sum-100 MMONS (sogg?u?u's?ougi figure; (CITACION JUDICIAL) MED COPY NOTICE To DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): Su nor can at Ceiitomla CHARLES MARLOWE ounty of Los Angeiea APR 1 8 2017 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: . (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Sherri Carter. ANNA SCANLON By: Stacey Watson, Deputy You have been sued. The court may decide against you withoutyour being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the lnforrnation below. You have.30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call willnot protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There maybe a court?form that you can use for your response. You can ?nd these court forms and more information at the Califomla Courts Online Self-Help Center your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. if you cannot pay the ?ling fee. ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. if you do not ?le your response on time. you may losotho case by default. and your wages, money. and property mjayibe'teken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may wantto call an attorney right away. if you do not know an attorney. you may want to call an attorney referral service. if you cannot afford snattomey. you may be eligible fer free legal services from a nonpro?t legal services program. You can locate thesenonprolit groups at the comma Legal Son/ices Web site (wwmlowholpcailfomla?ry). the California Courts Onilno Self-Help Center or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of 310.000 or more in a civil case. Th'ecourtts lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. (A VISOI Loiran demandado. Si no responds denim do 30 dies, la oorto puode decidlr en su contra sin oscuchar on version. Lea Ia lnformacidn a condnuacidn. Tion'o 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despu?o do que lo ontroguen oats cilacfdn papoles i?ogalos para presenter una rospuesta por oscrito en esta corte haoor quo so entregue uns copia al domandante. Una certs a una llemede iota/onlca no lo protegen. Su respuosta par done qua ester on fonnato legal corrocfo cl doses quo procesen or: case on is corte. Es poslbio quehaya un fonnulorio que usted pueda user para su respuesta. Puedo?onconiror osios (emu/arias dole corte mas lnformocldn on el'Centm do Ayudo .de las Cortes do Cal/femia (Wwwsucortocmgov). en la do loyos do su'condado a on Is code que lo quads mas come. 81 no puede pager la cuoia do presonia'cidn, pide a! socreiarfo do la cone qua lo de un fonnulorlo 'do exencidn de page do cuotas. Si no presents su respuosto? a dompo, puedo por'der el caso par yla carts lo padre quitar su suoido, dlnoro blones sin mas advo?rie?ncla. Hay aims requisites logales. Es racamondable qua llama a un abcgado Inmodlatamonte. Si no conoce a un abogado. puode llamar a un servicio do remlsidne abog?a?dos. Si no puode pager a un. abog'edo, as poslble que cumplo con los requlsltos pare obtenor servicios legales, gratuitos do an programs do son/ides legalas sin fines de Iucro. Puede oncontrar ostos grapes sin fines de iucro en oi sitlo web de California Legal Sew/oes. en ei Contra do Ayuda de las Cortes de California, (Wwwsuconecagov) panlendose en contacts con la aorta a el coiogr?o dosebogados locales. AVISO: Par lay, laconic done darecho a redamarlas cuotas los castes exontos par lmponer un gravernen sabre cualquler recuperacliin do $10,000 a mas do valor medlento un swerdo 0 ans conceslon do arbitraje en un csso do deracho civil. 'l'i'eno quo pager oi gravamen do is corte antes do quo Ia cor-to pueda deseciIar a! case. The name and address of the court is: $255919:ngng (El nombre do is oorte as): . . . 1725 Main Street 1 2 7 4 0 4 Santa Monica, CA 90401 The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff's attorney. or plaintiff without an attorney, ls: (El nombre, la direccl?n o! numero do tel?fono del abogado do] demandanio, 0 del demandante que no ilene abogado, as): BRUCE JAQUES, JR., Esq., JAQUES LAW OFFICE, P.O. Box 2048, Vista CA 92085-2048 DATE: APR 1 8 2017 Sherri it. Carter, Clerk Clerk, by ,Deputy (Focha) (Secretado) (Adjunto) I cc of Summons (form (For proof of service of this summons, use Proof of Servi (Para prueba do entroga de esta citatidn use oi fonnuian'o Proof of Service of Summons. NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served 1. as an individual defendant. 2. I: as the person sued under the ?ctitious name of (specify): 3. on behalf of (specify): under: I: CCP 416.10 (corporation) 5 GOP 416.60 (minor) GOP 416.20 (defunct corporation) CCP 416.70 (conservatee) COP 416.40 (association or partnership) GOP 416.90 (authorized person) other (specify): 4- by personal delivery on (date): Page 1 of 1 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use SUMMONS Code of Civil Procedure 55 412.20. 485 Judicial Council of California sum-too (Rev. Juiy1.2009] wmwm?o'u'w BY FAX \DOOQOslh-thu?A (I . . mi CONFOHMED COPY ORIGINAL FRED Su erto-r Cam at California ouniy 0! Los Angeles BRUCE D. JAQUES JR., SBN 86160 APR 1 8 20? Jaques Law Of?ce Sherri R. Carter, Executive O?icer/Ctem Po. Box 2048 Vista, CA 92085 By "am my 760-295-131 1 .. ., maEglel?G?MENT CONFERENCE Attorney for PLAINTIFF ANNA SCANLON SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ANNA SCANLON, an Indmdual Case No. 1 2 7 4 4 COMPLAINT FOR DEFAMATION LIBEL PER SE CHARLES MARLOWE, an individual, and DOES 1?20, inclusive, FALSE LIGHT VASION 01'" DEFENDANTS. LL PLAINTIFF alleges: THE PARTIES 1. At all relevant times, PLAINTIFF Anna Scanlon has been a resident of Milton Keynes, UK. 2. At all relevant times, DEFENDANT Charles Marlowe has been a resident of Los Angeles, CA. SCANLON VS. MARLOWE COMPLAINT FOR LIBEL PER SE AND FALSE LIGHT 3. PLAINTIFF is ignorant of the true names and capacities of the DEFENDANTS sued herein as DOES 1 through 20, inclusive, and therefore sues these DEFENDANTS by such ?ctitious names. PLAINTIFF will amend this complaint to allege their true names and capacities when ascertained. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and thereon alleges each of the ?ctitiously named DEFENDANTS is responsible in some manner for the occurrences alleged, and the damages were proximately caused by such DEFENDANTS. 4. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and thereon alleges the ?ctitiously named DEFENDATS sued herein as DOES 1 through 20 were agents, servants, and employees of their Co- DEF ENDANTS, and in doing the things alleged were acting within the scope of their authority as such agents, servants and employees, with the permission and Consent of their Co- DEFENDANTS. PRELIMINARY ALLEGATIONS 5. PLAINTIFF is an academic in advanced doctoral studies at the University of Leicester, UK. 6. PLAINTIFF formerly taught history in the United States. 7. At all relevant times, PLAINTIFF has enjoyed a good reputation, both generally and in her profession. 8. Within the past 12 months, DEFENDANT published on his online forum to thousands of people, of and concerning Plaintiff, she solicited the opportunity for online sexual acts; performed lewd, unsolicited sexual acts online to DEFENDANT, is ?diseased,? a ?wannabe academic? and a chronic liar. 9. Collectively, these words constitute the ?Statement.? FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION LIBEL PER SE By PLAINTIFF Anna Scanlon as against DEFENDANT Charles Marlowe and DOES 1-20 SCANLON VS. MARLOWE COMPLAINT FOR LIBEL PER SE AND FALSE LIGHT 10. PLAINTIFF refers to and re-alleges Paragraphs 1 through 9 inclusive, and incorporates them by reference as though fully set forth here. 11. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes the Statement was and continues to be electronically published to many others still to be determined. 12. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and thereon alleges DEFENDANT acted with constitutional malice. 13. Statement is false, unprivileged, and libelous per se. It exposes PLAINTIFF to hatred, contempt, ridicule, and obloquy because it plainly accuses her of actively participating in recurring dishonesty, immoral conduct, criminal activity, and other acts of moral turpitude found repugnant to society, causing her an inability to perform her profession. 14. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and thereon alleges DEFENDANT made the Statement with actual malice and/or reckless disregard for the truth. 15. The nature of the Statement brings the assumption of actual damage to PLAINTIFF. 16. The libelous Statement greatly injured PLAINTIFF ?s reputation individually and with the public in general. '17. As a direct and proximate result of the Statement by DEFENDANT, PLAINTIFF has suffered loss of her reputation, shame, morti?cation, hurt feelings, and severe emotional distress, in an amount yet to be determined but estimated to exceed $350,000.00 according to proof at trial. 18. As further direct and proximate result of the above-described publications, DEFENDANT has intentionally interfered with prospective economic advantage in an amount to be proved at trial. 19. As another direct and proximate result of the above-described publications by DEFENDANT they have intentionally interfered with contractual relations in an amount to be proved at trial. SCANLON VS. MARLOWE COMPLAINT FOR LIBEL PER SE AND FALSE LIGHT 20. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and thereon alleges multiple people in addition to DEFENDANT read and discussed the Statement. 21. PLAINTIFF is further informed and believes and thereon alleges at the time DEFENDANT published the Statement, DEFENDANT knew it was false and/or published it with reckless disregard for the truth in that he had serious doubt as to the truth of the Statement. 22. PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and thereon alleges when published the Statement DEFENDANT did so negligently because they had no reasonable basis for believing that the Statement was true, and, had they acted reasonably, would have known or learned it was false. 23. Further, PLAINTIFF is informed and believes and thereon alleges DEFENDANT in making the Statement, is guilty of fraud, oppression, and constitutional malice. Accordingly, PLAINTIFF is entitled to punitive damages from DEFENDANT in an amount sufficient to punish and deter future illegal conduct. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION FALSE LIGHT INVASION OF PRIVACY Against DEFENDANT CHARLES MARLOWE and DOES 1-20 24. PLAINTIFFS refers to and re-alleges Paragraphs 1 through 23, inclusive, of this Complaint, and incorporates them by reference as though fully set forth here. 25. In the Statement, DEFENDANT published to the public in general false and unprivileged words about PLAINTIFF placing her in a false light in the public eye. 26. The Statement is manifestly unfair and inaccurate. 27. The false light in which DEFENDANT placed PLAINTIFF is highly offensive to a reasonable person. 28. When they published the Statement, DEFENDANT knew the words were false or SCANLON VS. MARLOWE COMPLAINT FOR LIBEL PER SE AND FALSE LIGHT acted with a reckless disregard of the falsity of their ?alternative? facts and the false light in which the PLAINTIFF would be placed. 29. At the time DEFENDANT published the offensive Statement, they acted negligently in failing to learn the truth of the information or Whether a false impression of PLAINTIFF would be created by its publication. 30. As a direct and proximate result of actions, PLAINTIFF Anna?s reputation has been substantially harmed with the public at large. PLAINTIFF prays judgment as follows. As to the First Cause of Action: 1. For general damages of $350,000.00 or more; 2. For special damages, according to proof but not less than the jurisdictional minimum. 3. For punitive damages suf?cient to punish and deter. 4. For costs of suit herein; 5. For injunctive relief prohibiting DEF ENDANTS, and each of them, from repeating the Statement, or any part of it, judicially determined to defamatory under Balboa Island Village, Inc., v. Lemen (2007) 40 Cal. 4th1141; and, 6. For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. As to the Second Cause of Action: 1. For general damages in the sum of $350,000.00 or more, according to proof at trial; 2. For special damages for emotional distress in an amount according to proof at trial; 3. For punitive damages suf?cient to punish and deter. 4. For costs of suit herein; 5. For injunctive relief prohibiting DEFENDANTS, and each of them, from repeating the SCANLON VS. MARLOWE COMPLAINT FOR LIBEL PER SE AND FALSE LIGHT Statement, or any part of it, judicially determined to defamatory under Balboa Island Village, Inc., v. Lemen (2007) 40 Cal. 4?h1141; and, 6. For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. Dated: April 18, 2017 Respectfully submitted, Jaques Law Of?ce 3% 7 BRUCE D. JAQUES, Sir?. Attorneys for Plaintiff Anna Scanlon SCANLON VS. MARLOWE COMPLAINT FOR LIBEL PER SE AND FALSE LIGHT ctr-01c ?16500. Slate Barnumber; and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY JAQUES LAW OFFICE CONFOHMFD COPY 204341 taCAthJ?5 .. Egui??waozo??mum la TELEPHONE no: (760) 295-1311 FAX NO.: 032W 0? Loo ATTORNEY FOR (Neme): ANNA SCANLQN SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY or Los Angeles STREETADDRESS: 1725 MAIN STREET APR 1 8 201? MAILING ADDRESS: . . ZIP cone: Santa Monica 90401 Sherri R. Carter. semen we Santa Monica gourthguse - west Judicial District By: Stacey Watson. Deputy CASE NAME: ANNA SCANLON vs. CHARLES MARLOWE. et. al. CASE SHEET Complex Case Designation 1 2 '7 4 (i 4 Unlimited Limited . Amount (Amount [3 Counter Jomder JUDGE: emu demanded demanded is Filed with ?rst appearance by defendant exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less) (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.402) DEPT: 7 Items 1-6 below must be completed (see Instructions on page 2). 1. Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case: Auto Tort Contract Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation Auto 622) Breach of contract/warranty (06) (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.400-3.403) Uninsured motorist (46) Rule 3.740 collections (09) El Antitrust/Trade regulation (03) Other (Personal Other collections (09) Construction defect (10) DamageIWrongfui Death) Tort Insurance coverage (18) Mass tort (40) Asbestos (04) Other contract (37) I: Securities litigation (28) Prom? "ability (24) Real Property l:l Environmentall'l?oxic tort (30) Medical malpractice (45) Eminent domain/Inverse El insurance coverage claims arising from the El Other (23) Condemnation (14) above listed provisionally complex case (Other) Tort I: Wrongful eviction (33) We" (41) Business tort/unfair business practice (07) Other real property (26) Enforcement ?f Judgment Civil rights (08) Unlawful Detainer l: Enforcement of judgment (20) Defamation (13) Commercial (31) Miscellaneous Civil Complaint Fraud (15) [3 Residential (32) Rm (27) I: Intellectual (19) Drugs (38) [3 Other complaint {not speci?ed above) (42) Professional negligence (25) Judicial Review Miscellaneous Civil Petition ?3 Other tort (35) Asset forfeiture (05) Partnership and corporate governance (21) lEifxlioyment Petition re: arbitration award (11) Other petition (not speci?ed above) (43) Wrongful termination (36) Writ of mandate (02) Other employment (15) Other Judicial review (39) 2. This case is is not complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. It the case is complex, mark the factors requiring exceptionalludiclal management: a. [3 Large number of separately represented parties d. Large number of witnesses b. Extensive motion practice raising dif?cult or novel 6. 1: Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts issues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties. states. or countries. or in a federal court c. Substantial amount of documentary evidence f. [3 Substantial postjudgmentjudicial supervision Remedies sought (check all that apply): monetary b. nonmonetary: declaratory or injunctive relief c. Ileunitive Number of causes of action (specify): Two (2) This case is is not a class action suit. If there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. You may use form CM-015.) Date; April 18, 2017 9915?.? mas on NAME) NOTICE 0 Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the ?rst paper ?ied In the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases ?led under the Probate Code, Family Code. or Welfare and institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court. rule 3.220.) Failure to ?le may result in sanctions. File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. I if this case is complex under rule.3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. 0 Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 are complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes may; Form Mo ted for Mandel Use Cal. Rules of Court. rules 2.30. 3.220. SAW-3.403. 3.740: IVIL CASE COVER SHEET Cal. Standards ofJudlclal Administration. std. 3.10 v. . 0? av FAX SHORT TITLE: CASE NUMBER SCANLON vs. MARLOWE SQ 27 4 0 4 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION (CERTIFICATE OF GROUNDS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO COURTHOUSE LOCATION) This form is required pursuant to Local Rule 2.3 in all new civil case ?lings in the Los Angeles Superior Court. Step 1 After completing the Civil Case Cover Sheet (Judicial Council form CM-010), find the exact case type in Column A that corresponds to the case type indicated in the Civil Case Cover Sheet. Step 2: In Column 8, check the box for the type of action that best describes the nature of the case. Step 3: In Column C, circle the number which explains the reason for the court filing location you have chosen. Applicable Reasons for Choosing Court Filing Location (Column C) 1. Class actions must be ?led In the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Central District. 7. Location where petitioner resides. 2. Permissive ?ling in central district. 8. Location wherein defendantlrespondent functions wholly. 3. Location where cause of action arose, 9. Location where one or more of the parties reside. 4, Mandatory personal injury ?ling in North District. 10. Location of Labor Commissioner Of?ce. 11. Mandatory ?ling location (Hub Cases unlawful detainer. limited 5. Location where performance required or defendant resides. non- coll on, limited collection, or personal Injury). 6. Location of property or permanently garaged vehicle. A Civil Case Cover Sheet Type of Action Applicable Reasons - Category No. (Check only one) See Step 3 Above Auto (22) A7100 1. 4. 11 . l- Uninsured Motorist (46) El A7110 Personal injury/Fraperty Damage/Wrongful Death Uninsured Motorist 1. 4. 11 El A6070 Asbest sPro Dama 9 1,11 Asbestos (04) ?y 9 A7221 Asbestos-Personal injury/Wrongful Death 1.11 3? Product Liability (24) El A7260 Product Liability (not asbestos or toxiclenvironmenti) 1. 4.11 n. a El A7210 Medical Malpractice-Physicians 8r Surgeons 1.4. 11 '3 3 Medical Malpractice (45) :5 A7240 Other Professional Health Care Malpractice 1- 4'11 I. is El A7250 Premises Liability slip and fall) a 1 4 11 or Other Personal I a injury property El A7230 intentional Bodily injury/Preperty Damage/Wrongful Death 1 4 11 3 Damage wrongful assault. vandalism. etc.) Death (23) A7270 Intentional lnfiiction of Emotional Distress 1' 4- 1? El A7220 Other Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death 1' 4' 11 LACIV 109 (Rev 2/16) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM Local Role 2.3 LASC Approved 03-04 AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION Page1of4 BY FAX SHORT TITLE: SCAN LON vs. MARLOWE CASE NUMBER A Applicable Civil Case Cover Sheet Type of Action Reasons - See Step 3 Category No. (Check only one) Above Business Tort (07) El A6029 Other Commercial/Business Tort (not fraud/breach of contract) 1, 2, 3 1: E3 Civil Rights (08) El A6005 Civil Rights/Discrimination 1, 2, 3 5 Defamation (13) A6010 Defamation (slander/libel) 1, 2, 3 a 3? Fraud (16) Cl A6013 Fraud (no contractA6017 Legal Malpractice 1, 2, 3 or a, Professional Negligence (25) . ?g A6050 Other Professional Malpractlce (not medlcal or legal) 1, 2, 3 5 8 Other (35) El A6025 Other Non-Personal Injury/Property Damage tort 1,2,3 Wrongful Termination (36) El A6037 Wrongful Termination 1, 2, 3 d) 3' l: A6024 Other Employment Complaint Case 1, 2, 3 3. Other Employment (15) LIEJ A6109 Labor CommissmnerAppeals 10 El A6004 Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful 2 5 eviction) Breach of Contract! rra (06) a nty A6008 Contract/Warranty Breach -Se ler Plaintiff (no fraud/negligence) 2? 5 insurance) El A6019 Negligent Breach of Contract/Warranty (no fraud) 1? 2? 5 El A6028 Other Breach of Contract/Warranty (not fraud or negligence) 1? 2? 5 El A6002 Collections Case-Seller Plaintiff 5, 6, 11 Collections (09) 5 El A6012 Other Promissory Note/Collections Case 5, 11 0 A6034 Collections Case-Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt 5, 6, 11 Purchased on or after January 1, 2014) Insurance Coverage (18) El A6015 Insurance Coverage (not complex) 1, 2, 5, 8 El A6009 Contractual Fraud 1, 2, 3, 5 Other Contract (37) El A6031 Tortious Interference 1, 2, 3, 5 El A6027 Other Contract Dispute(not 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 Eminent Domain/Inverse . . . Condemnation (14) El A7300 Emlnent Domaln/Condemnatlon Number of parcels 2, 6 3. Wrongful Eviction (33) El A6023 Wrongful Eviction Case 2, 6 El A6018 Mortgage Foreclosure 2, 6 Other Real Property (26) El A6032 Quiet Title 2. 6 El A6060 Other Real Property (not eminent domain, landlord/tenant, foreclosure) 2, 6 Unlawful El A6021 Unlawful Detainer-Commercial (not drugs or wrongful eviction) 6, 11 d) Unlawful Detgnzer-Remdentlal El A6020 Unlawful Detainer?Residential (not drugs or wrongful eviction) 6,11 3- Unlawful Detainer- . A6020F Unlawful Detalner-Post-Foreclosure 2, 6, 11 Post-Foreclosure (34) Unlawful Detainer-Drugs (38) El A6022 Unlawful Detainer?Drugs 2, 6, 11 LACIV 109 (Rev 2/16) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM Local Rule 2.3 LASC Approved 03-04 AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION Page 2 0f 4 SHORT TITLE: CASE NUMBER SCANLON vs. MARLOWE A Applicable Civil Case Cover Sheet Type of Action Reasons - See Step 3 Category No. (Check only one) Above Asset Forfeiture (05) El A6108 Asset Forfeiture Case 2, 3, 6 Petition re Arbitration (11) A6115 Petition to Compel/Con?rmNacate Arbitration 2, 5 .9. El A6151 Writ - Administrative Mandamus 2. 8 Writ of Mandate (02) El A6152 Writ - Mandamus on Limited Court Case Matter 3 El A6153 Writ - Other Limited Court Case Review Other Judicial Review (39) El A6150 Other Writ [Judicial Review 2, 8 Antitrust/Trade Regulation (03) El A6003 Antitrust/Trade Regulation 1, 2, 8 Construction Defect(10) El A6007 Construction Defect C'a'ms ?Wag? Mass Tm l:l A6006 Claims Involving Mass Tort 1, 2, 8 a. 8 Securities Litigation (28) El A6035 Securities Litigation Case 1, 2, 8 21 Toxic Tort . . Environmental (30) El A6036 TOXIC Tort/Enwronmental 1, 2, 3, 8 '5 0 Insurance Coverage Claims - 5 from Complex Case (41) A6014 Insurance Coverage/Subrogatlon (complex case only) 1, 2, 5, 8 A6141 Sister State Judgment 2, 5, 11 El A6160 Abstract of Judgment 2, 6 3 Enforcement El A6107 Confession of Judgment (non-domestic relations) 2, 9 of Jud ment (20 - - - 9 A6140 Administrative Agency Award (not unpaid taxesA6114 Petition/Certi?cate for Entry of Judgment on Unpaid Tax 2, 8 El A6112 Other Enforcement ofJudgment Case 2, 8, 9 RICO (27) A6033 Racketeering (RICO) Case A6030 Declaratory Relief Only 1, 2, 8 a. Other Complaints A6040 Injunctive Relief Only (not domestic/harassment) 2, 8 SpeCI?ed Above) (42) El A6011 Other Commercial Complaint Case (non-tort/non-complexA6000 Other Civil Complaint (non-tort/non-complex) 1,2,8 A6113 Partnership and Corporate Governance Case 2, 8 El A6121 Civil Harassment 2, 3, 9 El A6123 Workplace Harassment Other Petitions (Not CI A6124 Elder/Dependen ul Abuse Case 2 3 9 Speci?ed Above) (43) CI A6190 Election Contest 2 5 El A6110 Petition for Change of Name/Change of Gender 2 7 El A6170 Petition for Relief from Late Claim Law 2 3 8 A6100 Other Civil Petition 2 9 LACIV 109 (Rev 2/16) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM Local Rule 2.3 LASC Approved 0304 AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION Page 3 of 4 SHORT TITLE: SCANLON VS. MARLOWE CASE NUMBER Step 4: Statement of Reason and Address: Check the appropriate boxes for the numbers shown under Column for the type of action that you have selected. Enter the address which is the basis for the filing location, including zip code. (No address required for class action cases). ADDRESS: REASON: 11647 Aryes Avenue 16:: a3. i?i4.95. :6.I?i7. If} 8. 9. 10.Ii 11. CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: Los Angeles CA 90064 Step 5: Certification of Assignment: I certify that this case is properly filed in the WESTERN District of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles [Code Civ. Proc., ?392 et seq., and Local Rule Dated: April 18, 2017 WTWU OF PARTW PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS COMPLETED AND READY TO BE FILED IN ORDER TO PROPERLY COMMENCE YOUR NEW COURT CASE: 1. Original Complaint or Petition. If filing a Complaint, a completed Summons form for issuance by the Clerk. 2 3. Civil Case Cover Sheet, Judicial Council form CM-O10. 4 Civil Case Cover Sheet Addendum and Statement of Location form, LACIV 109, LASC Approved 03-04 (Rev. 02/16). .01 Payment in full of the filing fee, unless there is court order for waiver, partial or scheduled payments. A signed order appointing the Guardian ad Litem, Judicial Council form if the plaintiff or petitioner is a minor under 18 years of age will be required by Court in order to issue a summons. 7. Additional copies of documents to be conformed by the Clerk. Copies of the cover sheet and this addendum must be served along with the summons and complaint, or other initiating pleading in the case. LACIV 109 (Rev 2/16) LASC Approved 03-04 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM Local Rule 2.3 AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION Page 4 of4 CASENO, 30127404 NOTICE OF CASE ASSIGNMENT 0 INDIVIDUAL CALENDAR COURT TO PLAINTIFFS AND PLAINTIFF ATTORNEYS OF RECORD or PLAINTIFF IN PRO PER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that this action shall be assigned to a Judge for all purposes, including trial, as follows: came 0. KAHLAN Department: Santa Monica Courthouse 1725 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT PLAINTIFF OR COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF. SHALL GIVE NOTICE OF THIS ALL-PURPOSE CASE ASSIGNMENT by serving a copy of this Notice on all parties to this action at the time the Summons and Complaint are served, or, ifnot a served party, then when such party (including any cross-defendant or complainant-in-intervention) appears in the action. CASE MANAGEMENT REVIEW AND CONFERENCE: Upon the ?ling of the Complaint, :1 Case Management Review and Conference will be calendared for hearing in the Conn to which the case is assigned. The hearing date will be stamped upon the face of the Complaint. Plaintiff shall give separate notice of the Case Management Review and Conference to all named parties in conjunction with service of the Surrunons and Complaint and include any later appearing party such as a cross-defendant or complainant-in-intervention served within this time period. Proof of service must be brought to the hearing if not previously filed. Failure to timely ?le proof of service of Summons and Complaint within 60 days after ?ling the Complaint (CRC 3.1 10(b)) may result in an Order to Show Cause re sanctions being issued. (CRC 3.1 10(0.)