. Dull Friday December 15, 2006 2 Teinfy at trial [examination I hearing. K23. urcopying ollhefoilowingiiems: See attached Exhibit A 75 c: '8'3'55" I null/MC 2006' Ifll'C fl 4. Testify as to yuurassets, and bring wum you the items "sled in line 3 above 017 5. Testify at deposition. D6 MCL 600 6104(2)' 600 6115. or 600.6119 prohibition against transferring or disposing of propeny is attached. 137. Other mg Person Mus-sung subpoena Teiephona no. Dougias Doornbos (616) 957-4950 Address 2932 East Paris S.E. City State Zip Grand Rapids MI 49512 NOTE: N-laqueslillg debiafs summation under MCL 5005110, or an Injunctinn under iiem 6. this subpoena must be Isl-Ind by a 'ui'lgs, FBI a debtor enminalinfl. (he amdavi! of demo! examination on the other side if (his (arm mus! film be completed. Deblm's assets can alsa be dismemd through MCR 2 305 wilhoul "is Head for an mam amMar or issuance of this subpoena by a juags PT OF COURT. cam use only 'Barnn Served 5' ML icfl (5/04) SUBPOENA Ordarto Appnr and/or Produce L'ii]