Parkvisw High Investigation Thomas, Tony (CMG-Atianla). Sawsha Stephens, Joshua Sharpe, news, alpalmer cc Bernard walscn, Ed snaoulx, David smith, Chan Brown, Mark Barney Kirkland. Alvin Wllbanks, Wayne leard, Jorge Gomez 06/09/2015 12:06 PM Below Is a slalement aboullne invesngalion lalong place involving Parkview Schoui baseball players As invesllgalion is currently ongoing, we cannol make any iunnarcornmenrs arrnis lime Parkview High School is investigating oi misbehavior oi six upperciassmen toward younger sludents during a basebali loumamanl lhatwas heid in Charleston SC. ll is alleged lnal Ihe older sxuuenls enrered approximalely Inree hotel rooms olincomlng ireshmen players on Friday evening and began in wreslle with me younger students. Til is was discovered laler Friday nignl as coaches were checking on are players. in addillun. an allegallon was made ol lnappropnale physical conlacl by an older sludenl toward one oi Ihe lresn men, The coacn ieponed (his allegarion Io lne Alhieiic Director and adminislralors so inar an invesugalion could begin, The schuui ls acnvely investigaiing inis situation and lake appropriale acllon based on inelinoings ol rne invesllgalion, School Police have been and upon complexion oi msir invesligarion will share information Wiih lne appropriale iurisdiclional aulhoriiyv Sloan Roach Execuilve Director oi Communication and Media Helallons Gwinnelr Counly Public Schools 437 Old Peachilee Road NW, Suwanee, GA 30024--2978 Talephonei Fax; -- --