Coeur d'AIene Police Officer Report for Incident 15C30720 Nature: SEX OFFENSE Addmx. Lac-dun: 84 Gimme Codes: SOFA ReceivedBy: SKENNEK Hanewlved: Agency: CDA ALLEN omcem C.SCHATZ Rupnmihle omcer: C.SCHATZ CLO (mos/16 When Rzponed: 16:07:03 09/21/15 Occurred Belween: 19:00:00 09/20/15 and 05:30:00 09/21/15 To: LRENEAU Den SEX Ime Amgned: 09/22/15 Status: CL sum Dim: 07/09/16 Due D-te: 09/21fl0 581481 but -- Hm Don Dr Adrian: Sex: Plum Clty: Offense Codex NC N01 Classified Obsuved: SOFA Sax Off. Alsaull w/Objecl Offense: SOFA Sex Off, Assaul! w/Objzel vu>R EVIDENCE STORAGE - CDAPD Responding 0111"": um C.SCHATZ KISS Rupomlhle 0mm: C.SCHATZ Agency: CDA Received By; Lu! 11111111 Log: How 11mm Telephone Clarinet: 6 REPORT TAKEN when Reporle . 16:07:08 09/21/15 CLO Due: 02/09/16 Judlcill Occurred between: 19:00:00 09/20/15 Mm Entry: Ind: 05:30:00 09/21/15 Modns Openndl: Deleflplinn Method L'r LOCATION TYPE LTzo SAS SUSPECT ACTIONS: SEXUAL SASSZ Primed um um um Office! Report for Incident 15030720 Page 2 af 12 VR VICTIM: RELATIONSHIP VR-AQ AQUAINTANCE D33 Involvement: Dnte Type Description Relsfionlhip 09/21/15 Name SUSPECT mm -- Compilinunt own/ls Name -- 09/11/15 Cad Call 1607103 09/21/15 SEX OFFENSE Initiating Cull 10/22/15 SAMPLE VICTIM BLOOD FROM SA KIT 0 EVIDENCE Progeny CLOTHES EVIDENCE 09/21/15 Pxopcny Rape K110 09/21/15 Clothing 10/22/15 Evidence BLOOD SAMPLE FROM SA KIT Evidcnc: Incident 09/28/15 Evident: VICTIMS CLOTHING Evidence Incidsnl 09/22/15 Evident>> SEXUAL ASSAULT Evidmce 09/22/15 Evidcnce CLOTHING Evidence Incidcnl mm nn um um Officer Report for Incident 15050720 Page 3 af12 Narrative OFFICER: c, serum was oz eescexmome: -- (n or F, criminal code, chargee per euepect end related eitatien numhete) F, lessee sexual penetration by use of teteign object 1) "new INVOLVED DOMESTIC VIOLENCE RELATED 11 MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION SHELTER PAMPHLET OFFERED mmlas Manning): MBDICM ATTENTION INVOLVED: Rape kit at me on same rmseonmn sup-sous!" mum RELERSE OBTAINED m: sun: MENTIONED: LORETTA mums - RN use 50mm on as 21 is I res onded to a report at a sexual assault that took place at- 1 contacted the mum, at her residence,- She (old me she was hanging out with and be sexually her hetween the houre of 0000 and 0530, she helievee ehe was drugged beceuee ehe hecene overwhelmingly tired etter drinking an alcoholic heverege provided her, During their intereetion, he ned nephenol multiple times and checked her end responsiveness. when appeared to he telling aelee --ueed hie hende to touch her and vagina. penetrated vegine with hie ringer -told him multiple times to epop. He even used her hende to make her touch hereelt. she wee ton etreid to cell for help or try to leave, -went to end he . we in. panama. at tank place et- nded to a report of eex I contacted the victim, at her reeidence,- she told me ehe wee hanging ant with the night before eeruelly he: multiple times into the early morning. her-uni;e she warring at_ They spore couple different times while at her werk then became triende en a dating website called plenty of rieh. After exchanging online, they agreed to hang out in pereen, They went out for the first time en us/ls/ls and decided to each other again en en -met up with-around ieon heure on 05/20/15. They agreed to pick up some Deer and hang out at hie home -gave-e beer. she was weary ehout taking a drink from ecmeone ehe hee only known for a couple daye. Since ehe we:ched him open the beer, ehe aeeumcd it would be safe. Between the time he opened the heer end ehe took at it, ehe took her attention off of and the beer to check her cell phene. she is ensure it he put eonething in her drink during thie time. she had a tew drinke of the beer and immediately began feeling tired. rhie wee not a normal feeling Ear-so ehe became more suspicious of there possibly Pnniedenwmm OMcer Report forlnciden! 15030720 Page 4 of 12 being something in her hear. Duxn-ig their conversation, randomly hreught up Rupees (huphenol) several times. This was to ecause it was or: topic and supported her suspicions. he she began feeling more tired and like she was geing to tall asleep, he hsgan touching her. He touched her breast with his hands and began putting his hand down her pants she stopped him and said she harely knew him and asked him to step, he apologised then replied with something along the lines ot, "You should have known conung here that this was going to happen.- Due to his size and demeanor, she was too afraid to try to leave. He had been drinking beer and didn't want to risk getthg in a vehicle with him. she was also afraid that if she called [ox help, he would get angry and try to hurt her. -- agreed to let her sleep and said he would leave her alone, he she started to fall asleep again, she noticed hin touching her: neck. believes he was checking her pulse. This was also strange hehavior to her and she thinks he was checking to see it the drugs he may have given her were taking attest. This occurred a couple more times throughout the night. he she would start to fall asleep, he would hegin touching her treasts and vagina. when she noticed, she would wake him ste she thinks this occurred z-i times throughout the night. she confirmedhs finger penetrated her vagina when he touched her. -.Ve arena to be asleep to h-mn he she did this, he grabbed her hand and made he: touch herselfs -dgreed the .me arena usin soars on 05/21/15. -said she was unsure or the street-lived on, but identified the address number a - she said she rememered seeing a street sign (at but did not know it they made any turns after driving down that street. she described the residence as a doutle wide trailer with several chairs on the front porch. she showed me a picture ot-rrem his Plenty of Fish profile. I gave her my email address and requested she send me any pictures and links to his profile. -declined needing any medical attention. 1 encouraged her to go to km to be evaluated and tested ror drugs since she believes they could he a esntrihuting flctar. our tar--and leaatsd a match. 1 eehsirnsa-as the sulpecl by matching his backin hate to the hate shewed In! from prnfila. He is listed Bi living at contacted Loretta Myers at me. she provided he with a sexual assault evidence collection kit she administered to_she provided he with the kit and a hrown paper hag containing--undergarments. I entered these items into evidence to he sushitted zen testing. CASE soul can idem vmso mores [1 main [1 UPLOADED 'm venom To VIPER mas Primed ml um um Officer Report for I ncident 1 5C307 20 Page 5 of 12 Responsible LEO: Approved by: Date Printed on 07/l l/16 Officer Report for Incident 156317720 Page 5 al 12 Supplement FELDNY xx mm: u9/23/2c15 mews-mo CRIME FURCIBLE SEXUAL FMTUTION WITH FOREIGN osazcr sun: all 1 .1 RENEAU ma MEDIA immense sesame: 05/23/2015 I received and rev'ewed nus taper!" I tried to call and talk with the victim in mi. case--sat was mane ts smear see. i was aisa not able to leave her a message. 05/30/2015 I was shle to meet wlth-at near Riverltone, where she warkae My conversation ulth her was digitally recorded and loaded into Viper. The following is a summary of my conversation with For more detailed lnfoxmltian, refer to the video recording. -reoounted the information to me about the incident which was consistent with her first statement to 06c sahatz. she talked about--pickin her up trom work at shout isou hrs, and stopping hy super 1 to buy alcohol. houoht a six pack or flavored hear, and the two went to his house. At about 2mm hra,_opened one of the beers for_ After he opened it, phone chirped at her, )ndicating the was running low. _too couple minutes setting it from her purse and plugging it in' hithou was holding the beer in from: of her while she was on the phuney attention was on her phone and she wasn't paying close attention to exactly what was doing fox a couple st minutes. she didn't see him out anything in the beer hottls and eventually took it from him, Throughout the ht, _waa encouraging -o drink the beer he had given her. was asking -why she mash-t drinking her beer and made a statement about not uruttieing" it, drinking the beer, hut it was slowly and she didn't llke the taste of the heer she thought there was something odd about the flavar of the beer. - made a comment about not putting a mttia tn the heer. sussie is a slang term for Rohypnal, a common date rape drug, -became suspicious when-mentioned rufiis'a and said he mer 'snee it two additional times. Mikmg her sven more suspicious, End-had said, the night before, he where to get rutfisa and other drugs that would be out DE a victim's system the day following the medication, Pnhten an am we Olficsl Report for Incident 15C30720 Page 7 M12 aald sleep medication doesn't 3519:: her much, and she rlrely feels like she is not asis to stay awake. After senses the beer -ssve ts her, she had a very difficult time staying awika, At abbut mldnight,_ liked-why she hadn't censured more heer, had drank the other five beers Exam the six ask and-was still drinking the original beer handed to her. filial-med to walk to the store to get some more beer. agxaed to walk with him. The two walked to nearhy gas Bt-tion, possibly rsirwsy sno srosery. As they were walking,-- oontinusuy put his around her waist and shoulder. At the uses-purchase sens ships, eshuss, an estue s: water. She didn-t drink anymore peer, _purchased more beer and the two walked back eo--house. By the time they were walking heck to the house. _wss reeling very uneasy about being around_ she made a dint to memorize the use or the stress-lives sh. ester they gse hume,fitold- she wanted to go home. _gave her a copy of the citi Link ous Sohedule. - knew the husees didn't run that late at night. _egreed to sleep on bed after he told her he would "saber up" tor a while. knowing when he sehered up. -would drive her home. told -snmeth1ng to the effecL, "This is a safe place. Your lady parts are sate, Nobody's going to tough them." - was very uneasy beeause she thought that was an odd comment. with that and the nthez comments -- made about Ruffle's, -:ecame atrsid something was gulng to happen to her layed on the bed next so-snd began touching her on top or her clothing - ssid touohed her breasts and her vaginal ares. lwnediately told she didn't want any of that and told him to seep. ed for a eouple or minutes, out then began touching her again. This time touched-under her shirt and and her pants and underwear. egein told films didn't want him to touch her and told him to stop _agreed to step and -rolled over, oloser to the edge or the hed. on top of her. mer she pushed him set of her, he pulled her close to him and aga he an touching her. he then test her hands and made her touch herselfv Again, topped and told-not to touch her, _ssid something to bout she should have known that something sexual was going to happenl said atter this last inoidest -oftered to give he! a ride home, she Iceepted -old me she forced herself to remain awake and conscious even though at times she acted like she was sleeping. she didn-t ever "black out" but felt extremely drained when she finally got home. when I asked ii_was able to have sex with hen--old he she didn't think that ossurrsa and said her clothes were on the eht re night Reid me she doesn't take any prssoriptiun medication and said the only me see ion she tshes is over the counter pain medlcatian. ia/hs/znis 'alled ts tell me she Hunks-may have been recording the incident. emembered seeing a web--cam on -- computer man'ta: and knew the pesos." was pointed in the direction of _s had. -told me while she wee spending time in-s bedrnom with him, he was playing music tram his FfinbdunflT/IIHE Officer Regan for Incident 15C30720 Page 6 0/ 12 csnputer and visited several websites. -didn'r. see 1: was on the web can, hut sus ects he may have been. else he at one point whue she was 1n mom, _left :0 gm tn the hathroeu and she tried te eeogle uslng his Computer. when ca hack intu the room, he became extremely angry - had been en hu computer. thought at was odd how angry he heeane. - eonsuter as a black "all in one" type computer where the cmunuter 15 hunt anto the ssreeh. 1-he computar 1s sitting an tap cf desk 1n --hedrems, she didn't have any ether 10/07/2015 I called and spoke wlth_ he agreed to come to the an lu/os/zuls at 11ml to talk wath me. 11/05/2015 shew up for our scheduled pelntwent at non hrs. 1 draws tn his residence to talk with hm. When-110mm I reeognlsed from in house phets) cams ts the deer, he asked if he had to talk wleh met I him 1 cauldn'r. compel him Lo talk to me. His man told end he xepeated to me that he wish to speak uxth me at all. 10/22/2015 I contacted the Idaho stats Forenslc Lab and talked to them about the blood collected for the sexual assault kit. I was advised to send the bleed te the state Lah 1n pocatelle fox toxledlogy 1 completed the zequest and the blood was removed tree. the sexual assault kl: an sent tn the state labs 02/69/2015 on 01/25/2015, I received an emau the rdshe state Forensic habcratery was not Able to locate any controlled substances in the hlood taken (rem the vicmm in this case. There is no evidentiazy value in the Sexual. assault klt. 1 sense and talked this case. 1 explalned there lan't any evidence te take thas case to court, she seemed disappainted, but said she understood. secause there 15 nn further evidence ln this case, I am clusing thxe ease. s'm'ue: c1. Pnnlad ml 07/11/15 Officer Report for Incident 15030720 Page 9 Supplement MISDEMEAIIDR: venom: xx DATE: ayrzarzuis INCIDENT 15:30720 CRIME: p, 1875603 Forcihie eexuai penetration by use at foreign ohject supp p. Tufford Kn MEDIA: phetegrephe of the Clothing. sum-w: Evidence booked INVESTIGATIVE NARRATIVE: on 0972772015 I responded td--in reference to the report of a aupplunental report. on scene, I spoke with - she toid me after this incident ceeurred, she returned to her residence end took at: her clothing. she threw the clothing in the coxnux e: her hedreen and left it there. she wanted to heve the cicthing hooked inte evidence tor this incident. she indiceted the did net wash the clothing. she prcvided me the eiething end did net add any edditicnei intermetien. I necked the clothing into evidence. I took phetogrephe Hi the and upioeded the Photographs into new. pdmed um am we Officer Rspon Mr 15C30729 Page 10 of 12 Property Property Number: 15715240 hem: SAMPLE Owner Applied thr: Build: v1ch 131.0013 Mndel: FROM SA KIT Yur: Mar: Toud v.1ue: Owner: Agency: CDA COEUR DALWE POLICE DEPT Accnm Am! Rem: $0,110 LRENPAU UCR: Loud Sum: 1315 Stonge anafla Cr1rne L-I: Number: sum 1). Date Remand: "In/n Dru chuv/Rcv 09/21/15 kale-sad By: Am! Remvere moo Relund 1p: Ended um" "1w" Renard: T1-11S SAMPLE REMOVED FROM SA KIT 1N PR 15.137111, REPACKAGED FOR SUBMISSION To LAB FOR Tox Property Number: 15-14054 1mm: CLOTHES Owner Appued lem Brand: Model: Var: 0 15030720 Mm: Tom Van: . so on 0m -- Agency: cm. COEUR POLICE DEPT Number: Accum Aml Rem: moo Officer: Rnfiord UCR: UCR Sum: Lou! Sum: EIS Slang: [Ac-flan: Crlm: L-b sum: mu: 1m: Role-mi: but: 09/21/15 Released By: Amt Recovercd: $11.00 Rue-red Tn: Curmdy: 0: :0 Relmn: Comments: CLOTHING WORN DURING THE INCIDENT BLACK PANTS, BLACK SHIRT, 1/12wa TANK TOP, UNDERWEAR, socxs. Propeny Number: 15--13751 and 1111 117/1 1/15 Officer Report in! 15530720 Page 1 1 of 12 1mm Rape Kn 0mm Appfled Nmbr: Model: Qummy: Serill thr: . Cnlur: Owner: -- cm comm POLICE DEPT 1133 Number: Auum Ann Runv: $0.00 0mm: C.SCHATZ UCR: ucn sm Locll sum: Shrugs Lac-flan: cum Ln: Numb 5mm 12. Due Relusefl' w' 1m: knew/Rev 09/21/15 Amt Recovemd: 50.110 Rfleued 11.: mainly: Rum: 15-13732 - Cluthing Owner Applied Nmbr: Sui-l 11mm; 30.00 Color: cm comm poucs may-1- Tag Nun-1h": was 0111: c.sc1-mz ucx su annl Sum: 1215 Storage Lon-flan: LII) Numhe sum um: "1w" Date Releued: 11.1; Raw/Rn Relaxed By: Amt Recovered: moo Released Rum . BRA- Pink w/mimnl print "putts Primed m1 07/11/15