errata trier some; is - to: nag. sass-sens; ?rs gis- in m. "awffn?' Er: s-tr?oonrocc are 2st The Honorable .Iason Chaftetz, Chairman The Honorable Elijah Cummings1 Ranking Member Committee on Oversight and Government Reform United States House of Representatives Congress of the United States 215?? Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-6143 Dear Chairman Chaffetz and Ranking Member Cummings: (U) I am responding on behalf of the Secretary of Defense to your letter dated March 22, 2017 requesting records related to former National Security Advisor Lieutenant ISeneral Michael lynn, United States Army (Retired). Enclosure A.) Because LTG lynn?s last tnilitarg.r assignment was as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency the Office of the Secretary of Defense determined that our Agency is in the best position to provide this response and the requested records. (U) After a careful search of BIA records, we have determined that DIA maintains records that are responsive to two of the six de?ned categories in your request letter. With respect to the other four de?ned categories. we have determined that DIA does not possess any responsive records. Enclosed with this letter, are copies of all responsive records located as a result of the BIA searcha as detailed beiow: l. (U) Responses to Standard Form 1? SF 1 86 Questions 19. 20A. 2013. and 20C During the period of time in which DIA maintained responsibility for his personnel security clearance, LTG completed two routine personnel security questionnaires to initiate periodic reinvestigation of his background for continued access to classified information. The ?rst 813-86 submission was in June of 201 0 and the second 513-36 submission was in January of 2016. LTG lynn?s responses to questions 19, 20A, 2013. and BBC in both submissions are provided. With respect to the June 2010 submission (and subsequent adjudication in 2012), DIA located nine pages of responsive information. (E Enclosure 13.) With respect to the January 2016 submission (and subsequent adjudication later that year), DIA located 3 i? pages of responsive information. (See Enclosure C.) 2. (U) Investi ative or Ad'udicative Files Relatin to Guideline. .8 Forei r1 In?uence or Guideline C. (Foreign Preference) - he DIA Office of Security conducted a thorough review of its investigative and adjudicative records systems. No reaponsive records were located within these records systems. Although any adjudication of LTG for continued access to classi?ed information would have included consideration of these two guidelines, no records were created to document any speci?c concerns in these two areas. 3. (U) Documents Refer-ring or Relating to LTG Fly'tm?s Foreign Contacts With respect to LTG reported foreign contacts, DIA was able to locate responsive information within the DIA Of?ce of Security and the BIA Directorate for Operations. a. (U) DIA Office of Security Information DIA Of?ce of Security personnel maintained contact with following his retirement for the purpose of holding his personnel security clearance. As noted above concerning another category of requested information, LTG submitted an updated form to the BIA Office of Security after his retirement from the military. Given that DIA maintained his clearance as a former Director, LTG and Of?ce of Security were in contact in August and September 2016 for the purpose of updating his foreign travel records, In August. 2016, representatives from the BIA Office of Security exchanged e-mail messages with LTG (E Enclosure D.) In September 2016, two representatives of the BIA Of?ce of Security met with LTG at his of?ce in Alexandria, Virginia to discuss upcoming foreign travel and potential foreign contacts; a copy of three pages of email correspondence summarizing the meeting is provided with this response. (E Enclosure E.) The DIA O??ice of Security has no other records of foreign contacts reported by LTG ?i ii. (U) Defense Attache Service Lnfonnation HQ and the US Defense Attache Of?ce in Moscow exchanged a series of emaiis on December 8-9, 2015 to ensure embassy awareness of LTG trip. (Egg Enclosure G.) (U) Internal HO Email Correspondence - Various internal DIA components exchanged routine emaiis between November 2015 and November 30, E?id regarding actual and potential interaction with LTG (See Enclosure H.) 4. (U) Documents Referring or Relating .to LTG Receipt of Monet; from a Foreigg Source DIA did not locate any records referring or relating to LTG receipt of money from a foreign source. 5. (U) Records of LT Seeking Approval for the Acceptance of_Pavment from a Foreign Source DEA did not locate any records of LTG seeking permission or approval for the receipt of money,r from a foreign source- In response to a separate February 1, 2017? request from Ranking Member Cummings, the Department of the Army explained that it had located no records pertaining to a possible violation of the Emoiurnents Clause by LTG (See Enclosure J.) (U) In a ?post-govemment employment" letter issued in October of 2014 by the BIA Office of the General Counsel, LTG was advised of the legal restrictions concerning foreign compensation and instructed to report an},r potential receipt of compensation in advance to the Department of the Army. Although this letter is not responsive to the Committee?s request in this category. that six-page empioyrnent letter is provided to explain the appropriate reporting chain for requesting permission to receive payment from a foreign source. (E Enclosure K.) In a May 2016 letter from the BIA Chief of Staff to former DIA Directors, LTG and other past Directors were reminded of their continued reporting requirement to DEA. That letter did not include the responsibility to report foreign compensation. Although this letter is not responsive to the Committee?s request. in this category, a copy of that two-page letter is provided with this response to further esplain guidance given to retired DIA Directors with respect to their continued reporting obligations. (gee. Enclosure L.) 6. (Ll) Documents Referring or Relating to LTG Work with Leading Authorities. Inc. DIA did not locate any records referring or relating to LTG work with Leading Authorities, Inc, other than the contents of the thumb drive provided by LT during his meeting with the] land provided as Enclosure 1. (U) Please be advised that a signi?cant portion of the records provided to the Committee remain exempt from public disclosure pursuant to the Privacy Act of 19%, 5 U.S.C. 552a. Accordingly, BIA respectfully requests that the Committee handle this information pursuant to the requirements of the Privacy Act. Further, the BIA Directorate of Operations memorandum that has been provided to the Committee remains currently and properly classi?ed pursuant to the provisions of Executive Order 13526. Therefore, DIA respectfully requests that the Committee handle this information as classi?ed pursuant to the requirements of the Executive Order. Finally, DLA has provided information within the responsive documents that personally identi?es govemment intelligence officers. Because of the potential risk of harm to these individual employees and consequently to the overall mission of the Agency, DIA respectfully requests that the Committee protect the names of these intelligence officers pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 424. (U) [f you have any questions or concerns related to this response, please do not hesitate to contact me at] Christine Actin . CC [Without Enclosures): - Congressional Relations Division Home Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, 2 cy. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 2 cy. House Armed Services Committee, 2 cy. Senate Armed Services Committee, 2 cy. 12 Enciosures: ar?s, 2 cy. LIST OF ENCLOSURES Enclosure A: Of?cial Request Letter from House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, dated March 22, 2017 Enclosure B: Portions of LTG Filing, October 2010 Enclosure C: Portions of LTG SF-36 Filing, January 2016 Enclosure D: Email Correspondence between DIA and LTG August 2016 Enclosure G: Email Correspondence between DIA Headquarters and US Defense Attache Office in Moscow, December 2015 Enclosure H: Internal .DIA Email Correspondence between November 27, 2015 and November 30, 2016 Enclosure .1: Department of Army Response to 1, 2017 Letter from Ranking Member Cummings, dated Februaryr I4, 201? Enclosure K: Post Government Employment Ethics Letter issued to LTG dated October 8, 2014 Enclosure L: DIA Chief of Staff Guidance to Former Directors, May 2016