COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: APPLICATION OF KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY FOR AN ADJUSTMENT OF ITS ELECTRIC RATES AND FOR CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 2016-00370 RESPONSE OF KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL’S SUPPLEMENTAL DATA REQUESTS DATED FEBRUARY 7, 2017 FILED: FEBRUARY 20, 2017 VERIFICATION COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY ) ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) SS: The undersigned, Daniel K. Arbough, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Treasurer for Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company and an employee of LG&E and KU Services Company, and that he has personal knowledge of the matters set forth in the responses for which he is identified as the witness, and the answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his information, knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and before said County and State, this rf.$14 day of ~ 2017. _Cl/1,,_..,../~t ~~...,.,-....h~~~~ ' ~J ___(SEAL) No~~;J My Commission Expires: JUDY SCHOOLER M:>tary Public, State at Large, KY lltl commission expires July 11. 2018 Notary ID# 512743 VERIFICATION COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) ) ) SS: The undersigned, Lonnie E. Bellar, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior Vice President - Operations for Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company and an employee of LG&E and KU Services Company, and that he has personal knowledge of the matters set forth in the responses for which he is identified as the witness, and the answers contained therein are true and correct to the best of his information, knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and before said County and State, this J.+-') 3.02 62" n· 75• 73• 74• 63" 45• 3.L4 S.23 4,61 4.;o 4.68 J.58 3. 4.08 E> R8le Increase Fu School Tax (3.00'I< x $130.38) Franchise Fee-lex!ngton-f.llyettt (4.tl0% x $130.33) TolBI Taxet and Ftes $4.19 ~j· 3.91 5.22 '8.13 - BIWNG INFORMATION Rall Schedul9' For aCOJll' al your rat& schedule, vlsft Ill.I.IC 31.69 0 late Payment~ Late Chalye to be Assessed ~r Due Date e - QMQ" ._.. llllSYW LMTl'iAll Aver.oge Temp~ Number or Dars Billed fl) ~or call our Customer SeNice Department. E) NEW! Daily average gives you even more information, like a daily average of your monthly cost for energy. fJD A breakdown of taxes and fees included in your bill. fD Billing Information gives you relevant information about your bill, account and service. CUSTOMER SERVICE 800-981-0600 Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 7 of 170 Scott TAKE A LOOK Say hello to your new KU bill! Your new and improved bill is presented in a reader-friendly manner with charts and messages designed to give you more information so you can better manage your energy usage. ~ 0 0 0 e e 0 Vi .1 "-'.V.. Easy-to-find the Amount Due and Payment Due Date. 0 • PPL r:ompeny 01.tOATE $139.76 5/18/16 Account Name: Slnlce Addren: BILLING SUMMARY PrtViOIJs llalanc. Payment(s) Rooeived 121.16 -121.16 Balin~ u of 4121/16 C.ment Elect~c Charge5 C\Jrrellt Taxes and Fees Totil CUmnt Charges as ol 4121116 Totat Amount Due Easy-to-read Billing Summary that shows your previous balance, payments received and your current charges. 4129/16 1or Acoount t 30CJ0.0000.0001 fJAOUNTOUE Online Payments: hlophonu I'll~: S0.00 130.83 CUllomer Sentoe: 9.13 f138.Jli $1at.76 Watk-tn Cenlllr. JOllN SlllTH 100 Deer Crossing Way l.EXINGTON KY lge-1< (859) 25$-0394. preS$ 1-2·3 24 boor,: a day; $2.25 fee j\!59) 255-0394 M~. 7am-7pm ET e 1 QuallyStrHI lexfllQIM, KY 40507 M-F, 8im-59Al ET Neirt rel!! Wlll OQCUI 5119116 - 5121118 (tJeier Read Porticm 14) The account name and service address along with ways to pay and contact information for Customer Service. We also include the date range for your next meter reading. A detailed breakdown of your electric usage, always shown in blue with a lightning bolt. An item-by-item summary of your current charges with the total amount of the charges in bold at the bottom of the section. Use the handy payment stub at the bottom of your bill if you mail your payment. CURRENT USAGE L":::g ln~~aticn Meter I l..2.00000 f Acl\Jal (R) kWll Reading on 4121/16 • 10109 Previous (A) kWh Reading on 3120/16 8698 OU-rent kWll \Jsage Meter Multlpller 1411 1 1411 M.-,.d kWh Usage CURRENT CHARGES f e BSmllC Basic Servi~ Charge I 10.75 109.27 5.31 0.10 Energy Charge ($0.07744 ~ 1,411 kWh) Ele<:lric DSM ($0.00376 x 1,411 kWh) Fuel Adjustment ($0.00007 x 1,411 kWh) Environmen!al Surcharge (3.950% x $125.43) Home Energy Assistance Fund ChafGe Total Charges 4.95 0.25 $130.63 I ·························· .................................................................................................................................. ...... ··•··············· ...................................................................................... PINB• •t1zlr• orly INt po~lon wlth y"'r Plyml!flt MaJ - • '. • I I ' • I ••-· - - • • . • ' • ~ • • - : . ~ • •. • : - . • 11 - SAME MESSAGE NEW LOOK It's still brown, and it still means urgent. KU's new Disconnection Notice is designed so you can quickly see the important information you need to help you avoid disconnection of service or find the assistance you need. IMPORTANT FEATURES 0 e Easy-to-find Delinquent Amount Due and Final Pay Date to avoid service disconnection. Here you'll find the account name and service address along with ways to pay your bill and contact information for Customer Service it you have questions or need assistance. E) More details about Payment Options and important information about your Final Pay Date. 0 0 0 Important infurmation about reconnection of service if your setvice is disconnected. Here you'll find information about community assistance agencies that may be able to help. You can use the handy payment stub at the bottom of the bill if you choose to mail your payment - just be sure it will reach us by the due date to avoid disconnection of your service. 0 a PPL companv Malled 5111116 llir Al:coont # 3000--0000-0001 JOH~ lllnll 100 Deer Crosslng LEXINGTON KV Way e ... 1 OnllnePaymenll: Tllepllane P...,it: IQHu.oom (000) stHlOOO, praas 1·2-3 Sel'lla: (&ll) 91t1-0e00 Z4 ha111Ud8'J; $2~ ~ DISCONNECTION NOTICE M·f. 71m-71)m ET , Qiail1 S.eet 'I01¥-111 is pail ..... ~ llt --"'-Due ii llOt lai9al. IO' 40507 ..,..;..a lrt ... l'imr Dlllt. JOO" senke ... be Mlecl to discaml!CGon. IH, !lam-5pm ET ReconneGtion: Your atnl:a wbl be ~nrecteO.Wltllln 24 l10urs llftl!r.eriftcation of full PllYment o! 1118 Ultlnquent AmOtJnt lllle. A reconnect ree ana a nrw or &!Cntonal iro Sc:ms a '!If 10 I Oiz:Town & Flnnnc P I JA of the Blu&grass 'ij'· i-'{ r-t z-f. '-' lo=il ·'Jlc HealthCare I ttOU.c.E e ~t::J~ ~ -:I '.'.l .~ ;:; t--l ' ~ aar I 8A 1d1::::1 < Kentuc:kyat.• . . Scanlon Family J>hil3nthropy Center Community Room MARKSBURY tA "'. lt.' ) OU tl O AOf lO ll ENHY LOii'( 0 SfOUllOllt ~ ~ 10' 100 a '·SJ r= ~1 ......__ ltlell'TIOll 101 t ~ MAIN ENTRANCE JA Qf the Bluegrass I I 11 Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question N0. 9(b) JA of the Bluegrass Board of Directors Tim Arth ur Alltech Justin Badeau Forcht Bank Lynda Commerce Lexington Victoria Bianco Crowe Honrvath LLP Brian Briley Davis H. Elliot Company Cody Brown CMC, Inc. Mac Crawford Crawford Builders Sheri Evans Depp Lexmark Greg Dixon Smart Recycling Management Robert Duncan Jackson Kelly Kelly M. Johns Stablemate Creative, LLC Paul Johnston Blue a Company Trevor Jones KY Historical Society David Kidd PNC Bank Lora Knight Home Builders Association of KY Brad Lovell Keeneland Patrick McGee Churchill McGee. Inc. Eric Monday University of Kentucky Daniel P. Murphy, Jr. UK College of Law Wessley Perry UPS David Hoyse Ransdell Roach 8c Royse PLLC Todd Sallee James M. Schrader - Schrader Commercial Properties, LLC Dave Sevigny - DMD Data Systems Andy Shea Lexington Legends Ed Staten Kevin Staton Blackhawk Mining Robert Trimhle Woodford Webb ?The Webb Companies Jordan Wilson Todd Ziegler - Republic Bank 8: Trust Junior Achlevement?i JA BizToww JA FEFIEW ca; Park?i Page 24 of 170 Scott Campaign for JA Biz'lewnIJA Finance Park Steering Committee Ed Staten, Chair David Kidd Brad Lovell David Royse Mike Scanlon Dave Sevigny Andy Shea Todd Ziegler of the Bluegrass Staff Hudgins - President Hon Wigglesworth Senior Program Manager Sheila tl'aughn Development Manager Erin Warren Program Manager Callie Tincher - Program Manager For more information, please contact Hudgins: 859-219-2423 office 859-333-6269 mobile Help us fultill our hold, strategic vision for the future. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 25 of 170 Scott BUSINESS SERVICE CENTER Customer Service for Kentucky Businesses Business Service Center Customer Service for Kentucky Businesses LG&E: KU: 502-627-3313 859-367-1200 800·383·5582 (outside Lexington) Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Eastern Time) Email: I.Gt: Kl! PPL companln BSC_brochure.. May20l 6 2panel.indd 1 PPL companies 5127/2016 10:47:1SAM I Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 26 of 170 Scott Interested? Register online at Be sure to have a copy of your bill when registering, since some information found on the bill is needed during the registration process. User guides can be found at lge-ku. com/ bsc. Business Service Center he Business Service Center provides quick, accurate and courteous service to commercial and industrial businesses. Utility-related matters, such as billing questions and orders for new or changed services, can be handled quickly by phone or email. T Online Services for Business Customers: • Establish/cancel gas or electric services • Review and pay bills • Request summary billing, automatic banking, online billing or a free energy audit • View electric or gas rates Property Managersjl.andlords Property managers and landlords with multiple LG&E and/ or KU accounts can access enhanced online options by registering online. Landlords can register all of their •·""- ... - .... properties using a single email address ~~... , ',.,,,f=S' and can access the information online =.\~... 'ff at any time, day or night. Additional £::= !;..:-::_ functionality includes the ability to: • create or update landlord agreements; • check status of your registered accounts; • update account information, including telephone numbers and mailing addresses of multiple accounts; • pay bills online; and • submit "move-our or Mmove-in" requests. -- SSC.J>rochure_MaY2016_2panel.lndd 2 LG&E KU 820 w. Broadway Louisville, KY 40202 502-627-3313 One Quality Street Lexington, KY 40507 859-367-1200 (outside Lex1ngtan: 800-383-5582) Questions & Answers Q. What is the Business Service Center? A. It's a customer service center just for business customers. The Business Service Center (BSCl helps business customers a number of ways - ranging from fast phone responses to onsite support. Q. When is the BSC open? A. Normal hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Eastern Time), Monday through Friday. Q. What Is the best way to contact the BSC? A. Phone: 502-627-3313 (LG&E) 859-367-1200 (KU) or 800-383-5582 (KU outside Lexington) Email: The email will be routed to your provider. Internet: bsc. On this page, you select your provider: KU or LG&E. 5/27/2016 10:47:17 AM I Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 27 of 170 Scott WHEN IT COMES TD PROVIDING LO\J-C09T ENERGY, WE'RE HRRD TD BEAT - The data shows that KU's average rate is: !.&.!.. ·.. KU MISSllURI lftDIAftA UHITtD SlRTtS • B percent lower than Missouri • 22 percent lower than Indiana • 38 percent lower than the U.S. • 44 percent lower than Ohio OHIO We work 24/7 to provide you with safe and reliable energy, at a good value for your money. In fact, when it comes to cost, the Edison Electric Institute reports that the KU service area's average residential electric rate more than holds its own compared to some of our neighboring states and even the U.S. as a whole. And businesses take note, too. Thanks in large part to low-cost energy, Site Selection magazine ranked Kentucky third in the nation in 2015 on its list of Top State Business Climates. Rest assured that as we continue to invest and improve how we produce and deliver energy, keeping costs low remains a top priority. 9CAH ALERT: KEEPING AN EYE OUT FDR THE BRD GUYS KU will NEVER call or email you to demand payment or ask you for a credit card number or debit card number. Unfortunately, some scammers pose as KU representatives and demand payment over the phone or in person - and even threaten to cut off service if the payment is not made. If you receive such a call or email claiming to be from us, DO NOT provide any information and report it to local authorities. If you are in doubt, call us at 800-981-0600. A representative will confirm your account st atus and let you know if a paymerrt is due. Also, be aware of possible scammers who may come to your door claiming to be one of our employees. Our employees always wear official badges with the KU logo. Also, request a second form of identification and check to see if their vehicle features our logo. Nothing is more important to us than your safety and your comfort with our employees and the services we provide. TD AVOID TME MURT, DON'T TURN THE DIRT ... UNTIL YOU CALL 811 Coming soon: National Call Before You Dig Day. Held e very year on August 11 (8/11), it is a day set aside to focus on the need to call 811 before you turn any dirt for an outdoor home improvement or repair project. The first and most important tool for any such project is your phone. When you call 8 11 a few days before putting a shovel or spade into the ground, it gives time for local utilities, including KU, to mark any underground lines whether electric, cable or water - they have on your property. And here's a scoop - they'll mark those lines for FREE. Knowing where those lines are can save you some big trouble. If you were to hit one while digging, it could cause serious damage or, worse, a serious injury. If you live in an area where your KU service is not covered by Ke ntucky 811, call us at 800-98 1-0600 to req uest to have your underground electric lines marked. If you are unsure, visit our website at to find out if you shou Id call us di rectly or can call 811. Sign up for My Notifications and receive timely reminders about the due date of your bill by text, email and/or phone. Visit for more Information. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 28 of 170 Scott FOR YOUR OLD FRIDGE DR FREEZER TJll9 DEA 19 APLEA9ER - It could be that you're ready for a big energy-efficiency upgrade for your kitchen. Maybe you plan to replace some older appliances ] that have just about reached the end of their life spans and simply are not nearly as energy-efficient as today's newer models. And if one of those appliances ls a refrigerator or freezer, you should know about our Fridge and Free:zer Recycling program. r] ~ ~ We'll pay you $50 for your old refrigerator or freezer, plus we'll haul it away as long as it meets the following requirements: • • • • It must be operational. It must be full size. It must be empty. It must be accessible for removal. That's all there is to it. So, it's the proverbial win-win. We'll give you 50 bucks to help stock your new, more energy-efficient refrigerator or freezer (or spend however you like) and take your old energy-eating appliance away to recycle. You might say it's a really cool deal. Call 800-356-5467 or visit to learn more. YOU DON'T NEED AGl'9 TD FIND US WHENYOU'RE ON THE HORD Since it's the middle of summer, you're probably a little more on the go than at other times of the year. And that's one reason we've made sure our website,, fits your lifestyle your mobile lifestyle, that is. No need to be at your desk or carry a laptop with you. Because our website Is optimized for your mobile devices, you can use your tablet or phone to access bill-paying information, to learn some energy-saving t ips or to learn more about what we're doing to improve the infrastructure and service we provide to you. On the road or at the pool, it's just a few clicks away. reminded - when your bill is available to view, five days before it's due or one day past its due date. Sign up via your online account (or easily create one at So be as mobile as you want. We're right there when you need us. You can also use your device to sign up for My Notifications to receive timely reminders about your monthly bill. You choose whether you want to be notified by email, text, phone call or a combination of all three. Plus, you tell us when you want to be COOKINGUP RFEWSUGGESTIONS FOR COOLING DOWN THE KITCHEN You're probably familiar with the old saying, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Well, since it's the middle of summer, we're modifying that just a bit to say, "If you can't stand the heat, keep it out of the kitchen." To help you do that, here are a few tips for reducing heat and saving energy: Refrigerators • Locate your refrigerator away from the oven and other heatproducing appliances. • Keep the refrigerator full, but don't overstuff it. • Partially thaw food in the fridge before putting it in the oven. • Vacuum the condenser coils to remove dust. Dishwashers • Use the energy-saving or light-wash cycle. • Use the "no heat" setting if there is one; otherwise, turn off after final rinse and open the door to let dishes dry. Cooking • • • • Use your microwave or slow cooker during hot weather. Keep the stove's burners and reflectors dean. Cover pans and match the size of the pan to the burner. Cook double batches and freeze the extra for a later meal. KU Contact Information By Phone 800-981-0600 Mond ay-Friday 7 a m.-7 p.m. {Eastern Time) Seti-Service by touch-tone phone or web: Slow Cooker Sweet and Sour Chicken (Courtesy:} Ingredients 1 cup chopped onion 1/3 cup sugar 1/3 cup ketchup 1/4 cup orange juice 3 tbsp . cornstarch 3 tbsp . cider vinegar 2 tbsp. soy sauce 1 tbsp. grated peeled fTesh ginger 1 lb. skinless, boneless chicken thighs, cut into 1-inch pieces 2 8-oz. cans pineapple chunks in juice, drained 1 large green bell pepper, cut into 3/4-inch pieces 1 large red bell pepper, cut into 3/4-inch pieces 3 cups cooked white rice Preparation Combine all ingredients except t he rice in a slow cooker. Cook on LOW for 6 hours or HIGH for 4 hours. Serve over prepared rice. '' I ·---~--------------~-----------------------------· Business Service Center 859 -367-1200 800-383-5582 Monday-Friday 8 a.m - 6 p .m. (Eastern Time) In-Person Anytime day or n ight Customer Service Walk· in Centers For Hearing· or Speech-Impaired Dial 711 Monday- Friday 9 a. rn.- 5 p.m. (Eastern Tim e) Lexington Office: 8 oi.m. - 5 p.m. (ET) Editor Cheryl.Williams@lgo-ku .com Visit our website: namm ~ •• Like us on Facebook ( and follow us on Twitter (@lgeku) and lnstagram (lge_ku). Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 29 of 170 Scott TRKE RFEW MINUTES FOR 9AFETY'9 9AkE June is National Safety Month. So, here are a few simple things to make note of around your home to help ensure the safety of you and your family: • Test the Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) and Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCI) on electrical outlets. Pressing "test" should cut off power to the outlet. Press "reset" to restore power. • Check furnace/ air conditioner filters. If they are dirty, clean them or replace with new ones. • Avoid leaving engines running in attached garages. This includes not only cars, but also other things with internal combustion engines, such as lawn mowers. • Avoid overloading outlets with too many appliance plugs. Safety is a core value at KU. We want to do what we can to promote good safety habits and reduce the likelihood of accidents. Check out the National Safety Council's website at • Check appliance wires and cords for damage. Reduce the risk for more safety tips. of fire by replacing any that are frayed. WHEN IT COMES TD \JA9TING ENERGY, YOUR WRSHING MRCHINE CRN BE RGITRTING When your clothes are in the washer getting a good soaking, your bank account doesn't need to take a soaking, too. These tips will cut down on laundry energy use and let you keep more of your hard-earned money: • If your machine has one, use the suds-saving feature for lightly soiled clothes. You can reuse the wash water when you follow with a second load. • Wash clothes in cold water whenever you can. 90 percent of the energy used by washing machines goes to heating water. If you're in the market for a new washing machine, buy an ENERGY STAR"' certified model. This type of washing machine uses about half the water and electricity of older models, plus you can apply for a $75 rebate through our Home Energy Rebates Program. Visit to learn more. • Reduce the temperature on your water heater to save energy when you do have to wash in hot or warm water. • Wash full loads. Whether you fill up the machine or wash a single item, older machines use about the same amount of water. YOU MIGHT BE 9URPRl9ED WHRT YOU FIND WHEN YOU GIVE YOUR HOUSE RN ENERGY CHECKUP You may already be doing a number of things to make your home more energy efficient, but it's a near certainty there are even more steps you can take to reduce your energy usage - and, therefore, the amount you spend o n energy. The first step is to determine which parts of your home use the most energy. And the quickest and easiest way to do that is to use our Online Home Energy Analysis. In just a few minutes you'll learn how to save energy and money. To get started, go to and then follow the instructions. The Online Home Energy Analysis is available for customers who have at least one year of active service in their current home. Sign up for My Notifications and receive timely reminders about the due dote of your bill by text, email and/or phone. Visit for more information. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 30 of 170 Scott "OUR ENERGY HA TTER9" SERIES PROFILES PROJECTS THRT ENHRNCE SERVICE, RELIRBILITY RHO OUR ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENT Providing safe, reliable, low-cost energy for all our customers is part of how our energies go to serving you. We are constantly striving to make sure we deliver on that promise. And one way we do so is by making investments in our infrastructure. Our large-scale solar facility near Harrodsburg is an example of one s uch investment. We Invite you to visit our website at and check out new videos - titled "Our Energy Matters" - highlighting investments we are making and the employees who are working on them to ensure we meet the energy demands of the future. From infrastructure improvements supporting continued environmental compliance to major projects that further enhance safety and reliability for our customers, our employees are dedicated to keeping the lights on - now and for generations to come. GREEN ENERGY: RNEHPO\JERING CHOICE Every time you flip a switch, brew a pot of coffee or adjust your thermostat, electricity is drawn from the "grid." This grid is made up of electricity created from a variety of fuel sources, including coal, natural gas and renewables like wind, solar and hydroelectric. While the majority of electricity generated in Kentucky comes from fossil fuel sources, there is a way to directly influence renewable energy in our region. It's called the Green Energy program, and here's how it works. For $5 a month, you can directly support the growth and long-term viability of regional renewable energy operators and the broader renewa ble energy indu.s try. The Green Energy program will use your monetary contribution to purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) on your behalf. One REC represents the property rights to the environmental, social and other nonpower benefits of 1,000 kilowatt hovrs (kWh} of renewable electricity. The Green Energy program provides an easy way for you to obtain RE Cs and their associated benefits, as well as show your support for renewable generators and the industry. Renewable energy has significant up-front costs, and voluntary purchases of Renewable Energy Certificates play an essential role in helping operators recover these costs more quickly, encouraging reinvestment in the renewable energy economy. The program is completely self-funded, wherein every dollar you contribute goes directly toward purchasing RECs or promoting the program. We work hard to get the most value out of your contributions, and 2015 was no exception. On average, every $5 contributed purchased 1.8 RECs. So what are you waiting for? Call us or visit our website at today to learn more. WHETHER YOU'RE HOME DR RWRY, IT'S 9TILL EA9Y TO PAY If you're planning to be on the go this summer, you can easily pay your KU bill without worry while you are away. Just use one of the options below to help simplify your life: • Auto Pay - your monthly payment will be automatically deducted from your bank account on the payment due date. You will continue to receive a monthly billing statement with ample time to verify the information and record the amount and date of the automatic withdrawal. Simply sign in to your online account - or easily create one - at or call us at 800-981-0600. • Online payment - through your account at you can easily and securely pay with an electronic check, credit card or debit card. And, remember, we're completely mobile, so you can access our website and your account on KU Contact Information By Phone 800-981-0600 Monday- Friday 7 a.m.- 7 p.m. (Eastern Time) payment processing fee, select the "electronic check" option. All other online and pay-by-phone options are subject to a fee charged by the third-party vendor that processes those payments for us. Business Se rvice Center 859-367 -1200 800-383-5582 Ed itor Chery:.w Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. (Eastern Time) Self-Service by touch-tone phone or web: In-Person Customer Service Walk-in Centers For Hearing- or Speech-Impaired Monday-Frid ay 9 ;:i.m.-5 p.m. (Eastern Time) Lexington O ffice: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (ET) . . l .- ........ ~...,,. • r· NOTE: To avoid the online A;lytime day or night Dial 711 '• any of your mobile devices. • Pay by phone - our automated bill payment system is available 24 hours a day. Call us and press 1-2-3 to make a payment with an electronic check, credit card or debit card. · Like .us _ •·. Visit our website: namm &!a •• on Facebook ( and follow U5 on Twitter (@lgeku) and Instag ram (lge_ku). YL.1'3~=,:...···.: Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 31 of 170 Scott ~ ·1. YOUR NEW BILL: MORE INFDRMRTIVE, HORE l-IELl'FUL It's here! By now, you've most likely spending on energy each day. seen your new, more informative. It's all info you can use - in a new KU billing statement, which was format - to help you manage your previewed in last month's issue of energy usage, especially when you Power Source. The new design combine the new features and comes after extensive research and information with our energy-efficiency feedback from customers like you tips and programs. - through focus groups and an online Be sure to learn more about your customer panel. new bill by visiting our website at The new bill has lots of helpful and reading features, like an easy-to-read chart showing how your energy the insert included with this usage over the past 13 months compares on a _month-to-month month's statement. and yearly basis. You'll even find the average amount you're BE 9HART RND BE 9AFE AROUND ELECTRICITY Electricity has the power to keep us out of the dark, keep our computers running and make sure our appliances come to life when we need them. But it also has the power to cause harm including serious injury and house fires - if we don't respect it or don't practice good safety habits. Here are a few tips to make sure using electricity remains a positive experience: • Water is a no·no - do not touch light switches, appliances or anything that uses electricity if your hands are wet or you are standing on a wet surface. • Plugs only, please - do not stick metal objects into outlets. If there are small children in the house, use safety caps in outlets that are not being used. • It's getting too crowded - do not plug multiple appliances into a single outlet. • Don't be a "frayed" to be safe - cracked or frayed wires can be a fire risk. Replace any you find. It's always a good rule of thumb to stay away from power lines when working or playing outdoors. If you are carrying a tall ladder, hold it parallel to the ground and make sure to check for overhead power lines before setting it upright NEVER let children climb or play around trees close to power lines. NEVER touch a downed power line - always assume it is energized. If you see a downed power line, call us at 800-981-0600. . Bonus safety tip: if someone who comes to your door identifies himself or herself as one of our employees, ask to see a company identification card, which will include the employee's name and photo and the company logo. Also check for a company logo on the vehicle they're driving. Still not sure? Call us, and we can confirm if the person is one of our employees. And be mindful of scams related to your bill. Don't hesitate to call us and the police if you ever receive a phone call demanding payment of your KU bill. Your safety and peace of mind are among our top priorities. HELP US HELP YOU ~ You may not think about your meter too '""\. often, but it's important for our "~.~ technicians to have easy access to it so ,. they can get accurate monthly readings. Basically there should be at least six feet of clearance in front of the meter and two feet on either side. For purposes of getting an accurate reading, meters must be accessible Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. In addition, our technicians must have access any time to deal with any type of emergency - such as a power outage - to assess and repair equipment damage or to address a safety hazard. Please do not block access to your meter when you do any landscaping or outdoor building projects. If you are planning any such projects in the vicinity of your meter, call us at 800-981-0600, and we'll work with you to make sure meter access is maintained. View the customer handbook on to learn more about meter access and clearance restrictions. Sign up for My Notifications and receive timely reminders about the due date of your bill by text, email and/or phone. Visit for more information. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 32 of 170 Scott TEAMING WITM YOU TD KEEP THE POWER FLOWING Getting electricity safely into your home so you have the power you and your family need for daily life is a shared responsibility. When it comes to maintaining the electrical connection that brings the power into your home, some of it is our job and some of it is yours. The accompanying diagram shows which items custo"'9rs are responslble for: If repairs are needed to any of these items, call us at 800-98 1-0600. We'll send a crew to make the repairs. Transformers for underground service are provided by KU, but installed by the customer. Customers are also responsible for the wiring from the transformer to the masthead. 1. Weatherhead/masthead - t he vertical pipe-like structure attached to the top of the meter box. 8CUSTOMER 2. Meter base - the box and the wiring inside, as well as the meter socket. \~ ~ ~.,ip;f...,:;··"'"-" •"1'1', .I'Q ::o;;;;oeo....,.e-..,cz.-... \ Online Account Management Access your usage history in graph or table forma:. "Our energy matters" series profiles projects that enhance service, reliability and our environmental commitment Energy for today, and for the years ahead Read more Letting the sun shine in New solar facility makes its debut Read more Commercial rebates offer opportunity for savings Energy conservati on leads to financial reward Read more Natural gas flexes its muscles Cold weather, favorable price drove increased usage Read more Protecting the power: clearing trees to help avoid outages Overgrown trees can threaten power lines Read more http://us4 .campai gn-archive2 .com/?u=8e651 daeefl d0e073 215ac3 b5&id=c£5165 fb40&e=3 .. . 2110/2017 Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 51 of 170 Scott commercial Powerlines eNewsletter - Summer 2016 Page 3 of3 Shining the spotlight on our line technicians Commitment and dedication keep t he power flowing Read more Register your account online for more power Take a little time, get a lot of convenience Read more Green energy: an empowering choice Renewable Energy Certificates help support natural energy providers Read more 16£ "l.” Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 70 of 170 Scott KU: SECTION 2 Account Information 5 6 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE TAG: After “Service Address,” read: ALT TEXT: “Next meter reading will occur between April second two thousand sixteen and April seventh two thousand sixteen.” Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 71 of 170 Scott KU: SECTION 3 Billing Summary 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ALT TAG (DOLLAR SIGN)/TEXT: Previous Balance: 137.30 (reads one hundred thirtyseven point three zero) should read as “one hundred thirty-seven dollars and thirty cents.” ALT TAG: Payments Received: Suppress the “S” for plural and the word “minus.” ALT TEXT: Balance as of 3/4/16: Read as “March fourth two thousand sixteen.” ALT TAG (DOLLAR SIGN)/TEXT: Current Electric Charges: 129.77 (reads as one hundred twenty-nine point seven seven) should read as “one hundred twenty-nine dollars and seventy-seven cents) ALT TAG (DOLLAR SIGN)/TEXT: Current Taxes and Fees: 3.89 (reads as three point eight nine) should read as “three dollars and eighty-nine cents) ALT TEXT: Total Current Charges as of 3/4/16: Read as “Total Current Charges as of March fourth two thousand sixteen.” VARIABLE: If customer is on Auto Pay, read ALT TEXT: “This amount will be deducted from your bank account on .” ALT TEXT: “Please contact by phone at if you would like to donate to . Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 72 of 170 Scott KU: SECTION 4 Payment Information VARIABLE: DO NOT READ THIS SECTION IF CUSTOMER IS ON AUTO-PAY 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE TAG: Online Payments: URL reads as, “L G E dash coo dot com.” ALT TAG: “KU should read as K U.” VARIABLE: Phone number ALT TAG: Customer Service and Walk-In Center: “M-F” reads as “M F.” Should read as, “Monday through Friday.” ALT TAG: “am” reads as “am.” Should read as, “A M.” ALT TAG: “ET” reads as “E T.” Should read as “Eastern Time.” VARIABLE: Walk-in Customer Service Center is located at DOCUMENT STRUCTURE TAG: Mail payments to ALT TAG (Logo should read as K U) at P O Box 9001960 Louisville Kentucky 40290 dash 1960. ALT TEXT: “Please return stub if paying by mail. Make checks payable to and write your account number on your check.” Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 73 of 170 Scott KU: SECTION 5 Current Electric Usage 23 24 25 ALT TAG/TEXT: Actual ( R ) Reading on 3/13/16: Suppress the “R” in parentheses; date should read, “March fourth two thousand sixteen.” ALT TAG/TEXT: Previous ( R ) Reading on 2/3/16: Suppress the “R” in parentheses; date should read, “February third two thousand sixteen.” VARIABLE: Meter Multiplier Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 74 of 170 Scott KU: SECTION 6 Current Electric Charges 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VARIABLE: Rate Type: ALT TAG (DOLLAR SIGN)/TEXT: Basic Service Charge reads ten point seven five. Read as “ten dollars and seventy-five cents.” ALT TAG/TEXT: Energy Charge: Reads “point zero seven seven four four dollars ex one three nine seven KWH, one zero eight point one eight.” Read as “zero point zero seven seven four four dollars TIMES one three nine seven KWH EQUALS one hundred eight dollars and eighteen cents.” ALT TAG/TEXT: Electric DSM: Reads “point zero zero four two three dollars ex one three nine seven KWH, five point nine one.” Read as “zero point zero zero four two three dollars TIMES one three nine seven KWH EQUALS five dollars and ninety one cents.” ALT TAG/TEXT: Fuel Adjustment: Reads “minus zero zero two zero dollars ex one three nine seven KWH, minus zero point two eight.” Read as “minus zero point zero zero two zero dollars TIMES one three nine seven KWH EQUALS minus twenty eight cents.” ALT TAG/TEXT: Environmental Surcharge: Reads “three point nine eight zero percent ex one hundred twenty four dollars and fifty six cents, four point nine six.” Read as “three point nine eight zero percent TIMES one hundred twenty four dollars and fifty six cents EQUALS four dollars and ninety-six cents.” ALT TEXT: Total Charge: Read as “Total Electric Charges.” Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 75 of 170 Scott KU: SECTION 7 Billing Period At-a-Glance 33 34 35 36 37 38 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE TAG: Most readers are set up to read right to left; need DOCUMENT STRUCTURE TAG for Billing Period At-a-Glance. ALT TAG: Read “Average Temperature This Year degrees; last year degrees.” ALT TAG: Read “Number of Days Billed This Year ; last year .” ALT TAG: Read “Average Electric Charges per Day this year; last year . ALT TAG: Read “Average Electric Usage per day in kilowatt hours this year; last year . CHART: Disregard chart. Extensive programming required as screen readers are set up to read right to left. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 76 of 170 Scott KU: SECTION 8 Taxes and Fees 39 ALT TEXT: Rate Increase for School Tax: Reads as three point zero zero percent ex one hundred twenty-nine dollars and fifty two cents, three point eight nine. Should read as, “Three point zero zero percent TIMES one hundred twenty-nine dollars and fifty-two cents EQUALS three dollars and eighty-nine cents.” - ,....,..,,. ,\""*1111111111!111to!Us;l-•• q...1~ """ '" && l WWW Constructing LG&E and KU's Solar Share Facility LG&E and KU plan to build, own and operate the Solar Share Facility that will be built in 500 kilowatt sections based on customer interest. Construction will begin once a 500 kilowatt section is 100 percent subscribed. Likewise, construction on the next section and those following will require 100 percent subscription before each section is built. The 35-acre site; located near Conner Station Road, is large enough to accommodate a 4-megawatt (DC) solar field, which would total about 12,000 panels. I What can you expect during the construction process? • Each construction phase is expected to take between 1-4 months. • Once construction begins, heavy equipment such as mini excavators, skid steers and telehandlers, as well as work vehicles, will be traveling in and out of the area during the construction phases. • An RBI hydraulic impact hammer post-driving machine will be used during normal business hours for about one week per construction phase to install the posts used to mount the solar panels. The machine noise is estimated to reach a level of 80 decibels from about 300 feet away, which is comparable to city traffic from inside a car. • We will take precautions to minimize road restrictions or traffic disruptions. • Depending on weather conditions, steps will be taken to mitigate potential dust, dirt and mud along the roadways. 1e~ i@! •We have included plans in the project to enhance the landscaping and aesthetics to help blend ~ the facility into the beauty of the surrounding area. ~ • We will have onsite measures to deter theft and vandalism. PPL companies ! Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 77 of 170 Scott ...,..,n.,. - An• lllD. ......... en ·t.n c: :::::s ca. ii: == ..... i::: ..... 0 ~ ~ ~ Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 83 of 170 Scott :S = .&!~ ca en '!!= ca•= o en en ·-·iaa z Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 84 of 170 Scott Know what?s DBIOW. Call 311 before you dig" Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 85 of 170 Scott Feel the NEED for FAST PATH 589?1444 or 800-331-7370 Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 86 of 170 Scott _J u.. c...:> c ~ Q) 0 E E 0 CJ • I = ..::i.:: C1> C) Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 87 of 170 Scott CUSTOMER COMMITMENT Highlighting ways we focus on you. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 88 of 170 Scott HOME ENERGY REBATES ,;:. Earn cash rebates on qualifying energy-efficient Energy Star® appliances. Visit Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 89 of 170 Scott ~ c__:) )... < Q ~ '-=::( ~ ~ ~ o.: c..:i it t5 i§ :i: . ~ c..:> c:: Q) ·u ·Q) ~ lii.... 0 '+- ~ Q (.) E • :::::1 ~ ..c:: Q)I Cl) en co c..:> c:: ro UJ Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 90 of 170 Scott KEEP SOMEONE SNUG WITH A H.U.G. \ I I ' ~" - '" Home Utility Gift certificates are a unique, convenient and practical gift for anyone. Give the gift of a H.U.G. today. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 91 of 170 Scott COLD CASH FOR YOUR COOLER Fridge and Freezer Recycling Program $50 per appliance Visit for eligibility requirements. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 92 of 170 Scott STAY COOL USING FANS Fans use about 5o/o of the energy it takes to power your air conditioner. Stay cool and save using fans. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 93 of 170 Scott ENERGY SAVING TIPS - . ~ Wash clothes in cold or warm water; rinse in cold water. Wash full loads or adjust water level for smaller loads. For more energy saving tips, visit Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 94 of 170 Scott .... ~ Qi }:§ ~ ~ i::: ::::> ~ ~ ..- ~ LU a t:i i:!: Q.. h :::, ~ ;:J:: ~ «:::) Eh ex: LU = ~ 1111::1" ~ .... 0 +-' VJ Q.') ~ +-' :::J "'C 0.. ~ x >< ~ 0 c ~ 0 ·e: ~ E 0 ..... '+- s>< E ........ 0 CJ • = Q) .::.::: I ........, C> -·- r.n ·> Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 95 of 170 Scott Cl) 0.. -· Q) +:i E 0 Cl) Q) ... "'C I c ~ '0 ~ Cl> Cl) c > en c ·- a:> o Cl) :p ra 'E0 Cl> => 0Q) ~ ::::s ~ E 0.. en ·- Cl) - Q) I Q) ~ a:> '- S C"\:S $ Cl) c <( Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 96 of 170 Scott Enhance Enhance Customer Experience Customer Experience the t he Focus on and exceed customer expectations every day. Customer Experience: Go BEYOND the obvious. Focus on and exceed customer expectations every day. Customer Experience: Go BEYOND the obvious. • Who is the customer that will be impacted? • Who Is the customer that will be impacted? • How will this impact the customer? •How do I want our customer to feel when the work is done? • What can I do to make this a positive experience for the customer? • How does my decision fit into the rest of the customer service process? • • • • How will this impact the customer? How do I want our customer to feel when the work is done? What can I do to make this a positive experience for the customer? How does my decision fit into the rest of the customer service process? 502-627-2202 502-627-2202 customer.experience@lge· https :// customer.experience@lge· m1CJ. Safety First! 111£ KlJ Safety First! PPL c.emJtf'lfu PPL ~Ju + Enhance Enhance Customer Experience Customer Experience Focus on and exceed customer expectations every day. Customer Experience: Go BEYOND the obvious. Focus on and exceed customer expectations every day. Customer Experience: Go BEYOND the obvious. t he t he • Who is the customer that will be impacted? • How will this impact the customer? • How do I want our customer to feel when the work is done? • What can I do to make this a positive experience for the customer? • How does my decision fit into the rest of the customer service process? • • • • • Who is the customer that will be impacted? How will this Impact the customer? How do I want our customer to feel when the work is done? What con I do to make this a positive experience for the customer? How does my decision fit into the rest of the customer service process? 502-627·2202 502·627-2202 https :// customer.experience@lge· CustExp Safeiy First! m1CJ. PPL ~m111111!0 Safety st! 111£ IQJ. PPLtclllt'/1fM191,N Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 97 of 170 Scott Be positive KU. Be positive Envision yourself as the customer Envision yourself as the customer Yes,you make a difference Yes, you make adifference Own the interaction ow is the Own the Interaction N PPLcompanlu time Do more 111'1 ""-"'· PPL camp..,,les Be positive Be positive Envision yourself as the customer Envision yourself as the customer Yes, you make a difference 0 wn the interaction Yes, you make adifference UJJE KU PPL comp&nlts Own the fnteraction is the time Now Do more Now is the time Domore E IGfE KU. PPL companl.. Now is the time Do more Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 98 of 170 Scott ~ > c llllf~ l • Q~ 0 ..c ...... c: ~ t)I) ·Q :I ~ ! 2 GI m -ra -uc:ra 0 ·...... ro V') z V') ·..... =:J ~ OJ) urn ... ,,,.,... ~ i.... c DEC JAN fE13 2015 :?.016 40• 33• 2s• 3.90 3.66 3.42 MAR APR 3s• ss• 4.53 4.08 Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 102 of 170 Scott E ::I e• ..=.=I -:,, - .s ~ 0 E Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 103 of 170 Scott ® l•lll~ E ~ c> ~~ E ::I 8• I ~ -:,, Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 104 of 170 Scott A HOME UTILITY GIFT (HUG) IS GREAT FOR ANYONE. it's easy, too. Just provide the name and address ofthe recipient. along with the amount you want to give {$25 minimum}, and you'll recewe a gift certificate to present to them indicating the amount that will be automatically deducted from their next bill. Visit one of our business of?ces or our website at for more information, or simply complete the HUG order form on the back. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 105 of 170 Scott Home Utility Gift (HUG) Certificate RECIPIENT INFORMATION (Please Print) PURCHASER INFORMATION (Pleas• Print} Name on LG&E, KU or ODP Accoun1: Name:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~--~~~---~- LG&E, KU or ODP Account No. (If known): - - - - -- - - - -- - - - Street Address: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Street Address: City, State, ZIP; City, State, ZIP: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ Phone (required): Name you want to appear in the "To" field of the HUG Certificate: Name you want to appear in the "From" field of the HUG Certificate: Amount of your HUG purchase: IMPORTANT: Please allow 10 days for processing if you mail your HUG request form and payment. We will credit the recipient's account und moke every effort to ensure you receive your HUG certificate by Christmas. For orders received after Dec. 15, we will credit the recipiet>t's account; howewr, we cannot guarantee daliwry of your HUG certlf.cate before Christmas. For HUG purchases after~. 15, visit on e of our business offices. Check our website ( or call Customer Service at the phone number on your bal for the location and holiday hours of an office near you. (Minimum HUG Certificate pu~nase is $25.) Moil the completed form and your cl>eck or money order to•; LG&E and l(U HUG Program - Sih Floor One Quality Street L.exlngton, KV 40507 ~Do not enclo&V this rorm \~th your bill payment. Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 106 of 170 Scott Attention, property managers! Attention, property managers! Renew your landlord agreement online Renew your landlord agreement online Renew your landlord agreement onfine Make your life easier by using lG&E and KU's Onlin• Property Manogement Tool. especially dHlgnod kir property managers. Jn; fast. free and use~frltndly - .u lrours arlo11-ldlf'ISa""tlc. Make your life easier by using LG&E and KU's Online Property Managom&ntToot ospedally dtJlgned f<>r propertyrnanagers. lt's his~ free and uscr/nondly-24 M•l:e your life easier by using LG&E and KU's Online PIVp<>l'ty M•nagemenl Tool, ospecially dtsl...,ed for prop;trty managers. ll's fast. free and u sel"frtendly- 24 hourS o rloy, 1 dors " '""'· Here are some of' thie boisic tran5actions you can LlSe to IHxN• o dll'f, 7 cloys o -..erk. Her• are s<>rM of lite basic ttansactions you can use to mmap your aaoonu. ma~ Herw 1r1 sorn1of1f'$ic transactlons ycu can use to manag• )On• numbers and addrtssts • set up and modify aut<> pay/bank dttai15 • Update existing agreements • ~emove aocount'S To sign up, go to\ IDf l.J1t..VERT.irdd t OOP • Set up and tel'll!W landlord agreements Attention, property managers! your arae numbers and addmse:s Set up and modify autu pay/b.>nk details Update existing agreements To sign up, go to IDf ICJ CDP ..l"l..ioo1r1.-1tkl ~61&~~ 1 Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 107 of 170 Scott RECOGNIZING A NATURAL GAS LEAK ~ Sight Discolored vegetation, bubbling in water or blowing dust. Smell A distinct odor. much like rotten eggs. Sound Hissing. whistling or roaring noise. If you suspect a natural gas emergency, evacuate immediately and contact LG&E. Also warn others to "' NATURALGASSAFETY stay away. You may call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Natural gas makes our lives more comfortable and For more information, visit us at effkient, and it's environmentally-friendly. We use natural gas to heat our homes, produce hot water, cook our meals and dry our dothes. LG&E continuously maintains and monitors more than 4,300 miles of distribution mains and nearly 400 miles of transmission pipelines. Your safely is important to us; therefore, we want to make you aware of safety ~CUSTOMER SERVICE To report an electric emergency, call LG&E or KU. To report a natural gas issue, call LG&E. Warn others to stay away. Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. measures related to our natural gas system in the event you come in contact with any of our gas lines. f LG&E Residential KU Residential 502·589·1444 800·981·0600 800·331-7370 ELECTRIC SAFETY With the flick of a switch, you can heat, cool and light your surroundings with electricity. It's so easy. However, you must use caution when you are around or using this energy source. Safe use of electricity can prevent fires in your home and injuries to your family. Here are some tips for all members ; Safety Br<>:hure VS.fNld 1 .s,. ~ ~ IG£ la Ml ~ ~., PPL companies 415116 11:08 l\M I Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 9(b) Page 108 of 170 Scott " GAS SAFETY The smell of rotten eggs can be a sign of a natural gas leak. If a gas leak occurs outside your home, the grass and/or All outdoor outlets, induding those in any vegetation in your yard along the path of the leak garages, should have waterproof covers may die as a result of displaced oxygen in the soil. and ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI). When using a gas range, keep towels, potholders and clothing away from the open flame. If the smell is faint, check the pilot lights on your gas appliances. If the odor is strong 1 -- If you'll be using a ladder or pole or working on the roof, always look up for powerlines. Even wooden ladders can conduct etectricity through their metal screws. or comes on suddenly, have Stay at least 10 feet away from overhead powerlines. everyone leave the house. Never use a gas oven or range to heat a room. Do not try to find the source The appliance will "suck" all of the oxygen out of the air {which can lead to asphyxiation) or may cause carbon monoxide poisoning or death. of the leak yourself. Don't call for help from inside the home since your telephone can be an ignition source. f ~ ·.: • I I ' f.;.-1 . Keep flying toys, such as kites, balloons & model airplanes, away from powerlines. Teach children to stay away from substations and explain what the warning signs mean. ELECTRIC SAFETY If a toy or pet accidentally gets inside a substation, give us a call. We'll be happy to retrieve it for you. Get to an area where you do not smell ~ the odor, such as a neighbor's home and , use their phone or a cell phone to call LG&E at 502·589·1444 (outside Louisville, ~ 1 "- I Cover all electrical outlets and wall switches with cover plates and replace any that are damaged. Don't hang signs on utility poles. Nails, st aples or tacks can pose a haz:ard to our workers and their protective clothing when they climb the poles. call 800·331-7370). Keep paints, papers, aerosol sprays and other flammables away from gas appliances. Don't yank electrical cords from the wall. This can damage both the plug and the outlet. Do not plant shrubs around electric transformers or trees under overhead electric powerlines. .,, tr< Don't use damaged or brittle electrical cords, even if bare wires aren't visible. 4' ... ,_ CaU 811 to have underground Never store or stack boxes, laundry or other materials around the base of a gas appliance. utilities marked before digging. Use extension cords only on a temporary basis; don't plug one extension cord into another. Make sure the vent hood, pipes and flues are not blocked, cracked or corroded. Stay away from and don't handle downed powerlines. Don't run electrical cords under carpets. This can cause them to overheat and catch fire. Don't allow children to play on or around the gas meter Also, avoid running cords under furniture, which can or any gas appliance; and don't allow them to hang or damage the insulating cover. Just because they are down, does not mean they are not energized. Always assume any downed wire is an energized electric line. swing from indoor gas pipes. LO&E Gas and El• cv;c S.f _ _ __ j!!!!!. -- ··-- -_ .-- __ __..______ ..__ - - __.._ _ T_tt""l1 Anocnca1.Emerald _ ~*"· '-~ ,_,,.......,. A ttlnnoil-• =" -·--- --·---~ Servicebtfry • Sen'ii • - _ _ ._ - ~.. f~. . . . Wha flower•, orf!n~ fall color b- --- 0 n these pages, we have compiled a list of tree and shrub varieties and classified them - based on their height at maturh:y - into three zones. This information wiN prove valuable in helping you select the right tree for the light space. These are only suggested varieties. There are many other good varieties available, but two important things to keep in mind when deciding on tree species are lmowing the mature height and the mature width of the variety before you plant tr••• th••• Lerp shad• with man.n tu~ighu of 7S ffft or more. Ptant trees at le111t 4S teet away from II I the ntel'Mt pOWf!f line. • - --·-' Zi>ne 2: II I lnte"'1edl•tr·height trets with matl.Jce htights ~1"'6 from si; t<> 7S feet. Plant these tl'Hi at •~st 30 feet ~wcry from th• ntl!anrst power iille'. These varieties cauld be con:1ld~rcd Zone f: I 1Arsu•1rubs ornnall everarecns end 0$irdwood lf•l!S with rn•w.-. heigllh rof'l2ine from 1 - --- --"°-·- _ ._ _ Sm~tr~ - - - __ ._ - - _ _ .._ Semi • Settl iS ....,.,.,~ -- ~ ~herT'jdcgwood Wlntier1dl'lf~horn :a...::.r:....-a...._.,,..... .911!!1! . .• •~ ~I 30 JS Pur~;;hflowersln_so-'-.-'"'~•--...- - • - Sani --'°--~lbl hlnnm1;-.~~ Dogwoods _ _ __ Semi ~ ~~or~nl:blo-'o_ m-'' ---koi.naOQlf\~ -·- - ~ ~ _ _ro _ _ ~retlstailct - -- - hdbud - -Ft'ln£tlft-c ·- • ___ ._ S+.11i _ _20 __ --:- ~ _ •_ ~ _:__ 5"" lll ~.. b...... " 'f'tltl _._ ~ _ _Jll _ _ !!,.IP:D:ebouomshtSpfir\1: ~ - · - ~ __:__ ~ _ _2S _ _ fbwtr "8" Cr:tbs - Japanese tree Illa' _ ._ _ _ ~. ~ ......:_ _ _ _ _ 25 _ ·- =••- ;~ 1~ ta 30 foct. ~~rty5Pfins _ GrM"r•nd rit~oaf~d \'OllrictiU Red berries lf"I wirbr ~noi..- ............ .,.....,.. _ ~t dltta~IS-tlllnt ~blbtoomslatto..., •p_ ,;_,ng'--- ._1_0_ _..:._ ~ _ _ ,., _ _ R1d_b l_o<> _m _1-,._ __ _ ·- - - --·- - - __,_!•_ ~kl.n~~E._flfl - • ilmericon""'1bcam Pwupaw small shade trees or la,.. ornamental$. 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Details at: https:t/goo.gll> to Return r· ··-"'·'"' ·················---·-1···· ......, . ---·------r------ - --··i 1 99') Settings .I i 97} Actio[!s_... ~ 98) Chart Y-Axis :-::J Spedfk • • , Currency @Values ·anc1 Members ovatues oMembers 0 \-- r~>.~ ~-- -· -' ! r25___,,,,,,,, ,, us TREASURY ACTIVES CURVE ;p§.S_qj[)_tjon .c. M Relative Last lD lW lM Modify PCS !SB [11 - oconstituents l ,,,,,,,.,_,,,, _1~Qr!li25 us TREASURY ACTIVES CURVE J' 1 v Curves & Relative Value Plot curves ~Lis TREASURY ACTIVE:~~~ 1IR":» _Ba~e Curve g2s "--· ~·--- l ~~~~=~~~iQ Prj<::. yi~~g ~?<:rjptjgri ~~~~~ f~_f(teric§{Yiel~ e.~ L~-fue~~n~~~:ts on Base Curve 0,197 c.. 2o! same ; 0.123 ().12Sil7S I + us General Obligation AA+ Muni B 0.192 ( .,19 BO 03/31/16 Gov ! 0.163 :0.1651 30 +US General Obligation AA Muni BV 0.468 p.476. Bo Oo/30/16 Gov ;·.: 0.468 0.476 oo ' + GBP United Kingdom Sovereign C 0.548 ;0.559 same , o.ssa 0.600 140 l , curves related to 57563RFH7 qtor tmlfllim@••lni!Gii-__J -~fQWS.~J @Private }q:mPmir,::_fQrE:('.;c:i$.1~ ®Yearly oQuarterly oOfficial :....-~.. ~.,,-_.= :.•.·.·.·_·_-J···.·.········_2098 . 1'1llaJ/ ~?l, !.~---· · -·· · J . . .ffn~.!~_crs ~5 6ZlZ lODO U.S. 1 ~lZ :ne 201>0 Copyright 2016 Bloomberg Pinance· L.P, SN 715120 EST GMT-5•00 H330-S417-0 OS-Jan-2016 12•16•31 Attachment to Response to AG-2 Question No. 26 Page 3 of 3 Arbough ..... ... ~ · Table 11-4 illustrates the equity risk p~miuti\ calculation using several different market indices and the income return on three government bonds of different horizons. 0 Tabla 1l·4: Equity Risk Premium with Differlint Mmet Indices fs~i~t~~.~.~~.. --.--.............................. lnremicdlate· Horizon !'hi Long· Horlltlll ('M Shcn- ~amii:i_ l"'J .~~f..~~ ....................._.._............~:!!~....-- . -·.-·?.:5.L...-........~:P.L. Total Value-Weighted NYSf 6.76 7.32 a.31 N·vsE.'iie;ii65·1::_2....-...-·- ..- .....6::23"..................659..................7:7.ii""-· Outa Imm 1S'l&-2013. TI1e equity risk premium is calculated by subtracting the arithmetic mean of the government bond income return from the arithmetic mean of the stock mar1