efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS Under section 5O1(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except benefit trust or private foundation) ',!;I ~The organ1zat1on may have to use a copy ofth1s A For the 2011 calendar year, or tax year beginning 01-01-2011 C Name of organ1zat1on B Check 1fapplicable EDISONELECTRICINSTITUTEINC I Addresschange Doing BusinessAs I Name change I I I I DLN:93493320069582 return to satisfy state reporting 2011 requirements Open to Public Inspection and ending 12-31-2011 D Employer identification number 13-0659550 E Telephone number Number and street (or PO box 1fmail 1snot delivered to street address)! Room/suite 701 PENNSYLVANIA AVENW Terminated Amended return No 1545-0047 black lung (202) Initial return 0MB Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Form990 Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService As Filed Data - 508-5000 G Gross receipts$ 159,984,010 City or town, state or country, and ZIP+ 4 WASHINGTON,DC 200042696 Application pending F Name and address of principal THOMAS R KUHN 701 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 200042696 I Tax-exempt status J Website:~ 1 WWWEEI ...- H(a) H(b) 4947(a)(l) or 1527 Yes I Are all affiliates included? [7 No Yes I No H(c) Group exemption number~ Trust I Assoc1at1on I Other~ M State of legal dom1c1leVA L Year of fomnat1on 1933 Summary 1 Briefly describe the organ1zat1on's m1ss1on or most s1gn1f1cant act1v1t1es TO PROVIDE A FORUM FOR THE ELECTRIC UTILITY INDUSTRY 2 Check this box~ 3 Numberofvot1ng .., 1 If "No," attach a 11st (see 1nstruct1ons) I 501(c) ( 6) ""Iii(insert no) Is this a group return for aff1l1ates7 ORG P- Corporation I K Form of organization I~ p- 501(cH3l officer ~ ~ ~e, :, >Ci 1fthe organ1zat1on d1scont1nued members of the governing voting members its operations or disposed of more than 25% of its net assets body (Part VI, line la) ¼ 4 Number of independent j 5 Total number of 1nd1v1duals employed 1n calendar of the governing ~ 6 Total number of volunteers 1f necessary) 71 3 body (Part VI, line 1 b) 4 71 5 214 -l,> 7a Tota I unrelated b Net unrelated (estimate bus I ness revenue business taxable year 2011 (Part V, line 2a) 100 6 from Pa rt VI II, column income from Form 990-T, (C ), I 1ne 12 line 34 7a 731,498 7b -215,388 Prior Year Contributions 8 ~ C q, Program 9 ..,, 10 i:i:: 11 Other 12 Total 12) ::,. *- service Investment revenue income revenue (Part VIII, column column and s1m1lar amounts 11 (must equal Part VIII, paid (Part IX, column 14 Benefits paid to or for members 15 Salaries, 5-10) other compensation, (Part IX, column employee column 80,031,179 3,703,213 3,971,588 0 81,898,098 84,002,767 1,039,336 1,307,394 0 (A), line 4) benefits 0 (A), line ) (A), lines 1-3 0 78,194,885 (A), lines 3, 4, and 7d) (A), lines 5, 6d, Sc, 9c, 10c, and 1 le) lines 8 through Current Year 0 line 1 h) (Pa rt VII I, I 1ne 2 g) (Part VIII, (Part VIII, revenue-add Grants 13 and grants (Part IX, column 0 (A), lines 34,240,004 35,742,587 ,;r, a; 16a ~ b Profess 1ona I fundra 1sIng fees (Pa rt IX, column 0 (A), 11ne 11 e) Total fundra1singexpenses (Part IX, column (D), line 25) ~O 17 Other expenses (Part IX, column 18 Total expenses Add lines 13-17 19 Revenue less expenses Subtract (A), lines 11 a-11 d, 11 f- 24 e) (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) ~~ ct~ 40,404,152 76,400,445 77,454,133 5,497,653 6,548,634 Beginning of Current Year 20 Total assets 21 Total 22 Net assets ;-·-~· Zi,! 41,121,105 line 18 from line 12 '3 ~ q., ('I: ~~ 0 (Part X, line 16) l1ab1l1t1es (Part X, line 26) Signature or fund balances Subtract line 21 from line 20 End of Year 99,239,677 101,575,280 79,339,274 85,621,820 19,900,403 15,953,460 Block Under penalties of perJury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than officer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. Sign Here ~ ~ I2012-11-15 ****** Signature of officer Date JOHN S SCHLENKERTREASURER/CFO Type or print name and title Preparers ~ signature Date KARENGRIES Paid Preparer's F1mn'sname (or yours 1fself-employed), UseOnly address, and ZIP + 4 Check 1f selfemployed • r ~ CLIFTONLARSONALLEN LLP EIN • 41-0746749 4250 N FAIRFAXDRNE SUITE 1020 Phone no ARLINGTON,VA 22203 May the IRS discuss For Paperwork Preparers taxpayer 1dent1f1cat1on number (see instnuct1ons) P00078514 this return with the preparer instructions. (571) 227-9500 P-Yes I shown above7 (see 1nstruct1ons) Reduction Act Notice, see the separate • Cat No 11282Y No Form 990(2011) Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 11 ) Page i:ifilOI Statement of Program Check if Schedule 1 Briefly describe Service O contains 2 Accomplishments a response to any question .P- 1n this Part III the organ1zat1on's m1ss1on EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC IS THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA'S SHAREHOLDER-OWNED ELECTRIC UTILITIES THE INSTITUTE PROVIDES AUTHORITATIVE ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL INDUSTRY DATA TO ITS MEMBERS, CONGRESS, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, THE FINANCIAL COMMUNITY, AND OTHER INFLUENTIAL AUDIENCES 2 Did the organ1zat1on undertake the prior Form 990 or 990-EZ7 If"Yes," 3 4a these new services on Schedule Did the organ1zat1on cease conducting, services 7 If"Yes," 4 describe any s1gn1f1cant program services describe these changes during the year which were not listed on Yes P- No I Yes P- No O or make s1gn1f1cant changes on Schedule I 1n how 1t conducts, any program O Describe the organ1zat1on's program service accomplishments for each of its three largest program services, as measured by expenses Section 50 l(c)(3) and 50 l(c)(4) organ1zat1ons and section 494 7(a)(l) trusts are required to report the amount of grants and allocations to others, the total expenses, and revenue, 1f any, for each program service reported (Code ) (Expenses$ including grants of$ ) (Revenue$ EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE'S (EEI) ENVIRONMENT/ENERGY RESOURCES PROGRAM IS COMPRISED OF A HOST OF ACTIVITIES INVOLVING CLEAN AIR, GLOBAL CLIMATE, CLEAN WATER,CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGIES, NATURAL GAS, HYDROPOWER, OTHER RENEWABLE FUELS, RAIL TRANSPORTATION, RISK ASSESSMENT, RISK MANAGEMENT, AND WASTE ACTNITIES AS THE ASSOCIATION FOR SHAREHOLDER-OWNED ELECTRIC UTILTIES, THESE PROGRAMS AND ACTNITIES RELATE TO THE EXEMPT PURPOSE OF EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE, INC 4b (Code ) (Expenses$ including grants of$ ) (Revenue$ EEI'S INDUSTRY STRUCTURE PROGRAM IS COMPRISED OF A HOST OF ACTIVITIES INVOLVING THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (FERC), THE NORTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC RELIABILITY CORPORATION (NERC), AND THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REGULATORY COMMISSIONERS (NARUC) IT ALSO INCLUDES ACTNITIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2005 AND RELATED LITIGATION, SUBSIDY ISSUES, MODELING, ECONOMIC RESEARCH, AND GENERAL ENERGY POLICY ADVOCACY AS THE ASSOCIATION FOR SHAREHOLDER-OWNED ELECTRIC UTILITIES, THESE PROGRAMS AND ACTNITIES RELATE TO THE EXEMPT PURPOSE OF EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC 4c (Code ) (Expenses$ including grants of$ ) (Revenue$ EEI'S FINANCE AND TAX PROGRAM IS COMPRISED OF A HOST OF ACTNITIES INVOLVING WALL STREET OUTREACH, TAX ISSUES, FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD (FASB) ISSUES, FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES, AND STUDIES AS THE ASSOCIATION FOR SHAREHOLDER-OWNED ELECTRIC UTILITIES, THESE PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES RELATE TO THE EXEMPT PURPOSE OF EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC 4d Other program services (Describe (Expenses$ 4e 1n Schedule O ) 1nclud1ng grants of$ ) (Revenue $ Total program service expenses~$ Form 990(2011) Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) l:r-P•••• Page 3 Checklist of Required Schedules Yes Is the orga n1zat1on described complete Schedule A 1 5 O 1 (c )(3) or 4 9 4 7 (a )(1) (other than a private 1n section Schedule B, Schedule of Contnbutors(see 2 Is the organ1zat1on required Did the organ1zat1on engage 1n direct or 1nd1rect pol1t1cal campaign ca nd1dates for pub I 1c office 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part I~ Section election 5 )7 If "Yes," No 1 3 4 foundation to complete 1nstruct1ons)7 2 3 5O1(c)(3) organizations. Did the organ1zat1on engage 1n lobbying act1v1t1es, or have a section 1n effect during the tax year7 If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Part II 501 (h) 4 ~ 7 5 Did the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n any donor advised funds or any s1m1lar funds or accounts for which donors have the right to provide advice on the d1stribut1on or investment of amounts 1n such funds or accounts? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part I~ 6 Did the organ1zat1on receive or hold a conservation easement, 1nclud1ng easements to preserve open space, historic land areas or historic structures? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part II~ the environment, 7 Did the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n collect1ons complete Schedule D, Part I I I ~ . 9 Did the organ1zat1on report an amount 1n Part X, line 21, serve as a custodian for amounts not listed provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or debt negot1at1on serv1ces7 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part I~ . 1n Part X, or 10 Did the organ1zat1on, directly or through a related organ1zat1on, hold assets 1n temporarily permanent endowments, or quasi-endowments 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part~ endowments, 11 If the organ1zat1on's answer to any of the following VIII, IX, or X as applicable questions treasures, 1s 'Yes,'then Did the organ1zat1on report an amount for land, bu1ld1ngs, and equipment Schedule D, Part VI.~ or other s1m1lar assets7 complete restricted Schedule Yes No No If "Yes," 8 a of works of art, historical No Yes act1v1t1es on behalf of or 1n oppos1t1on to Is the organ1zat1on a section 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organ1zat1on that receives membership dues, assessments, or s1m1lar amounts as defined 1n Revenue Procedure 98-197 If "Yes,"complete Schedule C, Part III 6 No I• I I 10 c reported D, Parts VI, VII, 1n Part X, l1ne107 If "Yes,"complete 11a securities 1n Part X, line 12 that 1s 5% or more of In Pa rt X, 11ne 16 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part VII.~ Did the organ1zat1on report an amount for investments-program related 1n Part X, line 13 that 1s 5% or more of its tota I assets reported In Pa rt X, 11ne 16 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part VII I.~ Yes 11b No Uc No 11d No d Did the organ1zat1on report an amount for other assets reported e f 12a 1n Part X, line 15 that 1s 5% or more of its total assets 1n Part X, line 16 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part IX.~ D 1d the orga n1zat1on report an a mount for other I 1ab1l1t1es 1n Pa rt X, I 1ne 2 5 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X. ~ Did the organ1zat1on's separate or consolidated f1nanc1al statements for the tax year include a footnote that addresses the organ1zat1on's l1ab1l1ty for uncertain tax pos1t1ons under FIN 48 (ASC 740 )7 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X.~ Did the organ1zat1on obtain separate, independent Schedule D, Parts XI, XI I, and XI I I ~ audited f1nanc1al statements No No b Did the organ1zat1on report an amount for investments-other its tota I assets No Ue Yes Uf Yes for the tax year7 If "Yes,"comple te 12a No b Was the organ1zat1on included 1n consolidated, independent audited f1nanc1al statements for the tax year7 If "Yes," and If the organ1zatIon answered 'No' to !me 12a, then completmg Schedule D, Parts XI, XII, and XIII Is optJOnaI ~ 13 Is the organ1zat1on a school 14a described 1n section 170(b)(l)(A)(11)7 Did the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n an office, employees, or agents If"Yes,"completeScheduleE outside of the United States? • 12b Yes 13 No 14a No b Did the organ1zat1onhave aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fund raising, business, investment, and program service act1v1t1es outside the United States, or aggregate foreign investments valued at $100,000 or more7 If "Yes," comple te Schedule F, Part I 15 16 ~ • 14b Did the organ1zat1on report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance organ1zat1on or entity located outside the U S 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Part II and IV . Did the organ1zat1on report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate 1nd1v1duals located outside the U S 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule F, Part III and IV . . 17 Did the organ1zat1on report a total of more than $15,000, of expenses for professional Pa rt IX, column (A), 11nes 6 and 11 e 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part I 18 Did the organ1zat1on report more than $15,000 total offundra1s1ng VIII, lines le and 8a7 If "Yes,"complete Schedule G, Part II 19 Did the organ1zat1on report more than $15,000 "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part III 2Oa D 1d the orga n1zat1on operate b If"Yes" grants to any ~ 7.:".11 or assistance ~ event gross income and contributions of gross income from gaming act1v1t1es on Part VIII, I ,__1_s_,.._ __ to I 16 fundra1s1ng services on line 9a7 If No _,... __ No 17 No 18 No 19 No 2Oa No on Part one or more hos pita Is 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule H to line 20a, did the organ1zat1on attach its audited f1nanc1al statement to this return? filers that operated one or more hospitals must attach audited f1nanc1al statements Yes Note. All Form 990 2Ob Form 990(2011) _ Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) Page 4 Checklist 21 of Required Schedules (continued) Did the organ1zat1on report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to governments the U n1ted States on Part IX, column (A), line 1 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule I, Parts I and II 22 23 24a I I of tax-exempt Did the organ1zat1on ma1nta1n an escrow account to defease any tax-exempt bonds7 • bonds beyond a temporary other than a refunding IV c 24d benefit transaction with 25a director, trustee, ~ . An entity of which a current an officer, director, trustee, or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee or owner7 If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV . 30 Did the organ1zat1on receive contributions of art, historical treasures, contri but1ons 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule M . conservation 31 more than $25,000 Did the organ1zat1on l1qu1date, terminate, Part I . Did the organ1zat1on sell, exchange, Schedule N, Part I I . 32 1n non-cash or dissolve dispose more than 25% Did the organ1zat1on own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate If "Yes,"completeScheduleR, sections 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-37 33 34 Was the organ1zat1on related and V, /me 1 . 35a b Is any related to any tax-exempt organ1zat1on a controlled entity or taxable member thereof) ~ was of its net assets7 No 28b No I I No 29 No 30 No 31 No 32 No 33 No If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Parts II, III, ~ of the f1l1ng organ1zat1on w1th1n the meaning of section with a controlled entity ~ IV, 512(b)(13)7 w1th1n the ~ to an exempt non-charitable 1n Schedule I I 34 Yes 35a Yes 35b Yes I related 36 Did the organ1zat1on conduct more than 5% of its act1v1t1es through an entity that 1s not a related organ1zat1on and that 1s treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes? If "Yes,"complete Schedule R, Part VI ~ Did the organ1zat1on complete Schedule O and provide explanations Note. All Form 990 filers are required to complete Schedule O 28a If "Yes," complete Schedule N, ent1ty7 If "Yes,"complete Section 5O1(c)(3) organizations. Did the organ1zat1on make any transfers organ1zat1on7 If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, /me 2 No or qual1f1ed from the organ1zat1on under Regulations Part I . Did the organ1zat1on receive any payment from or engage 1n any transaction meaning of section 512 (b)(l 3 )7 If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, /me 2 I 28c or other s1m1lar assets, and cease operat1ons7 of, or transfer (or a family If "Yes,"completeScheduleM contribut1ons7 Yes If "Yes," or key employee? complete Schedule L, Part IV 26 Schedule L, Part ~ or former officer, 25b L, Part IV part1es7 (see Schedule If "Yes,"complete or key employee? Did the organ1zat1on receive 38 • benefit transaction with a d1squal1f1ed person 1n a prior on any of the organ1zat1on's prior Forms 990 or 990-EZ7 If 29 37 at any time during the year7 . b A family member of a current No 24c transaction with one of the following cond1t1ons, and exceptions) trustee, I 24b Did the organ1zat1on provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, substantial contributor, or a grant selection committee member, or to a person related to such an 1nd1v1dual7 If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part II I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ a A current or former officer, director, Yes No escrow at any time during the year Section 5O1(c)(3) and 5O1(c)(4) organizations. Did the organ1zat1on engage 1n an excess a d1squal1f1ed person during the year7 If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part I . Was the organ1zat1on a party to a business 1nstruct1ons for applicable f1l1ng thresholds, I 24a • Was a loan to or by a current or former officer, director, trustee, key employee, highly compensated employee, or d1squal1f1ed person outstanding as of the end of the organ1zat1on's tax year7 If "Yes,"completeScheduleL, ~II. ~ 28 36 period except1on7 22 23 Did the organ1zat1on have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000 as of the last day of the year, that was 1ss ued after December 31, 2 OO2 7 If "Yes," answer questJOns 24b-24d and complete Schedule K. If "No," go to !me 25 . year, and that the transaction has not been reported "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part I . 27 I Did the organ1zat1on answer "Yes" to Part VII, Section A, questions 3, 4, or 5, about compensation of the organ1zat1on's current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule J • ~ b Is the organ1zat1on aware that 1t engaged 1n an excess 26 Yes 21 I d Did the organ1zat1on act as an "on behalf of" issuer for bonds outstanding 25a 1n ~ Did the organ1zat1on report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to 1nd1v1duals 1n the U n1ted States on Part IX, column (A), line 27 If "Yes,"completeScheduleI, Parts I and III . ~ b Did the organ1zat1on invest any proceeds c and organ1zat1ons . O for Part VI, No 37 lines 11 and 197 38 Yes Form 990(2011) Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) •@i*j Statements Check Page 5 Regarding if Schedule Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance O contains a response to any question -1 1n this Part V Yes la Enter the number reported 1n Box 3 of Form 1096 b Enter the number of Forms W-2G included c Enter-0- 1n line la Enter-a- Did the organ1zat1on comply with backup w1thhold1ng rules for reportable gaming (gambling) w1nn1ngs to prize w1nners7 b If at least one 1s reported payments 3a on line 2a, did the organ1zat1on file all required Note. If the sum of lines la and 2a 1s greater than 250, Did the organ1zat1on have unrelated year7 gross business federal you may be required income la 232 lb 0 1f not applicable to vendors Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements filed for the calendar year ending with or w1th1n the year covered by this return 2a of $1,000 and reportable to e-f1le If"Yes," enter the name of the foreign See 1nstruct1ons for f1l1ng requirements b Did any taxable c If"Yes" transaction 2b Yes 3a Yes 3b Yes tax returns? or more during the country ~----------------------------i for Form TD F 90-22 1, Report of Foreign Was the organ1zat1on a party to a proh1b1ted tax shelter Sa Yes (see 1nstruct1ons) At any time during the calendar year, did the organ1zat1on have an interest 1n, or a signature over, a f1nanc1al account 1n a foreign country (such as a bank account or securities account)? b le 214 2a employment b If "Yes," has 1t f1led a Form 9 9 0-T for this yea r7 If "No," provide an explanation m Schedule O 4a No 1fnotappl1cable or other authority 4a No Sa No No Bank and F1nanc1al Accounts at any time during the tax year7 party notify the organ1zat1on that 1t was or 1s a party to a proh1b1ted tax shelter transact1on7 Sb to line Sa or Sb, did the organ1zat1on file Form 8886-T7 Sc 6a Does the organ1zat1on have annual gross receipts that are normally organ1zat1on sol1c1t any contributions that were not tax deduct1ble7 b If"Yes," did the organ1zat1on include were not tax deduct1ble7 7 Organizations that with every sol1c1tat1on an express than $100,000, statement that such contributions Did the organ1zat1on receive a payment services provided to the payor7 b If"Yes," c Did the organ1zat1on sell, exchange, f1Ie Form 8 2 8 2 7 contributions 1nd1cate the number Did the organ1zat1on receive contract? or gifts 1n excess under section 170(c). of $7 5 made partly as a contribution did the organ1zat1on notify the donor of the value of the goods or services d If"Yes," or otherwise dispose of tangible personal and partly for goods and 7a _____,____ ,__7b prov1ded7 property for which 1t was required to 7c of Forms 8282 I filed during the year any funds, directly or 1nd1rectly, to pay premiums 1d I on a personal benefit 7e f Did the organ1zat1on, during the year, pay premiums, g If the organ1zat1on received directly a contribution ofqual1f1ed a contribution of cars, boats, or 1nd1rectly, on a personal intellectual property, benefit contract? 7f did the organ1zat1on file Form 8899 as re q u I red 7 1--7_g_+----+--- h If the organ1zat1on received airplanes, or other vehicles, did the organ1zat1on file a Form 1 0 9 8 - C 7 8 7h 1----+---t---- S pons or in g organizations maintaining donor advised funds and section S09(a)(3) the supporting organ1zat1on, or a donor advised fund ma1nta1ned by a sponsoring business holdings at any time during the year7 9 Sponsoring organizations maintaining d1stribut1ons under section b Did the organ1zat1on make a d1stribut1on to a donor, donor advisor, Section S01(c)(7) organizations. a In1t1at1on fees and capital b Gross receipts, included supporting organizations. organ1zat1on, have excess Did 8 donor advised funds. a Did the organ1zat1on make any taxable 10 No 6a and did the 6b may receive deductible a e greater 49667 or related 9a person? 9b Enter contributions included on Form 990, Part VIII, on Part VIII, I 1oa I line 12 line 12, for public use of club 10b fac1l1t1es 11 Section S01(c)(12) organizations. a Gross income from members Enter or shareholders 11a b Gross income from other sources sources 12a against amounts Section 4947(a)(1) b If"Yes," (Do not net amounts due or received from them) non-exempt enter the amount charitable of tax-exempt trusts. interest due or paid to other 11b Is the organ1zat1on f1l1ng Form 990 received or accrued during the year 13 Section S01(c)(29) qualified nonprofit 1n lieu of Form 10417 12a I 12b I health insurance issuers. a Is the organ1zat1on licensed to issue qual1f1ed health plans 1n more than one state7 Note. All 501(c)(29) organ1zat1ons must 11st 1n Schedule O each state 1n which they are licensed qual1f1ed health plans, the amount of reserves required by each state, and the amount of reserves allocated to each state to issue the organ1zat1on 13a b Enter the aggregate the states c amount of reserves the organ1zat1on 1s required to ma1nta1n by 1n which the organ1zat1on 1s licensed to issue qual1f1ed health plans Enter the aggregate amount of reserves 13b on hand 13c 14a Did the organ1zat1on receive b If "Yes," any payments for indoor tanning has 1t f1led a Form 7 2 0 to report these payments services during the tax year7 14a 7 If "No," provide an explanation m Schedule O 14b No Form 990(2011) page 6 Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 11 ) •@I'd Governance, Management, and Disclosure For each "Yes" response to lines 2 through 7b below, and for a "No" response to lines Sa, Sb, or 10b below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes in Schedule 0. See instructions. Check Section if Schedule A. Governing O contains a response to any question .P- In this Part VI Body and Management Yes la b 2 Enter the number of voting year members Enter the number of voting independent members of the governing included body at the end of the tax la 71 lb 71 In line 1 a, above, who are Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee other officer, director, trustee, or key employee? 3 have a family relat1onsh1p or a business Did the organIzatIon delegate control over management duties supervIsIon of officers, directors or trustees, or key employees relat1onsh1p with any customarily performed by or under the direct to a management company or other person? 4 Did the organIzatIon f1Ied7 make any s1gn1f1cant changes 5 Did the organIzatIon become aware during the year of a s1gn1f1cant d1vers1on of the organ1zat1on's 6 Did the organIzatIon have members 7a Did the organIzatIon have members, stockholders, more members of the governing body7 b a b 9 to its governing or other persons Are any governance dec1s1ons of the organIzatIon or persons other than the governing body7 The governing Each committee documents reserved document assets7 who had the power to elect or appoint to (or subJect to approval the meetings held or written to act on behalf of the governing by) members, actions undertaken stockholders, (This Section B requests information 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 Yes 7a Yes 7b Yes Sa Yes Sb Yes during the body7 Is there any officer, director, trustee, or key employee listed In Part VII, Section A, who cannot provide the names and addresses In Schedule O organ1zat1on's ma1l1ng address? If"Yes," Section B. Policies Revenue Code.) No one or body7 with authority 2 since the prior Form 990 was or stockholders? Did the organIzatIon contemporaneously year by the following 8 be reached at the 9 No about policies not required by the Internal Yes 10a Did the organIzatIon have local chapters, No branches, 10a or aff1l1ates7 No No b If"Yes," did the organIzatIon have written pol1c1es and procedures governing the actIvItIes of such chapters, aff1l1ates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with the organ1zat1on's exempt purposes? 11a Has the organIzatIon provided a complete copy ofth1s Form 990 to all members of1ts governing 10b body before f1l1ng 11a the form7 b Describe In Schedule 12a Did the organIzatIon O the process, have a written b Were officers, directors rise to confl1cts7 C 1f any, used by the organIzatIon conflict or trustees, of interest Did the organIzatIon regularly and consistently In Schedule O how this was done to review the Form 990 pol1cy7 If "No," go to /me 13 and key employees required monitor to disclose and enforce annually compliance interests with the pol1cy7 If"Yes," Did the organIzatIon have a written wh1stleblower Did the organIzatIon have a written document 15 Did the process for determ1n1ng compensation of the following persons include a review and approval by independent persons, comparab1l1ty data, and contemporaneous substant1at1on of the del1berat1on and dec1s1on7 a The organ1zat1on's CEO, Executive b Other officers If "Yes," or key employees Director, to line 15a or 15b, describe entity pol1cy7 off1c1al of the organIzatIon the process 16a Did the organIzatIon taxable pol1cy7 or top management invest In, contribute during the year7 assets In Schedule Yes 12b Yes 12c Yes 13 Yes 14 Yes 15a Yes 15b Yes describe 14 and destruction 12a that could give 13 retention No O (see 1nstruct1ons) to, or partIcIpate In a Joint venture or s1m1lar arrangement with a 16a No b If"Yes," did the organIzatIon follow a written policy or procedure requiring the organIzatIon to evaluate its partIcIpatIon In Joint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the organ1zat1on's exempt status with respect to such arrangements? Section 17 List the States 18 Section 6104 requires an organIzatIon to make its Form 1023 (or 1024 1f applicable), 990, and 990-T (3 )sonly) available for public InspectIon Indicate how you made these available Check all that apply 1 19 20 16b C. Disclosure Own website with which a copy ofth1s I Another's website Form 990 Is required P- Upon to be filed~ --------------------------(501(c) request Describe In Schedule O whether (and 1f so, how), the organIzatIon made its governing documents, interest policy, and f1nanc1al statements available to the public See Add1t1onal Data Table State the name, physical address, and telephone number of the person who possesses conflict of the books and records of the organIzatIon ~ JOHNS SCHLENKER 701 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON,DC 200042696 (202) 508-5540 Form 990(2011) Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) i:ifii*di Page 7 Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Employees, and Independent Contractors Check Section la Complete if Schedule A. Officers, O contains Directors, this table for all persons a response Trustees, required tax year • List all of the organ1zat1on's current officers, of compensation, and current key employees • List all of the organ1zat1on's to any question Key Employees, Compensated -1 In this Part VII Key Employees, to be listed Highest and Highest Report compensation Compensated for the calendar Employees year ending with or w1th1n the organ1zat1on's directors, trustees (whether 1nd1v1duals or organ1zat1ons), regardless Enter -0- In columns (D), (E ), and (F) 1f no compensation was paid current key employees, 1f any See InstructIons of amount for def1n1t1on of "key employee" • List the organ1zat1on's five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee or key employee) who received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the organIzatIon and any related organIzatIons • List all of the organ1zat1on's former officers, key employees, or highest compensated of reportable compensation from the organIzatIon and any related organIzatIons employees who received more than $100,000 • List all of the organ1zat1on's former directors or trustees that received, In the capacity as a former director or trustee organIzatIon, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organIzatIon and any related organIzatIons List persons compensated 1 In the following order 1nd1v1dual trustees employees, and former such persons Check this box 1f neither (A) Name and Title the organIzatIon or directors, nor any related (B) Average hours per week (describe hours for related organIzatIons In Schedule 0) 1nst1tut1onal trustees, organIzatIons compensated (C) officers, any current key employees, PosItIon (do not check more than one box, unless person Is both an officer and a d I rector/trustee) highest or former officer, (D) Reportable compensation from the organIzatIon (W2/1099-MISC) of the director, (E) Reportable compensation from related organIzatIons (W- 2/1099MISC) or trustee (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organIzatIon and related organIzatIons ,, Q ::, ...J ,x., -, See Add1t1onal Data Table Form 990(2011) Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 11 ) j@i*,ii page Section A. Officers, (A) Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, (C) (B) Name and Title Average hours per week (describe hours for related organ1zat1ons 1n Schedule 0) and Highest Compensated (D) Reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on (W2/1099-MISC) Pos1t1on (do not check more than one box, unless person 1s both an officer and a d I rector/trustee) Employees 8 (continued) (E) Reportable compensation from related organ1zat1ons (W- 2/1099MISC) (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organ1zat1on and related organ1zat1ons ,, Q ::, ...J ,x., --, See Add1t1onalData Table lb 2 Sub-Total c Total from continuation sheets to Part VII, Section A d Total (add lines lb and le) 13,519,537 Total number of 1nd1v1duals (1nclud1ng but not l1m1ted to those listed $100,000 of reportable compensation from the organ1zat1on~20 above) who received 2,544,458 0 more than Yes 3 4 Did the organ1zat1on 11st any former officer, director or trustee, on line 1 a7 If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such 1nd1v1dual For any 1nd1v1dual listed orga n1zat1on and related key employee, or highest compensated employee Did any person listed on line la receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated services rendered to the orga n1zat1on7 If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such person Section 1 B. Independent organ1zat1on Yes 4 Yes or 1nd1v1dual for 5 No Contractors Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent contractors that received more than $100,000 of compensation from the organ1zat1on Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or w1th1n the organ1zat1on's tax year (A) Name and business address (B) Description of services HUNTON& WILLIAMS 1900 K STREET WASHINGTON,DC 20006 VENABLELLP 575 SEVENTHSTREET WASHINGTON,DC 20004 OCE BUSINESSSERVICES 855 AVENUEOF THE AMERICAS NEW YORK, NY 10001 WINSTON & STRAWNLLP 1700 K ST WASHINGTON,DC 20006 ICF RESOURCESINC 9300 LEE HIGHWAY FAIRFAX,VA 22031 2 3 on line 1 a, 1s the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the orga n1zat1ons greater than $15 O ,0 OO 7 If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such 1nd1v1dual 5 No Total number of independent $100,000 of compensation contractors (1nclud1ng but not l1m1ted to those from the organ1zat1on ~5 listed above) (C) Compensation CONSULTING 8,780,353 CONSULTING 2,543,419 BUSINESSSERVICECENTER 589,460 CONSULTING 516,310 CONSULTING 465,056 who received more than Form 990(2011) Form 9 9 0 ( 2 0 11 ) Page 9 Statement l:r-~illTJU• of Revenue (A) Total ~$ cc la 2::::i o:,O ~E ....,.., (t =~ Federated lb C Fundra1s1ng events le Related organ1zat1ons 1d Government grants (contributions) le f All other contributions, gifts, grants, and s1m1laramounts not included above lf g Noncash h Total.Add c·::;,; ·- ... ]:l ·.::: 0 dues Membership ....,..,.-·e e 0 la b d o:,.;:.::: campaigns contributions Business 2a 900099 68,642,616 68,642,616 b MEETINGS 900099 7,741,389 7,741,389 C PROGRAMS 900099 2,716,633 2,716,633 .... d ADVERTISING 541800 731,498 c e PUBLJCATI0NS 511190 199,043 v f All other program &: g Total. Add lines 2a-2f ~ s; £, ~ service Investment income .... (1nclud1ng d1v1dends, interest ... ... ... and other s1m1lar amounts) 4 Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds 5 Royalties 6a Gross rents (1) Real b C d Less rental expenses Rental income or ( loss) C d Net gain or (loss) b Sa ::I 4,051,732 -80,144 -80,144 (11) Other 75,901,099 75,981,243 -80,144 ... $ ii :> of contributions reported See Part IV, line 18 ev a: - 4,051,732 Gross income from fundra1s1ng events (not 1nclud1ng ev ... 1l 80,031,179 ... (1) Securities Grossamount from sales of assets other than inventory Less cost or other basis and sales expenses Gain or ( loss) 199,043 (11) Personal Net rental income or (loss) 7a 731,498 revenue 0 3 (D) Revenue excluded from tax under sections 512,513,or 514 Code MEMBERSHIPDUES ~ Unrelated business revenue ... lines la-lf (],l ::::; C Related or exempt function revenue 1n $ lines la-lf ~"E (.)(i:: included (C) (B) revenue on line le) a .c b Less 0 C Net income or (loss) from fundra1s1ng events 9a direct b expenses ... Gross income from gaming act1v1t1es See Part IV, line 19 a b Less C Net income or (loss) from gaming act1v1t1es direct 1Oa Gross sales of inventory, returns b expenses ... less and allowances a b Less C Net income or (loss) from sales of inventory cost of goods sold Miscellaneous Revenue b Business ... Code 11a b C d A II other revenue e Total.Add 12 lines lla-lld Total revenue. See Instructions ... ... 84,002,767 79,299,681 731,498 3,971,588 Form 990(2011) Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 11 ) Page 1:)ftiif:jStatement of Functional 10 Expenses Section 50 l(c)(3) and 50 l(c)(4) organIzatIons must complete all columns All other organIzatIons must complete column (A) but are not required to complete columns (B), (C ), and (D) Check if Schedule O contains a response to any question In this Part IX (C) (B) Do not include amounts reported on lines 6b, (A) Program service Management and Total expenses 7b, Sb, 9b, and 1Ob of Part VIII. expenses general expenses -1 1 Grants and other assistance to governments In the U n1ted States See Part IV, line 21 and organIzatIons 1,307,394 2 Grants and other assistance to 1nd1v1duals In the U n1ted States See Part IV, line 22 3 Grants and other assistance to governments, organIzatIons, and 1nd1v1duals outside the U n1ted States See Part IV, lines 15 and 16 4 Benefits 5 Compensation key employees paid to or for members of current officers, directors, trustees, and 14,610,504 6 Compensation not included above, to d1squal1f1ed persons (as defined under section 4958(f)(l )) and persons described In section 4958(c)(3)(B) 7 Other salaries 8 Pension plan contributions (include 403(b) employer contributions) 9 Other employee and wages 10 Payroll 11 Fees for services a 13,723,356 section 401(k) and section 3,605,014 benefits 2,358,023 taxes 1,445,690 (non-employees) Management b Legal C Accounting d Lobbying e Profess Iona I fundra Is Ing See Part IV, !me 17 f Investment g 12,729,818 92,968 2,511,536 management fees 358,520 Other 4,541,060 12 Advert1s1ng 13 Office expenses 3,168,272 14 Information 1,463,387 and promotion 1,092,830 technology 15 Royalties 16 Occupancy 4,680,715 17 Travel 1,944,184 18 Payments of travel or entertainment state, or local public off1c1als 1,969 expenses for any federal, 10,330 19 Conferences, 20 Interest 21 Payments 22 DeprecIatIon, 23 Ins ura nee 24 Other expenses Itemize expenses not covered above (List miscellaneous expenses In line 24f If line 24f amount exceeds 10% of line 25, column (A) amount, 11st line 24fexpenses on Schedule O) a conventions, and meetings 6,086,728 and amortIzatIon 472,268 to aff1l1ates depletion, MISCELLANEOUS 771,988 b SU BSC RI PTIO NS 445,746 C (D) Fundraising expenses PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 31,833 d e f A II other expenses 25 Total functional expenses. Add lines 1 through 26 Joint costs. Check here~ 1 1ffollow1ng SOP 98-2 (ASC 958-720) Complete this line only 1fthe organIzatIon reported In column (B) Joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundra1s1ng sol1c1tat1on 24f 77,454,133 Form 990(2011) Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 11 ) i:J.fiS:4 Page 11 Balance Sheet (B) (A) BegInnIng of year 1 C as h-non-1nterest-bea ring 2 Savings and temporary cash investments and grants 3 Pledges 4 Accounts 5 Receivables from current and former officers, directors, highest compensated employees Complete Part II of Schedule 6 - receivable, receivable, Notes and loans receivable, I/, Inventories 9 Prepaid expenses b trustees, accumulated 12 Investments-other 13 Investments-program- 14 Intangible 15 Other assets Complete cost or other basis traded 10b securities 1,547,479 10c 11 12 See Part IV, line 11 13 915,684 1,729,264 91,164,473 14 See Part IV, line 11 Total assets. Add lines 1 through Accounts 18 Grants payable and accrued 15 (must equal line 34) expenses 0 15 515,718 99,239,677 16 101,575,280 7,463,447 17 6,611,543 payable 18 27,194,773 21 Escrow or custodial account 22 Payables to current employees, highest and former officers, directors, trustees, key compensated employees, and d1squal1f1ed revenue bond l1ab1l1t1es 19 26,824,282 20 l1ab1l1ty Complete Part IV of Schedule D persons Complete Part I I of Schedule L Secured mortgages and notes payable notes and loans payable 21 22 to unrelated third parties 23 24 Unsecured 25 Other l1ab1l1t1es (1nclud1ng federal income tax, payables to related third parties, Complete Part X of Schedule and other l1ab1l1t1es not included on lines 17-24) D 26 Total liabilities. Add lines 17 through to unrelated third parties 24 25 that follow SFAS 117, check here ~ p- and complete 44,681,054 25 52,185,995 79,339,274 26 85,621,820 19,900,403 27 15,953,460 lines 27 through 29, and lines 33 and 34. u ,:::; 27 Unrestricted ca 28 Temporarily !:: 29 Permanently net assets restricted restricted ::::l Organizations '- lines 30 through 34. u. 0 30 Capital stock net assets 28 net assets 29 that do not follow SFAS 117, check here or trust principal, 31 Pa1d-1n or capital 32 Retained 4) 33 Total net assets 34 Total l1ab1l1t1es and net assets/fund earnings, surplus, or current ,ci z 1,951,220 assets Organizations 9 See Part IV, line 11 related 1,/' ,fl ,fl 485,851 85,740,304 securities .9! ,fl 5 10a Tax-exempt 4) 439,144 )) and 1,007,425 20 ~ 4958(f)(l 3,680,484 Deferred -,:::; 1,832,899 and charges 17 Q) 4 8 16 ,fl 1,402,958 7 deprec1at1on Investments-publicly ::::l23 4,928,791 net and deferred 11 :.a ,;"I; key employees, (as defined under section Complete Part II of 19 = - 2 for sale or use Land, bu1ld1ngs, and equipment Part VI of Schedule D Less 9,099,767 6 8 10a 2,600 L 7 <( 1 3 L I/I cJ) ,..., 2,600 net net Receivables from other d1squal1f1ed persons persons described In section 4958(c)(3)(B) Schedule End of year I and complete funds 30 or land, bu1ld1ng or equipment endowment, ~ accumulated income, fund 31 or other funds 32 19,900,403 or fund balances balances 99,239,677 33 15,953,460 34 101,575,280 Form 990(2011) Form 9 9 O ( 2 O 11 ) Page 1:)ffi$:HReconcilliation Check 1 Total revenue 2 Total expenses 3 Revenue 4 Net assets 5 6 if Schedule Net assets (B)) (must equal Part VIII, Subtract or fund balances In net assets or fund balances Check a response column 1 84,002,767 2 77,454,133 3 6,548,634 4 19,900,403 5 -10,495,577 6 15,953,460 (A), line 25) line 2 from line 1 at beg1nn1ng of year (must equal Part X, line 33, column or fund balances at end of year Statements if Schedule .F In this Part XI to any question (A), line 12) (must equal Part IX, column Financial l:r-P•.UI O contains less expenses Other changes O contains (explain In Schedule (A)) O) lines 3, 4, and 5 (must equal Part X, line 33, column Combine ., and Reporting a response to any question In this Part XII Yes 1 1 Cash F Accrual 1Other _____ from a prior year or checked "Other," explain Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990 If the organIzatIon changed its method of accounting Schedule O f1nanc1al statements compiled b Were the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements audited c If"Yes," to 2a or 2b, does the organIzatIon have a committee that assumes respons1b1l1ty for oversight of the audit, review, or comp1lat1on of its f1nanc1al statements and selection of an independent accountant? If the organIzatIon changed either its oversight process or selection process during the tax year, explain In Schedule O d If "Yes" to line 2a or 2b, check a box below to 1nd1cate whether on a separate basis, consolidated basis, or both 3a b basis F Consolidated basis As a result of a federal award, was the organIzatIon SI n g Ie A u d It Act and O M B C I re u Ia r A -1 3 3 7 by an independent _ Were the organ1zat1on's Separate or reviewed by an independent I accountant? Both consolidated required accountant? the f1nanc1al statements 2a No 2b Yes 2c Yes for the year were issued and separated to undergo an audit or audits No In 2a 1 12 of Net Assets basis as set forth In the If"Yes," did the organIzatIon undergo the required audit or aud1ts7 If the organIzatIon did not undergo the required audit or audits, explain why In Schedule O and describe any steps taken to undergo such audits 3a No 3b Form 990(2011) efile GRAPHIC SCHEDULE rint - DO NOT PROCESS c As Filed Data - DLN:93493320069582 0MB No 1545-0047 Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 For Organizations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 501 (c) and section 527 ~ Department of theTreasury ~ InternalRevenueService Attach Complete if the organization to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. is described below. ~ See separate instructions. If the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, Line 3, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, line 46 (Political Campaign Activities), then • Section 501(c)(3) organizations Complete Parts I-A and B Do not complete Part I-C • Section 501(c) (other than section 501(c)(3)) organizations Complete Parts I-A and C below Do not complete Part I-B • Section 527 organizations Complete Part I-A only If the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, Line 4, or Form 990-EZ, Part VI, line 47 (Lobbying Activities), then • Section 501 ( c )(3) organizations that have filed Form 5768 ( election under section 501 ( h)) Complete Part II-A Do not complete Part II-B • Section 501( c)(3) organizations that have NOT filed Form 5768 ( election under section 501(h)) Complete Part II-B Do not complete Part II-A If the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, Line 5 (Proxy Tax) or Form 990-EZ, line 35c (Proxy Tax), then • Section 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations Complete Part Ill Name of the organIzatIon Employer 1dent1f1cat1on number EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC 13-0659550 Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c) 1 P rov1de a description of the organ1zat1on's direct and 1nd1rect pol1t1cal campaign In opposItIon to candidates for public office In Part IV 2 Pol1t1cal expenditures 3 Volunteer if the organization is exempt under section 1 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by the organIzatIon 2 Enter the amount of any excise tax incurred by organIzatIon 3 If the orga nIzatIon Incurred 4a Was a correction b If "Yes," actIvItIes 527 organization. on behalf of or $ _____ 6_2_3~1_4_5 ~ $ ______ _ ~ $ ______ _ hours l:iflld:j Complete jfflii3 or is a section describe a section under section managers 4955 under section 4955 1 1 4 9 5 5 tax, did It file Form 4 7 2 0 for this yea r7 made7 I I Yes Yes No No In Part IV Complete if the organization 1 Enter the amount 2 Enter the amount of the f1l1ng organ1zat1on's exempt funt1on actIvItIes exempt 501(c)(3). directly function expended expenditures is exempt under section by the f1l1ng organIzatIon funds contributed for section 501(c) 5 2 7 exempt to otherorgan1zat1ons except section function actIvItIes for section 527 501(c)(3). ~ $ ______ 5_4_8.._1_4_5_ $ _____ 3 Total 4 Did the f1l1ng organIzatIon 5 Enter the names, addresses and employer 1dent1f1cat1on number (EIN) of all section 527 pol1t1cal organIzatIons to which the f1l1ng organIzatIon made payments For each organIzatIon listed, enter the amount paid from the f1l1ng organ1zat1on's funds Also enter the amount of pol1t1cal contributions received that were promptly and directly delivered to a separate pol1t1cal organIzatIon, such as a separate segregated fund or a pol1t1cal action committee (PAC) If add1t1onal space Is needed, provide 1nformat1on In Part IV file Form 1120-POL (a) Name ( 1) DEMOCRATIC ATIORNEYS GENERAL ASSOCIATION (2) REPUBLICAN STATE LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE For Privacy Act and Paperwork Add lines 1 and 2 Enter here and on Form 1120-PO ___.;.7....c5...L.;;..0-'-0..;;..0 ST SUITE 1125 DC 20002 1800 DIAGNONAL ALEXANDRIA,VA Reduction $ ______ I for this year7 (b) Address 1580 LINCOLN WASHINGTON, L, line 17b ROAD 22314 Act Notice, see the instructions (c) EI N (d) Amount paid from f1l1ng organ1zat1on's funds If none, enter -0- 13-4220019 25,000 05-0553252 50,000 for Form 990. Cat No 50084S Schedule 6_2_3_,_,_1_4_5 Yes P- No (e) A mount of pol1t1cal contributions received and promptly and directly delivered to a separate pol1t1cal organIzatIon If none, enter -0- C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 Sch e du Ie C (Form 9 9 0 or 9 9 0 - E Z) 2 0 11 pa e Complete if the organization under section 501(h)). A Check 1 B Check 1 is exempt under section 501(c)(3) and filed Form 5768 1fthe f1l1ng organ1zat1on belongs to an aff1l1ated group (and 11st 1n Part IV each aff1l1ated group member's expenses, and share of excess lobbying expenditures) 1fthe f1l1ng organ1zat1on checked box A and "l1m1ted control" prov1s1ons apply (The term "expenditures" la means amounts paid or incurred.) Total lobbying expenditures to influence public op1n1on (grass b Total lobbying expenditures to influence a leg1slat1ve body (direct lobbying expenditures (add lines la and lb) C Total d Other exempt e Total f Lobbying columns purpose exempt purpose nontaxable expenditures amount (add lines le and ld) Enter the amount from the following but not over $1,000,000 amount is: $100,000 plus 15% of the excess over $500,000 Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 $175,000 plus 10% of the excess over $1,000,000 Over $1,500,000 but not over $17,000,000 $225,000 plus 5% of the excess over $1,500,000 Over $17,000,000 Subtract i Subtract j Ifthere section $1,000,000 nontaxable amount line lg from line la (enter 2 5% of line lf) If zero or less, enter-0- line 1 f from line 1 c If zero or less, enter -01s an amount other than zero on either 4911 tax forth1s year7 (Some Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) Lobbying line lh or line 11, did the organ1zat1on file Form 4 720 reporting 1 ves I No 4-Year Averaging Period Under Section 501(h) organizations that made a section 501(h) election do not have to complete all of the five columns below. See the instructions for lines 2a through 2f on page 4.) Lobbying 2a table 1n both 20% of the amount on line le Grassroots (b) Aff1l1ated Group Totals expenditures The lobbying nontaxable h EIN, lobbying) Not over $500,000 g name, address, roots lobbying) If the amount on line le, column (a) or (b) is: Over $500,000 (election (a) F1l1ng O rgan1zat1on's Totals Limits on Lobbying Expenditures 2 non-taxable During 4-Year (a) 2008 Averaging (b) 2009 Period (c) 2 0 1 0 (d)2011 (e) Total amount b Lobbying ce1l1ng amount (150% of line 2a column(e)) C Total d Grassroots e Grassroots ce1l1ng amount (150% of line 2d, column (e)) f Grassroots lobbying Expenditures expenditures non-taxable lobbying amount expenditures Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 pa e 3 Sch e du Ie C (Form 9 9 O or 9 9 O- E Z) 2 O 11 Complete (election if the organization is exempt under section 501(h)). under section 501(c)(3) and has NOT filed Form 5768 (a) Yes 1 a b No Amount During the year, did the f1l1ng organ1zat1on attempt to influence foreign, national, state or local leg1slat1on, 1nclud1ng any attempt to influence public op1n1on on a leg1slat1ve matter or referendum, through the use of Volunteers? Paid staff or management c Media advert1sements7 d Ma1l1ngs to members, e Publ1cat1ons, f Grants g Direct h i Rallies, Otheract1v1t1es7 j Total 2a (b) (include compensation legislators, or published with legislators, demonstrations, lines le through on lines le through purposes? government conventions, describe off1c1als, or a leg1slat1ve body7 speeches, lectures, or any s1m1lar means7 1n Part IV l 1 Did the act1v1t1es 1n line 1 cause the organ1zat1on to be not described 1n section b If "Yes," enter the amount of any tax incurred under section c If "Yes," enter the amount of any tax incurred by organ1zat1on managers d If the f1l1ng organ1zat1on incurred Complete 501(c)(6). 1:r. ... •11,i;;,_•11 11)7 statements? their staffs, seminars, If"Yes," reported or the publ1c7 or broadcast to other organ1zat1ons for lobbying contact 1n expenses a section 4912 if the organization I 501(c)(3)7 4912 under section tax, did 1t file Form 4720 is exempt under forth1s section 4912 I year7 501(c)(4), section 501(c)(S), or section Yes 1 Were substantially all (90% or more) dues received 2 Did the organ1zat1on make only in-house 3 Did the organ1zat1on agree to carryover Complete 501(c)(6) answered 1:r.,11•111:11:t 1 2 lobbying lobbying if the organization if BOTH Part III-A, "Yes". nondeductible expenditures by members? of $2,000 and pol1t1cal expenditures 1 or less7 2 3 from the prior year7 No No No Yes is exempt under section 501(c)(4), section 501(c)(S), or section lines 1 and 2 are answered "No" OR if Part III-A, line 3 is Dues, assessments and s1m1lar amounts from members Section 162(e) non-deductible lobbying and pol1t1cal expenditures expenses for which the section 527(f) tax was paid). 1 66,037,569 12,326,086 (do not include amounts of political a b Current year Carryover from last year 2a c Total 2c 12,603,089 3 11,780,458 amount reported 2b 3 Aggregate 4 If notices were sent and the amount on line 2c exceeds the amount on line 3, what portion of the excess does the organ1zat1on agree to carryover to the reasonable estimate of nondeductible lobbying and pol1t1cal expenditure next year7 1n section 6033(e)(l)(A) notices 4 5 Taxable 5 amount of lobbying and pol1t1cal expenditures Su lemental Information Complete this part to provide the descriptions required Also complete this part for anv add1t1onal 1nformat1on Identifier ORGANIZATIONS DIRECT AND INDIRECT POLITICAL CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES LINE 1 section 162(e) dues (see 1nstruct1ons) 822,631 for Part I-A, line 1, Part 1-B, line 4, Part 1-C, line 5, and Part 11-B, line 11 Return Reference PART I-A, of nondeductible 277,003 Explanation THE ORGANIZATION SUPPORTED POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS AND CANDIDATES FOR STATE AND LOCAL OFFICE WHERE LEGALLY PERMISSIBLE Schedule C (Form 990 or 990EZ) 2011 efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493320069582 0MB SCHEDULED (Form 990) 2011 Supplemental Financial Statements ~ Complete if the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, line 6, 7, 9, 10, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 12a, or 12b ~ Attach to Form 990. ~ See separate instructions. Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService No 1545-0047 Open to Public Inspection Name of the organization Employer identification number EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC 13-0659550 Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar oraa rnzat1on a nswe re d" Yes to Form 990 Part IV Iine 6 (a) Donor advised 1 Total 2 Aggregate Funds or Accounts. funds Complete (b) Funds and other accounts number at end of year contributions to (during year) 3 Aggregate grants from (during 4 Aggregate value at end of year 5 Did the organIzatIon inform all donors and donor advisors In writing that the assets held In donor advised funds are the organ1zat1on's property, subJect to the organ1zat1on's exclusive legal control? 1Yes Did the organIzatIon inform all grantees, donors, and donor advisors In writing that grant funds may be used only for charitable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor advisor, or for any other purpose conferring 1mperm1ss1ble private benefit I 6 lffli•i 1 Conservation Purpose(s) 1 1 1 2 1f the Protection easements Complete of natural Yes 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 7. held by the organIzatIon of land for public use (e g, recreation Preservation Complete easement Easements. of conservation Preservation year) (check all that apply) 1 I or pleasure) habitat Preservation of an historically Preservation ofa cert1f1ed historic importantly land area structure of open space lines 2a-2d 1fthe organIzatIon on the last day of the tax year held a qual1f1ed conservation contribution In the form ofa conservation Held at the End of the Year a Total b Total acreage c Number of conservation easements on a cert1f1ed historic d Number of conservation easements included Number of conservation easements mod1f1ed, transferred, 3 number of conservation the taxable restricted easements by conservation 2a easements structure In (c) acquired Number of states 5 Does the organIzatIon have a written policy enforcement of the conservation easements where property 6 Staff and volunteer 7 A mount of expenses hours devoted incurred ~$ _______ subJect to conservation la b easement Is located or terminated by the organIzatIon during In monitoring, InspectIng InspectIng, monitoring, and enforcing and enforcing ~------InspectIon, conservation conservation handling easements easements of v1olat1ons, and I Yes during the year~-------- during the year _ on line 2(d) above satisfy the requirements of section 1Yes easements In its revenue and expense statement, and to the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements that describes Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 8. or Other Similar Assets. If the organIzatIon elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, not to report In its revenue statement and balance sheet works of of public service, art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education or research In furtherance provide, In Part XIV, the text of the footnote to its f1nanc1al statements that describes these items If the organIzatIon elected, as permitted under SFAS 116, to report In its revenue statement historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for public exh1b1t1on, education, or research provide the following amounts relating to these items (i) Revenues (ii)Assets included included If the organIzatIon following amounts 2 2c 2d ext1ngu1shed, In Part XIV, describe how the organIzatIon reports conservation balance sheet, and include, 1f applicable, the text of the footnote the organ1zat1on's accounting for conservation easements i:itiihi In (a) released, regarding the periodic It holds7 to monitoring, Does each conservation easement reported 170(h)(4 )(B)(I) and 170(h)(4 )(B)(11)7 9 included after 8/17 /06 year~------- 4 8 2b a Revenues b Assets In Form 990, Part VIII, ~ $ --------- line 1 Part X received or held works of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets required to be reported underSFAS 116 relating to these items included included In Form 990, In Form 990, In Form 990, For Privacy Act and Paperwork Part VIII, and balance sheet works of art, In furtherance of public service, ~ $ --------for f1nanc1al gain, provide ~ $ ---------- line 1 ~ Part X Reduction Act Notice, see the Int ructions for Form 990 the Cat No 52283D $ Schedule D (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie D (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 page j@IO! Organizations Maintaining Using the organ1zat1on's accession items (check all that apply) 3 a b c I I I Collections and other records, of Art, Historical check any of the following Public exh1b1t1on d Scholarly e research Preservation Treasures, 1 1 or Other Similar Loan or exchange programs Other for future generations P rov1de a description Part XIV 5 During the year, did the organ1zat1on sol1c1t or receive donations of art, historical treasures or other s1m1lar assets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be ma1nta1ned as part of the organ1zat1on's collect1on7 la Assets (contmued) that are a s1gn1f1cant use of its collection 4 1:iflj(fj 2 of the organ1zat1on's collections and explain how they further the organ1zat1on's exempt purpose 1n I Yes Escrow and Custodial Arrangements. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21. Is the organ1zat1on an agent, trustee, 1n c Iu de d on Form 9 9 O, Pa rt X 7 custodian or other 1ntermed1ary for contributions or other assets 1Yes b If "Yes," c Beg1nn1ng balance le d Add1t1ons during the year ld e D1stribut1ons le f Ending balance explain the arrangement not 1n Part XIV and complete the following table Amount 2a b during the year lf Did the organ1zat1on include If"Yes," •:r., ....... explain an amount the arrangement Endowment on Form 990, Part X, line 217 Funds. Complete 1f the orqarnzat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990 (a)Current Year la Contributions C Investment d Grants e Other expenditures and programs f Adm1n1strat1ve g End of year balance earnings Board designated b Permanent c Term endowment for fac1l1t1es expenses held as ~ ~ funds not 1n the possession of the organ1zat1on that are held and adm1n1stered for the Yes organ1zat1ons 1n Part XIV the intended of property listed as required uses of the organ1zat1on's Lan d,, Bui"Id"mgs, an d Equipment. Description No I 3aCi> I 3a(ii) organ1zat1ons (ii) related organ1zat1ons If"Yes" to 3a(11), are the related Describe of the year end balance ~ Are there endowment organ1zat1on by l:F-lil.,.H la percentage or quasi-endowment endowment (i) unrelated 4 or losses the estimated a b Part IV line 10. (c)Two Years Back (d)Three Years Back (e)Four Years Back or scholarships Provide 3a (b )Prior Year Beg1nn1ng of year balance b 2 1Yes 1n Part XIV on Schedule endowment See Form 990 R7 3b funds Part X, ine 10. (a) Cost or other basis ( investment) (b )Cost or other basis ( other) (c) Accumulated deprec1at1on (d) Book value Land b Bu1ld1ngs C Leasehold improvements d Equipment e Other Total. Add lines la-le 39,798 3,899 35,899 2,111,988 1,675,476 436,512 1,528,698 (Column (d) should equal Form 990, Part X, column (B), !me 10(c).) 271,845 ~ 1,256,853 1,729,264 Schedule D (Form 990) 2011 Page 3 Sch e du Ie D (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 1:r., .. - .••• Investments-Other Securities. See Form 990 (a) Description of security or category (1nclud1ng name of security) Part X line 12. (b)Book value (c) Method of valuation Cost or end-of-year market value (c) Method of valuation Cost or end-of-year market value (1 )F1nanc1al derivatives (2)Closely-held equity interests Other ~ Total. (Column (b) should equal Fol7Tl 990, Part X, col (8) /me 12) 1:r.... -.•,111 Investments-Program (a) Description of investment Related. See Form 990 (b) Book value type ~ Total. (Column (b) should equal Fol7Tl 990, Part X, col (8) /me 13) •:r., ....... Other Assets. See Form 990 Part X line 13. Part X line 15. (b) Book value (a) Description . Total. (Column (b) should equal Form 990, Part X, co/.(8) !me 15.) ~1 .. :a·-- Other Liabilities. (a) Description 1 Federal Income See Form 990 Part X line 25. of L1ab1l1ty (b) A mount Taxes POSTRETIREMENT BENEFIT OBLIGATION 13,624,322 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 34,112,182 DEFERRED RENT BENEFITS ~ 2,301,549 LIABILITIES OTHER CURRENT 1,524,141 LIABILITIES 338,385 LONG TERM LEASE OBLIGATION 185,416 LIFE INSURANCE 100,000 LIABILITY Total. (Column (b) should equal Fol7Tl 990, Part X, col (8) /me 25) ~ 2. Fin 48 (ASC 740) Footnote In Part XIV, provide the text of the footnote organ1zat1on's l1ab1l1ty for uncertain tax posItIons under FIN 48 (ASC740) 52,185,995 to the organ1zat1on's f1nanc1al statements that reports the Schedule D (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie D (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 1 Total Page 4 Reconciliation •:r.1.0•:•• revenue of Change (Form 990, 2 Total expenses 3 Excess 4 Net unrealized 5 Donated Part VIII, (Form 990, column Statements 1 (A), line 12) 2 Part IX, column (A), line 25) or (def1c1t) for the year gains (losses) services in Net Assets from Form 990 to Financial Subtract 3 line 2 from line 1 4 on investments 5 and use offac1l1t1es 6 Investment 7 P nor period adJustments 7 8 Other (Describe 8 9 Total adJustments 10 Excess l:r-Tili•UI 1 expenses 1n Part XIV) or (def1c1t) for the year per f1nanc1al statements Amounts Net unrealized b Donated services Other (Describe e Add lines 2a through included 3 not included line 12, but not on line 1 on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b I 4a I 4b 4c Add lines 3 and 4c. (This should equal Form 990, Part I, line 12 ) Reconciliation Amounts Donated of Expenses and losses per Audited Financial Statements included services on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, line 25 and use offac1l1t1es 2a b Prior year adJustments 2b Other losses 2c d Other (Describe e Add lines 2a through 1n Part XIV) 2e Subtract line 2e from line 1 Amounts included expenses b Other (Describe Add lines 4a and 4b Total expenses 3 on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1: C •:r.1.o•·tu• 2d 2d 3 Investment per Return 1 C a 5 With Expenses per audited f1nanc1al 4 5 2c 2d 1n Part XIV) Total expenses statements a 2b Add lines 4a and 4b 1:r.1111-•••. 2 2a on Form 990, Part VIII, expenses Total Revenue 1 1 2e Amounts Other (Describe per Return 2d line 2e from line 1 b With Revenue line 12 1n Part XIV) Subtract Investment Statements per audited f1nanc1al statements of prior year grants a 10 lines 3 and 9 Financial and use offac1l1t1es C C Combine on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part VIII, d 5 per Audited gains on investments Recoveries 4 of Revenue gains, and other support included a 3 9 Add lines 4 - 8 (net) Reconciliation Total revenue, 2 6 not included on Form 990, Part VIII, 1n Part XIV) line 7b I 4a I 4b 4c Add IInes 3 and 4c. (Th Is sh o u Id e qua I Form 9 9 O, Pa rt I, I In e 18 ) Supplemental 5 Information Complete this part to provide the descriptions required for Part II, lines 3, 5, and 9, Part III, lines la and 4, Part IV, lines 1 band 2b, Part V, line 4, Part X, Part XI, line 8, Part XII, lines 2d and 4b, and Part XIII, lines 2d and 4b Also complete this part to provide any add1t1onal 1nformat1on Return Reference Identifier DESCRIPTION OF UNCERTAIN TAX POSITIONS UNDER FIN 48 PART X Explanation EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC AND THE FOUNDATION HAVE EVALUATED THEIR TAX POSITIONS AND DETERMINED THAT THEIR POSITIONS ARE MORELIKELY-THAN-NOT TO BE SUSTAINED ON EXAMINATION EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC AND THE FOUNDATION'S TAX RETURNS ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND EXAMINATION BY FEDERAL AND STATE AUTHORITIES THE TAX RETURNS FOR THE FISCAL YEARS ENDED 2008 THROUGH 2010 ARE OPEN TO EXAMINATION BY FEDERAL AND STATE AUTHORITIES Schedule D (Form 990) 2011 efile GRAPHIC As Filed rint - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULE F (Form 990) Data - DLN:93493320069582 0MB No 1545-0047 Statement of Activities Outside the United States 2011 .. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 14b, 15, or 16 . .. Attach to Form 990 . .. See separate instructions. Department oftheTreasury Open to Public Inspection InternalRevenueService Name of the organIzatIon EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE Employer identification number INC 13-0659550 General Information on Activities "Yes" to Form 990 Part IV line 14b. 1 For grantmakers. assistance, the 2 the grants Does the grantees' or assistance? For grantmakers. Describe Outside organIzatIon maintain el1g1b1l1ty for the grants . . . . . . . . . . the United records to substantiate or assistance, . . . . . In Part V the organ1zat1on's procedures . . . Complete States. and the . . . for monitoring the amount . . . of the cntena selection . 1f the organ1zat1on answered . . . . grants used . . . or to award . . the use of grant funds outside 1 . Yes 1 No the U n1ted States 3 ActIvItes per Region (Use Part V 1f add1t1onal space Is needed) (a) Region offices in the region EU ROPE CENTRAL AMERICA CARIBBEAN EAST ASIA PACIFIC AND THE AND THE NORTH AMERICA 3a Sub-total b Total from contInuatIon (c) Number of Reduction (f) Total expenditures for region/investments in regI0n 3 27,473 0 0 PROGRAM SERVICES MEETINGS WITHIN rrHEREGION 3,509 0 0 PROGRAM SERVICES MEETINGS WITHIN rrHEREGION 8,017 0 0 PROGRAM SERVICES MEETINGS WITHIN rrHEREGION 3,749 0 sheets to Pa rt I c Totals (add lines 3a and 3b) For Privacy Act and Paperwork (d) ActIvItIesconducted in ( e) If actIvIty listed in ( d) Is a employees or region (by type) (e g , program service, describe agents in regI0n or fundra1smg,program spec1f1c type of serv1ce(s)in region independent services, investments, grants contractors to recIpIentslocated in the region) 0 0 PROGRAM SERVICES MEETINGS WITHIN rrHEREGION (b) Number of 0 0 Act Notice, see the Instructions 342 748 0 0 0 0 for Form 990. 342,748 Cat No 50082W Schedule F (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie F (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 Page 2 1:ifliO Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations or Entities Outside the United States. Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 15, for any rec1p1ent who received more than $5,000. Check this box 1f no one rec1p1ent received more than $5,000 . . . . . . . . ,... 1 Use Part V If a dd 1t1onaI space 1s nee d e d (b) I RS code 1 (a) Name of organ 1zat1on (c) Region (d) Purpose of section and EIN (If applicable) grant (e) A mount of cash grant (f) Manner of cash disbursement (g) A mount of (h) Description of non-cash assistance 2 Enter total number of rec1p1ent organizations listed above that are recognized as charities by the foreign country, tax-exempt by the IRS, or for which the grantee or counsel has provided a section 501(c)(3) equ1valency letter 3 Enter total number of other organ1zat1ons or ent1t1es . of non-cash assistance (i) Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) recognized as . ,... . ,... Schedule F (Form 990) 2011 page 3 Sch e du Ie F (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 1:ifii01 Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals Use Part V 1f a dd 1t1onaI space 1s nee d e d (a) Type of grant or assistance (b) Region Outside the United (c) Number of (d) A mount of rec1p1ents cash grant States. Complete (e) Manner of cash disbursement 1f the organization (f) A mount of non-cash assistance answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 16. (g) Description (h) Method of of non-cash assistance valuation (book, FMV, appraisal other) Schedule F (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie F (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 •Ml('I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Foreign Page 4 Forms Was the organ1zat1on a U S transferor of property to a foreign corporation during the tax year7 If "Yes," the organ1zat1on may be required to file Form 926 (see 1nstruct1ons for Form 926) Did the organ1zat1on have an interest 1n a foreign trust during the tax year7 If" Yes," the orgamzatJOn may be required to file Form 3520 and/or Form 3520-A. (see 1nstruct1ons for Forms 3520 and 3520-A) Did the organ1zat1on have an ownership interest 1n a foreign corporation during the tax year7 If "Yes," the organ1zat1on may be required to file Form 5471, Information Return of U.S. Persons with respect to Certain Foreign Corporations. (see 1nstruct10ns for Form 5471) Was the organ1zat1on a direct or 1nd1rect shareholder of a passive foreign investment company or a qual1f1ed electing fund during the tax year7 If "Yes," the orgamzatJOn may be required to file Form 8621, Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qua/lf1ed Elect1ng Fund. (see 1nstruct1ons for Form 8621) Did the organ1zat1on have an ownership interest 1n a foreign partnership during the tax year7 If "Yes," the organ1zat1on may be required to file Form 8865, Return of U.S. Persons with respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships. (see 1nstruct1ons for Form 8865) Did the organ1zat1on have any operations 1n or related to any boycotting countries during the tax year7 If "Yes," the organ1zat1on may be required to file Form 5713, InternatJOnal Boycott Report (see 1nstruct1ons for Form 5713). ' ' ' ' ' ' Yes p- No Yes p- No Yes p- No Yes p- No Yes p- No Yes p- No Schedule F (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie F (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 i:)ffiifj Page 5 Supplemental Information Complete this part to provide the information information. I dent1f1er ReturnReference (see instructions) required in Part I, line 2, and any add1t1onal Explanation Schedule F (Form 990) 2011 efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - Schedule I (Form 990) 0MB Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Name of the organIzatIon EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE General Complete if the organization No 1545-0047 2011 answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part IV, line 21 or 22. .,_ Attach to Form 990 Open to Public Inspection Employer identification INC Information number 13-0659550 on Grants and Assistance 1 Does the organIzatIon maIntaIn records to substantiate the amount • the selection criteria used to award the grants or assIstance7. 2 Describe l:ifliil DLN:93493320069582 In Part IV the organ1zat1on's procedures for monitoring of the grants or assistance, • • • • • • • • • • the grantees' el1g1b1l1ty for the grants or assistance, and • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P-ves I No the use of grant funds In the U n1ted States Grants and Other Assistance to Governments and Organizations in the United States. Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 21 for any rec1p1ent that received more than $5,000. Check this box 1f no one rec1p1ent received more than $5,000. Use Part IV and Schedule 1-1 (Form 990) 1f add1t1onal space 1s needed . (a) Name and address (c) IRC Code (b)EIN of organ IzatI on or government (d) A mount of cash section 1f applicable grant (e) A mount of noncash assistance (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance (h) Purpose of grant or assistance See Add1t1onal Data Table 2 Enter total number of section 3 Enter total number of other organIzatIons For Privacy Act and Paperwork 501 (c)(3) Reduction and government listed organIzatIons listed ... ... In the line 1 table. In the line 1 table. Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat No 50055P Schedule 38 11 I (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie I (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 pa e Grants and Other Assistance to Individuals in the United States. Use Schedule 1-1 (Form 990) 1f add1t1onal space 1s needed. (a)Type M:ifil(*M of grant or assistance Supplemental PROCEDURE MONITORING INTHEUS Information. Return Reference Identifier FOR GRANTS PART I, LINE 2 (b)N umber of rec1p1ents Complete (c)Amount of cash grant Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 22. (d)A mount of assistance non-cash this part to provide the information 2 (e)Method of valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (f)Descnpt1on of non-cash assistance required in Part I, line 2, and any other add1t1onal information. Explanation SCHEDULE I, PART I, LINE 2 WHEN GRANT FUNDS ARE AWARDED, EEI MAY REQUEST THE AMOUNTS BE RESTRICTED FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE GRANTEES MANY TIMES WILL REPORT BACK TO EEI THE SPECIFIC USE OF THE FUNDS AND VARIOUS OUTCOMES HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR EACH GRANT AWARDED Schedule I (Form 990) 2011 Additional Data Return to Form Software Software ID: Version: EIN: Name: Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government AABEPO BOX 92346 WASHINGTON, 20090 DC ACCF-CTR FOR POLICY RESEARCH 17 50 K STREET 400 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 840782569 501C3 5 21091172 501C3 (d) A mount of cash grant 25,000 15,000 13-0659550 EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance of and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, assistance a ppra Isa I, other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORS HIP CONTRIBUTIONS/ MEMBERSHIPS Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organ1zat1on or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable ALLIANCE TO SAVE ENERGY1850 M STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20006 5 21082991 501C3 ASA EC ENTER FOR ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP1575 I STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20005 5 30026940 501C6 to Governments (d) A mount o1 (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra 1saI, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 5,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP 10,500 EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable ASPEN INSTITUTE PO BOX 222 Q U E ENS TO WN, M D 21658 840399006 501C3 BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES DEPARTE 815 16TH STREET NW SUITE 600 WASHINGTON, DC 20006 530025755 501C5 (d) A mount of cash grant 7,400 15,000 to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance and Organizations of (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance CONTRIBUTIONS/ MEMBERSHIPS EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable CAMPAIGN FOR HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE1615 L STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20036 521243510 501C3 CAPITAL AREA REACH PROGRAM PO BOX 77213 WASHINGTON, DC 20013 264088542 501C3 (d) A mount of cash grant to Governments (e) A mount of non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 15,000 CORPORATE RE SP ON SI BI LITY 5,000 CORPORATE RE SP ON SI BI LITY Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable CENTER FOR AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCHl000 VICTORS WAY SUITE 200 ANN ARBOR,MI 48108 010779978 501C3 CENTER FOR ENERGY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT701 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 204504014 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount of (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance 5,000 105,000 and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance of (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable COALITION FOR A FISCALLY SOUND AMERICA888 SIXTEENTH STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20006 4 53770954 501C4 CO NGRESSIO NA L BLACK CAUCUS FOUNDATION1720 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20036 5 21160561 501C4 (d) A mount of cash grant 25,000 10,000 to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance and Organizations of (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance CONTRIBUTIONS/ MEMBERSHIPS EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance of (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable CO NGRESSIO NA L BLACK CAUCUS INSTITUTE455 MASSACHUSETTS AVENWSUITE 150-355 WASHINGTON, DC 20001 522270607 501C4 CONSORTIUM OF CATHOLIC ACAD 5001 EASTERN AVENUE SUITE 207 HYATTSVILLE,MD 20782 522050972 501C3 (d) A mount of cash grant to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance and Organizations of (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 10,000 EVENT SPONSORS HIP 5,000 CORPORATE RE SP ON SI BI LITY Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance of (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable EDISON INNOVATION FOUNDATION 1 RIVERFRONT PLAZA 3RD FLOOR NEWARK,NJ 07102 223442892 501C3 ELECTRIC DRIVE TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATI01101 VERMONT AVENUE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20005 521665058 501C6 (d) A mount of cash grant 5,000 12,500 to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance and Organizations of (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance CONTRIBUTIONS/ MEMBERSHIPS PROGRAM SUPPORT Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organ1zat1on or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable ELECTRICAL SAFETY FOUNDATION INT'L 1300 NORTH 17TH STREET SUITE 1752 ROSSLYN,VA 22209 521892239 501C3 FAITH AND PO LIT I CS INSTITUTEll0 MARYLAND AVENUE NE SUITE 504 WASHINGTON, DC 20002 521759052 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount o1 (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra 1saI, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 5,000 PROGRAM SUPPORT 5,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable GEORGE WBUSH PRESIDENTIAL CENTERPO BOX 600610 DALLAS,TX 75206 2 04119317 501C3 HAWKS ALOFT INC PO BOX 10028 ALBUQUERQUE,NM 87184 8 50418661 501C3 (d) A mount of cash grant 15,000 5,000 to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance of and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance CO RPO RATE RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM SUPPORT Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable JOINT CENTER FOR POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES1090 VERMONT AVENUE NW SUITE 1100 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 5 21069070 501C3 KEYSTONE CENTER 1628 SAINTS JOHN RD KEYSTONE, CO 80435 840688506 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount of (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 15,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP 10,500 EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE ON CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS1629 K STREET NW 10TH FLOOR WASHINGTON, DC 20006 5 29789800 501C4 LEADERSHIP GREATER WASHINGTON INC 2101 L STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20037 5 21552960 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount of (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 10,000 PROGRAM SUPPORT 5,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable NATIONAL BLACK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE1350 CONNECTICUT AVENUE NW SUITE 405 WASHINGTON, DC 20036 351889294 501C3 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF STATE LEGISLATURE7700 EAST FIRST PLACE DENVER,CO 80230 840772595 501C3 (d) A mount of cash grant to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance of and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 15,000 EVENT SPONSORS HIP 12,473 EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organ1zat1on or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable NATIONAL FUEL FUNDS NETWORK 1010 VERMONT AVENUE NW SUITE 718 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 521559709 501C3 NATIONAL LABOR COLLEGEl0000 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE SILVER SPRING, MD 20903 520895834 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount o1 (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra 1saI, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 5,000 PROGRAM SUPPORT 5,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable NATIONAL LAM PAC 701 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 2 62620296 501C3 NATIONAL MULTIPLE SC LE RO SIS SOCIETY1800 STREET WASHINGTON, 22036 5 30237585 501C3 M DC to Governments (d) A mount o (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 49,500 PROGRAM SUPPORT 26,000 EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organ1zat1on or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF BLACK ELECTED LEGISLATIVE WO MEN PO BOX 7217 DENVER,CO 80207 9 54546966 NATIONAL POLICY ALLIANCE805 15TH STREET NW 2 FLR WASHINGTON, DC 20005 4 53204563 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount o1 (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra 1saI, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 15,000 PROGRAM SUPPORT 7,500 EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organ1zat1on or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable PHI COMMUNITY FOUNDATION701 NINTH STREET NW EP9420 WASHINGTON, DC 20068 510367729 501C3 POINTS OF LIGHT INSTITUTE600 MEANS STREET SUITE210 ATLANTA,GA 30318 6 50206641 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount o1 (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra 1saI, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 5,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP 5,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable PREVENT CANCER FOUNDATION1600 DUKE STREET 500 ALEXANDRIA,VA 22314 5 21429544 501C3 RE SOURCES FOR THE FUTURE1616 P STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20036 5 30220900 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount of (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 10,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP 10,000 PROGRAM SUPPORT Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN ROOSEVELT INSTITUTE520 LEXINGTON AVE 18TH FLOOR NEWYORK,NY 10022 237213592 SCE'S RIVERGRADE VICTIMS FUND 1803 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE ROSEMEAD,CA 91770 9 51240335 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 501C3 (d) A mount of cash grant to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance of and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 10,000 PROGRAM SUPPORT 5,000 CORPORATE RE SP ON SI BI LITY Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organ1zat1on or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable SO OTHERS MIGHT EAT71 0 STREET NW WASHINGTON, DC 20001 237098123 501C3 SOUTHERN STATES ENERGY BOARD 6325 AMHERST COURT NORCROSS,GA 30092 580864888 501Cl to Governments (d) A mount o1 (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra 1saI, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 5,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP 7,500 EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable TASTEOFTHE SOUTH PO BOX 2826 WASHINGTON, DC 20013 5 31343458 501C3 THOMAS ALVA EDISON FOUNDATION701 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 5 22106274 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount o (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 10,000 EVENT SPONSORS HIP 65,604 PROGRAM SUPPORT Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable UNITED STATES ENERGY ASSOCIATION1300 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 136219869 501C3 UNIT ED WAY NATIONAL CAPITAL 95 M STREET SW WASHINGTON, DC 20024 5 30234290 501C3 (d) A mount of cash grant to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance of and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 5,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP 5,000 CO RPO RATE RESPONSIBILITY Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable US NAVY MEMORIAL FOUNDATION701 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 5 21104476 501C3 USHCC1424 K STREET NW SUITE 401 WASHINGTON, DC 20005 5 21754621 501C6 to Governments (d) A mount o (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 5,500 EVENT SPONSORS HIP 10,000 EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address organIzatIon or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance of (b)EIN (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable UTILITIES TELECOM COUNCIL1901 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20006 5 26042453 501C6 CO NGRESSIO NA L BASEBALL GAME 1918 18TH STREET WASHINGTON DC 20009 CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 5 26063003 501C3 (d) A mount of cash grant to Governments (e) Amount non-cash assistance of and Organizations (f) Method of (g) Description valuation of non-cash (book, FMV, a ppra Isa I, assistance other) in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 5,000 EVENT SPONSORS HIP 10,000 EVENT SPONSORS HIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address of organ1zat1on or government I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b) EI N WESTERN GOVERNORS' ASSOCIATION1600 BROADWAY SUITE 1700 DENVER,CO 80202 840747227 WESTERN LAM PAC 32116TH AVENUE SOUTH SEATTLE, WA 98144 2 02432543 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable SECTION 170 501C6 to Governments (d) A mount o1 (e) A mount of cash grant non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra 1saI, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance 10,000 PROGRAM SUPPORT 12,000 EVENT SPONSORSHIP Form 990,Schedule (a) Name and address I, Part II, Grants and Other Assistance (b)EIN of organ1zat1on or government WOMEN'S COUNCIL ON ENERGY ANDPO BOX 3 3 211 WASHINGTON, DC 20033 (c) IRC Code section 1f applicable 521258690 501C3 to Governments (d) A mount o1 (e) A mount of cash grant 5,000 non-cash assistance and Organizations (f) Method of valuation (book, FMV, a ppra 1sa I, other) (g) Description of non-cash assistance in the United States (h) Purpose of grant or assistance EVENT SPONSORSHIP efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS As Filed Data - DLN:93493320069582 Compensation Information Schedule J (Form 990) 0MB No 1545-0047 2011 For certain Officers, ~ Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, question 23. ~ Attach to Form 990. ~ See separate instructions. Name of the organization EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC Open to Public Inspection Employer identification number 13-0659550 uestions Re Yes la Check the approp1ate box(es) 1fthe organ1zat1on provided any of the following to or for a person listed 1n Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la Complete Part III to provide any relevant 1nformat1on regarding these items 1 F 1 1 b First-class Travel or charter 1 1 F 1 travel for companions Tax 1demn1f1cat1on and gross-up D1scret1onary spending payments account Housing Health F F F or social Personal Compensation Independent F F F committee compensation consultant Form 990 of other organ1zat1ons 1n Form 990, Part VII, a Receive b Part1c1pate 1n, or receive payment from, a supplemental c Part1c1pate 1n, or receive payment from, an equity-based a severance payment If "Yes" to any of lines 4a-c, Only 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) or change-of-control 11st the persons a The organ1zat1on7 b Any related If "Yes," organizations club dues or 1n1t1at1on fees services (e g, maid, chauffeur, chef) the compensation employment Compensation Approval Section b Any related Yes 2 Yes of the contract survey or study by the board or compensation A, line la with respect committee to the f1l1ng organ1zat1on No 4a nonqual1f1ed retirement compensation the applicable plan7 4b arrangement? amounts 4c Yes No for each item 1n Part III lines 5-9. A, line la, did the organ1zat1on pay or accrue any Sb 1n Part III A, line la, did the organ1zat1on pay or accrue any 6a organ1zat1on7 6b to line 6a or 6b, describe 1n Part III 7 For persons listed 1n Form 990, Part VII, Section payments not described 1n lines 5 and 67 If"Yes," 8 Were any amounts reported 1n Form 990, Part VII, paid or accured subJect to the 1n1t1al contract exception described 1n Regs section 1n Part III A, line la, did the organ1zat1on provide describe 1n Part III to line 8, did the organ1zat1on also follow the rebuttable 53 4958-6(c)7 For Privacy Act and Paperwork lb Sa to line Sa or Sb, describe The organ1zat1on7 If"Yes" section or organ1zat1on7 a If "Yes," Written only must complete For persons listed 1n form 990, Part VII, Section compensation contingent on the net earnings of 6 use residence payment? and provide For persons listed 1n form 990, Part VII, Section compensation contingent on the revenues of 5 for personal use of personal substant1at1on prior to re1mburs1ng or allowing expenses incurred by all and the CEO/Executive Director, regarding the items checked 1n line la7 During the year, did any person listed or a related organ1zat1on 4 or residence for business Indicate which, 1f any, of the following the organ1zat1on uses to establish organ1zat1on's CEO/Executive Director Check all that apply 3 9 allowance Payments If any of the boxes 1n line la are checked, did the organ1zat1on follow a written policy regarding payment reimbursement orprov1s1on of all the expenses described above7 If "No," complete Part III to explain Did the organ1zat1on require officers, directors, trustees, 2 No any non-fixed 7 pursuant to a contract that was 53 4958-4(a)(3 )7 If "Yes," describe presumption 8 procedure Reduction Act Notice, see the Int ructions for Form 990 described 1n Regulations 9 Cat No 50053T Schedule J (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie J (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 l:itiiil Officers, Directors, Page Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated For each 1nd1v1dual whose compensation must be reported 1n Schedule J, report compensation 1nstruct1ons on row (11) Do not 11st any 1nd1v1duals that are not listed on Form 990, Part VII Note. The sum of columns (B)(1)-(111) for each listed (A) Name 1nd1v1dual must equal the total amount (B) Breakdown (i) Base compensation ofW-2 and/or 1099-MISC Employees. from the organ1zat1on on row (1) and from related of Form 990, compensation (ii) Bonus & (iii) Other incentive compensation reportable compensation Part VII, Section (C) Retirement other deferred compensation 2 Use Schedule J-1 1f add1t1onal space needed. A, line la, columns and organ1zat1ons, described 1n the (D) and (E) for that 1nd1v1dual (D) Nontaxable benefits (E) Total of columns (B)(1)-(D) (F) Compensation reported 1n prior Form 990 or Form 990-EZ See Add1t1onal Data Table Schedule J (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie J (Form 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 l:ifilO• Complete I Identifier Supplemental Page 3 Information this part to provide the 1nformat1on, explanation, Return Reference or descriptions required for Part I, lines la, lb, 4c, Sa, Sb, 6a, 6b, 7, and 8 Also complete this part for any add1t1onal 1nformat1on Explanation I PART I, LINE lA PART 1, QUESTION lA -TRAVEL FOR COMPANIONS THOMAS KUHN $492 INCLUDED IN INCOME JOHN EASTON $1,178 I, QUESTION lA - HEALTH OR SOCIAL CLUB DUES OR INITIATION FEES THOMAS KUHN $1,380 INCLUDED IN INCOME INCLUDED IN INCOME INCLUDED IN INCOME PART RICHARD MCMAHON $860 PART I, LINE 4B THE EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE PROVIDES A NON-QUALIFIED PLAN FOR ELIGIBLE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES WHOSE BENEFITS ARE REDUCED BY IRS REGULATIONS THOMAS R KUHN $2,448,S66 DAVID K OWENS $S93,920 BRIAN WOLF $69,076 LYNN H LEMASTER $141,290 EDWIN R ANTHONY $16S,427 EDWARD H COMER $74,828 JOHN J EASTON $27,799 PATRIC D O'KELLEY $24,6S0 QUINLAN SHEA $34,6S7 KATHRYN STECKELBERG $4S,498 JAMES FAMA $37,62S RICHARD MCMAHON $S3,3S8 MARY MILLER $62,030 JOHN SCHLENKER $3,370 RICHARD TEMPCHIN $22,790 Schedule J (Form 990) 2011 Additional Data Return to Form Software Software ID: Version: EIN: 13-0659550 Name: Form 990, Schedule J, Part II - Officers, (A) Name Directors, (B) Breakdown ofW-2 KUHN (1) (11) 821,583 OWENS (1) (11) 504,473 LYNN LEMASTER (1) (11) 13,773 BRIAN (1) (11) 503,473 EDWIN A NTH O NY (1) (11) 40,249 EDWARD COMER (1) (11) 281,864 MARY MILLER (1) (11) 265,759 PATRIC O'KELLEY (1) (11) 13,473 JOHN SCHLENKER (1) (11) 191,345 QUINLAN SHEA (1) (11) 232,191 RICHARD MCMAHON (1) (11) 230,172 JAMES FAMA (1) (11) 227,442 KATHRYN STECKELBERG (1) (11) 238,393 JOHN EASTON (1) (11) 206,201 BRIAN (1) (11) 229,296 (1) (11) 178,402 (1) (11) 169,977 (1) (11) 144,925 DAVID WOLFF MCCORMACK RICHARD SADEGH TEMPCHIN RAZEGHI JAMES RO EWER Trustees, and/or Key Employees, 1099-MISC (ii) Bonus & 1ncent1ve compensation (i) Base Compensation THOMAS EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC Compensated (C) Deferred compensation compensation Employees (D) Nontaxable benefits (F) Compensation reported in prior Form 990 or Form 990-EZ (E) Total of columns (B)(1)-(D) (iii) Other compensation 644,853 0 5,270,191 0 268,000 0 28,539 184,000 148,000 437,402 99,000 0 8,509 100,000 0 15,565 69,000 0 71,521 35,000 0 15,689 90,000 0 20,449 0 90,000 0 17,605 85,000 0 1,995 76,000 0 35,502 0 75,000 0 1,429 66,000 0 20,104 0 32,900 0 22,565 43,400 8,690 336,215 2,531 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 278,292 0 20,874 0 0 363,725 0 0 48,143 0 0 20,995 50,319 0 17,478 0 13 ,61 7 0 408,021 0 0 0 0 431,354 0 78,224 0 0 9,331 0 0 441,588 0 0 21,800 0 0 467,388 0 21,158 76,701 0 0 21,184 99,635 0 118,435 0 447,135 0 0 0 0 319,114 15,569 89,984 0 201,545 0 0 0 0 18,814 108,427 18,004 82,000 0 208 0 0 0 0 0 88,926 0 0 497,648 0 0 0 0 5,392 58,266 0 0 534,781 0 0 47,343 0 0 21,678 110,932 0 0 832,545 0 0 0 0 3,205 123,730 0 863,263 0 0 0 0 11,988 203,689 0 602,686 0 0 0 0 1,419 119,978 2,544,000 0 1,455,069 0 0 0 0 11,235 183,670 2,824 6,810,175 0 0 0 0 0 642,822 219,824 225,000 24,646 0 0 0 0 48,902 0 0 0 0 and Highest 274,820 0 Form 990, Schedule J, Part II - Officers, (A) Name Directors, (B) Breakdown ofW-2 Trustees, and/or Key Employees, 1099-MISC (ii) Bonus & 1ncent1ve compensation (i) Base Compensation J BRUCE BROWN (1) (11) 143,968 JAMES OWEN (1) (11) 164,650 Compensated (C) Deferred compensation compensation Employees (D) Nontaxable benefits (F) Compensation reported in prior Form 990 or Form 990-EZ (E) Total of columns (B)(1)-(D) (iii) Other compensation 28,000 0 23,469 0 15,000 0 and Highest 43,661 0 13,111 0 3,365 0 44,993 0 242,463 0 18,414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256,168 0 efile GRAPHIC Schedule As Filed rint - DO NOT PROCESS L Data - DLN:93493320069582 0MB Transactions with Interested Persons (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 ~ Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lines 25a, 25b, 26, 27, 28a, 28b, or 28c, or Form 990-EZ, Part V lines 38a or 40b. ~ Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. ~See separate instructions. Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService Name of the organization No 1545-0047 Open to Public Inspection Employer identification number EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC 13-0659550 Excess Benefit Complete Transactions (section 501(c)(3) 1fthe organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990 and section 501 (c)(4) organ1zat1ons only). ' Part IV (a) Name of d1squal1f1ed person 1 ' line 25a or 25b (b) Description ' or Form 990-EZ ' Part V line 40b ' (c) C orrected7 of transaction Yes 2 Enter the amount section 4958 • of tax imposed 3 Enter the amount of tax, 1fany, on line 2, above, reimbursed i:)ffiiii Loans to and/or on the organ1zat1on managers From Interested Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered (a) Name of interested purpose (b) Loan to or from the organ 1zat1on 7 person and To (!)THOMAS KUHN SPLIT DOLLAR LIFE INSURANCE PO LI CY WITH C E 0 "Yes" during the year under ,... $ ,... $ by the organ1zat1on. Persons. on Form 99 O, Part IV, line 2 6, or Form 99 0-EZ, (c)O rig1nal principal amount (d)Balance Yes X 0 ,... $ 485,851 Part V, line 3 Sa (f) Approved by board or comm1ttee7 (e) In default? due From Total l:r-P•U• or d1squal1f1ed persons No No Yes No Yes No (g)Written agreement? Yes No Yes 485,851 Grants or Assistance Benefitting Interested Persons. C amp Ie t e 1f th e orqarnza t 10n answere d "Y es on Farm 990 ., Par t IV , Ime 27 (a) Name of interested person For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ. (b)Relat1onsh1p between interested and the organ1zat1on Act Notice, see the person Cat No 50056A (c)A mount of grant or type of assistance Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 Sch e du Ie L (Form 9 9 O or 9 9 O- E Z) 2 O 11 lffll(fJ a (c) A mount of transaction (d) Description of transaction (e) Sharing of organ1zat1on's revenues? Yes No Information this part to provide Return Reference (b) Relat1onsh1p between interested person and the organ 1zat1on person Supplemental Complete Identifier 2 Business Transactions Involving Interested Persons. Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 28a, 28b, or 28c. (a) Name of interested I :,-;1 Page add1t1onal 1nformat1on for responses to questions on Schedule L (see 1nstruct1ons) Explanation Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2011 efile GRAPHIC rint - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULE 0 (Form990 or 990-EZ) Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService As Filed Data - DLN:93493320069582 0MB No 1545-0047 Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on Form 990 or to provide any additional information. ~ Attach to Form 990 or 990-EZ. Name of the organ1zat1on Employer identification 2011 number EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC 13-0659550 Identifier Return Reference Explanation FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONA, LINE1 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS,AFTER EACH ANNUAL ELECTIONOF DIRECTORSAND BY THE RESOLUTION ADOPTEDBY A MAJORITYOF THE ENTIREBOARD, MAY DESIGNATEFROM ITS OWN MEMBERSHIP AN EXECUTIVE COMMITIEEOF EIGHTEENINCLUDINGTHE CHAIRMANAND VICE CHAIRMEN INADDITIONTO THOSEDESIGNATED TO SERVEON THE EXECUTIVECOMMITIEE,FORMERCHAIRMENOF THE INSTITUTEWHO CONTINUEAS CHAIRMAN OR CHIEFEXECUTIVEOFFICEROF A CLASS A INSTITUTEMEMBERSHALL SERVEAS EX OFFICIO,NON-VOTING MEMBERSOF THE COMMITIEE THE EXECUTIVECOMMITIEEMAY EXERCISEALL THE POWERSOF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSBETWEENMEETINGSOF THE BOARD EXCEPT 1 APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION TO MEMBERSOF ACTIONTHAT IS REQUIREDTO BE APPROVEDBY MEMBERSUNDERSTATUTE,2 THE FILLINGOF VACANCIES IN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSOR INANY COMMITIEETHEREOF,3 THE FIXINGOF COMPENSATIONOF THE DIRECTORSFOR SERVINGON THE BOARD OR ON ANY COMMITIEETHEREOF,4 THE AMENDMENTOR REPEAL OF THE BYLAWS OR THEADOPTIONOF NEW BYLAWS, 5 THE AMENDMENTOR REPEALOF ANY RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD WHICHBY ITSTERMSSHALL NOT BE SO AMENDABLEOR REPEALABLEAND AS OTHERWISE REQUIREDBY RESOLUTIONOF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSTHE CHAIRMANSHALL PRESIDEAT MEETINGSOF THE EXECUTIVECOMMITIEE VACANCIES INTHE MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITIEESHALL BE FILLEDBY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSTHE EXECUTIVECOMMITIEESHALL KEEPREGULARMINUTESOF THE PROCEEDINGS AND REPORTTHE SAME TO THE BOARD WHEN REQUIRED Identifier Return Reference Explanation FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONA, LINE6 THE ORGANIZATIONHAS THREEVOTING CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIPOPERATING COMPANY MEMBERSINVESTOR-OWNEDOPERATING ELECTRICCORPORATIONSENGAGEDINTHE GENERATION,TRANSMISSION,OR DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICTYTO THE PUBLICINTHE US OR ITS POSSESSIONSEEl'SUS SHAREHOLDER-OWNED ELECTRICCOMPANY MEMBERSSERVE95% OF THE ULTIMATECUSTOMERSINTHIS SEGMENTOF THE INDUSTRY AND REPRESENT APPROXIMATELY70% OF THE US ELECTRICPOWERINDUSTRY HOLDINGCOMPANY MEMBERS - BEINGCORPORATIONSINTHE US OR ITS POSSESSIONSWHICHBY VIRTUEOF OWNERSHIPOF SECURITIESIN INVESTOR-OWNEDCORPORATIONSARE INTERESTED INADVANCING THE BUSINESSOF OPERATING ELECTRICAL COMPANIESIN RELATIONTO THE SALE OF ELECTRICITYTO THE ULTIMATECONSUMERSUBSIDIARYCOMPANY MEMBERS- BEINGSUBSIDIARYCOMPANIESOF OPERATING COMPANYOR HOLDINGCOMPANY MEMBERS, SHALL BE ELIGIBLEFOR SEPARATEMEMBERSHIPPARTICIPATIONON STANDINGCOMMITIEESAND IN OTHER ACTIVITIESOF THE ORGANIZATIONSHALL BE DEFINEDBY AND DETERMINED FROMTIMETO TIMEBY THE BOARD THE ORGANIZATIONHAS THREENON-VOTINGCLASSES OF MEMBERSHIPINTERNATIONALAFFILIATES- EDISON ELECTRICINSTITUTESINTERNATIONALAFFILIATESPROGRAMPROVIDESTHE CRITICALLINKTHAT BRINGS TOGETHERELECTRICCOMPANIESAROUNDTHEWORLD WITH THE US ELECTRICPOWERINDUSTRY THIS SPECIAL PROGRAMOFFERSELECTRICCOMPANIESOUTSIDETHE US THE OPPORTUNITYTO BECOMEEEiMEMBERS REGARDLESSOF THEIROWNERSHIPFORM THROUGHITS EXPANDEDINTERNATIONALINVOLVEMENT,EEi BROADENSTHE VALUE OF SHAREDEXPERTISEAND EXPERIENCE ON ISSUESOF CONCERNAND INTERESTTO ELECTRICCOMPANIESAROUNDTHEWORLD ASSOCIATES- EDISONELECTRICINSTITUTEINC ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP IS DESIGNEDFOR FIRMSTHAT HAVE AN INTERESTINADVANCING THE DEVELOPMENTOF THE ELECTRICPOWERINDUSTRY THESEFIRMSMAY PROVIDEGOODSAND SERVICESTO THE INDUSTRY,BUT MAY NOT BE ENGAGEDINTHE GENERATION,TRANSMISSION,DISTRIBUTION, BROKERAGE,OR SALE OF ELECTRICITY ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP HELPSFIRMSTO BETTERKNOW AND UNDERSTANDTHE INDUSTRY,THE PEOPLE,AND THE ISSUES HONORARY MEMBERS- MEMBERSWHO, ON ACCOUNTOF THEIRSTANDINGOR QUALIFICATIONS,IN THE OPINIONOF THE BOARD AND BY ITS ELECTION,ARE ENTITLEDTO SUCH HONOR Identifier Return Reference Explanation FORM990, PART VI, SECTION THE DIRECTORSARE ELECTEDAT THEANNUAL MEETINGBY VOTING CLASS MEMBERSOF THE A,LINE7A ORGANIZATIONEITHERIN-PERSONOR BY PROXY Identifier Return Reference FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONA, LINE7B Explanation THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE ORGANIZATIONOOESAPPROVEBYLAW AMENDMENTS Identifier Return Reference Explanation FORM990, PART DUETO THE SIZE OF THE GOVERNINGBODY AND MAGNITUDEAND COMR...EXITY OF THE FORM990, THE VI, SECTIONB, LINE RETURNFOR EDISONELECTRICINSTITUTEINC IS REVIEWEDBY THE ORGANIZATION'SOUTSIDECPA FIRM 11 AND REPORTEDBY THE ENGAGEMENTPARTNERTO THE INSTITUTESEXECUTIVECOMMITIEEINADVANCE OF FILING Identifier Return Reference FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONB, LINE12C Explanation THE ORGANIZATIONHAS WRITIEN CONFLICTOF INTERESTRJLICIESFOR ALL OFFICERS,DIRECTORS,AND KEY EMPLOYEESEDISONELECTRICINSTITUTEINC'S CODEOF BUSINESSCONDUCTHAS BEENDISTRIBUTED TO ALL EMPLOYEESAND IS ON THE ORGANIZATION'SINTRANEf SITE THIS DOCUMENTINCLUDES,IN PART, EEl'SCORE VALUES, OPERATING PRINCIPLES, CONFLICTOF INTERESTRJLICY AND WHISTLEBLOWERRJLICY, WHICH INCLUDESA CONFIDENTIAL800 TELEPHONENUMBER PERIODICREMINDERS ARE GIVEN EDISONELECTRIC INSTITUTE,INC HAS A WRITIEN DIRECTOR'SCONFLICTOF INTERESTRJLICY, APPLICABLETO ALL MEMBERSOF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS,WHICHWAS FORMALLY ADOPTEDBY THE ORGANIZATION'SBOARD PERIODIC REMINDERS ARE GIVEN THE ORGANIZATIONALSO HAS A CORRJRATE COMPLIANCEOFFICER,A RJLICY AND PROCEDUREFOR RERJRTINGVIOLATIONS OF THE CODEOF BUSINESSCONDUCTAS WELL AS CONCERNS ABOUT THE USEOF EDISONELECTRICINSTITUTEINC'S CORRJRATE RESOURCESAND FINANCIALRERJRTING AND A VENDORCODEOF CONDUCTRJLICY THEREHAS NOT BEENA VIOLATION OF THE CONFLICTOF INTERESTRJLICIES,AL THOUGHWE STAND READY TO ENFORCETHE RJLICIESINAPPROPRIATE CIRCUMSTANCES Identifier Return Reference FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONB, LINE15 Explanation THE COMPENSATIONOF THE ORGANIZATION'SCEO IS BASED ON RESULTSFROMCOMPENSATIONSURVEYS AND A REVIEWBY AN INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT ON AN ANNUAL BASIS THE CEO'SCOMPENSATIONIS REVIEWEDBY THE ORGANIZATION'SCOMPENSATIONCOMMITIEEAND APPROVEDBY THE BOARD THE CEO HAS A WRITIEN EMPLOYMENTCONTRACT THE COMPENSATIONOF THE ORGANIZATION'SOFFICERSAND KEY EMPLOYEESIS BASED ON RESULTSFROMCOMPENSATIONSURVEYS AND A REVIEWBY AN INDEPENDENT COMPENSATIONCONSULTANT ON AN ANNUAL BASIS OFFICERCOMPENSATIONIS REVIEWED BY THE ORGANIZATION'SCOMPENSATIONCOMMITIEEAND APPROVEDBY THE EXECUTIVECOMMITIEE Identifier Return Reference FORM990, PART VI, SECTIONC, LINE 19 Explanation THE ORGANIZATION'SARTICLESOF INCORRJRATIONARE A RJBLIC DOCUMENTAND ARE AVAILABLE ON THE VIRGINIASECRETARYOF STATE WEB SITE THE ORGANIZATION'SCONFLICTOF INTERESTRJLICY IS AVAILABLE URJN REQUESTTHE ORGANIZATION'SAUDITEDFINANCIALSTATEMENTSARE NOT MADE AVAILABLE TO THE RJBLIC, HOWEVERTHE BALANCE SHEETAND INCOMESTATEMENTCAN BE FOUNDON THE FORM990 WHICH IS MADEAVAILABLE TO THE RJBLIC ON VARIOUS WEB SITESAND URJN REQUEST Identifier CHANGES IN NET ASSETS OR FUND BALANCES Return Reference FORM 990, PART XI, LINE5 Explanation NET UNREALIZED LOSSES ON INVESTMENTS -294,497 OTHER COMPREHENSIVE LOSS-10,201,080 TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART XI, LINE5 -10,495,577 Identifier Return Reference Explanation EXR...ANATION FOR HOURS WORKED FORM990, PART VII THOMAS R KUHN DEVOTESAPPROXIMATELY48 HOURSPERWEEK AS FOLLOWS EDISONELECTRIC INSTITUTE,INC 45 HOURSCENTERFORWORKFORCEDEVELOPMENT1 HOURNATIONAL LAMPAC O 5 HOURTHOMAS ALVA EDISONFOUNDATION1 HOURJOHNS SCHLENKERDEVOTESAPPROXIMATELY48 HOURSPERWEEK AS FOLLOWS EDISONELECTRICINSTITUTE,INC 45 HOURSCENTERFORWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT1 HOURNATIONAL LAMPAC O 5 HOURTHOMAS ALVA EDISONFOUNDATION1 HOUR MARY D MILLERDEVOTESAPPROXIMATELY48 HOURSPERWEEK AS FOLLOWS EDISONELECTRIC INSTITUTE,INC 45 HOURSCENTERFORWORKFORCEDEVELOPMENT1 HOURSEDISONELECTRIC INSTITUTE,INC VEBA 1 HOURNATIONAL LAMPAC 1 HOUR efile GRAPHIC As Filed rint - DO NOT PROCESS SCHEDULER (Form 990) Data - DLN:93493320069582 0MB No Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships ~ 1545-0047 2011 Complete if the organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part IV, line 33, 34, 35, 36, or 37. ~ Attach to Form 990. ~ See separate instructions. Open to Public Inspection Department of theTreasury InternalRevenueService Name of the organization Employer identification number EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC 13-0659550 •ffll• Identification of Disregarded Entities (Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 33.) (a) Name, address, and EIN of disregarded entity . •iBi••• (b) Primary actIvIty .. Ident1f1cat1on of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations (Complete or more related tax-exempt organizations during the tax year.) (a) Name, address, and EIN of related organIzatIon (b) Primary actIvIty (c) Legal dom1c1le (state or foreign country) 1f the organization (d) Total income (e) End-of-year (f) assets Direct controlling entity answered "Yes " on Form 990, Part IV, line 34 because 1t had one (c) Legal dom1c1le (state or fore1g n country) (d) Exempt Code section (e) Public charity status (1f section 501(c) (3)) (f) Direct controlling entity (g) Section 512( b )( 13) controlled organization Yes No (1) THOMAS ALVA EDISON FOUNDATION 701 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW SCIENTIFIC/ EDUCATION DC 501(C)(3) N/A N/A No EDUCATION DE 501(C)(3) N/A N/A No WASHINGTON, DC 20004 52-2106274 (2) CENTER FOR ENERGY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT 701 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 20-4504014 For Privacy Act and Pa erwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Cat No 50135Y Schedule R (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie R (Form i:bilhi 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 Page Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Partnership (Complete 1f the organization because 1t had one or more related organizations treated as a partnership during the tax year.) (a) Name, address, and EIN of related organization (c) (b) Primary act1v1ty Legal dom1c1le (state or foreign country) (d) Direct controlling entity (f) Sha re of tota I income (e) Predominant income (related, unrelated, excluded from tax under sections 512514) (g) Share of end-ofyear assets answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34 (i) (h) Code V-UBI D1sproprt1onate allocations? amount in box 20 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) Yes lffli(+j 2 No (j) General or managing partner? Yes (k) Percentage ownership No Identification of Related Organizations Taxable as a Corporation or Trust (Complete 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34 because 1t had one or more related organizations treated as a corporation or trust during the tax year.) (a) Name, address, and EIN of related organ1zat1on (b) Primary act1v1ty (c) Legal dom1c1le (state or foreign country) (d) Direct controlling entity (e) Type of entity ( C corp, S corp, or trust) (f) Sha re of tota I income (g) Share of end-of-year assets (h) Percentage ownership Schedule R (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie R (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 •ffll*M Page 3 Transactions Note. Complete With Related line 1 1f any entity (Complete Organizations of (i) interest Receipt b Gift, grant, or capital (ii) annu1t1es (iii) royalties contribution C Gift, grant, or capital d Loans or loan guarantees to related contribution e Loans or loan guarantees f Sale of assets by related to related (iv) rent from a controlled with one or more related organ1zat1ons listed No 1n Parts II-IV7 la entity lb organ1zat1on(s) organ1zat1on(s) organ1zat1on(s) organ1zat1on(s) No Yes le No 1d No le No lf No No g Purchase of assets from related organ1zat1on(s) lg h Exchange of assets with related organ1zat1on(s) 1h No li No i Lease offac1l1t1es, equipment, or other assets to related j Lease offac1l1t1es, equipment, or other assets from related k Performance I Performance of services of services or membership or membership m Sharing offac1l1t1es, equipment, n Sharing 0 Reimbursement of paid employees paid by related q Other transfer of cash or property Other transfer or other assets of cash or property with related organ1zat1on(s) organ1zat1on(s) organ1zat1on(s) 11 No 1m No Yes for expenses lp Yes organ1zat1on(s) lq Yes lr organ1zat1on(s) If the answer to any of the above 1s "Yes," see the 1nstruct1ons for 1nformat1on on who must complete (a) Name of other organization this line, 1nclud1ng covered relat1onsh1ps and transaction (b) Transaction type(a-r) Amount No No thresholds (d) (c) involved Q 997,187 (2) THOMAS ALVA EDISON FOUNDATION p 503,742 (3) CENTER FOR ENERGY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT p 115,044 Q 84,833 (4) CENTER FOR ENERGY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT No lo from related (1) THOMAS ALVA EDISON FOUNDATION No for expenses organ1zat1on(s) to related lj 1k 1n organ1zat1on(s) organ1zat1on(s) Reimbursement organ1zat1on(s) or fundra1s1ng sol1c1tat1ons by related with related paid to related organ1zat1on(s) or fundra1s1ng sol1c1tat1ons for related ma1l1ng lists, p r 2 transactions organ1zat1on(s) from related to or for related Yes 1n Parts II, III or IV 1s listed 1 During the tax year, did the orgran1zat1on engage 1n any of the following a 1f the organ1zat1on answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34, 35, 35A, or 36.) Method of determining involved amount (5) (6) Schedule R (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie R (Form iffll'1i 9 9 0 ) 2 0 11 Unrelated Page Organizations Taxable as a Partnership P rov1de the following 1nformat1on for each entity taxed as a partnership revenue) that was not a related organIzatIon See InstructIons regarding (a) Name, address, and EIN of entity (b) Primary actIvIty (Complete 1f the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 37.) through which the organIzatIon conducted more than five exclusion for certain investment partnerships (c) (d) Legal dom1c1le Predominant (state or mcome(related, foreign unrelated, country) excluded from tax under sections 512514) (e) Are all partners section 501(c)(3) orgarnzatIons7 Yes No (f) Share of tota I income 4 (g) Share of end-of-year assets percent of its actIvItIes (h) DIsproprtIonate allocat1ons7 Yes No (measured by total (i) Code V-UBI amount in box 20 of Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) assets or gross (j) General or managing partner? Yes (k) Percentage ownership No Schedule R (Form 990) 2011 Sch e du Ie R (Form 9 9 O ) 2 O 11 l:ifii*dl Supplemental Complete Identifier Page 5 Information this part to provide add1t1onal 1nformat1on for responses Return Reference to questions on Schedule R (see 1nstruct1ons) Explanation Schedule R (Form 990) 2011 Additional Data Software Software ID: Version: EIN: 13-0659550 Name: Form 990, Special Condition EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE INC Description: I Special Condition Description Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors (C) (A) (B) Name and Title Average hours per week PosItIon (check that apply) o- --, ::J Q.~ = :s ~ §- :s-a --, ..+ 2 ij'J «:" ,i:, RICHARD CHAIR C KELLY - ~ :::1. oJ:., oJ:., I ::l,i:i ::,::: Q_::, ~ ~ 2 2 0 (D) Reportable compensation from the organIzatIon (W2/1099-MISC) all ID - ::, !2- 2 B ~ [:, 3 "D 0 ..... [:, [:, ~x ID (") 0 3 u/[\ Key Employees, Highest (E) Reportable compensation from related organIzatIons (W- 2/1099MISC) ""Tl (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organIzatIon and related organIzatIons Q ::, _. [, --, ::; (I, a ,r, C!.. 3 00 X 0 0 0 THOMAS F FARRELL II VIC E C HA IR/C HA IR 3 00 X 0 0 0 LE WI S H A Y I II VICE CHAIR 3 00 X 0 0 0 MICHAEL WYACKIRA VICE CHAIR 3 00 X 0 0 0 WI LIAM D JOHNSON VICE CHAIR 3 00 X 0 0 0 ANDRES GLUSKI DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 TIM MCLEOD DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 A LA N R HO D NIK DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 PAULJ EVANSON DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 WILLIAM D HARVEY DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 THO MAS R VO 55 DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 MICHAEL G MORRIS DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 NICHOLAS DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JOHN C PROCARIO DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 SCOTT L MORRIS DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 DAVID REM ERY DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 DAVID M MCCLANAHAN DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 LAWRENCE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 ROBERT H YOUNG DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 STEVEN V LANT DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 MICHAEL H MADISON DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 BRUCE A WILLIAMSON DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JOHN G RUSSELL DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 KEVIN BURKE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 1 00 X 0 0 0 K AKINS J REILLY MAYO A SHATTUCK DIRECTOR III Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors (C) (A) (B) Name and Title Average hours per week PosItIon (check that apply) o- ...., ::i Q_~ =::E::. -::, :,!l. ~ a0 2 e-2. ....,.... ~ - B~ ~ §- 2 w ii; I!• ~ :::l. 11, 11, (D) Reportable compensation from the organIzatIon (W2/1099-MISC) all oD I :3 ,:i5 ::,::: Q_ ::;- oD ~[ oD (") '-r" cr, 3 l'.J 0 '-r" cr, cr, 0 ::, _. u <[I Key Employees, Highest (E) Reportable compensation from related organIzatIons (W- 2/1099MISC) ""Tl (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organIzatIon and related organIzatIons Q ::, _. ...., [, ::; ~ a /[, C!.. PA U L M BA R BAS DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 GERARD MANDERSON DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JAMES E ROGERS DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 RICHARD RIAZZI DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 1 00 X 0 0 0 DAVID WSTEVENS DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 WILLIAM H SHEPPARD DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 ROBERT JS HANF DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 GERRY CHASSE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 BRADLEY P BEECHER DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 WILLIAM L GIPSON DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JOHN FYOUNG DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 ROD WEST DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 CH RISTO PH ER CRANE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JOHN W ROWE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 ANTHONY DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 EDWARD R MULLER DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 MICHAEL J CHESSER DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 MARY G POWELL DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 CONSTANCE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 RO BE RT D KUMP DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 J LAMONT DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 CHARLES A SCHROCK DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JOSEPH L WELCH DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 GARY J WOLTER DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 THEODORE DIRECTOR F CRAVER J ALEXANDER LAU KEEN JR Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors (C) (A) (B) Name and Title Average hours per week PosItIon (check that apply) o- ...., ::i Q_~ =::E::. -::, :,!l. ~ a0 2 e-2. ....,.... ~ - B~ ~ §- 2 w ii; I!• ~ :::l. 11, 11, (D) Reportable compensation from the organIzatIon (W2/1099-MISC) all oD I :3 ,:i5 ::,::: Q_ ::;- oD ~[ oD (") '-r" cr, 3 l'.J 0 '-r" cr, cr, 0 ::, _. u <[I Key Employees, Highest (E) Reportable compensation from related organIzatIons (W- 2/1099MISC) ""Tl (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organIzatIon and related organIzatIons Q ::, _. ...., [, ::; ~ a /[, C!.. GREGORY E ABEL DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 DAVID LGOODIN DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 1 00 X 0 0 0 THO MAS B KING DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JIMMY STATON DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 CHARLES W SHIVERY DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 RO BE RT C RO WE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 THOMAS J MAY DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 PETER B DELANEY DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JOHN DERICKSON DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 EDWARD J MCINTYRE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JOSEPH M RIGBY DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 PETER A DARBEE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 CHRISTOPHER DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 DONALD E BRANDT DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 PATRICIA DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JAMES J PIRO DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JAMES H MILLER DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 RALPH IZZO DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 KIMBERLY J HARRIS DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 STEPHEN P REYNOLDS DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 THOMAS A FANNING DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 MAURICE T KLEFEKER DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 JOHN B RAMIL DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 LON R GREENBERG DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 PHILIP BARNHARD DIRECTOR IV P JOHNS K VINCENT-COLLAWN Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors (C) (A) (B) Name and Title Average hours per week PosItIon (check that apply) o"""::, Q_~ C)~ """ .... 2 rp ii!" (I' oD I -::, ~ ~ = :'.::. a ~ §Q ~ - ~ all oD ~[ ,, oD (") '-r" 2 B ~ 11> 3 "D 0 '-r" 11> 11> ~ cr.cr.- :3,:i5 ::,;:: Q_ ::;- 0 ::, _. u <[I ::; Key Employees, (D) Reportable compensation from the organIzatIon (W2/1099-MISC) Highest (E) Reportable compensation from related organIzatIons (W- 2/1099MISC) (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organIzatIon and related organIzatIons Q ::, _. ,x., """ ~ a /[, C!.. JAMES P TORGERSON DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 PAULJ BONAVIA DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 ROBERT G SCHOENBERGER DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 CARLL CHAPMAN DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 CHRISTOPHER DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 WILLIAM B MOORE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 MARK A RUELLE DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 GALE E KLAPPA DIRECTOR 1 00 X 0 0 0 MATTHEW DIRECTOR W SUNSERI 1 00 X 0 0 0 BENJAMIN DIRECTOR GS FOWKE III 1 00 X 0 0 0 L DUTTON THOMAS KUHN PRESIDENT 45 00 X 6,736,627 0 73,548 45 00 X 801,012 0 654,057 45 00 X 417,597 0 185,089 45 00 X 731,297 0 131,966 EDWIN A NTH O NY VP CORP AFFAIRS 45 00 X 625,651 0 206,894 EDWARD COMER VP,GENERALCOUNSEL 45 00 X 389,373 0 145,408 MARY MILLER VP, HUMAN RESOURCES 45 00 X 381,324 0 116,324 PATRIC O'KELLEY TREASURER/CFO 45 00 X 153,994 0 47,551 JOHN SCHLENKER TREASURER/CFO 45 00 X 242,034 0 77,080 QUINLAN SHEA EXEC DIR, ENVIRONMENT 45 00 X 342,640 0 104,495 45 00 X 337,777 0 129,611 JAMES FAMA EXEC DIR, ENERGY DELIVERY 45 00 X 330,446 0 111,142 KATHRYN STECKELBERG EXEC DIR, GOV'T RELATIONS 45 00 X 322,388 0 108,966 JOHN EASTON VP INT'L PROGRAMS 45 00 X 317,703 0 90,318 45 00 X 305,725 0 30,490 DAVID OWENS EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT LYNN LEMASTER SENIOR VP POLICY BRIAN WOLFF EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT RICHARD MCMAHON EXE DIR, FINANCE/ENERGY BRIAN MCCORMACK VP POLITICAL & EXTERNAL S AFFAIRS Form 990, Part VII - Compensation of Officers, Directors,Trustees, Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors (A) (B) Name and Title Average hours per week (C) PosItIon (check that apply) o- ...., ::i Q_~ =::E::. ~ §- e-2. ....,.... Q 2 ~ w ii; I!• 3,:Ei ::,::: "Q_::;- ~ ~ a ~ - ~ 11,11,- (D) Reportable compensation from the organIzatIon (W2/1099-MISC) all iDI -::, /[I cr, ~[ 3 0 ::, '-r" 2 B ~ l'.J 0 '-r" cr, cr, /[I(") ...J u ID Key Employees, ""Tl Highest (E) Reportable compensation from related organIzatIons (W- 2/1099MISC) (F) Estimated amount of other compensation from the organIzatIon and related organIzatIons Q ::, ...J [, ...., :::; "' a ,t, C!.. RICHARD TEMPCHIN EXEC DIR, RETAIL ENERGY SERVICES 45 00 X 264,506 0 99,219 SADEGH CIO 45 00 X 225,442 0 52,850 45 00 X 205,803 0 69,017 CORP 45 00 X 195,437 0 47,026 JAMES OWEN EXEC DIR, MEMBER REL & MTG SERVICES 45 00 X 192,761 0 63,407 RAZEGHI JAMES RO EWER DIR, USWAG J BRUCE BROWN DEPUTY GEN COUNSEL, AFFAIRS