January 21,2014 Director Riveroll and Leadership Team Gompers Preparatory Academy 47" St. San Diego, CA 92102 Dear Director Riveroll et 31: It is with sincere regret that I submit my letter of resignation from GPA afler almost five years of service Afier rnueh reflection and soul searching, I have come to tho rcalization that I am not a fit with a number of beliefs and practices held by school leadership. I cite profound differences of opinion and expectations on both professional and personal levels. Ihad every intention of finishing out Ihe school year with the same level of dedication I served the previous four years but an opportunity has presented itself which I have decided to accept for the sake of my family's well--being as well as for my own professional growth. 1 do apologize for the of the timing and hope you know I did not purposefully set out to leave as quickly as I must. I am able to work the rest of this week on site and continue with my professional obligations am this week until the time that the semester one grading period ends. I intend on providing all the pertinent information for any parent con femnces which I will not be able to attend on Monday the 27Lh ofJanuary. I am also willing to be in Contact with whomever ends up taking over my classes for as long as necessary to best serve the students. Ido not consider this the forum to go into further detail as to my specific reasons for resigning since the priority is facilitating as smooth 3 transition possible for my exit and a replacement's orientation Should you, any memhers of your leadership team, or any of the Board of Directors require or be interested in a full explanation as to how and why I have decided to resign mid- year, I am happy to provide that intonation at a later lime. I thank you for the opportunity to work at Gompers. I believe very much in the mission of GPA and leave feeling I wholeheartedly followed that mission and served my students In the best of my ability. Sincerely, Donny Powers March I l, 2014 Dear Mr. Mehan: Six weeks ago I resigned from Gompers Preparatory Academy, I was in the middle of my firm year of teaching at GPA when I made this difficult and somewhat drastic decision. I was a grade level lead for three of those years and, based on my evaluations, am considered a successful teacher, Hell you this so you know that this letter is coming from a "teacher in good standing" and not an unduly disgruntled one. In my letter of resignation I offered school leadership the opportunity to contact me regarding my specific reasons for leaving; to date I have not heard from anyone, that is why I am you. Reaching out to you is difficult and lmeomfortable for me; but I cannot, as an advocate for students, move on in good conscience if I do not Knowing that I have the studenm' best inmrest in mind is what gives me the courage to contact you. I do fear retaliation or backlash, but I am not being true to my vow to do whatever it takes to serve my (former) students to the best of my ability if I let that fear stop me. Rather than present a laundry list of concerns, I am sharing what I consider the primary issues, namely: the grading policy, the hostile work environment (per the definition proposed by the Department of Labor), and the false hope being handed to many of the students, I fell into the category of teachers who are marginalized for submitting earned grades of or We have been refencd to as teachers who: "fail studcnu", "are killing students", "can't connect to students", "mess up transcrip "will only go so far", "are not committed", and so on. This is demoralizing and disheartening to say the least, especially when an overwhelming majority of us tried everything we considered reasonable and appropriate to support the students. There is a crushing pressure to have students "cam" "C"s and above How much easier it would have been tojust assign a passing grade, Instead, we endure an atmosphere where We are being told directly and indirectly that teachers who assign Ds and F5 are bad teachers. This year, the year of "Autopsy Without Blame". the pressure was increased even further where even a was not acceptable" if one really knew how to teae Students who should have been proud of and celebrated hard earned Cs were devastated that they didn't earn an A. The students do not have a true sense of what a grade of an A really means because they "earn" them so readily in many classes. (This is not me indicting Well-meaning teachers, but rather the system within which they must survive.) The work environment is such that teachers are constantly worried that they may lose their Job if they don't follow all directives, even when they disagree with them either on a professional level, a moral level, or both. This is not the image portrayed publicly of course, and you may be hard pressed to find teachers on campus to support this claim out of fear, but I urge you to trust that alter almost five years of bearing witness to an inordinately high number of teacher turnover and being the confidant to many of those who lefi- I have absolutely no need to or interest in making up false claims. I lefi mid-year, not because I found a better job, but because I had reached my breaking point in terms of What I could tolerate as a professional, a parent, and a citizen. This may sound dramatic but I feel very strongly that the students are being provided a disservice- or at least not the service so publicly promoted, My final concern and source of honest emotional pain came to light the more I learned of the fate of many of the alumni of the school. For many of these students, the GPA on their transcripts did not align with their true mastery of the content or readiness to go omo college, Once they entered an environment where they needed to be 100% responsible, independent, prove content knowledge, and meet deadlines, they crumblod. Many of us were marginali7ed for trying to teach these real life survival musts- just as we were for authentic grades, By denying the students the opportunity to fail in a safe environment, we are ensuring lhat many of them fall in the real world- what a disservice, what a shame, I hope you take this letter as a sincere call for help, not for me, but for the students. I am emotional and I am dismayed because I take my job incredibly seriously and I regret that] reached the point where I had to leave my students mid-year. If my message Comes across as a rant or is interpreted as me trying to get back at leadership I ask you to tear it up. But if you were to do any of the following: lnvestigate the connection between transcript grades and standardized test scores (including AP and SAT), Contact other teacher's/administrators who have lcfl, or provide current stalfa safe forum for addressing any ofthese issues, I think you will find I am not at all alone in my conwm for the true Well- being of the students and the efforts being made to truly authentically prepare Ihem for their future. I thank you for your time. You were recommended as someone I could trust. Donni Powers Enclosed: Letter ofResignaticm 205/2017 neuron Data: Monday, May 12, 2014 7:10 PM We -- In" Cecil Steppe Mehan, Hugh Cc Subject. RE. Next Monday! Dear Mr. nehan, If what i say eoares across as it is not my intention. i tind myselt less than sinsfied with your response regarding past, present, and Future events taking plaee at Bumpers while i appreeiate the sensitivity that must be employed by you and ur, steppe, please appretiarte the sensitivity and restraint employed by me in an attempt to be as distrete and sautious uitn nou [a best navigate a potentially explosive situation. i made some very purposeful and heartfelt desisions because i teared that the urong people,namely students and innoeent teaehers and statt, mould be negatively inpacted by any type or pubiit investigation ot ray eoneerns. I avoided going the route of the m: committee, the theme 5mm] issoeistlon, and the media brciuse I think any one or combination of those outlets would result in irreparable damage tor those vho entrusted us to best serve them the students and the tomrunity. I Feel very muth the underdog uho is praised fur having taken a stand but is being politely reminded to mind his plate and Halli auay. If 1 had any doubt in my mind about the legitimacy ot rny concerns. 1 uould never have the drive or desire to eontinpe my ertorts in doing anat i knoa is right to:- kids. I get the impression that us are at the "Don't tall us, He'll all you- phase or our communication and I must take exception to that. in order to.- me to feel eomtoetable letting go and .oving on, i respesttully request mar-e speeirle intomtion regarding resetions, responses, and results vnith came about from my initial eoneerns. Sincerely; bonny Viewers -- "Mehan urote: Guod morninl Donny: i apologize for the delay in responding to your thougnttul e--mail; my wire and I uere in aoulder looting atter our grand daughter ahile her parents were at oorx; 1 did not attend to e-mail very mum. cetil steppe and I have engaged in a number ot attivities sinte our eonversation--and an other thnungul one vith Earl: Robinson, ihese have involved deep sonversetions uitn the relevant people at oonpersuand Mum-up actions based on those conversations. You will not be surprised to learn that these have bzen heartfelt and sometimes very enotionai tonversations. You can also be assured that actions that aill iuprove the situation at somber; are under way. Thank you again for your eontern about the success ot Gollpers ill pest, bud mm good evening Hr'. nehan and nr. steppe, I urite requesting an update on your inquiries into my (onterns at an. it bus wastrel: vs 2/2920'2 Prav'su a big step for .a entrust myself yau and I feel justified in mamas we wanna: any namgs and/er am naps. mar having m1! mm you, 1 cxperknced a cf <> a Mg pass a? thoughts am mamas. wan were a nunbel- vf ~4in Lnuld have handled addressm what 1 tonsidar xa be blatant mm 0' meer and position. 1 it!) made the mm decissan by am am: yam 1 would apamma being informed at your earnesx mummy." of anything that has mm to 5mm we last met. xaspactfuny, Donny 90am "Merlin arm: an daas Nov workwnonny 2nd 1 could start the conversihan 2t 3:3Braand youa Bud Fm- San. mm 24, zau 1 29 to: Cecil cc: Hehan, am Subject: Ra: Next Madly! That mn he fine with me. sum from my iPhone on Mar 24, am, aa 12:2. an, mam Stewe' -- arm, 4pm uoulo be better fal- m: a: stirhutks on new if Bud agrees. (2(11 wriginzl H255 ma: away 5a(all Steppe Memn, Hugh Sam-m: a: lien mndayw I am flexible today it yuu need to make our mung law. It was originally set for 3:36. may pom am my inan on Mar 24' zen, it 11:33 AM, "(2:11 Steppe" -- Hume: Bun um kine are we "Rafi/'57 I have 2 3pm emergency nesting and Hand to an hunt to adjust my meetings. (am -Driginal Message 7mm Hehan, Mush [hmehaflutsd edu] may, m. 23, am. 5:23 an a) as mu 3) Subject: Rt: Next Mnndayl that IS convenient; we'll see you there! 5m. Sunday, March 2m mu In: mhin, Hugh Suhjul: n2: um Holiday! >7 our nu Man, I apologize the me just may nauud ms email ask you warm: to wheat tmrrula 215 my Preview a) 1 work in the south Park/ aoloen area at Albert Einstein Acadely (Ash and rern). There is staroueks elose by on 23th st (1206 szlez) oetaeen A mm streets. [5 that convenient (or yuu? Again, please forgive .y oversignt with your enail. Danny voters - - 'nenan vrote: Please tell ne a convenient plaro flar- ns to were you are working. nun Fr Donny poms Sent: mnaay, naren 17, me 11:26 An 7) Ya: Mehan. nugn subjeet: Re: not Tndayl a) No proalen. next is tine, sent from ny irnone on Mar 17, mo, at um: All, 'nenan, Nugh' meenageuesaeam mte: I sereuea up. i did not look at ny ealenoar carefully enough 1 have an other cal-"memvkhat shnulfl not hrezkuzt 3:23 this ztternoon. (an we re-schedule For next Monday at 3:337 I apologize Had an Donny Poflers Sunday, naren 16, me imz l'a: nenan, men Subject: Re: comers preparatory leadeny will an. Sent tro- my spoone on war 16, 181', 2: lane an. "nehan, Nugh' (Mehamuzsdmi urete: aid your .ossege. 1 Mailing eontlreation of tne tine vitn the President of the corpus loan: oireetors. please stay tunedl sent. Sunday, rum. me 11.36 ro: Menzn, Subject: Re: fiwpers preparatory Academy Dear Mr, Men: Excuse me if nesszge is redundant. responded on Friday but an not sure if it unlit I an able to neet nonday (tomrron) if tnat is :cnvenient tor you, Any tune from 3:18 on is "nev I an aole to leave my job at 3:36. i apologize for tne lake response if my original message not go mesaay is an option as ten. Donny poaers 'Nehan urote: I would like to .rnnge a neeting em you. tne [hair the towers soaro, ano ne '0 discuss the matter ynu raise. please give ne same diys and tines of tne day I: can Matt. 145)) be out of team uea-rri of "en week). Hon ar we 3 at tnis eoning leek mmedlwu'thdeolmm/mww 2129201] Prom-w is possiole; or the tollooing ueet aud sent rhursdoy, march 13, 1o" 12 22 To: hehan. hush Subject: he: sonpers preparatory Acadeny 1 an. tine eitn that. Sent hon. Iy n7) on Mar 12, zone, at 12:13 on, 'Hehin, Hugh" yrote: in>> Van are vresenting this as a sdvDaJ--edd! policy issue in need of repair. not a personal proolen. in order to start the conyersation tnis issue, I need to have the particulars trougnt to the attentinn or the oppropriate people (in particular, the gourd chair). I knee that he uant to hear about this>>either in the for. of your letter-war oy llsteninx to you. hon do you teel zbaut that? sen . Thursday, north is, we 5.33 Ta: hehon, mn suojeet: Re: toopers rreporotory Aeadeny Thank you hr. hehan: I understand the need to share ny cmzerns;they were sent oitn oest intentions. hope to intora, not upset-though the situation is upsetting. Donny Pooers Sent tron my iphone on har i2. me. at 23:57 PM, when, Hugh" wrnte: near Hr read both your personal letter and your letter ot resexnation nith shock and dismiyr You raise very serious issues. 1 an uilline to pursue then. out 1 need to if I can share your person-l letter elth othersusuch as the president or the ooard and/or the nirector. From sent, mnesday, harsh lz, 2914 5.27 Va: henan, Mini Subject: aonpers vreporotory Acadeuy Dear Mr. heron: My none is Donny Putters and, up until six ago, i uos me year yeteran teacher at nonpers. i feel compelled to reach out to you in your capacity as a nenroer cf the loard oi Directors in the hope that you uill listen ny concerns. Attached please find a letter outlining my concerns as well as my letter of resignation. 1 goye hard copies ot ny letter of resignation to [in-roll and my innediate supervisor Anne Rubinsofi. i sent elutr'oni: copies to the rest ot the school leadership (em. I an not sure whether anyone chose to share it with the eoard oireetors. 1 thank you for your une and apeloelxe if this seems too forward. mm sincerely, Donny hooters M5