PROTECTEDA File # 20131509123 rre: S(; VIS~ "1CC~s O~?: Y Cs S 1'0 Iy~ j:) IS (; j:)"1 rr III;f::: 'IYI v"1 'II;D12 'IY ("1 t:fXso j:)FrOl; (SS; '11;11;12 ~C?: Crrs j:) OfT4tA.'X-r ,4fcfj- I.f.;~----- - --- - ---- - - --- -- - - --- - (~ ~1'/01l; D ~II; v/2 lOll; l'"1 tv "1CI' 'D/ Orr - --- - - --- ---------------.----.. --.-. 1 I P age National Intelligence coordist,~ti.c~~ rrl2 rrl'u~ This document is the property ~~)(~E' it'~frim t.9 your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further'a'~?-e~!fR~~~ nVWh: -~eLov!part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas 0 for an ~itler ~~ or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. CsS © 2015 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA as represented by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Canada PROTECTEDA File # 20131509123 ...:jC DS I?SC~S Of:" 7: Y Cs Su VISSS 10 f.t~ P IS U P 'IY L.. P...:j III;;::: 'lY11/. 'lVD$, t:I?S ...:j PI? I? L..~ 01?t11. ;,(jCY...:j f? 1ft. 01l;1I;$,0/~C18CI?S ;,(j1101l; CI...:jJv. ~ Table of Contents L..S ~..,.. 10ll;D ~II; V. ...:jC I f) 01:> . , y I? If.; t:f? . .Pf? '. L..~ Of? . C......................................................... Protestor Networks.......... ... .. ..... . ............. 10 I E::L..S ~~'/OII; Social Media Usage ......................... ,. ~Q 'IV;::: g.f..~II;. v.~: . L.. 01?t11. ...:j L.. Core Subjects of Analysis .................................~r.: 011;...:jc;II;OOI? .. ................. ~ ......................................... 11 ° o..:JE::IC DE:: L.....:j tV, " .~,~ .":.10 ~ ~ ~.Q ............................................... 12 ~C IS C~S British Columbia .................................................................................................................................. 13 Subjects who Travelled to British Columbia to Attend Events .................................................... 14 Organizations Associated to British Columbia Subjects ............................................................... 15 P Pn 'lY0 "OC Alberta......... ... ....................................................................................................................... 16 ...:jC 'lVS E::D S Sa~fch1;~an.~~~ .~f:"?:: ~§ : . .. ..............................................................................................16 P 'IY L.....:j P...:jl? III;;::: 'lYIV...:j 'lVD$, . t;"I?SofJI?Ol: (t:;.S .... · C!&IYt...:jrr;rA.cfjjJ.;$" .......................... . 'lV1I;$, ~Cl: CI?S 1011; '...:jlv L..~ ~,/OII; D ~II; V. ...:jC I D/Ol? 21Page Nationallntellig~'MOt~~ ~ ~. This document is the r6f1~ 10( ~ 7 . z .waned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, repr , ~ bW.fW:1Jle'raijSSeminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in ffida ~~!lrttftsoceedingS or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this dOC; !;Bent and must accompany any information extracted from it. © 2015 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA as represented by t he Royal Canadian Mounted Police . ..&.., lim 1 .I'll 1 ~ roy- Royal Cenadlln Mounted Police do Canada Canad PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Manitoba .............................................................................................................................................. 16 ~:::Q. ~fi>9. Most Active Individuals within the province .......... .. , .............................................16 Subjects who Travelled to Manitoba to Attend Events. e~' ".!J ' .§: . .................................... 17 Organizations Associated to Manitoba Prote t~............ §. .. ::. •J"/. .... ; .,.................. ......... 17 P U;:-, Ontario ................................................................. ~. '. (,.1 s- P...:jfi> . ..f? '," I'VII;E:, • • • •• 0 Pt'> Uft , III;;::: 'T'/V...:j 'IiDE:, .. . ............?e ~C'f. Cfi>S L..~ ~,/OII; ~II; v • r;; . f • •• 11011; /J... 1.0 •.••••••• 18 I ...:j~t:: ...:jC,. 'D' 0fi> Most Active IndiVIduals wlthm the ProVInce ............... ·.... .. ..... ..... .. .... ~ ......................... 18 Subjects who Travelled to Ontario to Attend Events ............~ .. ~ fJ ... ~~ G .§..{i h ................ 19 Organizations Associated to Ontario Protestors ...........................~.. ,. .~ .... .~~ ... ( ,........ 19 011; t:r L.. ~ '1::11;1. I Quebec ................................................................................................................................~. . -.:~...... 20 New Brunswick and Nova Scotia ...................................................................................................... 20 Most Active Individuals within New Brunswick & Nova Scotia ................................................... 21 Subjects who Travelled to travelled to New Brunswick & Nova Scotia ..................................... 22 Organizations Associated to~~w ~~nswick Subjects ................................................................. 22 Organizations Associated to N~~f~~~t6:7 23. ........................................................................ Conclusion .................... ,.. ..: . ......... ~~. .. ~. J., .... . Ufi> P~f? S- P L.....:j Pfi> ~fi> L..~ Recommendations............. f "' .................................................................23 0 ltv Pf? Utv 'f:0fi> '/V...:jC y 'D~fi> 'f. .... . ..... ~ .............. . ...... ,-.... .. ........................................... 24- g 'l::L..~ ~c;/Oll; ~II; vE:, 011;...:jc;II;D/0fi> ...:j L.. III;,°u D~t::s fi>t::, fi>,.u~ 'f:0 fi>t11. L.....:j 1..01l;s~/G D~ I.....:j Appendix A - Analytical Baseline .................. ~?:{ . ~I .:.~ '{V.':fs, 1 ~Q ...............................................i \ (~C I.e-. CIi. \,) Appendix B - Protestor Profile Template ......................................~..............................................xiv Appendix C - Organization Descriptive ..........................................................................................xvi Appendix D - Map ofRCMP Divisions Pfi> Pfi> OV/e-.°CE:,S \.JIO SE:, ...:jC I'VS DS fi>SC~S Of:' 'f. y Cs Su VISSS 10 f.;~ P IS U P t:r I.....:j PAjfi> III;;::: t:rIV...:j IVDE:, 'l::fi>So Pfi>O'f. L..~ S 0fi>t11Aj CY...:jcfi> If.;~ 1'V1I;t::, ~C'f. Cfi>S '11011; I Ajtv L.S ~.,.. 10ll;D ~II; v ...:jC I 'D/Ot'> A I/O E:,e-. 'l::fi> '• .... . ... .............'J .1.. .'!7V.. '1.Ji)~..\J. -f?~ .. Ll:&t::""" ., .... ,....................... , ....................................... , ................. 'f:0 L....:j II;SE:, D~ f?t11Aj r/~ 0 1s~GII;~~...:j L.. 0 1 3 I P age f'\t t:r L. ~ t::1I;,S National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS-S This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Pf? Pf?O OVIS C~s ,4,CIOtvS S~D & f?~ C~s Of:" 1: y Cs S(j VIS ' S 10 Iy~ P IS (j P 'f? (,4, ~ P,4,f? ltv,!:". 'f?IV,4, 'tvO~ '£"f?SO~f?O/~~~ SCI? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 0f?1vJ,4,1;~,4,ci:Iy~ 'l::I..S 110,,, S ~tv . . ~/;' 'v 0 v~ The year 2013 saw an increase across Canada in Ah1>iig' 1:(y (P, f:"0& 'tv,4,C tvo I Of? ~ f?r.-~i g from lawful (,4, / S demonstrations to occupations conducted by peaceful protestors to tta~~ew.a ~t ,. ~ /. t~ i sues of tovem~n1c dl' claims S settlements, missing and murdered Aboriginal women, and natural resource development The concern to indigenous people; these included the "Idle No More" primary objective of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), in such situations, is to maintain public order while ensuring public safety, regardless of the size and scope of any protest To do so, the RCMP must be able to identify the small minority of individuals who have been known to utilize unlawful tactics at protests th~&~.~ at to public safety. ,4, SIO SSE:O tvs This report provides the ~J:JalvticafPeS~~l...ofor: OJ1!,8t SITKA, following the methodology set out S <.. V(S~' ~/; 'I:: P IS (j within the scope of the r.~ ~-+ AnalytlC!fUd{;;&1UJ!.C 'IJJ~lJ(Pus Criminality Associated to Large f?s 'f?0 i.~ _wiJi;'i~ Y,4, 1ft Public Order Events with NatlJA/if t.MifP#f~ssee App Qj~ ~ 4. Slytical Baselin e). § ~I/Otv 0 ~tv v~ ,4,CI OOf? ,4, (fA/, o~~S f?~ f?IU~ . °u f:"Of?IvJ:,4,(o;S~/G~~(,4,i. Ilo SUf? 'l::1vJ~ 01 tv (~C tvlS C~S . P P 'f?0//, 'f?OC /SIO 'l::SS ,4,C 'tvS '1::0& f?~ CE:S Of:" /; Y Cs S(j VIS~ S 10 lyE: P /S (j P 'f? (L1 P,4,,C') ltv,!:". 'f?lv/i 'tvOI:' 'l::ty ''I Pf? ''f i.E: Of? "C y <::f? 1: SOtvA/, O/~C SCf? 111,4,110 ...Q;"~~ ORA", C IY l'. a Crin1111a}d~~~ f..;~ I..S ~I"/~Otv Ditv v~f? A,CI" tvD/ OIY ,........ -- -- -- ..... -- .-1-1:: llV.-- 'L.t. iJl:-- . f?12-- .'J:&,:: -- -- -- -- -- --.. --.. -- --.... -- --...... -- .... -- .. --............... ------ --.. --.. --. --..... -- -- --. f::ot:r, I..A, I.. tvS~1 D~ I.. 111A, 1"10 01 Su Gtv~1l1. A, I.. 01 5 I P age . IV 19 I.. ~ I2tvl"s National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCSS p:vp, ~~ ~~tf.(St¥ J This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 • The overall nature of the protest culture associated to Aboriginal public order events in Canada is passive, with no intentional crimina1>;\l8l/.USro c ISIO ~SS AI 'lVS ~O r-, I? CC$, Of:" lJ Y C S(; ~VIS Ss 1'0 1'1-tE; pSIS (; p 'fr (AI ~ PAlf? lAit::". 'frI VAI 'lV0$, SCI? Alci:1-tE; c:(~ ~;/Oll; S ~II; l/. IV AlCI' 11;0 Of? C:f?SO~f?OI'E;~E; BACKGROUND Serious criminality associated to large public order ev~ @ f:". designated a RCMP National Tactical Intelligence Priority 0f?111A11'~; . :: BtiJ n ('t:::Il;, (NTIPf~~ ~rw u,f? 111$, UI Aboriginal) willing and capable of utilizing unlawful tactics in association with Aborigi~al I lOll; t 'mplications was 0 6~ ~andate of the NTIP was to assess the threat posed by individuals and/or groups (Abdrt~~l.@ d nonpublic order events in Canada. The National Intelligence Coordination Centre (NICC) was the designated lead for Project SITKA, in coordination with communitf"l~lt-~ ~inal Policing (CAP), as part of the response to reducing the threat, incidence and prevale~~~& 6$ iminality associated to Aboriginal public order, pro~g ·k~Cili~f t1l~~h'~ \ifW4 dvocacy, protest and dissent P~f?~(AI P::;f? (~ IVf:"Of?:AlC y ~~f? 1'1--; 011;11;, I',s SCI? ~I'IOAI C"( ~ An analytical baseline was createa~ ·~~tifw te-~ce e ana 1fRltC~ Q Wof the project, upon which events as well as to the analysis within this report is ba ea· ~ )irA'~ O • Provide a snapshot of in 1 ~~ tI1~~~~jla~d events for the year 2014; • ~~ of the project was to: 'IV ~II;I' AlCc~sS to Aboriginal pUblic order 'fr C Illustrate the potential networks, including the strength and level of cohesion across Canada. • P . f?~v. Identify protestor networks and links to criminality; • p Breakdown of protestors and events attended by province, including external 'fr0 1 _ ~9c v/. 'I()Ai:fe» rs; P'~' d(fri~ f'!{P3mmendations. S(; IS~ p 'fr (AI PAlf? ~I? Pf? (~ While t 0 Ale IVs • . 1'0 . ~p S (; 11I;t::". 'frI VAI 1V0$, 0f?t11, C y f? 1'1--; ~1 Y~r.~~ed groUi:1s: . ~;r~~Jft identifies organizations which identified subjects .~.~~i.I.~~.t~.~~~.~~~~atJ~~::f]):&$' ..~~.~ .'.~~~~"." ..................................................................... . 1Vf:"0 t: (AI II;S$, O~ 'fr111A1 1';, I.. 01 s;GII;t:fl: AI (01 011; 'fr ( ' 'v/~lI;-r · I II· d · · Natlona Inte Igence Coor Inatlon Centre AlCC£"''SS 6 I P age . This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File 201315139123 This report is based on the contribution of all RCMP ?divisions, data contained within law enforcement data bank holdings and open information. In Quebec'and. Ontario Aboriginal protests and occupations fall under the jurisdiction of the provincial police. Numerous individuals were identified by RCMP, law enforcement partners and the Overall 313 individuals were identi?ed and reviewed within the scope of the project. thhese, ?89 individuals were found to meet the criteria for criminality associated to public order 'evenIItIS. as. defined within the baseline methodology. This methodology identi?ed individuals associated thpublic order based on their background, motivation and rhetoric to have committed or commit criminal activities in association with Aboriginal public order events. These individuals were categorized based upon Dr. Sopow's criteria of protestor tactics and traits into Volatile, Disruptive, and Passive.l A criterion of criminality was then applied to determine whether the individuals were a Suspect. Person of interest or Associate. Therefore. individuals were categorized as: Suspect/Volatile or Suspect/Disruptive; Person offn?terest?oletile or Person of Interest/Disruptive; Associate/ Volatile or Associate/Disruptive. Those to be Passive for any of the identi?ed categories were analysisastbjeydidnot meet the established threshold.? .II I.- il-q The ?rst request for assistance to the- divisions and law enforcement partners was made in March 2014. Of the 313 individuals identi?ed and reviewedIIwithin the scope of the project. 227 persons were identi?ed as passive protesters. Once?identified as sues, they were excluded from any furdIer analysis. The criterion was met based on Protected level information and below so as to ensure front-line of?cers would have access to the information during protest events. Protestor pro?les were created for the remaining 39 individuals based on available information collected and collated between April and September of 2014. [See Appendix -Protestor Pro?le Template] These protestor profiles were subsequently made available to front-line of?cers. divisional and 1 Dr. Eli ISoIpow 'An?cipatingand managing civil disobedience through use of the Public Order pro?le scale," Pres'onteti Ito?; Session Critical infrastructure Program Royal Canadian Mounted Police [29 March . . I He currently works for the Royal Canadian Mountetl Police Ia?hd provules tIrIaiIning and advice on public order events. I. I 7 I a National Intelligence Coordination Centre This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in con?dence and it is not to be reclassi?ed. copied. reproduced. used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in af?davits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 law enforcement partners through the Automated Criminallntelligence Information System (ACIIS) and Police Reporting and Occurrence System/ Systefi)e I d' ill~ident (Tv/ vCf:: et de rapports de police (PROS- SIRP) databases. The information collected for the creatio~ S~~r~!!ft. is also utilized as the base trEi CE:S 0;::- I. y Cs Su ViS 0' 10 I-t~ P IS U P 'Ff (~ ~ P~tr ltv;::. 'Fflv~ IVDf:: 'E::trs PtrO (~ 0trtli Cy./l tr 1ft. 0t\!. I~ SCfJ. ~/Lt --'CI E: information for the final analysis. Any further reference to protestors within this repor ~~o~s/,t:he '}Q:.e~tified a~J\~j~als, and . . ~//' <:JIV D v~~ I '70tr hereafter, shall be referred to as subjects of analysis, proteSl:~r~~ ' R'utt~nanal?'D Otrt11~~~~1 ~~;tv:~; (01 (;,qC tvlS CEis NATIONAL OVERVIEW This project has identified protestors nationally, who pose a criminal threat to Aboriginal public order events. These identified individuals are both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal with links to organizations that support Ab'Sff~·rfa'P~i.non-Aboriginal issues. The involvement of external, non- AbOrigin:l~9~%~~ an added layer of complexity in understandin'g and responding to the S${J; ik~ ·ssue~;~sS'~r{t§'i,.d~,tiiJVl1g those who may be facilitating and/or Aboriginal influencers in P (-'1.l't! iR, ltv!:: "I'll/. IV[)~ fueling the protest or €~~OIfor~6t:r~~ influ9ip~ r~O ~ ~,§-essarily need to be physically present: they can facilitate or Wffi~~I/~~'Ff~~.i'r medi~1(~iIP , 1'/0 DE:s. '£:f? ifiprutcing. For this reason, it is VI-f necessary to categorize protestors .a):{O'tW#e~z cR~~~ eshold based OJ:! their tactics and traits ba~ ~..a~~v~ll~lhetoric in regards to protest activity. This information provides frontline officer~and ;n)1ys~~fth a standardized methodology at protests, as well as to identify their for assessing the threat posed by protestors, the dynamics between protestors and the alliances between groups of protestors. This report does not analyze why public order events occur, or why some provinces have a higher P Ptr concentratdrtVt8;~~ive and volatile protestors than other provinces. "Systemic issues are those that ~~I l~a'dC~~~~ e-W ~S to mount protests or occupations in the first place."iii The enxlf.Hntritf~d contekt-bi. , ~M'\t4>~blic order events is highly dynamiC and fluid; a confluence 't~-:. Ptr lY ( 'Ff& Cy IY I. of fact ~ei'~~~~ occur 1b)cj7 ~ 1fia individuals to escalate from peaceful to violent (0' ~"}- 10tv ~tv v. 1\1 ~Cr tvD/Ob D'f::0 '£:tr .Ii I/O ,- -, --'" - ., --., -.. , -.~ -/:.-11'\/' 'LL DE!' ,\,),Iff::-- -LV$' -- -- -- --. --- -- -- --'.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---. ---- ----.--", ---, -- -, .. -,.", -, ... ,.,., --., --.. -, ... --, -, (~( tvSE:;, DE: ( 111~ riO 01 Su GtvE:1vJ. ~ (01 I'\t 'Ff(;,q '£:tv rs ;::-Of? 8 I P age National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS-S This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it, PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Causation is beyond the scope of this study; however, the analysis revealed a correlation between issues, events and protestors within provinces. 2 PI? PI?O OVIS Cf2"S 101V. Sf2"D _ -1CC S O~ &y While Aboriginal protests occur nationally, the 8B vi'Wf2"0 f RCM~rel%sk~~ Dot able to identify individuals who met the criteria of the projec f.q~Jtfls~~e1' a~ rdi~tf{))~~~~~on, there 01V.'''O t, c 'A,,~ 'OC, c:: have been no known violent protests/mass demonstraty6it~ h'ee--tnl ~p.tion 0 ~JJjI(<,l~ 1999, . . '/~2f, v~ 'f? only peaceful rallies and marches. These protests have be'eQ ~~~~~~~ th~r food prices, in support of "Idle No More" and in solidarity for the shale gas pr£ ~~~~oHON~~J'$ ~5T There have been notable special interest groups, but no individuals or groups kn~wn to tdQ~ff~riminal activity to support their beliefs. The majority of RCMP divisions replied that they work with Aboriginal protestors to facilitate peaceful protests, and at the time of the request, could not provide information to meet the baseline of criminality. While several divisions did n ~~&rmation that met the criteria, three RCMP divisions - "E" (Manitob~/~:~ ~}w Brunswick) stood out as having a higher proportion of subjects. 4 'lrr~nswi~t~cJ /I\;~ &~/, ~~/VD~ 2013 shale gas protes , ~A;A :~d.§i§ monthQ,~~~r~~A£le were arrested for incidents 1'VtV, f2"C Crr, '/Q" rf3N" from mischief to more serious {fe~~~t fbf¢ib e con Hf{~~ II:/0assault, and careless use of a . 1/0 Df2". E::I? . . vi? firearm. -11.. II\;~ U Df2" S 1?f2"tV, 'Uf2" D . 01?1t? (-1 (0 Sf2"/G c:: (-1 'A, '/01\; '/ SUI? ~f2"I11~ (0/ National Breakdown of Protestors by Province ' I.. -1cci.'s 16 PI? ~ Su es 15 35 -1 89 PI? ASSUmption~~%~&:e for root 11 1 the causal root of protests; but, without a clear holistic analysis of w1fur~S Qn~&hlr~~his will remain unknown. The analysis of the 89 subjects in 2014, ISfi '0 E:: P IS U II\;~ 'J?lv./I I'VD~ t::~ '0 PI? " (f2" O~AA 'OC y f.? I. S06 7 Or-e: SOt? 'VI-1-"', -1C-'" f.tf2" , v v~, C 8 I '0 I -1 2 This projectWa'S ~~e.i1 {ViJ:~ nation i ner ~ "onty 0 f 0tv I: Sc :.~~ s'4"-a ed by t~a e:'g~ in New Brunswick, solidarity 1Vt'v. I'~C Cf? ~ 1'10 C I' -' rl:::~ protests sprung-up across Canatla S c ao,lJll?'cfi~~lows ~ ~18 d issues to draw regional, ~ ~r ~ Sl(5lfl~ ~~ture or ~~ nl-P, Rk~re group was observed to: 1\11\; C:C Cft 1'10 1'-1 • Attended a higher numbe i>t~f1'ts SC:I\; v, IV -1CI' I\;D/OIJ /OU Dc:S C : f ? / : " I.. 11\;f::: Dc: I f?c:tv. Uc: D Oft '--11.. SC:! t: I.. • . Affiliated with several organizations; 111-11'10 0/ Su;:'I\;C:I!1;'1.. 01 IV "I.. ' ,1\;1' • Interacting socially to each-other or via social media.-1CC$sS • capable of mobility; -1' For the 2014 year, the primary common interest between these core subjects was natural resource development - particularly, pipelines, shale gas, and mining. -- ... -. - -. -. -... - -. -:1-/:':"1111 ' f)~f::0/t 1..-11.. ------ ----- ----------- ---- ---------- ------ -------.- -- .-----. -.-.-.-. -- ---. -----. -. -. -.-. --- ._. Dc: I.. 111-11'10 0 ; S0 -11..0; IV 'f?1..;.qC /V.I'S National Intelligence Coordination Centre Cc:S 121 P age This document is the property of the RCMP, It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 BC BC BC BC NS BC BC BC MB BC BC BC P Pi::> 'f?0[,-: 'TOC 'S/O £:SS~ . The overall nature of the ~test ~ ~~ctrectJ;o Aboriginal public order events in Canada is ,'Y, t..;;~in S l':, I-;~ £:) S/, " not stable, nor is therep~~'l.~ ::;~~~1 crimilra'~ex~ rr~~e subjects, however, demonstrate a certain stability within tK~'f~6f~(~~Wing ~~£11-6v~n1lti.:r~nts. The commonality appears £:( ~AIJ.Q "q C . 1V"q.' '>-1 tVO S to be issue-driven, with a grassroOa,"",:,l'~~~ U0 1& Sf? ss Canaffii': Fui@traising is an example of the I'u[:: . grassroots nature of organization and~ ~ a~.fJ~t ~~e individuals and groups, as many Itt. ?- (.0/ GIV, "q (. speaking tours, conferences and protests utihzl. ~!o~d~~ . ~~ ~chniques for fundraising and "qCn ' S boosting attendance. If the funds are not successfully raised, t1t~ent is likely to be postponed or cancelled. Although there is no intentional nexus to criminality, there are subjects within the analysis who advocate~i ~ 0[,;: activities (direct action) and a small number who promote the use of violent C criminal acti~ It:o~ 11~" their objectives. f?1i Su. v/Sli C~S Of:'." &y Cs S 1'0 I-;~ P 'S u Bla/~lk:,9. fjM!J~ SOtVlV. 0 I'~C SCf? £:(S ~:/OtV ... . /tVf:'Of?'f?/v"qC~O~f? ." I-;~ g ~tV v~ ---------.---.---.-A -£./~Q1..J.f)l!s..s.I?~/JJ:&~-------··---------------------------------------------.-.-.-.---.---.-------------------------­ 1l1"q 1'/0 "qCI'"q IV "qCI' tVO/Of? f::0f? ("q ( tVS~1 O~ ( 1l1"q 1'/0 0/ Su. GtV~!l1, "q (0/ 'tv 'f? (;.q £:tVI'S National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCliS 13 I P age This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. )10,193·01 PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 The year 2014 was an active year for Aboriginal protests in British Columbia. This includes protests on fisheries, elections/politics and land claim se ~~m ~0 but the primary focus in British u V/ C~ Columbia has been natural resource development - mininll' a:t\l~ f?li S0 vlS li A focal point of Aboriginal occupation and pubftf':,~~ 0tv. 'ga- d pipeline development Ct'S 0;:- /, y Cs S 10 I-tt' p IS 0 /, ~ BC i~ ~~~}'D .Sr;:f;<" f.4C(ti n Camp, CI t' ~thernCG~y& %ects. The camp's purpose is, "building solidarity through camp.;~dJr communities built in the proposed path of the Pacific Trails PipelinCV~~ ,~'t9Iv~ ~ II, ~ g.ot~J~t ~D7amp is point for anti-pipe ine p:bte§t9~i.(J:l)'BC and who oppose the proposed and approved oil LNG pipelines in Noif not the site of an active protest; however, it is a focal across Canada. The majority of subjects from BC are affiliated to the camp. Severa of these individuals are noted for their travel to other provinces as representatives of the camp, attending events in Ontario, Manitoba and the United States. Number ofidentified sut)Je':Ullln S t'l/, D~ v~ -1 /. . ltv.00 Dt' S f?~ f? / 0Ei {::-0/t /...-1/... IvSt'; Dt' /. . Of? . Subjects who travelled to British COlumbi~n~ ~;~ 0/ The Unist'ot'en camp, which hosts both speaking events as w~ /~veral protest training camps a year, also draws individuals from other provinces with shared perspectives and objectives. In 2014, following the shale gas protests in New Brunswick, two individuals, both from Nova Scotia and who identified as part of the Mi'kmaq Warrior Society, participated in a national speaking tour. This speaking our ~ veIled to Victoria, Vancouver and the Unist'ot'en Camp. The tour was sponsored by ° 'Y lW3;j~~ the Council s and organized by a British Columbia subject, who is affiliated with the D& -1C0 I\tS . Unis~~tn Camp.-~SS 0;:- If..; Y CSt S0 p IS f? /...-1 li P-1f? 10 ~p S0 IIv~ 'YIV-1 'll;D~ °f?tli C y f? 1ft. .~f?S P'YO . I..t' . . .. . . WhIle aMi>,t,ptP;et~~ 6'r:~ ts repre ~~ far~rtion of current events In British ColumbIa, In 2010 ~#~\~~~c;~liict~.Il1~~ye~t"r~~I~r~'=~t("~" " ........................... . {::-0f? 1..-11.. IvSt'/ Dt'1.. 111-1//00/ S0 Glvt'tli -11..01 'IV f? /..;.q E::Iv IS National Intelligence Coordination Centre CClis 14 I P age . This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. J' 19301 PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Organizations associated to British Columbia subjects in descending order as per the ,number of associations (Detailed information on organizations can be found in Appendix C) Unist'ot'en Deep Green Resistance West Coast Warriors OD~-(-'1 ~t11-'1~ (01 D~ C\ 101V IJUIY ' . (-'1 (-'1 (0 / 15 I P age National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCfiS This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. J'{ JI93 01) PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Media Coop Vancouver SASKATCHEWAN Pf? Pf? OVIS/OC~ss Only one individual was identifiedf ll1ernber~\ye~rthelogo 'F:0f? (..:j ( tvs~/ D~ ( 111..:j,./0 0/ S{J Gtv~flv!, ..:j (01 16 I P age i'\t 'f? (;.q C:tv,.S . National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS-S This document is the property of the RCMP, It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. )1Inr9] r' PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Several categorized individuals from Manitoba have travelled outside of the province to attend events. One individual travelled to New Brunswick to attend the shale gas protests in October 2013 and another travelled to Britis~~&dJ~ 0 the Unist'ot'en Camp. S/O", SS~ ~C "'S 0 0 Sy C~S fC" I: Cs Subjects who eIlE~~p.c~·atU:tQ.b for'1:v~ ~IIIIIIIIIMlllla8 Pt?/~S UtvO ~t? BC 7'~ ~C7' I:f.t~ fC"O/?it1~:<:lCy 0tv ~IV <...-tv v, ~C7' '00t? Be /.. 'T'~IV ------+------"-!-+--,,~'-,I-,I.. t:- r:--. ~t?7'u ' ~0 ~--------~----~UA~(~S~GIV~(~/.. 7'/0", SUI:'> ~1V;t:- 0/ 'v, Organizations associated to Manitoba subjects in "/.. . 'tv7' desc~»Sorder as per the number of associations American Indian Movement -I:.. -11\;,-' .f:?~-' .. --.- --.- -- -- -- -_. -- . -. -.----. -- -- .--- -- -- -. -_ .. -. -... -. -... -... ---. _.. -- ... _. -. -... -. -. -. fC"0 t?t11. (~ /.. 0tvs~/G o~ (~ ~ 7'/0 I Su tv~t11. (0/ tv ;L? (;.q ~tv./S 171 P age National Intelligence Coordination Centre CC~S This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Manitoba Warriors Stop TransCanada Energy East Project Boreal Forest Action Network Crazy Indian Brotherhood Tar Sands Blockade Unfuck the World Treaty One Youth Youth 4 Lakes ONTARIO Aboriginal protests and occupations within Ontario fall under the jurisdiction of the Ontario p p Provincial Police (OPP). As a r Gtlt-f/. the individuals involved'll'I .he ~M P has limited information on the types of protests and R~O ..s ~~f.; 9f~~otest issues that will affect neighbourin'g sucR'~~'oe.£~rgy E~stCP~ i~~o}lr9. including the Line 9 reversal that will ~~ ~~ ~I;:> f:"0&l.:~P. ~Il' Ontano;r,~ ~. ti't:: Brun::;~/~~ ~ been a focus for protestors jurisdictions, issues . affect Manitoba, identified within this project f"~~.e~ft S C: -fi,;lV,.201~~~s:'~~cfkc~e "1 j _, 0u S t::-Il'1'. . demand for a National Inquiry jRoyal Commission into the M (~e~ .~ {!d @..digenous Women, notably the illegal blockade that occurred in Tyendinaga, Ontari~l ' ~Jtcfld:i ~~1~f er attention to this cause. C:j c '/:!fV,S Cc::-S Of the individuals identified by the OPP, 12 subjects meet the criteria for serious criminality as defined within the parameters of this project Additional individuals were identified by the NICC. S C::-,/, D C::-tv v~ "1ci tvD /oll' ................. ··· ..-1-1..-11V.9U -Dl2'c:.S .f:r~-'JJ:&t:: .. ..-.-.-.-.. -... -.-.--................................... --......... -.................. -. f:"0Il'.AA 1..."1l... otvSC::-/G Dc::-I..."1 ,v1"1'IO 1S(; tvc::-t11, 1...01 tv. t? I...;.q t:tv,s National Intelligence Coordination Centre CClis 18 I P age This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. 310.;(93 Q' PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Several individuals from Ontario have travelled to other provinces and internationally to attend events. Two individuals originally from Ontario ~ ~~ tly suspected of living in Quebec, ' IS , uncon f'Irme d InIOrmation. ' " ' 0 ne 0 f t hese !:/SiGHS'fS , In 'ke d to oth h owever, th IS a ~"'/~ua !§ er 'In d'IVI'd ua Is ft · C~ 0;::y and events - 0' ~I//S '0' 1; 'I-f~ CS/S -uIY L. ~ p O / I V PlY/v.: UtvD . Another individual from Ontar'~~E!ft~ E::IY" 'T t:r~tvs u~ D~ . I... 0/ E::/GIV I...,.q I... SUIY E::~~ 0/ --------+-B-C-----t I...~c tv,s C~S v.: BC BC BC ,.qC 0 &\/ lYE!' C~& ~ " r Cs Su I//SE!' 0' '0 I-f~ P IS U P tr I...,.q P,.qIY /tv~o tr/I/,.q 'l\;D~ List~(atiti~i~ssocla~tlt~Jr~I;lCj,s~jects in descending order as per the number of i'V~1... t::C" IYS 0tv,.qll;, associations 0' ~,/Otv D ~tv I/~ ,.qC, D/oIY --. - -. --- --. -. -. -- ---.-1 -( -'1'V.9i.J f)$'~.s. +?~- IYJ:Ut: -- ---- -- -- -- -- .--- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -------...-.... --. -....-- --- -.--- -- ... --- -----..-.----.. t-::Oft I...,.q I... tvSE:/ D~ I... 111,.q '/0 0/ Su Gtv~~ ,.q I... 0/ 'I\; tr I...,.q E::tvl. National Intelligence Coordination Centre CClis 0' . 19 I P age This document is the property of the RCMP, It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes, This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. 3'03193 ' PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 . . • . q~!tl!:!e~:~1' 1:illUt~mt '~1U , .. -eo. ~:" -- •.l!~·: ,. •• ___ " •·W";·I;;;mn", ....__ . ••mi!m~::~:';:l1tmJ~ ,. .. 'II"" .... ~ ,, ~,,-iIo~!: " Unist'ot'en Camp Idle No More No One is Illegal S Council Of Canadians Rising Tide Red Power United Dam Line 9 Ontario Coalition Against Poverty Toronto Media Co-op Toronto Community Mobilization Network Southern Ontario Anarchist Resistance Reclaim Turtle Island PI:> /::),... iUVIS~~~~Ss~ Anti-war Laurier Direct Action in Canada f0'rgimat~~&~ o~ • 1/1, r-. Guelph Anti-Pipeline As9t:'~ce~tF, II\;;:::: 'l?lv, A ~:..q{J Dc:S t:&f; ," Nova Scotia Individuals travelled t6 ~ ~nS\\1li:k' US'D Oft (,1..~C tv..,..S . National Intelligence Coordination Centre C12S '/;"/1\i ' This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Defenders of the Land Unist'ot'en Camp Defenders of the Land Idle No More No One is Illegal Council for Canadians CONCLUSION with little national cohesion, structure or leadership. The commonality appears to be issue-driven, with a grassroots movement across Canada. Pf? Pf? There are se '6t18hff~ tial individuals within the network, a core group that demonstrated a level of sWi>ilitv in S t:: L1S ' th~4fO!e P 1h'~~S f:W:o D ,~tt ndance and organization of events; however, the overall nature of Ii t:: IS ~~[e as£~f? O'~. ~l public order events in Canada is passive, with no intenti~}i81 ~~ ri~. The i ~tr~~&ts displayed criminal activities at previous protests events; .howe~ilj~~f ~W1J';~~ .. lVi~gl!he.~~",,~r~ ls .~aria~le: Thisc~~.~~~end.on .life 'F"0f? L."i tvSE:/ DE: L. i11"i 7'/~ 01 Su GtvE:1t1,"i L. 01 'tv 19 L.;.q t::tv 7' 23 I P age National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS-S S This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. 1 0./93 ' PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 circumstances, funding, the geographic location of an event and the type of an event, amongst other factors. It should also be noted that the majority of th @mo r~~tive individuals within each province . ·IU V/. Ct: have been active within the Aboriginal protest and occup~ tsn"kPhef:i f r more than several years . C 0;::y in varying capacities and not always carrying ~fti~'nal ac '9iti~ Jer~~ is not the driving .... t::>Wi:tt(.d_ ~ ~ . 1.n 1/1.;;::-'0 ~/vAcU/l.;D~fJ · d f orce b e h In protestor participation assoclatea L '"I\S' i\ue~ C{'(t'rotests. f?!l.i --, Y.<:J 'T I"Iy, O/l.;/I.;t: I"~Cf:SCrrS :.<:/1"10/1.; Cr.<:J1V ~ . I..~ ~I"/O/l.; D ~/I.; V, .<:JCI" 'D Orr While there are several individuals and groups who advoca\:~ ~·@~~ ife£.t:'t: t!i~) the organization 'd f iIe d Wit . h"In th e anaI ' Th ere ;::-01[~ ~",(.<:Jri'n2 S[::"Ln·~t IA(! • • I'ty o f suc h ac ti· on h as not b een I 'enti YSIS. n6~r~~n 'C~ ~ Q.1'8Jl Ina I between the individuals and affiliated groups in providing motivation, su~port o!-ffit~$~' There is also no indication of organized crime exploiting the loose network associated to Aboriginal protests to pursue a criminal agenda. In conclusion, the analysis further demonstrated that there is a causation between Aboriginal protests and issues - a comm ofl~& e9ntaneous and grassroots movements across Canada. 'SIO $SSt: . .<:JC '/I.;SO DSy C~SS ~ I"/-.;~ p~SIS RECOMMENDATIONS S(}S-VISSUIV P~f?~ (.<:J p;.<:Jrr ( 1/I.;;::-Orr:'.<:JCY 'D~rr rl-t • It is recommended t e ~ ~ away f't tn -" ~~ errorism/extremism language 'd ti'fy . (~ J10/l.;d.i~'Y\l . 4c )";) . " '~ - TermInO . Iogy suc h as t o I en protest tactics "'1 ' lU~O ~ ~~-. f·I/l>U' IC~ """r: CrIminal In .d rure. ~t ~~nadian Criminal Code and do not I Sf J:I\I§'~ I.. I accurately portray these types of protestb¥s. Wctt\e ~c:?;,V .e RCMP should move towards militant and extremist that a~~1V D fi f? :.<:/ 1"1 adopting a categorization of protestors based upon \fels of criminality (background, motivation and rhetoric) as well as their tactics and traits utilized at events as outlined with the March 2014 analytical baseline: Serious Criminality Associated to Large Public Order Events with National Implications. This will ensure that peaceful and law-abiding irfdtyj ~c ngaged in acts of legitimate dissent will not be investigated or analyzed for the 'SlfdA.IS~.:. . . . I' purpo~ t;ot'·~~1:HJ:I w erIous cnmIna Ity. rrs-. C 'f:" f: ~~L~ (; klJ?~ cess f>' ~ l$ts emny;e of the protestor profiles should be developed so that the p ~ P.<:J 1/1.;;;: ,v. '/I.;D t::f? ~ 0r~trQ~~tainei:l ' ~~ nfi &~ t databases remains relevant for supporting front- '/I.;/I.;~(;;~l"lo~rrg ~/I.; v, :.<:/1"10/1.;~~;/I.;D/orr -................. ....~. --,{Q f)~'S: ~;:r1:&. .__._..._.._................__ ................._.............................-...... . (.<:J /l.;S~1 D~ ( i11.<:J I"I~ 01 S(; G/I.;~!l.i .<:J (01 'IV f?(~ ~/I.;l"s 'f:"0f? . 24 I P age National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS"S This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. 3 1 0'1(93'{': PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 line operations responding to public order events and for other threat assessments. There should also be a process in place for the iden ti~ati &vet new subjects within this structure. u V/ C~s. It should be noted that within PROS-SIRS, there is ~ u~ de to reflect protests that • y "iCC 00;::- include criminality. The current Publi ",tf'd1. Demo ~&-~. ' riic.H~S~Be is - 8600.0060 Criminal Acts by Terrorists. For the pu . ~19 ~ ~ ~ct, c06100~"af~D 6h;t; 0NA, Criminality Associated to Large Public Order I'~ Sc Evel.18S \Val . ~I'/, R9 e. CR codes be re- (..N;Afr~'BI response to Aboriginal oS' .o§ protests and 1::( ~'€hl'6'fement can improve upon the analysis of systemic issues - those issues that leal~~d'cal people to mount protests or occupations in the first place.Vii Currently, assumptions can be made for the causal root of protests; however, without a clear holistic analysis of root causes within a community, this will remain unknown. Therefore, it is recommended that a holistic Community Analysis meth0'10logy be implemented in Aboriginal communities where the RCMP has a policing S p~~/:r:~ ommunity analysis will not only provide information on where the next f? oten ~tv. ($fD l:r~C'\occur, but follows the basic principles of Community Policing 0s . tilatrL s I-t. u/S i. l :.&11: c'APRA1. It also enables communities to actively engage, I::f? ~fi.~"I;Y (,~ (5;i'~ A:Cy ~~;:r I:. . S""'~Vl:':Q~t ~ coopelm~~1P tree on a spectrum of topics and issues that have the fJ Uf? pr ......... ... SolV1rtg l po",n~~.ii?~'~~if!}Z;~~i~2~~u_~ica~.on~.~.~0D1D1Uni'Y.anaJYSis.~~tonJy.~an ;:::Of? (.. /1Vf:: 'IY/ VA 'lvD~ ~f? "1 ~f? " '-E: Oft "Cy f? I. SOIVI\; O'E:c SCft 111--1'/0 --1C'--1 f.;~ ~I..s ~//OIVDS ~IV v.t:'Iv --1c,IVD/o.t:J A I/O ~ <.::f? 'f ...................... '-'--I.:/1V." '1.J. f)l!"' S -'?E:: .'1:&1::"" .................................................................. -- .................. . ~Of? 1..--1 I.. IVSE:/ D~ I.. 111--1'/0 0/ s&. GIVE:1L1, --1 I.. 0/ 26 I P age 'Iv 'IY I.. --1 ~IV, National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCSSS This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further 'disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. llO '19 l ). PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Background In the last year (2013), there ~c9~ v/ occupations conducted by peaceful p. increase across Canada in Aboriginal protests and 1::8 ~s C 1;>", it der to raise awareness of issues of concern; Of:' }-- including, the "Idle No Mor "u1'tl{iVA:ment, I l1<;'t$' ,iP, manner. This ensures that the ~f? Ply z~ trMA~C ( C:/Y 1'. RCMP and other law enforcem ~Jdi:iiQ . ~ ~ lly appTlsfB} f)h tential criminal threats to -- -Y~z,s 1'10 ~ 1V,.q(' '() . public safety during Aboriginal prote tflfe}; Il:'~ ear, arrit the~re can become more Z UD /y& ~!! . informed of various options they could exer ~ d'eJt O "'~/G ~'t~s. analyzing the infprmation thrgh the 1/; - z >q?'btvl,su/y ~~~~~Ol In order to be intelligence-led, the NICC strives to collect all aval ~~ 1: telligence and information related to known or anticipated threats. This information is to be acquired through a wide variety of sources, including open source information, a review of police occurrence reports, and other investigative techniques. It is the intention of the NICC to acquire an accurate, comprehensive list of individuals r.b! ate ~ 0 these threats: Suspects, Persons of Interest, and Associates in relation to the 19 0 ongoing and an I:'r~ ~ inal activity. These persons will then be categorized utilizing, RCMP o~ r~ ~~ ~},ofile of ' public protest participants and supports: Passive, ,s U Itv'f::. I9lv,.q IVD~ ~/Y,so~/yo?,~~~ ,sCf? O/Y~,.q?,;~,.qc;':ft~ ~z,s ~/IOtv ~tv V. IV ,.qC?, tvD/o/y ..-. ------. --- ---- ----. ---. -.-1-t.- ~QiL ·Dc;S..s. 1J1:&/:: ---- -- -_.- -- .. -- -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- --- ---- ---- --. -. -. -. -. -- _. _. - --_... _. _. - _. ---. --_. _. f::0f? z,.q tvS~1 D~ z f11,.q?'/~OI,su Gtv~t11, ,.q ZO/ ii I P age 'tv. tr z,.q ~tv?',s National Intelligence Coordination Centre CC$,s public exp1 ,su. l,s$ P 19 z,.q P,.q/y 1'0 ~P g +?'i: This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. 3101(9)101 PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Disruptive, and Volatile. 1 The definitions of these categories are provided herein, as is the methodology for establishing this categorization. Pl?o:I?OC/2. ISIO SS~ "iCC 'lvS Of::" D &'y Research parameters for the identification b~ t threa S 10 1i-t!2 pCSIS p 'f? L."i 12 p"i I? II\;f:: 'f?I v"i tVD/2. C:I?S Pf?O L.!2 0f?t11. C'y f? l/-i This document will provide the following: 01\;1\;/2. -'-!2c/.SCl?s 'A.IIO;C I "ill;, L.~ !2-,-/OIV D 121\; I/. "iC I 00l? 0!St u. c: 1. A description of Aboriginal public order events, retbgt;t~ ~ ~~~ IgJ al~eople have unique constitutional rights and claims on land in this co~~ :t1~f' ~~; p~rt from non-Aboriginal protestors. 'A. /ON SUI? '!~!2~OI ' 2. Identify the analytical threshold for the categorization of individuals accor~mtg . (liteat attributes. S 3. Identify the analytical methodology for the evaluation of protest groups. It should be noted that this analytical foundation is not intended to provide a complete predictive assessm ent for the 2014 year. It should be utilized to provide a snapshot of threats for the 2014 year, including the protest grou , and context of these public order . e ~"ks across Canada - understanding that the environment 01/. ruC even~£: ~ " O~ Cc and fluid; a confluence of factors must occur for '&'y publIc order events to escal ~e9&Ptg eace Ri:t',so i dJ.~~t CSIS ° P UI? L."i P"i f? II\;f:: PI?I v"i UI\;D~ C:I?S PI? L.!2 0f?t11. C'y I? l/-i O!v,, ~ OISe;:s 'A. / lQ "iC z: ~ c: • Zs 12/ 101\; D 121\; I/. 'v"iC~!VD/Of? "i ,/Ou c:S C:f?r~ . METHODOLOGY sucl~ I~~ e. Ti!l;o'f!j;''lYfsh Inquiry; a background paper prepared fo r the Ipperwash Inquiry - For the ~/f€~~fP.~'J!l'1 Occupations and Protests; This base line was created utili zing Royal Commission Report on Aboriginal Peoples; documentation fi1b1n' ~ 2010 G8 Joint Intelligence Group; and the Vancouver 2010 Joint Intelligence Group (JJG).2 Dr. Eli Sop ow, "Anticipating and managing civil disobedience through use of the Public Order profile scale," Presented to: ~~ssion Critical Infrastructure Program Royal Canadian Mounted Police (29 March 2012). Dr, Sopow has been 1(ff=~) in98 ed with observing, studying, analyzing and intervening in public protests for over 40 years. He has advi ; i!\Qp~~~t ~f British Columbia, many resource corporations, financial institutions and the U.S. Depa~J)t of Ho !~£rSe:C,lJ);lt}q!~§urrently works for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and provides trainin;P.(~ f@lf~n pubfl, 6i'gJtt<:e~)jS;' Utv.~ 2 Don aii~h~~ "Fo'q'JmJ::: c;~ and Aboriginal Occupations and Protests," A background paper prepa\QM?,1gj~ ~ h Inqu{fY/, ~t>9.t o 7:? 1 gotts, 0" . 0 0 o . 0 0 0 0 1 ,~~~~H;.!~~~""*IV~--~ ;~t::fJ.JJ.?:r~--- - B·__~!~4e~! ~:T. ____I'pp_~~~_~~-'_~9.!!~ryt A~~!1)_~~ _~"t:~~F~~_~~_9_1)_~ ~}_ t»v. ave various law (~ft I\t,t::-Q~.( ~..:J 0 enforcement organizations, including the RCMP, to . ~~bOl§.bor group~,s~Jile . eit, 0 or I\/, ~C7'. 'f?S 101\/" '..:JII involved in pl,lblic order events. For the purpose of the analy t~~r ~r rl7 too amb1gttOMSl ~ P . -4 ~S /O{ £ ~ft/, 71Y' subjective; therefore, these terms will not be applied for the purpa~l~frZi'~ ,u~ D Oftt11..:J~~OI s~~I\t:~A, (01 Protests occur as an act to express a grievance, and a conviction of a wro~g or i~~ i, ;a-§hiS baseline covers public order events of protests and occupations, and does not include riots. 'PUblic protests can occur with, or without passive civil disobedience, and a public protest can also begin peacefully and turn violent These are all separate events, requiring different responses and policing strategies.4 Public order policing is defined as: "the use of police authority and capacity to establish a legitimate equilibriu n9~ Z~governmental and societal, collective and individual, rights and interests in a mass occupations have many sim' that distingUish them as hig ~ Aboriginal Public Order de~{g.~ elf grievances."s Aboriginal public order and Yc ft~ g> other'1>u~ i:tl,@; ~~flts; however, there are certain aspects 'f? (. PA, ltv!:: 'f?11/. vIVD~ . C~ I O,t::- ~O§>nttu~ique. 0ft41. ~CY..:J ft ,f-t~ 'tvtv~( '~C/, CftS ~'/Otv C'..:Jt\t. s ~ l0tv ~tv v, ..:JC t O/b -4 ( ,' /Ou D~S f:oJ ~ft,u ,f.? ltv!:: D~ '(~t\t. ~D Oftt11A,(A, (01 S~/Gt\t. ~ (..:J Aboriginal people have unique constitutional rights ~1a1~ I\:~ ~r' ..:JC~ S this country that set them . apart from non-Aboriginal protesters. Information and intelligenc~ tained during the course of this analysis will help law enforcement decision-makers form a strategic plan and develop approaches for responding to Aboriginal protests, recognizing historical context and dynamics. 2007, htW:I/\~!aftqE¥ eYl:eneraJ.ius.l:ov!; "Royal Commission Report on Aboriginal Peop '~W/g(~ and Northern Development Canada, 1996, https:l/www.aadnc- PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 The focus on Aboriginal public order events stems from observations and recommendations history, law, dynamics and complexity of Aboriginal protests that identify them as unique from other protests and occupations, and therefore require dedicated and unique police resources, strategies, and responses.7 Pty Pty OV/S OC~S Aboriginal protests may be stand-al0 D:1C: I I\;,g~~ n with, and/or part of larger Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal protest mqy; ty P .~ Thfs~ a~7: ~CS/6'ad"ticularIY I.. movement as the develop~.g "qdf IV, Aboriginal communities due to the going legal disputes arising from ~ al!a' I"~ t~ I~. vl\;O /11;;:: natu ~f!:E C tl.o} <8iv ived &u-r 1"/0 I.."q S CI" imi\'are unr~o~9cfJ~tY ~ s'f! '~O spread through Canada in 2012 and continues e "Idle ~I ~~ i,1 ~ honour Indigenous sovereignty and protection of land iSJt. e tate within the anti-petroleum primary concern within , ~s that are subject to on- N~ More" movement that "or "peaceful revolution to ~nd w~&il' ~it<;,example of the complexity of Aboriginal protests. a The movement's key strategy is to promote solidarity amongst Aboriginal people across Canada, and to build relationships with national and international allies - these include Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal supporters, who have a mutual interest in protecting human rights, democracy and the environment The "Idle No More" movement has been a peaceful PtyO PtyOC VIS/O/\;, ~SS~ . "qCC SOj:'°S'y lYe[/. ~8;s ?'Jt. CS; . Hon. Si~!~!WJ!.!I' comMis~~ eT~1'i Pt~~ : Primer on Aboriginal Occupations," Report of the Ipperwash Inquir , ~~A'~~eJ(e'r~ Govern(fi~~r-6titpr,~ ay, 2007, (pp.15), htt: www r, ~ ov OI{~ I erwash index html 7 Ibid. I..S ~'- lOll;' ~II; v "qC/ 0/0 6 .~/t!.(e..lY.o.!>1.c!!.l!!.~'!~.~.ti'!H~L.u_'!. .. t::0f?, . I.."q n n n n n n •••• n n n n •••••••••• m • • nom ••••••• • •• n .............. • .. . • .. II;S~/ O~ I.. 111"q1"1~0/ S(j GII;~~ "q 1..0/ 'IV ;t? I.. ~ ~II;I"S v I P age National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCIiS This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. J1L ,1~3 01 PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 movement, facilitated by social media, allowing thousands of people to attended marches and rallies across Canada and internationally. f:Jf?o:f?Oc$, ISIO SS$, -'~ ~Bc among many FN (First Nations) people where frequent f:J ~ I..-(j f:J-0 education, very commltlM,,\!;:established networks. Seek media attention, emotional language, broad mix of tactics, linkages to common fears, solution oriented, and consultative, widespread use of Internet I °Itvf:"OIt f.t~ P Ot~~ s, small fringe ~ -fr years old, ' ~qYl1 fu~ ~rhyomen, mix 'ItS ~tv of ed(;lclt1;ip~1~r income, I O~S V$?W,'chist dt ente , small, O~ I.. It o~/~ twork. ° 111"'1 to"'1 I..tvOJ_VIOl!}'!'t I::IGI\;, I:: 1.."'1 L la~dJ.iction, • • ~ eJatile 'f: /, YC i 'olence prone, 3 - 5% of Peaceful arrest, non-violent disruptions, dramatic words / symbols, staged media "stunts," broad mix of tactics, heavy use of Internet, link to common fears. ItsC~S 'f: /, YCs Su ViS ' S r-O f.t~ P IS U P 'It 1.."'1 t:: P"'11t . Itv;:- trlv"'1 'lv012 INDIVIDUAL EVALUATION titili~ 0r-121..~ Sc °ltll1"'1r-7Y"'1C;' I::/..~ ~C;/Otv'ltg ~tv vl2 The criteria below will be used to asses1aifQ. ~-6(j not they will be considered as a Suspect, inflamfuaieF-Y Jl nguage, provokes pOI C€ reaction, video record of actions, critical of peaceful protesters, outrageous demands, wild accusations, heavy use of Internet r-f.t~ °tv "'1c~tvOblt ~ e~r in orderlo determine whether or Pe~ 1. "'1f.Tik~120~ ~~'S~~·ate. This list will vl 01\1 tr. ' l2 further refined utilizing the socio-psychological profiles dev t6pt .~ then be Dr. Sopow to determine S whether they meet the conditions of Passive, Disruptive, or Volatile. Therefore, individuals will be categorized as either: SuspectfVolatile or Suspect/Disruptive; Person of Interest/Volatile or Person of Interest/Disruptive; AssociatefVolatile or Associate/Disruptive. Those individuals who are determined to be Passive for any of the identified categories will be excluded from the final product Ply PlY. as they do not jljQre ~blished threshold. "'1C °tvs 1::0 & /ySCI2 Of:" /, YC This detU}fr~ n wil er.uB~~ ~Ul ess based upon assessment of incoming information. P~lts1.."'1 P/Y6/Y I..~ °tvl\;, r-~C SCIY I::/..S ~/IOtv ... - . , ... -. - - c. . . . .... IVf:"O/y;;"'1C y ~~/y r-It ~ r-IO Cr-"'1 I:: ~tv V: 'I\;"'1Cr- tvO/O/y g ~-(-~C?U'{)l::''S.S'I?-:;'rL&c:- .. -------- -------------- ----------------------- ---- -------.... ----.. ----.---------.... -- .. -- ..... /.."'11.. tvSt~ O~ I.. 111"'1 r-IO 01 Su Gtv~1vt. "'11.. 01 'IV. tr I..;,q I::tvr-S National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS-S 'f:0lt viii I P age This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. 31J3f93 "1) PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Suspect: A suspect is a person(s) whom investigators believe to have culpability in the commission of an offence or a conspiracy to commit offence(s) based oflbf/l- e ,ff)ffJligente or evidence received and OV/s~ C~Ss processed. • • • - the following offences: Section 433 (4) Mischief in relation to~ t~testam ~~ s v M€nt or the value of which does exceed $5000. Section 63 13 ~1~;'~U~r~::':id~~~t;,~~t~~~~:i~rotlSQfT~n,e"c!!t~r!~. ............. .... .. . .......................... f::'0 f?111. 1..- . . ''-C .... '0f:1I ,Q Y 0 . 1 2 3 Members are slloogly commi~ to tbrir cause 4 The group bas access to bumao/fimncial RSOurce5 5 The group bas ability to gain news media attention 6 The group is supported by many other groups 7 The group is weU O£ganiud lbere is a clear structule, cOfImlit1Hs, . > goals. 8 The group bas a credible, articulate leadef' 9 The group is bigllly proficiem in social mediailntemct It has a strong presence on web si1rs~ social media/InfIemd. Sources include polling. social and news media analYSis 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 The issue bring proksred has a histOlY ofprot~ 18 The issue is vay simple to uodcIstand 19 The issue afh::tc; many people pa:sonally 20 The issue evokes a strong emotional .reaction Tbe issue seems very simple with an «obvious" answer. lbose hearing about tbe issue are very .•• affected. Those heariDg about the issue baYe reactions offearloutra~. PIYo;IYOC ISIO C:SS ~C ~S f:DS IYSCf:S 0;::- 7', Y Cs Sf..; VIS~ S 1'0 Itf: P IS f..; P f:? (~P~£> IIV;::- f:?lv~ ~Df:. C:IYS PlY" (f: 0IYIl1. C y IY 7', 0lVtv Ol'f:. SCI? :"ql'; ~CI' Itf: c:(S f:~1'101V f:1V Vf:. °IV ~C;:IVD/OIY .---- ......... --. -- ------ ....~· ./.:~91.if)l2'S..s.f?f:..1JJ:&f:-----. ---- ---- .. ------.. ---------- -- .--_.. ----_._ ... _.... -- ..... -.--_ ... _...... -.-.. _... _.... -.. _.. . ;::-Of? (~( IVSf:/ Df: ( 1l1~1'10 01 Sf..; GIVf:1l1. ~ (01 xi I P age I\t f:? (;.q c:IV I: National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS-SS g This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 1 The The 2 3 4 5 The 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 low 1..2..3..4 .. 5 v lOw L2 .. 3..4.5 v lOw 1..2.3 ·..4_.5 v low 1..2..3 ..4 ..5 Vi 15 16 17 18 19 Total POPS rating POPS risk rating 20-30 31..;50 51-75 76-100 Very low Moderately low Moderately high Verybigh VISIOI"E::SS~ IYSSu. VISSf:J t:r 1....1 -'1C 'vS 0 C~S f:J-'1 J:) DS 'f:' l: S 1'0 Y Cs Ij~ f:J IS U. III;f:: 'f?I V.1 I\;D~ E::f? 'Of:JIY "/...~ Of:[ ''lC y IYl: SOIl;II;. OI'~C SCf? 111-'11'10 "iCI'-'1 Ij~ E::I...S ~/IOII;DS ~II; V. 'II;-'1CI' II;D/Ob .Ii I/O 1:'.0 lilY . ', - . -- ._ ..-.......... -....... _.-._._ ... _.. -_ ......................... --....... . ........................... "::1 'I..'17i;,.../...LI)~ .'-.J. +rt::...'J:&$ ....-_ ............... 'f:'0/? 1...-'1 I... II;S~I D~ /. . 111-'11'10 01 Su. GII;~1vt. -'1 I... 01 "V t:r I... -'1 E::II;I'S National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS"S xii I P age This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. 31 )J(9; PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 S o9~I/IS . As stated at the outset, the intention of thi~\(lJl for Project Sitka. The intelligence obtained ~~l 'g e ' ° ~ Sy C~SS :- 'I-t~ 12SIs Bwo provla~ 'll,h;.'IY iY.i~e~ ·' undation (~a :I~of in1~ J wJf-t: ssist "-I '0 RCMP internal and external stakeholders to develoP-4 { pt:9 ~ ktf-4tP.partia ' polic n~ <-ill;. 'Of:. o9~ I CI. response to Aboriginal public order events. As already re 1~Jt£ ~1'\~ gil) . ~Pf e have . ' h ts an d cIalms . :.q'Ir... I Sf-aI ctr,~/I..!J:::: (01 umque cons t"Itutiona I ng on Ian d'In Cana da t hat set '{nem rN1~nonCC , 0' Aboriginal protestors. Aboriginal public order events therefore are distinctive, a d' thus S 10 ~II; require a distinct policing response, recognizing historical context and dynamics. The primary objective of the RCMP is to protect and facilitate the right to lawful advocacy, protest and dissent As such, Project Sitka will identify individuals and groups, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, with ~ p ~ tial to public safety. The analysis ~rW~ to disrupt lawful protests and/or who pose a threat d" understanding the linkages between issues and Ff.c- ' "-ICC~c-.S Of: .,.. Sy Cc-. S0 "1/108 . '-lS '0 / I-t~ P '-lIS 0 P 'IY ("-I ~ P"-Io9 11I;f:: 'lY11/"-I 'll;D~ groups. ~o9S0~o90,~~~ SCFf. g Oo9lV;"-I';~"-Ici:I-t~ ~(S ~/IOII; ~II; V: IV"-Ic,lI;!) 009 "-I «Ou D~~S o9~~o9'u~ . IC''009t11. ("-I (OIl;S~/G D~ ("-I :.q '1011; YSuo9 I\;~IV;~ (01 (;.qc II;,S C~S P PI:> 'lY0v: 'fOC ISIO ~SS "-IC 'll;S ~DS o9~ C~S Of: 7: y Cs S0 I/IS~ S '0 I-t~ P IS 0 P 'IY (./I P"-II:> 111;;::. 'lYII/./I I\;D~ ~Ff. "1 Po9 'T I..~ OFf. "1C y 09 1: SOIl;II;. ,~C SCFf. 111"-1 '10 "-IC,"-I f.;~ ~(S ~/IOII; ~II; V: 'I\;''-IC,II;D/ 009 ° g .............................~ '1:. -,!~QLt.f)~t:; .1?:1JJ:&c:: ................................. --.. --........................ ----...... --..................... --. IC"0Ff. (.tl II;S~ D~ 111"-1 '/~ 01 S~GII;~~"-I (01 I\t f? (;.q ~II;, xiii I P age National Intelligence Coordination Centre CC~SS This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 PROTECTED "B" RCMP USE ONLY Insert pboto(s) File /ProJect: SITKA LAST UPDATE: 2014-06-30 SURNAME: G1: DOB: AGE: ALIAS: G2: FPS: WEIGHT: PHONE: AFFILIATION: Group Individuals MOBILITY: CONDITIONS: Involvement: Offence Type: Occurred on: ~ E://O 0:'11; v,s ..qCr .............................~./.. '711; · 'LJ 0li·· I?E:-:IJJ:&;:: .................................................................................................... ~Of? /....q II;S,s DE: 111..q /;~ 0; S;GII;E:~..q /.. 0; xiv I P age IV ~ /..;.q t:1I;/S National Intelligence Coordination Centre CC(S This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be ~eclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. p===~==~===-------~------======================~=======================--~ PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 ANALYSIS & RATIONALE: II\; 'f:'0 (~ -- ------ --- ---------.----- D~ IG/I.; 1..-'11.. xvlPage 1011; SUI? C:-111~ 01 . I.. ~c II;I'S National Intelligence Coordination Centre C~S This document is the property of the RCMP_ It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. 19111-'1 ~ I.. 01 3103,9.01 PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 APPENDIXC • • motivation, support or financing. DESCRIPTION OF (SUBJECT) AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS Organization Unist'ot'en Camp Description (Open Source) Unist'ot'en is a splinter group of the Wet'suwet'en First Na rfl;f1'!3 fl'iuch ave a long history of-&{ijlJ §in Mission (Open Source) Scope Largely British Columbia based. Pf? Pf?O 0V/c-. Ct:.c-. 1.;)/0 I.;)SI:,.qC 'lVS <;:D e f?!i' C[2S Of:" I: Y Cs Su ViS S 1'0 f.;[2 P /S U P 'f? t.,.q !l P,.qf? II\;;::: 'f?IV,.q 'lVDt:. '!2f?SO Pf?O?: t.[2 S 0f?t11,.q CY,.qCf? 1'f.;[2 'lV1\;[2t.S ~~/o~f?g [21\; v, 1'101\;,.q;i-I\;D/Of? -- --------------------.---. -:~ _(~91.i-Dz::~.s.+? c:.;:rl"u;:: ____________ -------------------- ---------_.---..---.-------_. --.. --. --_._. -- _. --.--.. ------..-.. ---. f:"0rr t.,.q t. I\;S[21 D[2 t. 1t1,.q 1'10 01 Su GI\;[2t11. ,.q t. 01 'II; 'f? t. ~ t:I\;I'S xvi I P age National Intelligence Coordination Centre CC~S This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. 31 ,3! 0' PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 Defenders of the Land Founded November 14th Spokesperson Russell As a loose 2008, Defenders of the Land ~ o~ described network, Cana~~~~~~ "at war" participants in is a network of Indigenous communities and activists with ~1......:r!1\S~t fiQy~ Defenders of the across Canada. It describe , rr. Lp .9Ples. KG " ~tj:Jiri~ Cs/. ) b~nd are Canada itself as being unique wit~ j /. ~!fefl4~S of tH ~rr./v; ~I-~rr. Canada: "Indigenous-led, l ~ ms"~ ~111"1 y"1C1' 1'f.;~ free of government or c Wet!::! ff;t~ I "~~tv /°tv "1 "1tvO/ corporate funding, and oppre "SI~~~ ~d/~rr. Cf: Orr. dedicated to building a such as ~~~ia.tiEn f lY u~ O~' fundamental movement for native land, p~t~ 7~ S /G/I,;~ /.."11..0 Indigenous rights."[1] On corporate interests/ 0t\! ~ /..' l11~tv1' I March 18th of 2013 DotL destruction of "1CCS S s entered into partnership indigenous freedoms with the popUlist Indigenous "and resources, etc. Much movement Idle No More to of the rhetoric found in the resources that DotL call for a "Solidarity Summer" and a "Sovereignty offer on their website or Summer" that would inspire articles authored by action a~y!ftta " persons associated to resistance to P'tW~ e ~ DotL are framed in this inju W "1CC$: SO;:: 0 & cP.erspective and as such S(;, ~v/SSSs 1'0 1'f.;~ ~Stit}; resistance to P~ft~ /.."1 P P"1rr. /.. //1,;;::0 e-i~~~t ultural S01V, ~O1'$: ~ SCrr. ~l{ I~"o/I~~ 'IV~I.. C1'I, "S $: anni i\i"~" ~/I,;O United States The America~IJ4 afiu ~S ~.~ decaoes since based, with ties to Movement (AIM) ~~t:1l.c~ ~~ f~,ding, the other Native Ameri~an advocacy w~flqi!}'~ ~~ 4~~~ p tests advocacy groups in the UOIted States, founded 10 advdea:t~~1'it:v. . C~'- &ffii;pr/t~,mt, and feeding educating ourselves, and SUfi> I..IS~ P..So..O fi> I.. ;.sous~~~;s-. is 'Ii, can about the need to 'lV1\;~1.. ,~C '¥el-~ to th ~~ e'gJjll\.tt:: connect with our home S~.,. o'ect .. go ~~ &'&~),op survival of all natural 'E:t;>so;t;>Ot; (. echam~~49 r4~1t~~ life. 'I'v~(.s ~C /, British Columbia based United States based, with ties to other Native advocacy groups in countries such as Canada r&re~",}tes, la~atevv~r, ~I'. ~ rr~ ces, h il'th 6' 'Y ._................... . ?1V" C:. 'E:."" c:: .......................... .................................................................. f::O/y' (."1 (. tvs~/ D~ (. 111"1"/0 0/ s(; Gtv~t11. "I (.0/ xxi I P age 'IV. 'Y(."I 'E:tv"S National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS-S This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. l' J 1931 . . PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities. Media Co-op Vancouver Vancouver Media Co-op is a local, independent news coop that is funded and collectively run by its readership. It hosts educational and skill training workshops for people interested in engaging in progressive, critical media. Media Co-op Toronto Toronto, Ontario based Media Co-op Halifax P Ply 'lYo Halifax Media Co-op is a 10 local, independent news coop that is funded and collectively run by its readership. It hosts educational and skill training workshops for people interested in engaging in ro essive, critical media. ,d:s fJ6fj~~d to occur on ,suI? v/,s(' f:J f:J('I?,sI..,(j f:J1? ~I? I.. ol\;l\;;:-OI'S'C <...-I..,s Western Canada NjA Alberta based '1>lU8~~ 9lt(i)~~~bridge pipelilflLPipY~~l\~f~r~gs ~~ ,e d bitu~~firnr~~ ar ~ tward. . I\;D/, --- -. ---- -- --- -- -- _____1/:. -/Ill -'Li.{)12-!S. I?(', ___ J:&!: __ ---- ---- ------ - -- -- -- ----- -- ---------- ------ -- --- ------ ------- ------ -- ---- --------------'f:"0f?, I..,(j I.. 1\;,sS'/ DS'I.. 111,(j 1'/0 0/ ,s(; Ol\;(,t'vt,,(j I.. 0/ I\t 'f? I..;.q c:I\;I',s National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCIi,s - xxv I P age This document is the property of the RCMP_ It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 blockade cost Enbridge four days work. Ontario Coalition Against Poverty OCAP is a direct-action antipoverty organization based in Toronto, Ontario. The organization advocates, lobbies, and protests for policies that help impoverished Canadian persons. io Toronto Community Mobilization Network ;y Pf?O Pf?o VI0'/o . ,qcc~ 0'(j ~VI0'E; P~ tr (,q P P,qf? f?0' trO ( Toronto, Ontario based organization aims to promote Indigenous Sovereignty and SelfDetermination, Environmental and Climate justice, Migrant justice and an End to War and ~pation, Income Equity ct!J,ff~QJr}munity Control over $~~ ~%:~8er justice an'd ~ffltl:48~ ' ity .. hts. trt11. Y.. . '• .... ... .... ......... :.1-1..'1111.J.L -Dr:".s. -I?t::; ..'1:&/::-- ........................ -- .....-........ -- ..... -- .. ---- .. --.. ------ ... -- ................... . f::O;y (,q ( 1V0'~/ D~ ( 111,q7'/0 01 0'(j GIV~t11. ..\t focuses on inC-d'tl7. {}t~anf¥ C:;Y"lu in the developed a'i.!. +r12-- -'J:&c: .. ---- ------------ - --- -- -- -- .. --.. -------- .-.. ---. -------- --- -_ ... ----. ----. --- --- --- -.... -f:::0f? I..,(j I.. tvs~/, O~ I.. 1l1,(j "I/O 0/ Su Gtv~t11. ,(j I.. 0/ xxviii I P age 'I\; 'f? I..,(j C:IV-r National Intelligence Coordination Centre CC~SS This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it. PROTECTED A File # 20131509123 New Brunswick Ban Hydraulic Fracturing in New Brunswick Pf? Pf? OVIS OC~S , 'fro!/. 'fOC ISIO e:Ss ~C I'Vs e:D & IrSCe:s 0;::- 7', Y Cs Su ViS S 1'0 Ite: f:J IS U f:J 'fr i.~ e: f:J~1r 11l;F:, 'frlv~ 'lvD~ e:lrSo f:Jlr07', i.e: S °lrt11.<:1 C y ~CIr I'lte: 'lV1l;e:i. E:C-r Clrs 1'101l; I'~IV S E:-r lOll; D E:1l; v~ ~CI' 'D/0lr ------ --- -----.-.-- A-(/~~i.J.-o~c:. iyE":'J:&~D ------------------- .----.-----------------. ---.- -- .. -.... -.-..... -....... -... -... -.-.. 0lrftA i.~ i.o SE:IG e: i.~ 'v/~ 1'10 '/ Su tve:t11, i. 01 xxx I P age I'\t 'fri.~ e:Il;I'S National Intelligence Coordination Centre CCS-S This document is the property of the RCMP. It is loaned to your agency/department in confidence and it is not to be reclassified, copied, reproduced, used or further disseminated, in whole or part, without the consent of the originator. It is not to be used in affidavits, court proceedings or subpoenas or for any other legal or judicial purposes. This caveat is an integral part of this document and must accompany any information extracted from it.