THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April 19, 2017 The Honorable Jason Chaffetz Chairman The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings Ranking Member United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 2157 Rayburn House Of?ce Building Washington, DC. 20515 Dear Chairman Chaffetz and Ranking Member Cummings: Thank you for your letter of March 22, 2017 to Chief of Staff Reince Priebus regarding former National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Your letter requests information and/or documents in connection with a review by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (Committee) of Lt. Gen. disclosure of payments that he reportedly received from entities af?liated with the Russian and Turkish governments. Requests 1 and 2 seek information and documents related to Lt. Gen. security clearance, including excerpts from his Form SF-86 and certain ?[i]nvestigative and adjudicative ?les.? Lt. Gen. security clearance was adjudicated and held by the Defense Intelligence Agency, a component of the Department of Defense. We therefore refer you to the Department of Defense for these materials. Request 3 seeks documents ?referring or relating to Lt. Gen. contacts with foreign nationals,? including ?direct or indirect communications between Lt. Gen. and foreign government of?cials, representatives, af?liates, or agents.? To the extent this request seeks documents pre-dating January 20, 2017, they generally would not be in the possession, custody, or control of this of?ce. With respect to documents post-dating January 20, Lt. Gen. likely had contacts with a signi?cant number of foreign nationals in his of?cial capacity as National Security Adviser. Many, if not all, documents relating to such contacts are likely to contain classi?ed, sensitive, and/or con?dential information. Moreover, it is unclear how such documents would be relevant to the stated purpose of the Committee?s review, which according to your letter is to examine Lt. Gen. disclosure of payments related to activities that occurred in 2015 and 2016, prior to his service in the White House. In light of these issues, we are unable to accommodate Request 3. Finally, Requests 4 through 6 seek documents relating to Lt. Gen. receipt of funds from foreign sources, efforts ?to seek permission or approval? for any such payments, and Chairman Jason Chaffetz Ranking Member Elijah Cummings April 19, 2017 Page 2 any work with ?Leading Authorities, Inc.? As noted above, we understand the Committee?s review and these requests to be focused on payments and activities that occurred in 2015 and 2016. Given that these activities and payments predate Lt. Gen. lynn?s service at the White House, this of?ce is unable to conduct a search for responsive documents. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Marc T. Short Assistant to the President and Director of Legislative Affairs