Tue. Aug 11.1014 1:3? PM Student Allegetimte T-DI Juli-e Patennl CU. Pam 3111!:th Helhj The students came Intel 111}: ht?ee yesterday :?th?ut licensing in the Educttrihtt ht lhe emutee Cufmu' emwereelmlt. Isle-Ill want-e11 tale] me of ll'l?l?lgli'd with D: Lewis- Apteket. the Ell?iil Inf the The set-{1131 step-ems theftt wh'teh the}: mid t:tret'e frequent. was that he I1LC-t'eit1te1te31 in than that he sits elese lte emttee elm-e their "space." I have jitlhuuetl hue hf the warn-e11 hf my Ieuphhsihility Ih ihfrcum yutt Df thte and 1hull the other have [31' been tumble In: 1e aeh her). Heithe1 are happy that this i3 being and LHJIIJ melt t0 1'e111a1t1 tulle-113mm?; jug-31L Elm-'t'r] hnteL'tft ?j?n et'hl 921-3131 I?ll