It is unclear is representing the interests ct?the LELEID. l[llverlaps in the gevernance and management structures cf the IAEID and its managing agency have made cf interest inevitable. But IACID bylaws and beard reselutien requirements tc mitigate these ccn?icts were IAEID did submit a slate cf successer directcr ncminaticns tc the maycr and ccuncil as terms expired. And, a prcvisicn in the bylaws is incensistent with state requirements regarding the cf the district?s annual budget. We make recemmendatiens tc impreve accrriuntabilityr by hiring quali?ed prcfessicnals tc prcvide audit services and help the IAEID establish an effective internal system. We a]sc make reccmmendaticns tn transparency by maintaining thereugh and accurate minutes and statutcry, petitien, bylaw, and rescluticn requirements; establishing a regular meeting schedule; and expanding and impreving the accuracy cf inibnnaticn en the IACID website.